public function actionExportrest() { $startTime = time(); $this->_writeLogLine('Start Date/Time - ' . date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $startTime)); header('Content-type: application/json'); try { $data = file_get_contents("php://input"); $data = json_decode($data); if ($data && isset($data->alertId)) { $this->format = isset($data->format) && $data->format ? $data->format : $this->format; $this->tmpPath = isset($data->tmpPath) && $data->tmpPath ? $data->tmpPath : $this->tmpPath; if (!is_dir(Yii::$app->basePath . '/' . $this->tmpPath . '/')) { throw new Exception('Temp directory path is invalid.'); } $alertData = models\WeatherAlert::findOne($data->alertId); if (!$alertData) { throw new Exception('Record with alertId=' . $data->alertId . ' not found in our database'); } $areaForAlertData = models\AreaDefinition::findAll(['WeatherAlertArea_id' => $alertData->id]); $alertCircle = new \stdClass(); $alertPolygonCoordinates = []; foreach ($areaForAlertData as $coordinates) { if ($coordinates->radius) { $alertCircle->radius = $coordinates->radius; //Radius can be only one record $alertCircle->centerLat = $coordinates->latitude; //Radius can be only one record $alertCircle->centerLon = $coordinates->longitude; //Radius can be only one record } else { $alertPolygonCoordinates[] = $coordinates->latitude . ' ' . $coordinates->longitude; } } // var_dump($alertPolygonCoordinates);die; $propertiesList = models\NRESProperty::find()->all(); $pointChecker = new PointInPolygon(); $this->_affectedProperties = []; foreach ($propertiesList as $property) { $isPropertyAffectedByAlert = false; if (isset($alertCircle->radius)) { //Checking circle coordinates if ($pointChecker->pointInsideCircle($alertCircle->centerLat, $alertCircle->centerLon, $alertCircle->radius, $property->latitude, $property->longitude)) { $isPropertyAffectedByAlert = true; } } if (!empty($alertPolygonCoordinates)) { if ($pointChecker->pointInPolygon($property->latitude . ' ' . $property->longitude, $alertPolygonCoordinates) !== "outside") { $isPropertyAffectedByAlert = true; } } if ($isPropertyAffectedByAlert) { $this->_affectedProperties[] = $property; } } if (!$this->_affectedProperties) { throw new Exception("There are no properties affected by this Alert (" . $alertData->id . ")"); } switch ($this->format) { case 'csv': $generatedFileURL = $this->generateCSV($alertData); break; case 'pdf': $generatedFileURL = $this->generatePDF($alertData); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid format of output file is defined"); } $this->_writeLogLine('Affected Properties - ' . count($this->_affectedProperties)); $this->_writeLogLine('Generated File URL - ' . $generatedFileURL); $this->_writeLogLine('End Date/Time - ' . date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', time())); //Now we need to check if some properties are located inside this coordinates $responce = ['fileUrl' => $generatedFileURL, 'affectedProperties' => count($this->_affectedProperties)]; header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($responce); // if ($this->_debug == 'true') { // // echo json_encode(array_merge(['start'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s',$startTime),'end'=>date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s',$endTime)],(array)$atomGeneralInformation)); // } else { // echo json_encode(['result'=>'Job Done']); // } } else { throw new Exception('Missing alertId parameter'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]); $this->_writeLogLine($e->getMessage()); } Yii::$app->end(); }
