Example #1
 public function current()
     if ($this->isLastChunk) {
         return $this->applyChunkEncoding('');
     } elseif (($current = $this->iterator->current()) === '') {
         return null;
     } elseif (is_string($current)) {
         return $this->applyChunkEncoding($current);
     } elseif ($current instanceof Promise) {
         $future = new Future();
         $current->when(function ($error, $result) use($future) {
             if ($error) {
             } elseif (is_string($result)) {
             } else {
                 $future->fail(new \DomainException(sprintf('Only string/Promise elements may be chunked; %s provided', gettype($result))));
         return $future->promise();
     } else {
         // @TODO How to react to an invalid type returned from an iterator?
         return null;
Example #2
  * Return a key-value array of headers to add to the outbound request
  * @return \Amp\Promise
  * @TODO
 public function getHeaders()
     // @TODO Implement non-blocking php-uv header retrieval.
     // For now we'll just use the dumb blocking version.
     // v1.0.0 cannot be a thing until this is implemented.
     $promisor = new Future();
     $this->getLength()->when(function ($error, $result) use($promisor) {
         if ($error) {
         } else {
             $promisor->succeed(['Content-Length' => $result]);
     return $promisor->promise();
Example #3
 private function tunnelThroughProxy(Future $future, $socket, $authority)
     if (empty(stream_context_get_options($socket)['artax*']['is_tunneled'])) {
         $futureTunnel = $this->tunneler->tunnel($socket, $authority);
         $futureTunnel->when(function ($error) use($future, $socket) {
             if ($error) {
             } else {
     } else {
Example #4
  * Asynchronously request an HTTP resource
  * @param mixed[string|\Amp\Artax\Request] An HTTP URI string or an \Amp\Artax\Request instance
  * @param array $options An array specifying options applicable only for this request
  * @return \Amp\Promise A promise to resolve the request at some point in the future
 public function request($uriOrRequest, array $options = [])
     $promisor = new Future();
     try {
         $cycle = new RequestCycle();
         $cycle->futureResponse = $promisor;
         list($cycle->request, $cycle->uri) = $this->generateRequestFromUri($uriOrRequest);
         $cycle->options = $options ? array_merge($this->options, $options) : $this->options;
         $body = $cycle->request->getBody();
         if ($body instanceof AggregateBody) {
             $this->processAggregateBody($cycle, $body);
         } else {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $promisor->promise();
Example #5
 private function acceptNewTask(\Stackable $task)
     $future = new Future($this->reactor);
     $promiseId = $this->nextId++;
     $this->queue[$promiseId] = [$future, $task];
     if ($this->isPeriodWatcherEnabled === false) {
         $this->now = microtime(true);
         $this->isPeriodWatcherEnabled = true;
     if ($this->taskTimeout > -1) {
         $timeoutAt = $this->taskTimeout + $this->now;
         $this->promiseTimeoutMap[$promiseId] = $timeoutAt;
     if ($this->availableWorkers) {
     } elseif ($this->poolSize + $this->pendingWorkerCount < $this->poolSizeMax) {
     return $future->promise();
Example #6
 private function finalizeNewConnection(Future $future, $uri, $socket, $options)
     if (--$this->pendingSockets[$uri] === 0) {
     $socketId = (int) $socket;
     $poolStruct = new SocketPoolStruct();
     $poolStruct->id = $socketId;
     $poolStruct->uri = $uri;
     $poolStruct->resource = $socket;
     $poolStruct->isAvailable = false;
     $poolStruct->msIdleTimeout = $options[self::OP_MS_IDLE_TIMEOUT];
     $this->sockets[$uri][$socketId] = $poolStruct;
     $this->socketIdUriMap[$socketId] = $uri;
     if (empty($this->queuedSocketRequests[$uri])) {
Example #7
 private function sumMultipartFieldLengths(array $fields)
     $lengths = [];
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (is_string($field)) {
             $lengths[] = strlen($field);
         } else {
             $lengths[] = $field->getLength();
     $promisor = new Future();
     \Amp\all($lengths)->when(function ($error, $result) use($promisor) {
         if ($error) {
         } else {
     return $promisor->promise();