Example #1
 public static function generate(array $params)
     $active = array_shift($params) !== 'past';
     $brackets = Lib\Cache::fetch(function () use($active) {
         $allBrackets = Api\Bracket::getAll();
         // Filter out active/completed brackets
         $brackets = [];
         foreach ($allBrackets as $bracket) {
             if ($active && ($bracket->state == BS_ELIMINATIONS || $bracket->state == BS_VOTING || $bracket->state == BS_NOMINATIONS)) {
                 $bracket->title = Api\Round::getBracketTitleForActiveRound($bracket);
                 $brackets[] = $bracket;
             if (!$active && $bracket->state == BS_FINAL) {
                 $brackets[] = $bracket;
         // Check for card images
         foreach ($brackets as $bracket) {
             if (is_readable('./images/bracket_' . $bracket->id . '_card.jpg')) {
                 $bracket->cardImage = '/images/bracket_' . $bracket->id . '_card.jpg';
             } else {
                 $bracket->entrants = Api\Character::getRandomCharacters($bracket, 9);
         return $brackets;
     }, 'Controller::Brackets_displayBrackets_' . ($active ? 'active' : 'completed'));
     Lib\Display::addKey('page', 'brackets');
     $title = $active ? 'Current Brackets' : 'Past Brackets';
     Lib\Display::renderAndAddKey('content', 'bracketsView', ['brackets' => $brackets, 'title' => $title]);
Example #2
 public static function generate(array $params)
     $bracket = Api\Bracket::getBracketByPerma(array_shift($params));
     if ($bracket) {
         Lib\Display::addKey('page', 'characters');
         $content = Lib\Display::renderAndAddKey('content', 'characters', (object) ['bracket' => $bracket, 'characters' => Api\Character::getByBracketId($bracket->id)]);
 public static function generate(array $params)
     $bracket = Api\Bracket::getBracketByPerma(array_shift($params));
     if ($bracket) {
         Lib\Display::addKey('page', 'characters');
         Lib\Display::addKey('title', $bracket->name . ' Entrants' . DEFAULT_TITLE_SUFFIX);
         $hasSource = $bracket->hasSourceLabel();
         $hasSeed = $bracket->state == BS_VOTING || $bracket->state == BS_FINAL;
         $content = Lib\Display::renderAndAddKey('content', 'characters', (object) ['bracket' => $bracket, 'characters' => Api\Character::getByBracketId($bracket->id), 'hasSource' => $hasSource, 'hasSeed' => $hasSeed, 'hasSorter' => $hasSource || $hasSeed]);
Example #4
 protected static function _main($message = null, $force = false)
     $out = new stdClass();
     $out->brackets = Api\Bracket::getUserOwnedBrackets(self::$_user, $force);
     // If there's no message passed directly, check for one from cache
     $message = !$message ? self::_getStashedMessage() : $message;
     if ($out->brackets) {
         // Check for card images
         foreach ($out->brackets as $bracket) {
             if (is_readable('./images/bracket_' . $bracket->id . '_card.jpg')) {
                 $bracket->cardImage = '/images/bracket_' . $bracket->id . '_card.jpg';
             } else {
                 $bracket->entrants = Api\Character::getRandomCharacters($bracket, 9);
         // Sort the brackets by reverse date
         usort($out->brackets, function ($a, $b) {
             return $a->state == BS_FINAL || $a->state > $b->state ? 1 : -1;
         // Decorate each bracket with some information about what phase it can
         // safely move to. Mostly this is for eliminations
         foreach ($out->brackets as $bracket) {
             $bracket->title = Api\Round::getBracketTitleForActiveRound($bracket);
             $bracket->nextIsFinal = $bracket->title === 'Title Match';
             // Get the title of the next round
             $nextRounds = Api\Round::getNextRounds($bracket);
             $bracket->nextTitle = null;
             if ($nextRounds) {
                 $bracket->nextTitle = str_replace(['Voting - ', 'Eliminations - '], '', Api\Round::getBracketTitleForRound($bracket, $nextRounds[0]));
             // This is a dumb catch all while I work out issues in the stored procedure
             $bracket->nextTitle = $bracket->nextTitle ?: 'Next Round';
             if ($bracket->state == BS_ELIMINATIONS) {
                 // Should query all the brackets at once, but I'm feeling lazy tonight...
