public function actionOut() { $this->getUser()->logout(); $this->flashMessage('Byl jste odhlášen.'); $this->log->l('user.logout'); $this->redirect('in'); }
public function handle(EventInterface $event) { $logger = Application::instance()->get('Logger'); $log = new Log(); $log->log = $logger->getLogString(); $log->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $log->save(); }
public function emailFormSucceeded(Form $form, $values) { $spravci = $this->role->findBy(array('role' => array(2, 3))); $spravciEmaily = array(); foreach ($spravci as $spravce) { $spravciEmaily[] = $spravce->uzivatel->email; } $this->mailer->sendKontaktMail($values->email, $values->name, $values->message, array_unique($spravciEmaily)); $this->flashMessage('Zpráva byla úspěšeně odeslána.'); $this->log->l('kontakt.send'); $this->redirect('Kontakt:'); }
public function getSendMsgUrl($phone, $content) { $url['username'] = getenv('SEND_MSG_SNAME'); if (empty($url['username'])) { return false; } $url['password'] = getenv('SEND_MSG_SPWD'); if (empty($url['password'])) { return false; } // $url['scorpid'] = getenv('SEND_MSG_SCORPID'); // $url['sprdid'] = getenv('SEND_MSG_SPRDID'); // if (empty($url['sprdid'])) { // return false; // } $url['mobile'] = $phone; $url['smscontent'] = $content; $curl = getenv('SEND_MSG_URL') . '?' . http_build_query($url); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $curl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); \Log::info($output); return true; }
public static function getReviewAbleUser($userId) { \Log::info("in get notification function"); $collection = DB::Table('borrowHistory')->select('borrowHistory.ownedBookListId', 'borrowHistory.borrowerId', 'borrowHistory.borrowDate', 'borrowHistory.returnDate', 'ownedBookList.userId', 'bookinfo.bookid', 'bookinfo.bookName', 'user.userFullName', 'reputation.RecipientId', 'reputation.point')->join('ownedBooklist', 'ownedBooklist.ownedBooklistId', '=', 'borrowHistory.ownedBooklistId')->join('user', '', '=', 'borrowHistory.borrowerId')->join('bookinfo', 'ownedBooklist.bookid', '=', 'bookinfo.bookid')->join('reputation', 'reputation.RecipientId', '=', 'borrowHistory.borrowerId')->where('ownedBooklist.userId', $userId); // $collection = $collection->orderby(''); $notifications = $collection->get(); $query = DB::Table('borrowHistory')->select('borrowHistory.borrowerId')->join('ownedBooklist', 'ownedBooklist.ownedBooklistId', '=', 'borrowHistory.ownedBooklistId')->where('ownedBooklist.userId', $userId); $data = $query->distinct()->get(); \Log::info($data); \Log::info(".........borrwoer ids"); $query = ""; $query = DB::Table('user')->select('user.userFullName', ''); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $query->where('user.Id', $data[$i]->borrowerId); } else { $query->orwhere('user.Id', $data[$i]->borrowerId); } } $data = $query->get(); \Log::info($data); \Log::info(" get notification function returning"); return $data; // $notifications = "alamin"; // return $notifications; }
public function actionDelete($id) { $this->testAndRedirectSpravce(); $d = $this->dokument->find($id); if (!$d) { $this->error("Dokument s daným ID neexistuje."); } $d->delete(); $this->flashMessage('Dokument byl úspěšně smazán.', 'success'); $this->log->l('dokument.delete', $id); $this->redirect('Dokumenty:default'); }
public function nastenkaFormSucceeded(Form $form, $values) { if ($values->platnostTrvale || $values->platneDo === "") { $values->platneDo = -1; } else { $values->platneDo = $values->platneDo->format('U'); } unset($values->platnostTrvale); $values->platneOd = $values->platneOd->format('U'); $values->uzivatel_id = $this->user->id; if (empty($values->id)) { $id = $this->nastenka->insert($values); $this->log->l('nastenka.create', $id); } else { $id = $values->id; $this->nastenka->update($id, $values); $this->log->l('nastenka.edit', $id); } $this->flashMessage('Příspěvek na nástěnku byl úspěšeně uložen.', 'success'); $this->redirect('Nastenka:'); }
