public function query($query, $parameters = array()) { if (!empty($parameters)) { $query = str_replace('?', '%s', $query); $query = $this->wpdb->prepare($query, $parameters); } return $this->wpdb->query($query); }
public function remove_db_tables() { $table = $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_string_pages'; $this->wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table); $table = $this->wpdb->prefix . 'icl_string_urls'; $this->wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table); }
public function launchkey_cron() { $table_name = $this->wpdb->prefix . 'launchkey_sso_sessions'; $dt = new DateTime("- 1 hour"); $dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC")); $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$table_name} WHERE seen < %s", $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function query($sql) { $sql = $this->_prepareSql($sql); $result = $this->_db->query($sql); $this->_checkError(); return $result; }
/** * Performs an SQL query assigning all terms to their correct language equivalent if it exists. * This should only be run after the previous functionality in here has finished. * Afterwards the term counts are recalculated globally, since term assignments bypassing the WordPress Core, * will not trigger any sort of update on those. */ private function reassign_terms() { $update_query = $this->wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$this->wpdb->term_relationships} AS o,\n\t\t\t\t\t{$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations AS ic,\n\t\t\t\t\t{$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations AS iw,\n\t\t\t\t\t{$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translations AS ip,\n\t\t\t\t\t{$this->wpdb->posts} AS p\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET o.term_taxonomy_id = ic.element_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ic.trid = iw.trid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ic.element_type = iw.element_type\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND iw.element_id = o.term_taxonomy_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ic.language_code = ip.language_code\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ip.element_type = CONCAT('post_', p.post_type)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ip.element_id = p.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND o.object_id = p.ID\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND o.term_taxonomy_id != ic.element_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND iw.element_type = %s", 'tax_' . $this->taxonomy); $rows_affected = $this->wpdb->query($update_query); if ($rows_affected) { $term_ids = $this->wpdb->get_col($this->wpdb->prepare("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$this->wpdb->term_taxonomy} WHERE taxonomy = %s", $this->taxonomy)); // Do not run the count update on taxonomies that are not actually registered as proper taxonomy objects, e.g. WooCommerce Product Attributes. $taxonomy_object = $this->sitepress->get_wp_api()->get_taxonomy($this->taxonomy); if ($taxonomy_object && isset($taxonomy_object->object_type)) { $this->sitepress->get_wp_api()->wp_update_term_count($term_ids, $this->taxonomy); } } }
public function tearDown() { // Remove test tables. $this->wpdb->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0'); $this->wpdb->query('DROP TABLE `test_types`'); $this->wpdb->query('DROP TABLE `test_table`'); $this->wpdb->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1'); // Uninstall if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) { define('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', 'tabulate/tabulate.php'); } require __DIR__ . '/../uninstall.php'; parent::tearDown(); }
private function persist() { foreach (array_chunk($this->data, self::INSERT_CHUNK_SIZE) as $chunk) { $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_strings " . '(`language`, `context`, `gettext_context`, `domain_name_context_md5`, `name`, `value`, `status`) VALUES '; $i = 0; foreach ($chunk as $string) { if ($i > 0) { $query .= ','; } $query .= $this->wpdb->prepare("('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", $this->get_source_lang($string['name'], $string['domain']), $string['domain'], $string['gettext_context'], md5($string['domain'] . $string['name'] . $string['gettext_context']), $string['name'], $string['value'], ICL_TM_NOT_TRANSLATED); $i++; } $this->wpdb->query($query); } }
/** * Perform a MySQL database query, using current database connection. * * @see wpdb::query() * * @param string $query Database query * @return int|false Number of rows affected/selected or false on error */ function query($query) { if (!$this->ready) { if (isset($this->check_current_query)) { // This property was introduced in WP 4.2 $this->check_current_query = true; } return false; } if ($this->show_errors) { $this->hide_errors(); } $result = parent::query($query); if (!SAVEQUERIES) { return $result; } $i = $this->num_queries - 1; $this->queries[$i]['trace'] = new QM_Backtrace(array('ignore_items' => 1)); if ($this->last_error) { $this->queries[$i]['result'] = new WP_Error('qmdb', $this->last_error); } else { $this->queries[$i]['result'] = $result; } return $result; }
