public function create_column($column)
     $c = new Column();
     $c->inflected_name = Inflector::instance()->variablize($column['name']);
     $c->name = $column['name'];
     $c->nullable = $column['notnull'] ? false : true;
     $c->pk = $column['pk'] ? true : false;
     $c->auto_increment = $column['type'] == 'INTEGER' && $c->pk;
     $column['type'] = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $column['type']);
     $column['type'] = str_replace(array('(', ')'), ' ', $column['type']);
     $column['type'] = Utils::squeeze(' ', $column['type']);
     $matches = explode(' ', $column['type']);
     if (!empty($matches)) {
         $c->raw_type = strtolower($matches[0]);
         if (count($matches) > 1) {
             $c->length = intval($matches[1]);
     if ($c->type == Column::DATETIME) {
         $c->length = 19;
     } elseif ($c->type == Column::DATE) {
         $c->length = 10;
     // From SQLite3 docs: The value is a signed integer, stored in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
     // or 8 bytes depending on the magnitude of the value.
     // so is it ok to assume it's possible an int can always go up to 8 bytes?
     if ($c->type == Column::INTEGER && !$c->length) {
         $c->length = 8;
     $c->default = $c->cast($column['dflt_value'], $this);
     return $c;
Example #2
function classify($class_name, $singularize = false)
    if ($singularize) {
        $class_name = Utils::singularize($class_name);
    $class_name = Inflector::instance()->camelize($class_name);
    return ucfirst($class_name);
 public function test_singularize()
     $this->assert_equals('order_status', AR\Utils::singularize('order_status'));
     $this->assert_equals('order_status', AR\Utils::singularize('order_statuses'));
     $this->assert_equals('os_type', AR\Utils::singularize('os_type'));
     $this->assert_equals('os_type', AR\Utils::singularize('os_types'));
     $this->assert_equals('photo', AR\Utils::singularize('photos'));
     $this->assert_equals('pass', AR\Utils::singularize('pass'));
     $this->assert_equals('pass', AR\Utils::singularize('passes'));
Example #4
function classify($class_name, $singularize = false)
    if ($singularize) {
        $parts = explode('_', Inflector::instance()->uncamelize($class_name));
        $class_name = '';
        foreach ($parts as $name) {
            $class_name .= '_' . Utils::singularize($name);
        $class_name = ltrim($class_name, '_');
    $class_name = Inflector::instance()->camelize($class_name);
    return ucfirst($class_name);
Example #5
 public function error_messages_for($obj, $obj_name = "", $obj_prefix = "")
     if ($obj->errors && $obj->errors->size()) {
         if ($obj_name == "") {
             $obj_name = \ActiveRecord\Utils::singularize(strtolower(get_class($obj)));
         if ($obj_prefix == "") {
             if (\ActiveRecord\Utils::pluralize_if(2, $obj_name) == "2 " . $obj_name) {
                 $obj_prefix = "these";
             } else {
                 $obj_prefix = "this";
         $html = "<p>" . "<div class=\"flash-error\">" . "<strong>" . $obj->errors->size() . " " . h(\ActiveRecord\Utils::pluralize_if($obj->errors->size(), "error")) . " prohibited " . raw_or_h($obj_prefix) . " " . raw_or_h($obj_name) . " from being " . ($obj->is_new_record() ? "created" : "saved") . ":</strong><br />\n";
         foreach ($obj->errors as $err) {
             $html .= raw_or_h($err) . "<br />";
         $html .= "</div>" . "</p>";
         return $html;
Example #6
 private function getPurchases($wantedid, $wantedtype, $whowantsid, $whowantstype){
     $isperm = false;
     $conditions = array();
     if($wantedid > 0){
         $tmpcondition = array('id=?',$wantedid);
         \ActiveRecord\Utils::add_condition($conditions, $tmpcondition);
     if($wantedtype !== ''){
         $tmpcondition = array('purchase_number=?',$wantedtype);
         \ActiveRecord\Utils::add_condition($conditions, $tmpcondition);
     if(($whowantstype !== Menu::ppl_type_admin && !$isperm)){
         //whatever id, status been asked give if they are their related orders only                
