Example #1
File: admin.php Project: ajb/rfpez
  * Gets a list of related items based on a string search param called 'term'
  * @param string	$modelName
  * @param string	$field 		//the relationship field/method name
  * @return array of objects [{id: string} ... {1: 'name'}, ...]
 public function action_search_relation($modelName, $field, $type)
     //try to get the object
     $model = ModelHelper::getModel($modelName);
     //get the search term
     $term = Input::get('term', '');
     $selectedItems = Input::get('selectedItems', false);
     //return the rows
     return Response::json(ModelHelper::getRelationshipSuggestions($model, $field, $type, $selectedItems, $term));
Example #2

use Admin\Libraries\ModelHelper;
use Admin\Libraries\Fields\Field;
use Admin\Libraries\Column;
use Admin\Libraries\Sort;
//View Composers
//admin index view
View::composer('administrator::index', function ($view) {
    //get a model instance that we'll use for constructing stuff
    $modelInstance = ModelHelper::getModel($view->modelName);
    $columns = Column::getColumns($modelInstance);
    $editFields = Field::getEditFields($modelInstance);
    $bundleConfig = Bundle::get('administrator');
    //add the view fields
    $view->modelTitle = Config::get('administrator::administrator.models.' . $view->modelName . '.title', $view->modelName);
    $view->modelSingle = Config::get('administrator::administrator.models.' . $view->modelName . '.single', $view->modelTitle);
    $view->columns = $columns['columns'];
    $view->includedColumns = $columns['includedColumns'];
    $view->primaryKey = $modelInstance::$key;
    $view->sort = Sort::get($modelInstance)->toArray();
    $view->rows = ModelHelper::getRows($modelInstance, $view->sort);
    $view->editFields = $editFields['arrayFields'];
    $view->dataModel = $editFields['dataModel'];
    $view->filters = ModelHelper::getFilters($modelInstance);
    $view->baseUrl = URL::to_route('admin_index');
    $view->bundleHandles = $bundleConfig['handles'];
    $view->expandWidth = ModelHelper::getExpandWidth($modelInstance);
    $view->modelInstance = $modelInstance;
    $view->model = isset($view->model) ? $view->model : false;
Example #3
  * POST method for handling custom actions on the settings page
  * @param SettingsConfig	$config
  * @return JSON
 public function action_settings_custom_action($config)
     $model = ModelHelper::getModel($config, $id, false, true);
     $actionName = Input::get('action_name', false);
     //get the action and perform the custom action
     $action = Action::getByName($config, $actionName);
     $result = $action->perform($model);
     //if the result is a string, return that as an error.
     if (is_string($result)) {
         return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'error' => $result));
     } else {
         if (!$result) {
             return Response::json(array('success' => false, 'error' => $action->messages['error']));
         } else {
             return Response::json(array('success' => true));