/** * Update or insert a license. * * @param Wslm_ProductLicense|array $license * @return Wslm_ProductLicense */ public function saveLicense($license) { if (is_array($license)) { $license = new Wslm_ProductLicense($license); } $data = $license->getData(); //The license object might have some virtual or computed fields that don't exist in the DB. //If we try to update/insert those, we'll get an SQL error. So lets filter the data array //to ensure only valid fields are included in the query. $licenseDbFields = array('license_id', 'license_key', 'product_id', 'product_slug', 'customer_id', 'status', 'issued_on', 'expires_on', 'max_sites'); $licenseDbFields = apply_filters('wslm_license_db_fields', $licenseDbFields); $data = array_intersect_key($data, array_flip($licenseDbFields)); if (is_numeric($data['expires_on'])) { $data['expires_on'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $data['expires_on']); } if ($license->get('license_id') === null) { //wpdb converts null values to "0" which is not what we want. //When inserting, we can simply strip them and let the DB fill in the blanks with NULLs. $data = array_filter($data, __CLASS__ . '::isNotNull'); $this->wpdb->insert($this->tablePrefix . 'licenses', $data); $license['license_id'] = $this->wpdb->insert_id; } else { //When updating, we need to check for nulls and treat them differently, //so we can't use $wpdb->update here. $query = "UPDATE {$this->tablePrefix}licenses SET "; $expressions = array(); foreach ($data as $field => $value) { $expressions[] = $field . ' = ' . ($value === null ? 'NULL' : $this->wpdb->prepare('%s', $value)); } $query .= implode(', ', $expressions); $query .= ' WHERE license_id = ' . absint($license['license_id']); $this->wpdb->query($query); } return $license; }
public function tearDown() { // Remove test tables. $this->wpdb->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0'); $this->wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_types`'); $this->wpdb->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `test_table`'); $this->wpdb->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1'); $ct = new \WordPress\Tabulate\DB\ChangeTracker($this->wpdb); $ct->close_changeset(); // Uninstall if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) { define('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN', 'tabulate/tabulate.php'); } require __DIR__ . '/../uninstall.php'; parent::tearDown(); }
/** * Save entity to database. * * @return int|false */ public function save() { // Prepare query data. $set = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($this->values as $field => $value) { if ($field == 'id') { continue; } if ($value === null) { $set[] = sprintf('`%s` = NULL', $field); } else { $set[] = sprintf('`%s` = %s', $field, $this->formats[$field]); $values[] = $value; } } // Run query. if ($this->values['id']) { $res = $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare(sprintf('UPDATE `%s` SET %s WHERE `id` = %d', $this->table_name, implode(', ', $set), $this->values['id']), $values)); } else { $res = $this->wpdb->query($this->wpdb->prepare(sprintf('INSERT INTO `%s` SET %s', $this->table_name, implode(', ', $set)), $values)); if ($res) { $this->values['id'] = $this->wpdb->insert_id; } } return $res; }
/** * Delete all content from model's table * @return PMAI_Model */ public function truncateTable() { if (FALSE !== $this->wpdb->query("TRUNCATE $this->table")) { return $this; } else { throw new Exception($this->wpdb->last_error); } }
function toggle() { if (!$this->id) { return false; } $this->dirty = true; return $this->db->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET active = NOT active WHERE id = %d', MEMBERSHIP_TABLE_COMMUNICATIONS, $this->id)); }
/** * Delete relationships. * * @param int $site_1 * @param int $site_2 Optional. If left out, all relations will be deleted. * @return int */ public function delete_relation($site_1, $site_2 = 0) { $site_1 = (int) $site_1; $site_2 = (int) $site_2; $sql = "DELETE FROM {$this->link_table_name} WHERE (`site_1` = {$site_1} OR `site_2` = {$site_1})"; if (0 < $site_2) { $sql .= " AND (`site_1` = {$site_2} OR `site_2` = {$site_2})"; } return (int) $this->wpdb->query($sql); }
/** * Insert default content into the given table. * * @param Mlp_Db_Schema_Interface $db_info Table information. * @param array $columns Table columns. * * @return int|bool */ private function insert_default(Mlp_Db_Schema_Interface $db_info, array $columns) { $table = $db_info->get_table_name(); // Bail if the table already exists if ($this->wpdb->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table}'")) { return 0; } $content = $db_info->get_default_content(); if (empty($content)) { return 0; } $to_remove = $db_info->get_autofilled_keys(); foreach ($to_remove as $remove_key) { unset($columns[$remove_key]); } $keys = join(",", array_keys($columns)); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ( {$keys} ) VALUES " . $content; return $this->wpdb->query($sql); }