                 $result = Lib\Db::Query('SELECT MIN(round_group) AS current_group, MAX(round_group) AS last_group FROM `round` WHERE bracket_id = :bracketId AND round_final = 0', [':bracketId' => $bracket->id]);
                 if ($result && $result->count) {
                     $row = Lib\Db::Fetch($result);
                     // If the eliminations are on the last group, don't show the
                     // advance button
                     if ($row->current_group == $row->last_group) {
                         $bracket->showStart = true;
                     } else {
                         $bracket->showAdvance = true;
     if ($message) {
         $out->message = $message;
     Lib\Display::renderAndAddKey('content', 'admin/brackets', $out);
Example #5
  * Gets all characters for a bracket
 public static function getByBracketId($bracketId)
     $retVal = null;
     if (is_numeric($bracketId)) {
         $cacheKey = 'Character_getByBracketId_' . $bracketId;
         $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
         if (false === $retVal) {
             $retVal = null;
             // TODO - make order by column configurable
             $retVal = Character::queryReturnAll(['bracketId' => $bracketId], ['source' => 'ASC', 'name' => 'ASC']);
             Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal);
     return $retVal;
Example #6
  * Generates a list of characters in a bracket (ordered by seed) and their performance
  * in said bracket
 public static function getEntrantPerformanceStats(Bracket $bracket, $force = false)
     return Lib\Cache::fetchLongCache(function () use($bracket) {
         // Get all tourney rounds and characters for this bracket
         $characters = Character::queryReturnAll(['bracketId' => $bracket->id, 'seed' => ['null' => false]], ['seed' => 'asc']);
         $rounds = Round::queryReturnAll(['bracketId' => $bracket->id, 'final' => 1, 'tier' => ['gt' => 0]], ['id' => 'asc']);
         // Create a hash out of the characters
         $temp = [];
         foreach ($characters as $character) {
             $temp[$character->id] = $character;
         $characters = $temp;
         // Sort the rounds out based on character for faster access later
         $characterRounds = [];
         foreach ($rounds as $round) {
             // Decorate the round with full character models
             $round->character1 = $characters[$round->character1Id];
             $round->character2 = $characters[$round->character2Id];
             self::_addRoundToCharacterRounds($round, $round->character1Id, $characterRounds);
             self::_addRoundToCharacterRounds($round, $round->character2Id, $characterRounds);
         $retVal = [];
         foreach ($characters as $character) {
             $roundsForCharacter = array_values($characterRounds[$character->id]);
             $closestDiff = -1;
             $closestRound = null;
             $lostTo = null;
             $totalVotes = 0;
             foreach ($roundsForCharacter as $round) {
                 // Heheheh... so gross
                 $isCharacter1 = $round->character1Id == $character->id;
                 $totalVotes += $isCharacter1 ? $round->character1Votes : $round->character2Votes;
                 $diff = abs($round->character1Votes - $round->character2Votes);
                 if ($diff < $closestDiff || $closestDiff === -1) {
                     $closestDiff = $diff;
                     // This case should be small enough that re-instantiating through a loop
                     // shouldn't prove too much of a performance concern (especially since
                     // it's generated only once per new round). Will monitor in production
                     $closestRound = (object) ['character' => $isCharacter1 ? $round->character2 : $round->character1, 'difference' => $closestDiff, 'round' => $round];
                 $lost = $isCharacter1 && $round->character1Votes < $round->character2Votes || !$isCharacter1 && $round->character2Votes < $round->character1Votes;
                 $lostTo = $lost ? (object) ['character' => $isCharacter1 ? $round->character2 : $round->character1, 'lostBy' => $diff, 'round' => $round] : null;
             $retVal[] = (object) ['character' => $character, 'closestRound' => $closestRound, 'lostTo' => $lostTo, 'totalVotes' => $totalVotes, 'group' => chr(65 + $roundsForCharacter[0]->group)];
         return $retVal;
     }, 'Stats::PerformanceStats_' . $bracket->id, $force);
Example #7
 private static function _getSimilarCharacters($bracketId, $query)
     $retVal = [];
     // Search for similar entered characters first
     $characters = Api\Character::searchBracketCharacters($query, $bracketId);
