$graph->SetMarginColor('#EEEEEE'); // Setup titles and fonts $graph->title->Set("Frequence plot"); $graph->xaxis->title->Set("X-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Y-title"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Turn the tickmarks $graph->xaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_DOWN); $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); $graph->y2axis->SetTickSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $graph->y2axis->SetColor('black', 'blue'); $graph->y2axis->SetLabelFormat('%3d.0%%'); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($data_freq); // Create accumulative graph $lplot = new Plot\LinePlot($data_accfreq); // We want the line plot data point in the middle of the bars $lplot->SetBarCenter(); // Use transperancy $lplot->SetFillColor('lightblue@0.6'); $lplot->SetColor('blue@0.6'); $graph->AddY2($lplot); // Setup the bars $bplot->SetFillColor("orange@0.2"); $bplot->SetValuePos('center'); $bplot->value->SetFormat("%d"); $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9); $bplot->value->Show(); // Add it to the graph
$data1y = array(47, 80, 40, 116); $data2y = array(61, 30, 82, 105); $data3y = array(115, 50, 70, 93); // Create the graph. These two calls are always required $graph = new Graph\Graph(350, 200, 'auto'); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $theme_class = new UniversalTheme(); $graph->SetTheme($theme_class); $graph->yaxis->SetTickPositions(array(0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150), array(15, 45, 75, 105, 135)); $graph->SetBox(false); $graph->ygrid->SetFill(false); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels(array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')); $graph->yaxis->HideLine(false); $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(false, false); // Create the bar plots $b1plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data1y); $b2plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data2y); $b3plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data3y); // Create the grouped bar plot $gbplot = new Plot\GroupBarPlot(array($b1plot, $b2plot, $b3plot)); // ...and add it to the graPH $graph->Add($gbplot); $b1plot->SetColor("white"); $b1plot->SetFillColor("#cc1111"); $b2plot->SetColor("white"); $b2plot->SetFillColor("#11cccc"); $b3plot->SetColor("white"); $b3plot->SetFillColor("#1111cc"); $graph->title->Set("Bar Plots"); // Display the graph $graph->Stroke();
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $data1y = array(12, 8, 19, 3, 10, 5); $data2y = array(8, 2, 12, 7, 14, 4); // Create the graph. These two calls are always required $graph = new Graph\Graph(310, 200, 'auto'); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 30, 20, 40); $graph->SetShadow(); // Create the bar plots $b1plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data1y); $b1plot->SetFillColor("orange"); $targ = array("bar_clsmex2.php#1", "bar_clsmex2.php#2", "bar_clsmex2.php#3", "bar_clsmex2.php#4", "bar_clsmex2.php#5", "bar_clsmex2.php#6"); $alts = array("val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d"); $b1plot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alts); $b2plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data2y); $b2plot->SetFillColor("blue"); $targ = array("bar_clsmex2.php#7", "bar_clsmex2.php#8", "bar_clsmex2.php#9", "bar_clsmex2.php#10", "bar_clsmex2.php#11", "bar_clsmex2.php#12"); $alts = array("val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d"); $b2plot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alts); // Create the grouped bar plot $abplot = new Plot\AccBarPlot(array($b1plot, $b2plot)); $abplot->SetShadow(); $abplot->value->Show(); // ...and add it to the graPH $graph->Add($abplot); $graph->title->Set("Image map barex2"); $graph->xaxis->title->Set("X-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Y-title"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $datay1 = array(13, 8, 19, 7, 17, 6); $datay2 = array(4, 5, 2, 7, 5, 25); // Create the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(350, 250); $graph->SetScale('textlin'); $graph->SetMarginColor('white'); // Setup title $graph->title->Set('Acc bar with gradient'); // Create the first bar $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay1); $bplot->SetFillGradient('AntiqueWhite2', 'AntiqueWhite4:0.8', GRAD_VERT); $bplot->SetColor('darkred'); // Create the second bar $bplot2 = new Plot\BarPlot($datay2); $bplot2->SetFillGradient('olivedrab1', 'olivedrab4', GRAD_VERT); $bplot2->SetColor('darkgreen'); // And join them in an accumulated bar $accbplot = new Plot\AccBarPlot(array($bplot, $bplot2)); $graph->Add($accbplot); $graph->Stroke();