function reset_pro_translation_configuration() { $translation_service_name = $this->TranslationProxy->get_current_service_name(); $this->sitepress->set_setting('content_translation_languages_setup', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('content_translation_setup_complete', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('content_translation_setup_wizard_step', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('translator_choice', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('icl_lang_status', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('icl_balance', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('icl_support_ticket_id', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('icl_current_session', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('last_get_translator_status_call', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('last_icl_reminder_fetch', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('icl_account_email', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('translators_management_info', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('site_id', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('access_key', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('ts_site_id', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('ts_access_key', false); if (class_exists('TranslationProxy_Basket')) { //Cleaning the basket TranslationProxy_Basket::delete_all_items_from_basket(); } $sql_for_remote_rids = $this->wpdb->prepare("FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translation_status\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\tWHERE translation_service != 'local'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\tAND translation_service != 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND status IN ( %d, %d )", ICL_TM_WAITING_FOR_TRANSLATOR, ICL_TM_IN_PROGRESS); //Delete all translation service jobs with status "waiting for translator" or "in progress" $this->wpdb->query("DELETE FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_translate_job WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid {$sql_for_remote_rids})"); //Delete all translation statuses with status "waiting for translator" or "in progress" $this->wpdb->query("DELETE {$sql_for_remote_rids}"); //Cleaning up Translation Proxy settings $this->sitepress->set_setting('icl_html_status', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('language_pairs', false); if (!$this->TranslationProxy->has_preferred_translation_service()) { $this->sitepress->set_setting('translation_service', false); $this->sitepress->set_setting('icl_translation_projects', false); } $this->sitepress->save_settings(); $this->wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_core_status"); $this->wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_content_status"); $this->wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_string_status"); $this->wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_node"); $this->wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_reminders"); if ($this->TranslationProxy->has_preferred_translation_service() && $translation_service_name) { $confirm_message = 'The translation process with %1$s was reset.'; } elseif ($translation_service_name) { $confirm_message = 'Your site was successfully disconnected from %1$s. Go to the translators tab to connect a new %1$s account or use a different translation service.'; } else { $confirm_message = 'PRO translation has been reset.'; } $response = sprintf(__($confirm_message, 'wpml-translation-management'), $translation_service_name); return $response; }
/** * Performs cached delete query * * @author Panagiotis Vagenas <*****@*****.**> * @since 1.0.0 */ private function performDeleteQuery() { if (!empty($this->delete)) { $query = ''; $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->tableName . 'WHERE '; foreach ($this->delete as $k => $v) { $query .= ' (pid1 = ' . $v['pid1'] . ' AND pid2 = ' . $v['pid2'] . ') '; $query .= 'OR (pid1 = ' . $v['pid2'] . ' AND pid2 = ' . $v['pid1'] . ') OR'; } if (!empty($query)) { $query = rtrim($query, "OR"); $this->db->query($query . ';'); } } }
function insertorupdate($table, $query) { $fields = array_keys($query); $formatted_fields = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $form = '%s'; $formatted_fields[] = $form; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` (`" . implode('`,`', $fields) . "`) VALUES ('" . implode("','", $formatted_fields) . "')"; $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE "; $dup = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $dup[] = "`" . $field . "` = VALUES(`" . $field . "`)"; } $sql .= implode(',', $dup); return $this->db->query($this->db->prepare($sql, $query)); }