         $tmpcondition = array('person_id=?', $whowantsid);
         \ActiveRecord\Utils::add_condition($conditions, $tmpcondition);   
     $result = \Purchase::find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => 'purchase_at desc'));            
     $except = array();
     $include = array('purchaseproducts' => array('include' => array('product')));
     foreach ($result as &$rec) {
         $rec = $rec->to_array(array('include' => $include, 'except' => $except));
     return $result;
 protected function createConditionsFromKeys(Model $model, $condition_keys = [], $value_keys = [])
     $condition_string = \implode('_and_', $condition_keys);
     $condition_values = \array_values($model->getValuesFor($value_keys));
     // return null if all the foreign key values are null so that we don't try to do a query like "id is null"
     if (all(null, $condition_values)) {
         return null;
     $conditions = SQLBuilder::createConditionsFromUnderscoredString(Table::load(\get_class($model))->conn, $condition_string, $condition_values);
     # DO NOT CHANGE THE NEXT TWO LINES. add_condition operates on a reference and will screw options array up
     if (isset($this->options['conditions'])) {
         $options_conditions = $this->options['conditions'];
     } else {
         $options_conditions = [];
     return Utils::addCondition($options_conditions, $conditions);
Example #8
 private function is_blank_with_option($var, &$options)
     return Utils::is_blank($var) && (isset($options['allow_blank']) && $options['allow_blank']);
Example #9
 private function limit($offset, $limit)
     $ret = [];
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM authors ORDER BY name ASC';
     $this->conn->queryAndFetch($this->conn->limit($sql, $offset, $limit), function ($row) use(&$ret) {
         $ret[] = $row;
     $return = new Utils();
     return $return->collect($ret, 'author_id');
Example #10
 protected function _translate_error($attribute, $error)
     if ($this->gettext_available) {
         $attribute = gettext(Utils::human_attribute($attribute));
         $error = gettext($error);
     } else {
         $attribute = Utils::human_attribute($attribute);
     return sprintf($error, $attribute);
 public function tableize($s)
     return Utils::pluralize(\strtolower($this->underscorify($s)));
Example #12
  * Returns all the error messages as an array, including error key.
  * <code>
  * $model->errors->errors();
  * # array(
  * #  "name" => array("Name can't be blank"),
  * #  "state" => array("State is the wrong length (should be 2 chars)")
  * # )
  * </code>
  * @param array $closure Closure to fetch the errors in some other format (optional)
  *                       This closure has the signature function($attribute, $message)
  *                       and is called for each available error message.
  * @return array
 public function to_array($closure = null)
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->errors) {
         foreach ($this->errors as $attribute => $messages) {
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 if (is_null($msg)) {
                 $errors[$attribute][] = $message = preg_match("/^\\^/", $msg) ? preg_replace("/^\\^/", "", $msg) : Utils::human_attribute($attribute) . ' ' . $msg;
                 if ($closure) {
                     $closure($attribute, $message);
     return $errors;
Example #13
  * Returns all the error messages as an array.
  * <code>
  * $model->errors->full_messages();
  * # array(
  * #  "Name can't be blank",
  * #  "State is the wrong length (should be 2 chars)"
  * # )
  * </code>
  * @param array $options Options for messages
  * @return array
 public function full_messages()
     $full_messages = array();
     if ($this->errors) {
         foreach ($this->errors as $attribute => $messages) {
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 if (is_null($msg)) {
                 $full_messages[] = Utils::human_attribute($attribute) . ' ' . $msg;
     return $full_messages;
Example #14
  * Determines if the specified array is a valid Activerecord options array.
