Example #1
  * Implements the _run() abstract method
 function _run()
     if ($this->getState() == 'postrun') {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Already finished");
     } else {
     // Try to step the archiver
     $archive = Factory::getArchiverEngine();
     $ret = $archive->transformJPA($this->xformIndex, $this->offset);
     // Error propagation
     if ($ret !== false && $archive->getError() == '') {
         $this->offset = $ret['offset'];
         $this->xformIndex = $ret['index'];
     // Check for completion
     if ($ret['done']) {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, __CLASS__ . ":: archive is initialized");
     // Calculate percentage
     $this->runningSize += $ret['chunkProcessed'];
     if ($ret['filesize'] > 0) {
         $this->progress = $this->runningSize / $ret['filesize'];
Example #2
  * Steps the files scanning of the current directory
  * @return  boolean  True on success, false on fatal error
 protected function scanFiles()
     $engine = Factory::getScanEngine();
     list($root, $translated_root, $dir) = $this->getCleanDirectoryComponents();
     // Get a filters instance
     $filters = Factory::getFilters();
     if (is_null($this->getFiles_position)) {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "Scanning files of " . $this->current_directory);
         $this->processed_files_counter = 0;
     } else {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "Resuming scanning files of " . $this->current_directory);
     // Get file listing
     $fileList = $engine->getFiles($this->current_directory, $this->getFiles_position);
     // Error propagation
     // If the list contains "too many" items, please break this step!
     if (Factory::getConfiguration()->get('volatile.breakflag', false)) {
         // Log the step break decision, for debugging reasons
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "Large directory " . $this->current_directory . " while scanning for files; I will resume scanning in next step.");
         // Return immediately, marking that we are not done yet!
         return true;
     // Error control
     if ($this->getError()) {
         return false;
     // Do I have an unreadable directory?
     if ($fileList === false) {
         $this->setWarning('Unreadable directory ' . $this->current_directory);
         $this->done_file_scanning = true;
     } else {
         if (is_array($fileList) && !empty($fileList)) {
             // Add required trailing slash to $dir
             if (!empty($dir)) {
                 $dir .= '/';
             // Scan all directory entries
             foreach ($fileList as $fileName) {
                 $check = $dir . basename($fileName);
                 if (_AKEEBA_IS_WINDOWS) {
                     $check = Factory::getFilesystemTools()->TranslateWinPath($check);
                 // Do I need this? $dir contains a path relative to the root anyway...
                 $check = ltrim(str_replace($translated_root, '', $check), '/');
                 $byFilter = '';
                 $skipThisFile = $filters->isFilteredExtended($check, $root, 'file', 'all', $byFilter);
                 if ($skipThisFile) {
                     Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "Skipping file {$fileName} (filter: {$byFilter})");
                 } else {
                     $this->file_list[] = $fileName;
     // If the scanner engine nullified the next position we are done
     // scanning for files
     if (is_null($this->getFiles_position)) {
         $this->done_file_scanning = true;
     // If the directory was genuinely empty we will have to add an empty
     // directory entry in the archive, otherwise this directory will never
     // be restored.