     if ($characters && count($characters)) {
         $retVal = $characters;
     } else {
         // Search nominees so that maybe we can prevent another similar character being nominated
         $nominees = Api\Nominee::searchBracketNominees($query, $bracketId);
         if ($nominees && count($nominees)) {
             $retVal = $nominees;
     return $retVal;
Example #8
 private static function _getBracketCharacters()
     $retVal = null;
     $bracketId = Lib\Url::GetInt('bracketId', null);
     $count = Lib\Url::GetInt('count', null);
     if ($bracketId) {
         //If $count has a value, get random characters from the given bracket
         if ($count) {
             $bracket = \Api\Bracket::getById($bracketId);
             if ($bracket) {
                 //3 levels of IFs. This is getting rediculous
                 $retVal = \Api\Character::getRandomCharacters($bracket, $count);
         } else {
             $retVal = \Api\Character::getByBracketId($bracketId);
     return $retVal;
Example #9
 private static function _updateCharacter(Api\Bracket $bracket)
     $out = new stdClass();
     $out->success = false;
     $id = Lib\Url::Post('characterId', true);
     $name = Lib\Url::Post('name');
     $source = Lib\Url::Post('source');
     $action = Lib\Url::Post('action');
     if ($id && $name && $action) {
         $out->action = $action;
         $character = Api\Character::getById($id);
         if ($character && $character->bracketId == $bracket->id) {
             if ($action == 'update') {
                 $character->name = $name;
                 $character->source = $source;
                 if ($character->sync()) {
                     $out->success = true;
                 } else {
                     $out->message = 'Error updating database';
             } else {
                 if ($action == 'delete') {
                     if ($bracket->state == BS_NOMINATIONS || $bracket->state == BS_ELIMINATIONS) {
                         if ($character->delete()) {
                             $out->success = true;
                         } else {
                             $out->message = 'Delete failed';
                     } else {
                         $out->message = 'Cannot delete characters after voting has started';
                 } else {
                     $out->message = 'Unknown action';
         } else {
             $out->message = 'Character does not belong to this bracket';
     } else {
         $out->message = 'Missing fields';
Example #10
  * Gets a full dataset including characters for multiple rounds
 private static function _getRoundsAndCharacters($query, $params = null)
     $retVal = null;
     $result = Lib\Db::Query($query, $params);
     if ($result && $result->count) {
         // This array will hold all unique character IDs (and later character objects)
         // to retrieve so we reduce the number of trips to the database.
         $characters = [];
         $retVal = [];
         while ($row = Lib\Db::Fetch($result)) {
             $round = new Round($row);
             $characters[$round->character1Id] = true;
             $characters[$round->character2Id] = true;
             $retVal[] = new Round($row);
         // Now fetch the character objects
         $result = Character::query(['id' => ['in' => array_keys($characters)]]);
         if ($result && $result->count) {
             while ($row = Lib\Db::Fetch($result)) {
                 $character = new Character($row);
                 $characters[$character->id] = $character;
             // Now, assign the character objects to their rounds
             for ($i = 0, $count = count($retVal); $i < $count; $i++) {
                 $retVal[$i]->character1 = $characters[$retVal[$i]->character1Id];
                 $retVal[$i]->character2 = $characters[$retVal[$i]->character2Id];
     return $retVal;
Example #11
  * Override for getAll to include the winner character object
 public static function getAll($force = false)
     $cacheKey = 'Api:Bracket:getAll_' . BRACKET_SOURCE;
     $retVal = Lib\Cache::Get($cacheKey);
     if (false === $retVal || $force) {
         $brackets = parent::queryReturnAll(['source' => BRACKET_SOURCE, 'state' => ['ne' => BS_HIDDEN]], ['score' => 'desc', 'state' => 'desc', 'start' => 'desc']);
         $retVal = [];
         foreach ($brackets as $bracket) {
             if ($bracket->winnerCharacterId) {
                 $bracket->winner = Character::getById($bracket->winnerCharacterId);
             if ($bracket->start <= time() || $force) {
                 $retVal[] = $bracket;
         Lib\Cache::Set($cacheKey, $retVal, 3600);
     return $retVal;