private function processElement(ReflectionBase $element) { if ($element instanceof ReflectionConstant) { $this->elements[] = ['co', $element->getPrettyName()]; } elseif ($element instanceof ReflectionFunction) { $this->elements[] = ['f', $element->getPrettyName()]; } elseif ($element instanceof ReflectionClass) { $this->elements[] = ['c', $element->getPrettyName()]; } }
public function check(ReflectionBase $element) { $messages = array(); if (empty($element->shortDescription)) { $annotations = $element->getAnnotations(); if (empty($annotations)) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Missing documentation of %s', Report::getElementLabel($element)), $element->getStartLine()); } else { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Missing description of %s', Report::getElementLabel($element)), $element->getStartLine()); } } return $messages; }
public function check(ReflectionBase $element) { $messages = array(); $annotations = $element->getAnnotations(); if (!isset($annotations['var'])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Missing documentation of the data type of %s', Report::getElementLabel($element)), $element->getStartLine()); } elseif (!preg_match('~^[\\w\\\\]+(?:\\[\\])?(?:\\|[\\w\\\\]+(?:\\[\\])?)*(?:\\s+.+)?$~s', $annotations['var'][0])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Invalid documentation "%s" of the data type of %s', $annotations['var'][0], Report::getElementLabel($element)), $element->getStartLine(), Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } if (isset($annotations['var'][1])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Duplicate documentation "%s" of the data type of %s', $annotations['var'][1], Report::getElementLabel($element)), $element->getStartLine(), Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } return $messages; }
public function check(ReflectionBase $element) { $messages = array(); $annotations = $element->getAnnotations(); $label = Report::getElementLabel($element); $line = $element->getStartLine(); // Parameters $unlimited = false; foreach ($element->getParameters() as $no => $parameter) { if (!isset($annotations['param'][$no])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Missing documentation of %s', Report::getElementLabel($parameter)), $line); continue; } if (!preg_match('~^[\\w\\\\]+(?:\\[\\])?(?:\\|[\\w\\\\]+(?:\\[\\])?)*(?:\\s+\\$' . $parameter->getName() . ($parameter->isUnlimited() ? ',\\.{3}' : '') . ')?(?:\\s+.+)?$~s', $annotations['param'][$no])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Invalid documentation "%s" of %s', $annotations['param'][$no], Report::getElementLabel($parameter)), $line, Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } if ($unlimited && $parameter->isUnlimited()) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('More than one unlimited parameters of %s', Report::getElementLabel($element)), $line, Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } elseif ($parameter->isUnlimited()) { $unlimited = true; } unset($annotations['param'][$no]); } if (isset($annotations['param'])) { foreach ($annotations['param'] as $annotation) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Existing documentation "%s" of nonexistent parameter of %s', $annotation, $label), $line, Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } } $parentElement = $element instanceof ReflectionMethod ? $element->getDeclaringClass() : $element; $tokens = $parentElement->getBroker()->getFileTokens($parentElement->getFileName()); // Return values $return = false; $tokens->seek($element->getStartPosition())->find(T_FUNCTION); while ($tokens->next() && $tokens->key() < $element->getEndPosition()) { $type = $tokens->getType(); if (T_FUNCTION === $type) { // Skip annonymous functions $tokens->find('{')->findMatchingBracket(); } elseif (T_RETURN === $type && !$tokens->skipWhitespaces()->is(';')) { // Skip return without return value $return = true; break; } } if ($return && !isset($annotations['return'])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Missing documentation of return value of %s', $label), $line); } elseif (isset($annotations['return'])) { if (!$return && 'void' !== $annotations['return'][0] && ($element instanceof ReflectionFunction || !$parentElement->isInterface() && !$element->isAbstract())) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Existing documentation "%s" of nonexistent return value of %s', $annotations['return'][0], $label), $line, Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } elseif (!preg_match('~^[\\w\\\\]+(?:\\[\\])?(?:\\|[\\w\\\\]+(?:\\[\\])?)*(?:\\s+.+)?$~s', $annotations['return'][0])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Invalid documentation "%s" of return value of %s', $annotations['return'][0], $label), $line, Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } } if (isset($annotations['return'][1])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Duplicate documentation "%s" of return value of %s', $annotations['return'][1], $label), $line, Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } // Throwing exceptions $throw = false; $tokens->seek($element->getStartPosition())->find(T_FUNCTION); while ($tokens->next() && $tokens->key() < $element->getEndPosition()) { $type = $tokens->getType(); if (T_TRY === $type) { // Skip try $tokens->find('{')->findMatchingBracket(); } elseif (T_THROW === $type) { $throw = true; break; } } if ($throw && !isset($annotations['throws'])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Missing documentation of throwing an exception of %s', $label), $line); } elseif (isset($annotations['throws']) && !preg_match('~^[\\w\\\\]+(?:\\|[\\w\\\\]+)*(?:\\s+.+)?$~s', $annotations['throws'][0])) { $messages[] = new Message(sprintf('Invalid documentation "%s" of throwing an exception of %s', $annotations['throws'][0], $label), $line, Message::SEVERITY_WARNING); } return $messages; }
/** * Returns a link to a element documentation at * * @param \ApiGen\Reflection\ReflectionBase $element Element reflection * @return string */ public function getManualUrl(Reflection\ReflectionBase $element) { static $manual = ''; static $reservedClasses = array('stdClass', 'Closure', 'Directory'); // Extension if ($element instanceof Reflection\ReflectionExtension) { $extensionName = strtolower($element->getName()); if ('core' === $extensionName) { return $manual; } if ('date' === $extensionName) { $extensionName = 'datetime'; } return sprintf('%s/book.%s.php', $manual, $extensionName); } // Class and its members $class = $element instanceof Reflection\ReflectionClass ? $element : $element->getDeclaringClass(); if (in_array($class->getName(), $reservedClasses)) { return $manual . '/reserved.classes.php'; } $className = strtolower($class->getName()); $classUrl = sprintf('%s/class.%s.php', $manual, $className); $elementName = strtolower(strtr(ltrim($element->getName(), '_'), '_', '-')); if ($element instanceof Reflection\ReflectionClass) { return $classUrl; } elseif ($element instanceof Reflection\ReflectionMethod) { return sprintf('%s/%s.%s.php', $manual, $className, $elementName); } elseif ($element instanceof Reflection\ReflectionProperty) { return sprintf('%s#%s.props.%s', $classUrl, $className, $elementName); } elseif ($element instanceof Reflection\ReflectionConstant) { return sprintf('%s#%s.constants.%s', $classUrl, $className, $elementName); } }
/** * @return ReflectionBase */ private function setDependencies(ReflectionBase $reflection) { $reflection->setConfiguration($this->configuration); $reflection->setParserResult($this->parserResult); $reflection->setReflectionFactory($this); return $reflection; }