  * @param array $array An options array
  * @param bool $throw True to throw an Exceptions if not valid
  * @return boolean True if valid otherwise valse
  * @throws {@link Activerecord} if the array contained any invalid options
 public static function isOptionsHash($array, $throw = true)
     $utils = new Utils();
     if ($utils->isHash($array)) {
         $keys = \array_keys($array);
         $diff = \array_diff($keys, self::$valid_options);
         if (!empty($diff) && $throw) {
             throw new ExceptionActiverecord("Unknown key(s): " . \join(', ', $diff));
         $intersect = \array_intersect($keys, self::$valid_options);
         if (!empty($intersect)) {
             return true;
     return false;
Example #15
 public function keyify($class_name)
     return \strtolower($this->underscorify(Utils::denamespace($class_name))) . '_id';
  * Get the name of the model that fits AR relational convention
  * @param Table $table      Optionally injected Table instance
  * @param boolean $quoted   Whether or not to quote escape the string with SQL-style quotes
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return string
 public static function getConventionalRelationName(Table $table = null, $quoted = false)
     $table = $table ?: static::table();
     $table_name = $table->get_fully_qualified_table_name($quoted);
     return ARUtils::singularize($table_name);
Example #17
 public function render($template, $vars = array())
     /* render(array("partial" => "somedir/file"), array("v" => $v)) */
     if (!is_array($template)) {
         $template = array("action" => $template);
     if (isset($template["status"])) {
     $collection = array();
     if (isset($template["collection"]) && is_array($template["collection"])) {
         if (isset($template["as"])) {
             $collection = array($template["as"] => $template["collection"]);
         } else {
             /* figure out the type of things in the collection */
             $cl = strtolower(get_class($template["collection"][0]));
             if ($cl != "") {
                 $cl = \ActiveRecord\Utils::singularize($cl);
             if ($cl == "") {
                 throw new HalfMoonException("could not figure out type of " . "collection");
             $collection = array($cl => $template["collection"]);
     /* just render text with no layout */
     if (is_array($template) && array_key_exists("text", $template)) {
         if (!$this->content_type_set()) {
             $this->content_type = "text/plain";
         if (Config::log_level_at_least("full")) {
             Log::info("Rendering text");
         print $template["text"];
     } elseif (is_array($template) && array_key_exists("html", $template)) {
         if (!$this->content_type_set()) {
             $this->content_type = "text/html";
         if (Config::log_level_at_least("full")) {
             Log::info("Rendering HTML");
         print $template["html"];
     } elseif (is_array($template) && array_key_exists("json", $template)) {
         if (!$this->content_type_set()) {
             $this->content_type = "application/json";
         if (Config::log_level_at_least("full")) {
             Log::info("Rendering json");
         /* there's no way to know if we were passed a json-encoded string,
          * or a string that needs to be encoded, so just encode everything
          * and hope the user figures it out */
         print json_encode($template["json"]);
     } elseif (is_array($template) && array_key_exists("js", $template)) {
         if (!$this->content_type_set()) {
             $this->content_type = "text/javascript";
         if (Config::log_level_at_least("full")) {
             Log::info("Rendering javascript");
         print $template["js"];
     } else {
         $tf = "";
         /* render a partial template */
         if (is_array($template) && isset($template["partial"])) {
             $tf = $template["partial"];
         } elseif (is_array($template) && isset($template["action"])) {
             $tf = $template["action"];
         } elseif (is_array($template)) {
             $tf = join("", array_values($template));
         } else {
             $tf = $template;
         if (substr($tf, 0, 1) == "/") {
             /* full path, just use it */
         } elseif (strpos($tf, "/") !== false) {
             /* path relative to base view path */
             $tf = HALFMOON_ROOT . "/views/" . $tf;
         } else {
             /* just a file in this controller's directory
              * (AdminSomethingController -> admin_something) */
             $tf = $this->view_template_path() . $tf;
         /* partial template files start with _ */
         if (is_array($template) && isset($template["partial"])) {
             $tf = dirname($tf) . "/_" . basename($tf);
         /* do the actual renders */
         $filename = null;
         /* regular php/html */
         if (file_exists($filename = $tf . ".phtml")) {
             if (!$this->content_type_set()) {
                 $this->content_type = "text/html";
         } elseif (file_exists($filename = $tf . ".pxml")) {
             if (!$this->content_type_set()) {
                 $this->content_type = "application/xml";
         } elseif (file_exists($filename = $tf . ".pjs")) {
             if (!$this->content_type_set()) {
