function populateFromDomNode($rootNode)
        $children = new xArray($rootNode->get_elements_by_tagname('*'));
        // Tags may occur out of a container.
        if ($children->length() == 0) {
            $children = new xArray(array($rootNode));
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("rel" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btag\\b|\\blicense\\b|\\bbookmark\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->name = $res->get_content();
            $atts = new xArray($res->attributes());
            $url = $atts->detect('return ("href" == $value->name);');
            $this->url = $url ? $url->value : $res->get_content();
            $type = $atts->detect('return ("rel" == $value->name);');
            $this->type = $type->value;
  * Returns current xArray without supplied keys.
  * @param mixed $passedArray Either an array, xArray, or a list of keys to exclude 
  * @return xArray Resulting xArray
 function withoutKeys($passedArray)
     if (!is_array($passedArray) && (is_object($passedArray) && get_class($this) == get_class($passedArray))) {
         $passedArray = $passedArray->toArray();
     if (!is_array($passedArray)) {
         $passedArray = func_get_args();
     $result = new xArray($this->toArray());
     foreach ($passedArray as $reject) {
     return $result;
    function populateFromDomNode($rootNode)
        $children = new xArray($rootNode->get_elements_by_tagname('*'));
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bcategory\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->category = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bclass\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->class = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bdescription\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->description = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bdtend\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->dateEnd = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bdtstart\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->dateStart = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bduration\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->duration = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bnickname\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->nickname = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\blocation\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->location = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bstatus\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->status = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bsummary\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->summary = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\buid\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->uid = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\burl\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $atts = new xArray($res->attributes());
            $url = $atts->detect('return ("href" == $value->name);');
            $this->url = $url ? $url->value : $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\blast-modified\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->lastModified = $res->get_content();
Example #4
    function populateFromDomNode($rootNode)
        $children = new xArray($rootNode->get_elements_by_tagname('*'));
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bclass\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->class = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bfn\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->name = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bgiven-name\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->givenName = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bfamily-name\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->familyName = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\badditional-name\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->additionalName = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bhonorific-prefix\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->honorificPrefix = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bhonorific-suffix\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->honorificSuffix = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bnickname\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->nickname = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bsort-string\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->sortString = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\burl\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $atts = new xArray($res->attributes());
            $url = $atts->detect('return ("href" == $value->name);');
            $this->url = $url ? $url->value : $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bphoto\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $atts = new xArray($res->attributes());
            $src = $atts->detect('return ("src" == $value->name);');
            // IMG tag
            $data = $atts->detect('return ("data" == $value->name);');
            // OBJECT tag
            $this->photo = $src ? $src->value : ($data ? $data->value : false);
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bemail\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $atts = new xArray($res->attributes());
            $url = $atts->detect('return ("href" == $value->name);');
            $this->email = $url ? $url->value : $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btel\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->telephone = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\badr\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->fullAddress = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bpost-office-box\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->poBox = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bextended-address\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->extendedAddress = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bstreet-address\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->streetAddress = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\blocality\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->locality = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bregion\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->region = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bpostal-code\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->postalCode = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bcountry-name\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->countryName = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bgeo\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->fullGeo = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\blatitude\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->latitude = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\blongitude\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->longitude = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btz\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->timezone = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bbday\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->birthday = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btitle\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->title = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\brole\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->role = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\borg\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->organization = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bcategory\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->category = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bnote\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->note = $res->get_content();
     * RelTag-specific first level parser.
     * This is where all the relTags container elements are detected.
     * Accepts a DOM XML node, and returns an xArray of found relTags.
     * Normaly, there should be no need to call this yourself. 
     * Use parseSource method with appropriate parser setup instead.
    function parseRel($child)
        $elems = array();
        $atts = new xArray($child->attributes());
        $class = $atts->detect('

			$valid = array ("tag", "bookmark", "license");

			return ("rel" == $value->name && in_array($value->value, $valid)) ? true : false;

        if ($class) {
            $elems[] = new relElement($child);
        } else {
            foreach ($child->child_nodes() as $n) {
                $res = $this->parseRel($n);
                if ($res) {
                    $elems = array_merge($elems, $res->toArray());
        return new xArray(@$elems);
    function populateFromDomNode($rootNode)
        $children = new xArray($rootNode->get_elements_by_tagname('*'));
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bversion\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->version = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bsummary\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->summary = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btype\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->type = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\breviewer\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->reviewer = new hCard($res);
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bdtreviewed\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->dateReviewed = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\brating\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->rating = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bdescription\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->description = $res->get_content();
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\btags\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->tags = new xArray($this->tags);
            $m = new MicroFormatParser();
            foreach ($res->child_nodes() as $rcn) {
                $e = $m->parseRel($rcn);
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\bpermalink\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->permalink = new relElement($res);
        $res = $children->detect('
			$atts = new xArray($value->attributes());
			return $atts->detect(\'
				return ("class" == $value->name && preg_match("/\\blicense\\b/", $value->value)) 
					? true : false;
        if ($res) {
            $this->license = new relElement($res);