/** * Remove entries older than a week in the IP log. */ public function rotateIPLog() { // default to weekly $interval = 'FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 7 day)) / 86400)'; switch (wfConfig::get('email_summary_interval', 'weekly')) { case 'biweekly': $interval = 'FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 14 day)) / 86400)'; break; case 'monthly': $interval = 'FLOOR(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(NOW(), interval 1 month)) / 86400)'; break; } $this->db->query(<<<SQL DELETE FROM {$this->db->base_prefix}wfBlockedIPLog WHERE unixday < {$interval} SQL ); }
/** * Insert default content into the given table. * * @param Mlp_Db_Schema_Interface $db_info Table information. * @param array $columns Table columns. * * @return int|bool */ private function insert_default(Mlp_Db_Schema_Interface $db_info, array $columns) { $table = $db_info->get_table_name(); // Bail if the table is not empty $temp = $this->wpdb->query("SELECT 1 FROM {$table} LIMIT 1"); if ($temp) { return 0; } $content = $db_info->get_default_content(); if (empty($content)) { return 0; } $to_remove = $db_info->get_autofilled_keys(); foreach ($to_remove as $remove_key) { unset($columns[$remove_key]); } $keys = join(",", array_keys($columns)); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$keys}) VALUES {$content};"; return $this->wpdb->query($sql); }
/** * Perform a MySQL database query, using current database connection. * * @see wpdb::query() * * @param string $query Database query * @return int|false Number of rows affected/selected or false on error */ function query($query) { if (!$this->ready) { return false; } if ($this->show_errors) { $this->hide_errors(); } $result = parent::query($query); if (!SAVEQUERIES) { return $result; } $i = $this->num_queries - 1; $this->queries[$i]['trace'] = new QM_Backtrace(); if ($this->last_error) { $this->queries[$i]['result'] = new WP_Error('qmdb', $this->last_error); } else { $this->queries[$i]['result'] = $result; } return $result; }
/** * Upgrade routine * - Creates log table on plugin activation * - Migrates table structure on updates */ public function upgrade() { $log_db_version = get_option(self::OPTION_DB_VERSION, 0); // only run upgrade routine when database version is lower than code version if (version_compare(self::DB_VERSION, $log_db_version, '<=')) { return; } global $charset_collate; // don't show errors as this would mess with plugin activation $this->db->hide_errors(); // Create table if it does not exist $sql = "\n\t\tCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$this->table_name} (\n ID BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n list_ids VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n method VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,\n success TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1,\n\t\tdata TEXT NULL,\n related_object_ID BIGINT(20) NULL,\n url VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '',\n datetime timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,\n PRIMARY KEY (ID)\n\t\t) {$charset_collate}"; $this->db->query($sql); // update to v1.0.4 if (version_compare($log_db_version, '1.0.4', '<=')) { // change 'sign-up_form' in 'sign-up-form'; $this->db->query("UPDATE `{$this->table_name}` SET `signup_type` = 'sign-up-form' WHERE `signup_type` = 'sign-up_form'"); } // update to v1.1 if (version_compare($log_db_version, '1.1', '<=')) { // merge columns `form_ID` and `comment_ID` into `related_object_ID` $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->table_name}` CHANGE COLUMN `form_ID` `related_object_ID` BIGINT(20)"); $this->db->query("UPDATE `{$this->table_name}` SET `related_object_ID` = `comment_ID` WHERE `related_object_ID` = 0 AND `comment_ID` > 0 "); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->table_name}` DROP COLUMN `comment_ID`"); // add 'success' column $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->table_name}` ADD COLUMN `success` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1"); // rename columns $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->table_name}` CHANGE COLUMN `signup_method` `method` VARCHAR(255)"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->table_name}` CHANGE COLUMN `signup_type` `type` VARCHAR(255)"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->table_name}` CHANGE COLUMN `merge_vars` `data` TEXT"); // alter datatype of `datetime` $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `{$this->table_name}` CHANGE COLUMN `datetime` `datetime` timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); // change `sign-up-form` to just `form` $this->db->query("UPDATE `{$this->table_name}` SET `type` = 'form' WHERE `type` = 'sign-up-form'"); } $this->db->show_errors(); update_option(self::OPTION_DB_VERSION, self::DB_VERSION); }
/** * Update mlp_multilingual_linked table and set type to "post" if empty * * @param Mlp_Db_Schema_Interface $linked * @return void */ private function update_type_column(Mlp_Db_Schema_Interface $linked) { $table = $linked->get_table_name(); $this->wpdb->query('UPDATE ' . $table . ' set ml_type = "post" WHERE ml_type != "term"'); }
