/** * Logs in a user using the provided username and password. * @return boolean whether the user is logged in successfully */ public function login() { if ($this->validate()) { if ($this->isExpired()) { $this->addError('username', 'Sorry, your account has expired'); return false; } else { $start_date = null; if ($this->isDelayed($start_date)) { /** @var DateTime $start_date */ $this->addError('username', 'Sorry, your account will start in ' . $start_date->format('jS \\of F') . ' (' . UtilityHelpers::getTimeDelayed($start_date) . ')'); return false; } } return Yii::$app->user->login($this->getUser(), $this->rememberMe ? 3600 * 24 * 30 : 0); } else { return false; } }
<h1> Sorry, No videos available for now </h1> </div> </div> </div> </li> <!-- END timeline item --> <?php } else { $timeline_date = ''; foreach ($dataProvider->getModels() as $model) { $date_create = new DateTime($model->create_date); $date_now = new DateTime(); $time = UtilityHelpers::getTimeElapsed($model->create_date); $videoInfo = VideoHelpers::getVideoInfo($model->video_url); ?> <!-- timeline time label --> <?php if ($date_create->format('d M Y') != $timeline_date) { ?> <?php $timeline_date = $date_create->format('d M Y'); ?> <li class="time-label"> <span class="bg-green"> <?php echo Yii::t('app', '{0, date, d MMM Y}', strtotime($model->create_date)); ?> </span>
<tr> <td><input type="checkbox"></td> <td class="mailbox-name"><a href="<?php echo Url::to(['/messages/read', 'id' => $model->id]); ?> "><?php echo $model->sender->full_name; ?> </a></td> <td class="mailbox-subject"><?php echo substr($model->message, 0, 30) . ' ...'; ?> </td> <td class="mailbox-attachment"></td> <td class="mailbox-date"><?php echo UtilityHelpers::getTimeElapsed($model->send_at); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <!-- /.table --> </div> <!-- /.mail-box-messages --> </div> <!-- /.box-body --> <div class="box-footer no-padding">