public static function updateReputaionTable($obli, $bi, $point) { $collection = DB::Table('reputation')->select('*')->where('userId', $obli)->where('recipientId', $bi); $notifications = $collection->get(); if (count($notifications) == 0) { DB::insert("INSERT INTO `reputation` (`UserID`, `RecipientId`, `Point`)\n VALUES (?, ?, ?)", [$obli, $bi, $point]); } else { DB::table('reputation')->where('userId', $obli)->where('recipientId', $bi)->update(['point' => $point]); } \Log::info($notifications); \Log::info("........trying to update b.....reputation"); }
public static function getAuthorId($AuthorName) { $BookId = DB::select(' select AuthorId ' . ' from authors ' . ' where AuthorName = ?; ', [$AuthorName]); // \Log::info ($BookId); // $temp = 5; // foreach ($BookId as $user) { // // echo '<li class="list-group-item">' .$user->empname . " ............... " // // ."</li>"; // $temp = $user->BookId; // break; // } $temp = $BookId[0]->AuthorId; \Log::info($temp); return $temp; \Log::info("in the function authorName"); }
public static function getOwnedBooklistIdByLocation($Location) { // \Log::info(" searchbook model "); \Log::info($Location); \Log::info(".....above is locationName"); $query = DB::Table('Locations')->select('ownedBooklocations.ownedBookListId')->join('ownedBooklocations', 'locations.locationid', '=', 'ownedBooklocations.locationid'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($Location); $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $query->where('Locations.locationName', 'like', '%' . $Location[$i] . '%'); } else { $query->orwhere('Locations.locationName', 'like', '%' . $Location[$i] . '%'); } } $data = $query->get(); return $data; }
public static function addToBookInfoCategory($bookId, $CategoryName) { $query = DB::table('category')->select('categoryId'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($CategoryName); $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $query->where('CategoryName', $CategoryName[$i]); } else { $query->orwhere('CategoryName', $CategoryName[$i]); } } $categoryId = $query->get(); \Log::info($categoryId); \Log::info("......categoryIds."); for ($i = 0; $i < count($categoryId); $i++) { DB::insert("INSERT INTO `bookinfocategory` (`BookId`, `CategoryId`)\n VALUES (?, ?);", [$bookId, $categoryId[$i]->categoryId]); } }
public function prispevekFormSucceeded(Form $form, $values) { $parentId = $values->parent ? $values->parent : $values->id; if (empty($values->id)) { $values->cas = time(); $values->uzivatel_id = $this->user->id; $id = $this->diskuze->insert($values); $this->log->l('diskuze.createpost', $id); $this->flashMessage('Diskuzní příspěvek byl úspěšně přidán.', 'success'); } else { $id = $values->id; $values->editcas = time(); unset($values->parent); $this->diskuze->update($id, $values); $this->log->l('nastenka.editpost', $id); $this->flashMessage('Diskuzní příspěvek byl úspěšně upraven.', 'success'); } $this->redirect('Diskuze:vlakno', $parentId); }
public function osobaCreateFormSucceeded(Form $form, $values) { if (!$this->user->loggedIn) { $this->error('Pro tuto akci musí být uživatel přihlášen.'); } if (!$this->user->isInRole('spravce')) { $this->error('Omlouváme se, ale tato funkce je pouze pro správce.'); } $osoby = $this->parseOsoby($values->osoby); foreach ($osoby as &$osoba) { $heslo = Model\UserManager::genPassword(10); $osoba['heslo'] = sha1($heslo); $osoba['chceMaily'] = 1; $this->mailer->sendRegistrace($osoba['jmeno'], $heslo, $osoba['email']); $id = $this->uzivatel->insert($osoba); $this->role->insert(array('role' => 1, 'uzivatel_id' => $id)); } $this->flashMessage('Uživatelé byli úspěšně zaregistrováni. Heslo jim bylo zasláno na uvedený email.', 'success'); $this->log->l('uzivatel.masscreate', count($osoby)); $this->redirect('Osoby:default'); }
/** * Exclude object from result * * @param ChildLog $log Object to remove from the list of results * * @return $this|ChildLogQuery The current query, for fluid interface */ public function prune($log = null) { if ($log) { $this->addUsingAlias(LogTableMap::COL_ID, $log->getId(), Criteria::NOT_EQUAL); } return $this; }
public static function insertToBorrowHistoryTable($obli, $bi, $days) { \Log::info("trying to insernt in borrowhistory table form book model"); BookInsertModel::insertToBorrowHistoryTable($obli, $bi, $days); }
/** * add log message * * @param Log $log */ public function addLog(Log $log) { $this->database->table(self::TABLE)->insert($log->toArray()); }