<?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); use API\DataBase\User; use API\DataBase\Note; use API\Autoloader; use API\Param\Config; require 'Object/Autoloader.php'; Autoloader::register(); /* ---- VALUE ---- .Get name .Get id .Get action Set : Get : GetLast : GetAll : .Get note .Get matiere nil nil .Get date .Get matiere */ try { $inst = Config::getInstance(); $bdd = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $inst->get('db_host') . ';dbname=' . $inst->get('db_name') . '', $inst->get('db_user'), $inst->get('db_pass')); } catch (\Exception $e) { die('Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage()); } $bdd->query("SET NAMES 'UTF-8'"); try { if (checkArgument()) { $user = new User($_GET['id'], $_GET['name'], null, null, null); $user->checkIdUser($bdd); $note = new Note(null, $_GET['id'], $_GET['matiere'], $_GET['note'], $_GET['date']);
require_once $fullClassPath; } } if ($included) { /* Silently win */ return true; } else { /* We might want to make this better */ // die('Invalid filename ' . $class . '. Epic failure in Autoloader' . PHP_EOL); return false; } } /** * All PHP settings are interpretted here */ protected function phpSettings() { date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); if (Config::getConfig('debug') == 1) { error_reporting(-1); } else { ini_set("log_errors", Config::getConfig('LogErrors')); ini_set("error_log", Config::getConfig('LoggerDirectory') . '/' . Config::getConfig('ErrorLogFile') . date('Y-m-d')); } } } /** * Bootstrap */ Autoloader::build(); //Where all the things begin