                 $this->content_type = "text/javascript";
         } else {
             throw new MissingTemplate("no template file " . $tf . ".p{html,xml,js}");
         if (count($collection)) {
             $ck = Utils::A(array_keys($collection), 0);
             /* it would be nice to be able to just read the template
              * into a string and eval() it each time to save on i/o,
              * but php won't let us catch parse errors properly and
              * there may be some other fallout */
             foreach ($collection[$ck] as $cobj) {
                 $vars[$ck] = $cobj;
                 $this->_really_render_file($filename, $vars);
         } else {
             $this->_really_render_file($filename, $vars);
     if (!$this->in_view) {
         if (is_array($template) && array_key_exists("layout", $template)) {
             $this::$layout = $template["layout"];
         } elseif ($this->content_type_set() && $this->content_type != static::$DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE) {
             /* if we were called from the controller, we're not outputting
              * html, and no layout was explicitly specified, we probably
              * don't want a layout */
             $this::$layout = false;
     $this->did_render = true;
Example #18
 public function testWrapStringsInArrays()
     $utils = new Utils();
     $x = ['1', ['2']];
     $this->assertEquals([['1'], ['2']], $utils->wrapStringsInArrays($x));
     $x = '1';
     $this->assertEquals([['1']], $utils->wrapStringsInArrays($x));
Example #19
 private function setAssociations()
     require_once __DIR__ . '/Relations/InterfaceRelations.php';
     require_once __DIR__ . '/Relations/AbstractRelations.php';
     $namespace = $this->class->getNamespaceName();
     foreach ($this->class->getStaticProperties() as $name => $definitions) {
         if (!$definitions) {
         foreach (Utils::wrapStringsInArrays($definitions) as $definition) {
             $relationship = null;
             $definition += ['namespace' => $namespace];
             switch ($name) {
                 case 'has_many':
                     $relationship = new HasMany($definition);
                 case 'has_one':
                     $relationship = new HasOne($definition);
                 case 'belongs_to':
                     $relationship = new BelongsTo($definition);
                 case 'has_and_belongs_to_many':
                     $relationship = new HasAndBelongsToMany($definition);
             if ($relationship) {
Example #20
  * Add an error message.
  * @param string $attribute Name of an attribute on the model
  * @param string $msg The error message
 public function add($attribute, $msg)
     $model = $this->modelName;
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         $msg = self::$DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGES['invalid'];
     if (isset($model::$attr_names[$attribute])) {
         $msg = $model::$attr_names[$attribute] . ' ' . $msg;
     } else {
         $msg = Utils::human_attribute($attribute) . ' ' . $msg;
     if (!isset($this->errors[$attribute])) {
         $this->errors[$attribute] = array($msg);
     } else {
         $this->errors[$attribute][] = $msg;
  * Returns all the error messages as an array, including error key.
  * <code>
  * $model->errors->errors();
  * # array(
  * #  "name" => array("Name can't be blank"),
  * #  "state" => array("State is the wrong length (should be 2 chars)")
  * # )
  * </code>
  * @param array $closure Closure to fetch the errors in some other format (optional)
  *                       This closure has the signature function($attribute, $message)
  *                       and is called for each available error message.
  * @return array
 public function toArray($closure = null)
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->errors) {
         foreach ($this->errors as $attribute => $messages) {
             foreach ($messages as $msg) {
                 if (is_null($msg)) {
                 $errors[$attribute][] = $message = Utils::humanAttribute($attribute) . ' ' . $msg;
                 if ($closure) {
                     $closure($attribute, $message);
     return $errors;
Example #22
 private function applyWhereConditions($args)
     require_once 'Expressions.php';
     $num_args = \count($args);
     if ($num_args == 1 && Utils::isHash($args[0])) {
         $hash = \is_null($this->joins) ? $args[0] : $this->prependTableNameToFields($args[0]);
         $e = new Expressions($this->connection, $hash);
         $this->where = $e->toString();
         $this->where_values = Utils::arrayFlatten($e->values());
     } elseif ($num_args > 0) {
         // if the values has a nested array then we'll need to use Expressions to expand the bind marker for us
         $values = \array_slice($args, 1);
         // foreach ($values as $name => &$value) oiginal
         foreach ($values as &$value) {
             if (\is_array($value)) {
                 $e = new Expressions($this->connection, $args[0]);
                 $this->where = $e->toString();
                 $this->where_values = Utils::arrayFlatten($e->values());
         // no nested array so nothing special to do
         $this->where = $args[0];
         $this->where_values =& $values;