$graph->xaxis->SetColor('darkblue', 'black'); // Setup "hidden" y-axis by given it the same color // as the background (this could also be done by setting the weight // to zero) $graph->yaxis->SetColor('lightblue', 'darkblue'); $graph->ygrid->SetColor('white'); // Setup graph title ands fonts $graph->title->Set('Using grace = 10%'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->SetTitle('Year 2002', 'center'); $graph->xaxis->SetTitleMargin(10); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD); // Add some grace to the top so that the scale doesn't // end exactly at the max value. $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(10); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetFillColor('darkblue'); $bplot->SetColor('darkblue'); $bplot->SetWidth(0.5); $bplot->SetShadow('darkgray'); // Setup the values that are displayed on top of each bar // Must use TTF fonts if we want text at an arbitrary angle $bplot->value->Show(); $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8); $bplot->value->SetFormat('$%d'); $bplot->value->SetColor('darkred'); $bplot->value->SetAngle(45); $graph->Add($bplot); // Finally stroke the graph $graph->Stroke();
// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" // Example for use of JpGraph, // ljp, 01/03/01 19:44 require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; // We need some data $datay = array(0.3031, 0.3044, 0.3049, 0.304, 0.3024, 0.3047); // Setup the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(400, 200); $graph->img->SetMargin(60, 30, 30, 40); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->SetMarginColor("teal"); $graph->SetShadow(); // Create the bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetWidth(0.6); // This is how you make the bar graph start from something other than 0 $bplot->SetYMin(0.302); // Setup color for gradient fill style $tcol = array(100, 100, 255); $fcol = array(255, 100, 100); $bplot->SetFillGradient($fcol, $tcol, GRAD_HOR); $bplot->SetFillColor("orange"); $graph->Add($bplot); // Set up the title for the graph $graph->title->Set("Bargraph which doesn't start from y=0"); $graph->title->SetColor("yellow"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 12); // Setup color for axis and labels $graph->xaxis->SetColor("black", "white");
require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; // Some data $months = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth(); srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; ++$i) { $databary[] = rand(1, 50); $databarx[] = $months[$i % 12]; } // new Graph\Graph with a drop shadow $graph = new Graph\Graph(300, 200, 'auto'); $graph->SetShadow(); // Use a "text" X-scale $graph->SetScale("textlin"); // Specify X-labels $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($databarx); $graph->xaxis->SetTextLabelInterval(1); $graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval(3); // Set title and subtitle $graph->title->Set("Bar tutorial example 5"); // Use built in font $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Create the bar plot $b1 = new Plot\BarPlot($databary); $b1->SetLegend("Temperature"); $b1->SetWidth(0.4); // The order the plots are added determines who's ontop $graph->Add($b1); // Finally output the image $graph->Stroke();
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $l1datay = array(11, 9, 2, 4, 3, 13, 17); $l2datay = array(23, 12, 5, 19, 17, 10, 15); $datax = array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug'); // Create the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(400, 200); $graph->SetScale('textlin'); $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 130, 20, 40); $graph->SetShadow(); // Create the linear error plot $l1plot = new Plot\LinePlot($l1datay); $l1plot->SetColor('red'); $l1plot->SetWeight(2); $l1plot->SetLegend('Prediction'); // Create the bar plot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($l2datay); $bplot->SetFillColor('orange'); $bplot->SetLegend('Result'); // Add the plots to t'he graph $graph->Add($bplot); $graph->Add($l1plot); $graph->title->Set('Adding a line plot to a bar graph v1'); $graph->xaxis->title->Set('X-title'); $graph->yaxis->title->Set('Y-title'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($datax); //$graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval(2); // Display the graph $graph->Stroke();
