/** * Sets the necessary parameter values in the view. * * @param \Aimeos\MW\View\Iface $view The view object which generates the HTML output * @param array &$tags Result array for the list of tags that are associated to the output * @param string|null &$expire Result variable for the expiration date of the output (null for no expiry) * @return \Aimeos\MW\View\Iface Modified view object */ protected function setViewParams(\Aimeos\MW\View\Iface $view, array &$tags = array(), &$expire = null) { if (!isset($this->view)) { if (($pos = $view->param('l_pos')) !== null && ($pid = $view->param('d_prodid')) !== null) { if ($pos < 1) { $start = 0; $size = 2; } else { $start = $pos - 1; $size = 3; } $context = $this->getContext(); $site = $context->getLocale()->getSite()->getCode(); $params = $context->getSession()->get('aimeos/catalog/lists/params/last/' . $site, array()); $filter = $this->getProductListFilterByParam($params); $filter->setSlice($start, $size); $total = null; $controller = \Aimeos\Controller\Frontend\Factory::createController($context, 'catalog'); $products = $controller->getIndexItems($filter, array('text'), $total); if (($count = count($products)) > 1) { $enc = $view->encoder(); $listPos = array_search($pid, array_keys($products)); $target = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/target'); $controller = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/controller', 'catalog'); $action = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/action', 'detail'); $config = $view->config('client/html/catalog/detail/url/config', array()); if ($listPos > 0 && ($product = reset($products)) !== false) { $param = array('d_prodid' => $product->getId(), 'd_name' => $enc->url($product->getName('url ')), 'l_pos' => $pos - 1); $view->navigationPrev = $view->url($target, $controller, $action, $param, array(), $config); } if ($listPos < $count - 1 && ($product = end($products)) !== false) { $param = array('d_prodid' => $product->getId(), 'd_name' => $enc->url($product->getName('url')), 'l_pos' => $pos + 1); $view->navigationNext = $view->url($target, $controller, $action, $param, array(), $config); } } } $this->view = $view; } return $this->view; }