private function getAlertIdInformation($alertId) { try { if ($alertId) { $alertData = models\WeatherAlert::findOne($alertId); if (!$alertData) { throw new Exception('Record with alertId=' . $alertId . ' not found in our database'); } $WeatherAlertArea = models\WeatherAlertArea::find()->where(['WeatherAlert_id' => $alertData->id])->one(); $areaForAlertData = models\AreaDefinition::findAll(['WeatherAlertArea_id' => $WeatherAlertArea->id]); $alertCircle = new \stdClass(); $alertPolygonCoordinates = []; foreach ($areaForAlertData as $coordinates) { if ($coordinates->radius) { $alertCircle->radius = $coordinates->radius; //Radius can be only one record $alertCircle->centerLat = $coordinates->latitude; //Radius can be only one record $alertCircle->centerLon = $coordinates->longitude; //Radius can be only one record } else { $alertPolygonCoordinates[] = $coordinates->latitude . ' ' . $coordinates->longitude; } } // var_dump($alertPolygonCoordinates);die; $propertiesList = models\NRESProperty::find()->where(['status' => models\NRESProperty::STATUS_ACTIVE])->all(); $pointChecker = new PointInPolygon(); $this->_affectedProperties = []; foreach ($propertiesList as $property) { $isPropertyAffectedByAlert = false; if (isset($alertCircle->radius)) { //Checking circle coordinates if ($pointChecker->pointInsideCircle($alertCircle->centerLat, $alertCircle->centerLon, $alertCircle->radius, $property->latitude, $property->longitude)) { $isPropertyAffectedByAlert = true; } } if (!empty($alertPolygonCoordinates)) { if ($pointChecker->pointInPolygon($property->latitude . ' ' . $property->longitude, $alertPolygonCoordinates) !== "outside") { $isPropertyAffectedByAlert = true; } } if ($isPropertyAffectedByAlert) { $this->_affectedProperties[] = $property; } } if (!$this->_affectedProperties) { throw new Exception("There are no properties affected by this Alert. Nothing to export"); } return $alertData; } else { throw new Exception('Please choose Alert that you want to export'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]); } Yii::$app->end(); }
private function _createAffectedProperties($weatherAlertAreaId) { $areaDefinition = AreaDefinition::find()->where(['WeatherAlertArea_id' => $weatherAlertAreaId])->all(); $pointChecker = new PointInPolygon(); if (count($areaDefinition) && count($areaDefinition) == 1) { $needToInsertProperties = (int) $this->countPostAffected; $alertCircle = $areaDefinition[0]; while ($needToInsertProperties) { $property = new \stdClass(); $property->latitude = $alertCircle->latitude + $this->_generateRand(false, rand(300, 1000)); $property->longitude = $alertCircle->longitude + $this->_generateRand(false, rand(300, 1000)); if ($pointChecker->pointInsideCircle($alertCircle->latitude, $alertCircle->longitude, $alertCircle->radius, $property->latitude, $property->longitude)) { //insert property $newProperty = new NRESProperty(); $newProperty->attributes = (array) $property; $newProperty->name = 'Generated'; $newProperty->zipcode = '12345-6789'; $newProperty->city = 'Test'; $newProperty->state = 'CA'; $newProperty->streetAddress = 'Test'; $newProperty->client = 'Test'; $newProperty->status = 2; $newProperty->save(); if ($newProperty->getErrors()) { var_dump($newProperty->getErrors()); die; } $needToInsertProperties--; } } } else { $allCoordinates = []; $needToInsertProperties = $this->isStormPath ? $this->countAffectedInStormPath : (int) $this->countPreAffected; foreach ($areaDefinition as $point) { $allCoordinates[] = $point->latitude . ' ' . $point->longitude; } while ($needToInsertProperties) { $propertyToGet = rand(0, count($areaDefinition) - 1); $property = new \stdClass(); $property->latitude = $areaDefinition[$propertyToGet]->latitude + $this->_generateRand(); $property->longitude = $areaDefinition[$propertyToGet]->longitude + $this->_generateRand(); if ($pointChecker->pointInPolygon($property->latitude . ' ' . $property->longitude, $allCoordinates) !== "outside") { //insert property $newProperty = new NRESProperty(); $newProperty->attributes = (array) $property; $newProperty->name = 'Generated'; $newProperty->zipcode = '12345-6789'; $newProperty->city = 'Test'; $newProperty->state = 'CA'; $newProperty->streetAddress = 'Test'; $newProperty->client = 'Test'; $newProperty->status = 2; $newProperty->save(); $needToInsertProperties--; } } } }