// Setup the tab title $graph->tabtitle->Set('Year 2003'); $graph->tabtitle->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10); // Setup the X and Y grid $graph->ygrid->SetFill(true, '#DDDDDD@0.5', '#BBBBBB@0.5'); $graph->ygrid->SetLineStyle('dashed'); $graph->ygrid->SetColor('gray'); $graph->xgrid->Show(); $graph->xgrid->SetLineStyle('dashed'); $graph->xgrid->SetColor('gray'); // Setup month as labels on the X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($months); $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 8); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(45); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($ydata); $bplot->SetWidth(0.6); $fcol = '#440000'; $tcol = '#FF9090'; $bplot->SetFillGradient($fcol, $tcol, GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION); // Set line weigth to 0 so that there are no border // around each bar $bplot->SetWeight(0); $graph->Add($bplot); // Create filled line plot $lplot = new Plot\LinePlot($ydata2); $lplot->SetFillColor('skyblue@0.5'); $lplot->SetColor('navy@0.7'); $lplot->SetBarCenter(); $lplot->mark->SetType(MARK_SQUARE); $lplot->mark->SetColor('blue@0.5');
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php'; $datay = array(5, 3, 11, 6, 3); $graph = new Graph\Graph(400, 300, 'auto'); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->title->Set('Images on top of bars'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 13); $graph->SetTitleBackground('lightblue:1.1', TITLEBKG_STYLE1, TITLEBKG_FRAME_BEVEL); $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetFillColor("orange"); $bplot->SetWidth(0.5); $lplot = new Plot\LinePlot($datay); $lplot->SetColor('white@1'); $lplot->SetBarCenter(); $lplot->mark->SetType(MARK_IMG_LBALL, 'red'); $graph->Add($bplot); $graph->Add($lplot); $graph->Stroke();
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $datay = array(12, 26, 9, 17, 31); // Create the graph. // One minute timeout for the cached image // INLINE_NO means don't stream it back to the browser. $graph = new Graph\Graph(310, 250, 'auto'); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->img->SetMargin(60, 30, 20, 40); $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin(45); $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(30); $graph->SetShadow(); // Turn the tickmarks $graph->xaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_DOWN); $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); // Create targets for the image maps. One for each column $targ = array("bar_clsmex1.php#1", "bar_clsmex1.php#2", "bar_clsmex1.php#3", "bar_clsmex1.php#4", "bar_clsmex1.php#5", "bar_clsmex1.php#6"); $alts = array("val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d"); $bplot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alts); $bplot->SetFillColor("orange"); // Use a shadow on the bar graphs (just use the default settings) $bplot->SetShadow(); $bplot->value->SetFormat(" \$ %2.1f", 70); $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 9); $bplot->value->SetColor("blue"); $bplot->value->Show(); $graph->Add($bplot); $graph->title->Set("Image maps barex1"); $graph->xaxis->title->Set("X-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Y-title");
$datay = array(0.13, 0.25, 0.21, 0.35, 0.31, 0.06); $datax = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June"); // Setup the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(400, 240); $graph->img->SetMargin(60, 20, 35, 75); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->SetMarginColor("lightblue:1.1"); $graph->SetShadow(); // Set up the title for the graph $graph->title->Set("Bar gradient with left reflection"); $graph->title->SetMargin(8); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 12); $graph->title->SetColor("darkred"); // Setup font for axis $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10); $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 10); // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show) $graph->yscale->ticks->SupressZeroLabel(false); // Setup X-axis labels $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($datax); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(50); // Create the bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetWidth(0.6); // Setup color for gradient fill style $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy:0.9", "navy:1.85", GRAD_LEFT_REFLECTION); // Set color for the frame of each bar $bplot->SetColor("white"); $graph->Add($bplot); // Finally send the graph to the browser $graph->Stroke();
