public function closeReport(CloseReportRequest $request, $id, AppMailer $mailer)
     $report = ExpenseReport::findorFail($id)->load('owner', 'users');
     if ($report->expenses()->count() == 0) {
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors('Reports with no expenses cannot be closed. Consider deleting it.');
     if ($report->status == 0) {
     $oweesAndOwed = $report->oweesAndOwed();
     if (!$report->areSettlementsNecessary()) {
         $messageHeader = 'Settlements for: ' . $report->title;
         $messageBody = 'No settlements are necessary! All users have paid the right amount towards expenses.';
         return view('utilities.displayMessage', compact(['messageHeader', 'messageBody', 'report']));
     $owees = $oweesAndOwed['owees'];
     $oweds = $oweesAndOwed['owed'];
     $settlements = [];
     //If there is only 1 owee or 1 owed, then the settlements are pre-determined
     if (count($owees) == 1 || count($oweds) == 1) {
         foreach ($owees as $owee) {
             foreach ($oweds as $owed) {
                 $settlements['settlementowee' . $owee[1]->id . 'owed' . $owed[1]->id] = count($oweds) == 1 ? $owee[0] * -1 : $owed[0];
         return redirect('/settlements/' . $id . '/add')->with('settlements', $settlements);
     return view('expenseReports.close', compact(['report', 'oweesAndOwed']));