     if ($this->done_file_scanning && $this->processed_files_counter == 0) {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "Empty directory " . $this->current_directory);
         $archiver = Factory::getArchiverEngine();
         if ($this->current_directory != $this->remove_path_prefix) {
             $archiver->addFile($this->current_directory, $this->remove_path_prefix, $this->path_prefix);
         // Error propagation
         // Check for errors
         if ($this->getError()) {
             return false;
     return true;
Example #3
  * Returns the relative and absolute path to the archive
 protected function getArchiveName()
     $registry = Factory::getConfiguration();
     // Import volatile scripting keys to the registry
     // Determine the extension
     $force_extension = Factory::getEngineParamsProvider()->getScriptingParameter('core.forceextension', null);
     if (is_null($force_extension)) {
         $archiver = Factory::getArchiverEngine();
         $extension = $archiver->getExtension();
     } else {
         $extension = $force_extension;
     // Get the template name
     $templateName = $registry->get('akeeba.basic.archive_name');
     Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Archive template name: {$templateName}");
     // Parse all tags
     $fsUtils = Factory::getFilesystemTools();
     $templateName = $fsUtils->replace_archive_name_variables($templateName);
     Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Expanded template name: {$templateName}");
     $relative_path = $templateName . $extension;
     $absolute_path = $fsUtils->TranslateWinPath($registry->get('akeeba.basic.output_directory') . $ds . $relative_path);
     return array($relative_path, $absolute_path);
Example #4
File: Db.php Project: esorone/efcpw
  * Implements the _finalize() abstract method
  * @return  void
 protected function _finalize()
     // If we are in db backup mode, don't create a databases.ini
     $configuration = Factory::getConfiguration();
     if (!Factory::getEngineParamsProvider()->getScriptingParameter('db.databasesini', 1)) {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Skipping databases.ini");
     } elseif ($this->installerSettings->databasesini) {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Creating databases.ini");
         // Create a new string
         $databasesINI = $this->databases_ini;
         // BEGIN FIX 1.2 Stable -- databases.ini isn't written on disk
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, __CLASS__ . " :: Writing databases.ini contents");
         $archiver = Factory::getArchiverEngine();
         $virtualLocation = Factory::getEngineParamsProvider()->getScriptingParameter('db.saveasname', 'normal') == 'short' ? '' : $this->installerSettings->sqlroot;
         $archiver->addVirtualFile('databases.ini', $virtualLocation, $databasesINI);
         // Error propagation
         if ($this->getError()) {
     // On alldb mode, we have to finalize the archive as well
     if (Factory::getEngineParamsProvider()->getScriptingParameter('db.finalizearchive', 0)) {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "Finalizing database dump archive");
         $archiver = Factory::getArchiverEngine();
         // Error propagation
         if ($this->getError()) {
     // In CLI mode we'll also close the database connection
     if (defined('AKEEBACLI')) {
         Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "Closing the database connection to the main database");
Example #5
  * Set up the Akeeba Restore engine for the current archive
 private function setUpAkeebaRestore()
     $config = Factory::getConfiguration();
     $maxTime = Factory::getTimer()->getTimeLeft();
     $maxTime = floor($maxTime);
     $maxTime = max(2, $maxTime);
     $statistics = Factory::getStatistics();
     $stat = $statistics->getRecord();
     $backup_parts = Factory::getStatistics()->get_all_filenames($stat, false);
     $filePath = array_shift($backup_parts);
     $specialDirs = Platform::getInstance()->get_stock_directories();
     $tmpPath = $specialDirs['[SITETMP]'];
     $archiver = Factory::getArchiverEngine();
     $extension = $archiver->getExtension();
     $extension = strtoupper($extension);
     $extension = ltrim($extension, '.');
     $ksOptions = array('kickstart.tuning.max_exec_time' => $maxTime, 'kickstart.tuning.run_time_bias' => $config->get('akeeba.tuning.run_time_bias', 75), 'kickstart.tuning.min_exec_time' => '0', 'kickstart.procengine' => 'direct', 'kickstart.setup.sourcefile' => $filePath, 'kickstart.setup.destdir' => $tmpPath, 'kickstart.setup.restoreperms' => '0', 'kickstart.setup.filetype' => $extension, 'kickstart.setup.dryrun' => '1', 'kickstart.jps.password' => $config->get('engine.archiver.jps.key', '', false));
     foreach ($ksOptions as $k => $v) {
         \AKFactory::set($k, $v);
     \AKFactory::set('kickstart.enabled', true);
Example #6
  * Creates a new dump part
 protected function getNextDumpPart()
     // On database dump only mode we mustn't create part files!
     if (Factory::getEngineParamsProvider()->getScriptingParameter('db.saveasname', 'normal') == 'output') {
         return false;
     // If the archiver is still processing, quit
     $finished = true;
     $configuration = Factory::getConfiguration();
     $archiver = Factory::getArchiverEngine();
     if ($configuration->get('volatile.engine.archiver.processingfile', false)) {
         return false;
     // We have to add the dump file to the archive
     Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Adding the SQL dump part to the archive");
     $archiver->addFileRenamed($this->tempFile, $this->saveAsName);
     if ($this->getError()) {
         return false;
     $finished = !$configuration->get('volatile.engine.archiver.processingfile', false);
     if (!$finished) {
         return false;
     // Return if the file didn't finish getting added to the archive
     // Remove the old file
     Factory::getLog()->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Removing dump part's temporary file");
     Factory::getTempFiles()->unregisterAndDeleteTempFile($this->tempFile, true);
     // Create the new dump part
     $null = null;
     return true;