// end exactly at the max value. // The grace value is the percetage of additional scale // value we add. Specifying 50 means that we add 50% of the // max value $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(50); $graph->yaxis->SetLabelFormatCallback('separator1000'); // Setup X-axis labels $a = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth(); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($a); $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT2); // Setup graph title ands fonts $graph->title->Set('Example of Y-scale callback formatting'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->Set('Year 2002'); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_BOLD); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetFillColor('orange'); $bplot->SetWidth(0.5); $bplot->SetShadow(); // Setup the values that are displayed on top of each bar $bplot->value->Show(); // Must use TTF fonts if we want text at an arbitrary angle $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD); $bplot->value->SetAngle(45); $bplot->value->SetFormatCallback('separator1000_usd'); // Black color for positive values and darkred for negative values $bplot->value->SetColor('black', 'darkred'); $graph->Add($bplot); // Finally stroke the graph $graph->Stroke();
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $datay = array(1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001); // Size of graph $width = 400; $height = 500; // Set the basic parameters of the graph $graph = new Graph\Graph($width, $height); $graph->SetScale('textlin'); $top = 60; $bottom = 30; $left = 80; $right = 30; $graph->Set90AndMargin($left, $right, $top, $bottom); // Nice shadow $graph->SetShadow(); // Setup labels $lbl = array("Andrew\nTait", "Thomas\nAnderssen", "Kevin\nSpacey", "Nick\nDavidsson", "David\nLindquist", "Jason\nTait", "Lorin\nPersson"); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($lbl); // Label align for X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center', 'right'); // Label align for Y-axis $graph->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center', 'bottom'); // Titles $graph->title->Set('Number of incidents'); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetFillColor('orange'); $bplot->SetWidth(0.5); $bplot->SetYMin(1990); $graph->Add($bplot); $graph->Stroke();
$graph->SetMarginColor('#EEEEEE'); // Setup titles and fonts $graph->title->Set("Frequence plot"); $graph->xaxis->title->Set("X-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Y-title"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Turn the tickmarks $graph->xaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_DOWN); $graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); $graph->y2axis->SetTickSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $graph->y2axis->SetColor('black', 'blue'); $graph->y2axis->SetLabelFormat('%3d.0%%'); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($data_freq); // Create targets and alt texts for the image maps. One for each bar // (In this example this is just "dummy" targets) $targ = array("#1", "#2", "#3", "#4", "#5", "#6", "#7"); $alts = array("val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d", "val=%d"); $bplot->SetCSIMTargets($targ, $alts); // Create accumulative graph $lplot = new Plot\LinePlot($data_accfreq); // We want the line plot data point in the middle of the bars $lplot->SetBarCenter(); // Use transperancy $lplot->SetFillColor('lightblue@0.6'); $lplot->SetColor('blue@0.6'); //$lplot->SetColor('blue'); $graph->AddY2($lplot); // Setup the bars
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; // We need some data $datay = array(4, 8, 6); // Setup the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(200, 150); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->img->SetMargin(25, 15, 25, 25); $graph->title->Set('"GRAD_RAISED_PANEL"'); $graph->title->SetColor('darkred'); // Setup font for axis $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1); $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1); // Create the bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetWidth(0.6); // Setup color for gradient fill style $bplot->SetFillGradient('navy', 'orange', GRAD_RAISED_PANEL); // Set color for the frame of each bar $bplot->SetColor("navy"); $graph->Add($bplot); // Finally send the graph to the browser $graph->Stroke();
$datay = array(-0.13, 0.25, -0.21, 0.35, 0.31, 0.04); $datax = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June"); // Setup the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(400, 200); $graph->img->SetMargin(60, 20, 30, 50); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->SetMarginColor("silver"); $graph->SetShadow(); // Set up the title for the graph $graph->title->Set("Example negative bars"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 18); $graph->title->SetColor("darkred"); // Setup font for axis $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 12); $graph->xaxis->SetColor("black", "red"); $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 11); // Show 0 label on Y-axis (default is not to show) $graph->yscale->ticks->SupressZeroLabel(false); // Setup X-axis labels $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($datax); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(50); // Create the bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetWidth(0.6); // Setup color for gradient fill style $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "steelblue", GRAD_MIDVER); // Set color for the frame of each bar $bplot->SetColor("navy"); $graph->Add($bplot); // Finally send the graph to the browser $graph->Stroke();
// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $data1y = array(-8, 8, 9, 3, 5, 6); $data2y = array(18, 2, 1, 7, 5, 4); // Create the graph. These two calls are always required $graph = new Graph\Graph(500, 400); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->SetShadow(); $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 30, 20, 40); // Create the bar plots $b1plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data1y); $b1plot->SetFillColor("orange"); $b1plot->value->Show(); $b2plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data2y); $b2plot->SetFillColor("blue"); $b2plot->value->Show(); // Create the grouped bar plot $gbplot = new Plot\AccBarPlot(array($b1plot, $b2plot)); // ...and add it to the graPH $graph->Add($gbplot); $graph->title->Set("Accumulated bar plots"); $graph->xaxis->title->Set("X-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Y-title"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Display the graph $graph->Stroke();
$graph->y2axis->SetTickPositions(array(30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)); $months = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth(); $months = array_merge(array_slice($months, 3, 9), array_slice($months, 0, 3)); $graph->SetBox(false); $graph->ygrid->SetFill(false); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels(array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')); $graph->yaxis->HideLine(false); $graph->yaxis->HideTicks(false, false); // Setup month as labels on the X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($months); // Create the bar plots $b1plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data1y); $b2plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data2y); $b3plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data3y); $b4plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data4y); $b5plot = new Plot\BarPlot($data5y); $lplot = new Plot\LinePlot($data6y); // Create the grouped bar plot $gbbplot = new Plot\AccBarPlot(array($b3plot, $b4plot, $b5plot)); $gbplot = new Plot\GroupBarPlot(array($b1plot, $b2plot, $gbbplot)); // ...and add it to the graPH $graph->Add($gbplot); $graph->AddY2($lplot); $b1plot->SetColor("#0000CD"); $b1plot->SetFillColor("#0000CD"); $b1plot->SetLegend("Cliants"); $b2plot->SetColor("#B0C4DE"); $b2plot->SetFillColor("#B0C4DE"); $b2plot->SetLegend("Machines"); $b3plot->SetColor("#8B008B"); $b3plot->SetFillColor("#8B008B");
$graph->subtitle->Set("100 data points, X-Scale: 'text'"); // Use built in font (don't need TTF support) $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Make the margin around the plot a little bit bigger then default $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 140, 40, 80); // Slightly adjust the legend from it's default position in the // top right corner to middle right side $graph->legend->Pos(0.03, 0.5, "right", "center"); // Display every 6:th tickmark $graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval(6); // Label every 2:nd tick mark $graph->xaxis->SetTextLabelInterval(2); // Setup the labels $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($databarx); $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAngle(90); // Create a red line plot $p1 = new Plot\LinePlot($datay); $p1->SetColor("red"); $p1->SetLegend("Pressure"); // Create the bar plot $b1 = new Plot\BarPlot($databary); $b1->SetLegend("Temperature"); $b1->SetFillColor("orange"); $b1->SetAbsWidth(8); // Drop shadow on bars adjust the default values a little bit $b1->SetShadow("steelblue", 2, 2); // The order the plots are added determines who's ontop $graph->Add($p1); $graph->AddY2($b1); // Finally output the image $graph->Stroke();
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; // Some data for ($i = 0; $i < 12; ++$i) { $databary[$i] = rand(1, 20); } $months = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth(); // new Graph\Graph with a drop shadow $graph = new Graph\Graph(300, 200); $graph->SetShadow(); // Use a "text" X-scale $graph->SetScale('textlin'); // Specify X-labels $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($months); $graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval(2, 0); // Set title and subtitle $graph->title->Set('Textscale with tickinterval=2'); // Use built in font $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Create the bar plot $b1 = new Plot\BarPlot($databary); $b1->SetLegend('Temperature'); // The order the plots are added determines who's ontop $graph->Add($b1); // Finally output the image $graph->Stroke();
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php'; $datay = array(2, 3, 5, 8.5, 11.5, 6, 3); // Create the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(350, 300); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->SetMarginColor('navy:1.9'); $graph->SetBox(); $graph->title->Set('Bar Pattern'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 20); $graph->SetTitleBackground('lightblue:1.3', TITLEBKG_STYLE2, TITLEBKG_FRAME_BEVEL); $graph->SetTitleBackgroundFillStyle(TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_HSTRIPED, 'lightblue', 'blue'); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetFillColor('darkorange'); $bplot->SetWidth(0.6); $bplot->SetPattern(PATTERN_CROSS1, 'navy'); $graph->Add($bplot); $graph->Stroke();
$graph->yaxis->SetTickSide(SIDE_LEFT); // Finally setup the title $graph->yaxis->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $graph->yaxis->SetTitleMargin(35); // To align the title to the right use : $graph->yaxis->SetTitle('Turnaround 2002', 'high'); $graph->yaxis->title->Align('right'); // To center the title use : //$graph->yaxis->SetTitle('Turnaround 2002','center'); //$graph->yaxis->title->Align('center'); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 12); $graph->yaxis->title->SetAngle(0); $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_NORMAL); // If you want the labels at an angle other than 0 or 90 // you need to use TTF fonts //$graph->yaxis->SetLabelAngle(0); // Now create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetFillColor("orange"); $bplot->SetShadow(); //You can change the width of the bars if you like //$bplot->SetWidth(0.5); // We want to display the value of each bar at the top $bplot->value->Show(); $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 12); $bplot->value->SetAlign('left', 'center'); $bplot->value->SetColor("black", "darkred"); $bplot->value->SetFormat('%.1f mkr'); // Add the bar to the graph $graph->Add($bplot); $graph->Stroke();
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 11); $graph->subtitle->Set("(Non optimized)"); // Setup X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($datax); $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_NORMAL, 8); // Some extra margin looks nicer $graph->xaxis->SetLabelMargin(10); // Label align for X-axis $graph->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right', 'center'); // Add some grace to y-axis so the bars doesn't go // all the way to the end of the plot area $graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(20); // We don't want to display Y-axis $graph->yaxis->Hide(); // Now create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetShadow(); //You can change the width of the bars if you like //$bplot->SetWidth(0.5); // Set gradient fill for bars $bplot->SetFillGradient('darkred', 'yellow', GRAD_HOR); // We want to display the value of each bar at the top $bplot->value->Show(); $bplot->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10); //$bplot->value->SetAlign('left','center'); $bplot->value->SetColor("white"); $bplot->value->SetFormat('%.1f'); $bplot->SetValuePos('max'); // Add the bar to the graph $graph->Add($bplot); // Add some explanation text
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $datay = array(10, 29, 3, 6); // Create the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(200, 200); $graph->SetScale('textlin'); $graph->SetMargin(25, 10, 20, 25); $graph->SetBox(true); // Add 10% grace ("space") at top and botton of Y-scale. $graph->yscale->SetGrace(10); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetFillColor("lightblue"); $graph->ygrid->Show(false); // .. and add the plot to the graph $graph->Add($bplot); // Add band $band = new Plot\PlotBand(HORIZONTAL, BAND_3DPLANE, 15, 35, 'khaki4'); $band->SetDensity(40); $band->ShowFrame(true); $graph->AddBand($band); // Set title $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 10); $graph->title->SetColor('darkred'); $graph->title->Set('BAND_3DPLANE, Density=40'); $graph->Stroke();
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; // Some data $months = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth(); srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; ++$i) { $databary[] = rand(1, 50); $databarx[] = $months[$i % 12]; } // new Graph\Graph with a drop shadow $graph = new Graph\Graph(300, 200, 'auto'); $graph->SetShadow(); // Use a "text" X-scale $graph->SetScale("textlin"); // Specify X-labels //$databarx = array('tXi','','','xxx','','','iXii','','','OOO','','','tOO'); $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_NORMAL); $graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($databarx); $graph->xaxis->SetTextLabelInterval(3); // Set title and subtitle $graph->title->Set("Displaying only every third label"); // Use built in font $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Create the bar plot $b1 = new Plot\BarPlot($databary); $b1->SetLegend("Temperature"); //$b1->SetAbsWidth(6); //$b1->SetShadow(); // The order the plots are added determines who's ontop $graph->Add($b1); // Finally output the image $graph->Stroke();
use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $l1datay = array(11, 9, 2, 4, 3, 13, 17); $l2datay = array(23, 12, 5, 19, 17, 10, 15); $datax = array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May"); // Create the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(400, 200); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->img->SetMargin(40, 130, 20, 40); $graph->SetShadow(); // Create the linear error plot $l1plot = new Plot\LinePlot($l1datay); $l1plot->SetColor("red"); $l1plot->SetWeight(2); $l1plot->SetLegend("Prediction"); // Create the bar plot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($l2datay); $bplot->SetFillColor("orange"); $bplot->SetLegend("Result"); // Add the plots to t'he graph $graph->Add($l1plot); $graph->Add($bplot); $graph->title->Set("Adding a line plot to a bar graph v1"); $graph->xaxis->title->Set("X-title"); $graph->yaxis->title->Set("Y-title"); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); //$graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($datax); //$graph->xaxis->SetTextTickInterval(2); // Display the graph $graph->Stroke();
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; $datay = array(12, 8, 19, 3, 10, 5); // Create the graph. These two calls are always required $graph = new Graph\Graph(300, 200); $graph->SetScale('intlin'); // Add a drop shadow $graph->SetShadow(); // Adjust the margin a bit to make more room for titles $graph->SetMargin(40, 30, 20, 40); // Create a bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); // Adjust fill color $bplot->SetFillColor('orange'); $graph->Add($bplot); // Setup the titles $graph->title->Set('A basic bar graph'); $graph->xaxis->title->Set('X-title'); $graph->yaxis->title->Set('Y-title'); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); // Display the graph $graph->Stroke();
<?php // content="text/plain; charset=utf-8" require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php'; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Graph; use Amenadiel\JpGraph\Plot; // We need some data $datay = array(4, 8, 6); // Setup the graph. $graph = new Graph\Graph(200, 150); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); $graph->img->SetMargin(25, 15, 25, 25); $graph->title->Set('"GRAD_CENTER"'); $graph->title->SetColor('darkred'); // Setup font for axis $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1); $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1); // Create the bar pot $bplot = new Plot\BarPlot($datay); $bplot->SetWidth(0.6); // Setup color for gradient fill style $bplot->SetFillGradient("navy", "lightsteelblue", GRAD_CENTER); // Set color for the frame of each bar $bplot->SetColor("navy"); $graph->Add($bplot); // Finally send the graph to the browser $graph->Stroke();
$graph->xaxis->title->SetColor('white'); $graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->xaxis->SetColor('white'); $graph->yaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD); $graph->yaxis->SetColor('white'); //$graph->ygrid->Show(false); $graph->ygrid->SetColor('white@0.5'); // Setup graph title $graph->title->Set('Using alpha blending with a background'); // Some extra margin (from the top) $graph->title->SetMargin(3); $graph->title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 12); // Create the three var series we will combine $bplot1 = new Plot\BarPlot($datay1); $bplot2 = new Plot\BarPlot($datay2); $bplot3 = new Plot\BarPlot($datay3); // Setup the colors with 40% transparency (alpha channel) $bplot1->SetFillColor('orange@0.4'); $bplot2->SetFillColor('brown@0.4'); $bplot3->SetFillColor('darkgreen@0.4'); // Setup legends $bplot1->SetLegend('Label 1'); $bplot2->SetLegend('Label 2'); $bplot3->SetLegend('Label 3'); // Setup each bar with a shadow of 50% transparency $bplot1->SetShadow('black@0.4'); $bplot2->SetShadow('black@0.4'); $bplot3->SetShadow('black@0.4'); $gbarplot = new Plot\GroupBarPlot(array($bplot1, $bplot2, $bplot3)); $gbarplot->SetWidth(0.6); $graph->Add($gbarplot);