$wpdb = new wpdb(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); $queryText = $_REQUEST['query']; $start = 0; $column = $_REQUEST['sort']; $callback = $_REQUEST['callback']; $department = $_REQUEST['node']; $direction = $_REQUEST['dir']; if (!$direction) { $direction = 'asc'; } if (!$department) { $column = 'column'; } $end = $start + limit; $SQL = "select distinct department from extia order by department asc"; $numRecords = $wpdb->query($SQL); $records = $wpdb->get_results($SQL); while (list($num, $record) = each($records)) { $SQL = "select count(id) count from extia where department = '" . $record->department . "'order by department asc"; $wpdb->query($SQL); $rows = $wpdb->get_results($SQL); $record->numEmployees = $rows[0]->count; } if ($callback) { print $callback . "("; } print json_encode($records); if ($callback) { print ");"; } #}
/** * @see wpdb::query() */ function query($query) { // write operations may need to invalidate the cache if (preg_match('/^\\s*(create|alter|truncate|drop|insert|delete|update|replace)\\s/i', $query)) { // do not reset the cache if this query is on the whitelist $invalidate_cache = true; foreach (self::$CACHE_WRITE_WHITELIST as $item) { if (strpos($query, $item) !== false) { $invalidate_cache = false; break; } } if ($invalidate_cache) { $this->set_cache_info('last_reset_query', $query); $this->reset_cache(); } } return parent::query($query); }
require_once "{$root}/wp-includes/wp-db.php"; require_once "{$root}/wp-includes/functions.php"; $wpdb = new wpdb(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); $start = 0; $callback = $_REQUEST['callback']; $direction = $_REQUEST['dir']; $end = $start + limit; // // // $SQL = "select count(id) total from extia"; // $wpdb->query($SQL); // $records = $wpdb->get_results($SQL); // // $total = $records[0]->total; $SQL = "select DATE_FORMAT(datehired, '%Y') datehired from extia order by datehired asc limit 1"; $wpdb->query($SQL); $records = $wpdb->get_results($SQL); $companyEpoch = $startyear = $records[0]->datehired; $SQL = "select DATE_FORMAT(datehired, '%Y') datehired from extia order by datehired desc limit 1"; $wpdb->query($SQL); $records = $wpdb->get_results($SQL); $endyear = $records[0]->datehired; // $firstyear; // $firstyear->total = 1; // $firstyear->year = 1999; // $startyear = 1998; // $newHireData = array(0=>$firstyear); $newHireData = array(); while ($startyear <= $endyear) { $plusone = $startyear + 1; $SQL = "select count(id) newhires from extia where datehired between '{$startyear}-01-01 00:00:00' and '{$plusone}-01-01 00:00:00'";
public function save_db($counter, $id) { global $wpdb; $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $chgnac = TRUE; $all_files = array(); $paypal = array(); $paypal['item_name'] = array(); $paypal['quantity'] = array(); $paypal['amount'] = array(); $is_amount = false; $paypal['on_os'] = array(); $total = 0; $form_currency = '$'; $currency_code = array('USD', 'EUR', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'CAD', 'MXN', 'HKD', 'HUF', 'NOK', 'NZD', 'SGD', 'SEK', 'PLN', 'AUD', 'DKK', 'CHF', 'CZK', 'ILS', 'BRL', 'TWD', 'MYR', 'PHP', 'THB'); $currency_sign = array('$', '€', '£', '¥', 'C$', 'Mex$', 'HK$', 'Ft', 'kr', 'NZ$', 'S$', 'kr', 'zl', 'A$', 'kr', 'CHF', 'Kc', '₪', 'R$', 'NT$', 'RM', '₱', '฿'); $form = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "formmaker WHERE id= %d", $id)); $id_old = $id; if (!$form->form_front) { $id = ''; } if ($form->payment_currency) { $form_currency = $currency_sign[array_search($form->payment_currency, $currency_code)]; } $old = false; if (isset($form->form)) { $old = true; } $label_id = array(); $label_label = array(); $label_type = array(); $disabled_fields = explode(',', isset($_REQUEST["disabled_fields" . $id]) ? $_REQUEST["disabled_fields" . $id] : ""); $disabled_fields = array_slice($disabled_fields, 0, count($disabled_fields) - 1); if ($old == false || $old == true && $form->form == '') { $label_all = explode('#****#', $form->label_order_current); } else { $label_all = explode('#****#', $form->label_order); } $label_all = array_slice($label_all, 0, count($label_all) - 1); foreach ($label_all as $key => $label_each) { $label_id_each = explode('#**id**#', $label_each); array_push($label_id, $label_id_each[0]); $label_order_each = explode('#**label**#', $label_id_each[1]); array_push($label_label, $label_order_each[0]); array_push($label_type, $label_order_each[1]); } $max = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX( group_id ) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits"); $fvals = array(); if ($old == FALSE || $old == TRUE && $form->form == '') { foreach ($label_type as $key => $type) { $value = ''; if ($type == "type_submit_reset" or $type == "type_map" or $type == "type_editor" or $type == "type_captcha" or $type == "type_recaptcha" or $type == "type_button" or $type == "type_paypal_total" or $type == "type_send_copy") { continue; } $i = $label_id[$key]; if (!in_array($i, $disabled_fields)) { switch ($type) { case 'type_text': case 'type_password': case 'type_textarea': case "type_submitter_mail": case "type_date": case "type_own_select": case "type_country": case "type_number": $value = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) : ""; break; case "type_wdeditor": $value = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . '_wd_editor' . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . '_wd_editor' . $id]) : ""; break; case "type_mark_map": $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_long" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_long" . $id] : "") . '***map***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_lat" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_lat" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_date_fields": $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_day" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_day" . $id] : "") . '-' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_month" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_month" . $id] : "") . '-' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_year" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_year" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_time": $ss = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_ss" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_ss" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($ss)) { $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hh" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hh" . $id] : "") . ':' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_mm" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_mm" . $id] : "") . ':' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_ss" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_ss" . $id] : ""); } else { $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hh" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hh" . $id] : "") . ':' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_mm" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_mm" . $id] : ""); } $am_pm = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_am_pm" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_am_pm" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($am_pm)) { $value = $value . ' ' . $am_pm; } break; case "type_phone": $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_first" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_first" . $id] : "") . ' ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_last" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_last" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_name": $element_title = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_title" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_title" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element_title)) { $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_title" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_title" . $id]) : "") . '@@@' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_first" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_first" . $id]) : "") . '@@@' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_last" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_last" . $id]) : "") . '@@@' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_middle" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_middle" . $id]) : ""); } else { $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_first" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_first" . $id]) : "") . '@@@' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_last" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_last" . $id]) : ""); } break; case 'type_address': $value = '*#*#*#'; $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_street1" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_street1" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_street2" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_street2" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_city" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_city" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_state" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_state" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_postal" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_postal" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_country" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_country" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } break; case "type_hidden": $value = isset($_POST[$label_order_original[$key]]) ? esc_html($_POST[$label_order_original[$key]]) : ""; break; case "type_radio": $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_other_input" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_other_input" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } $value = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : ""; break; case "type_checkbox": $start = -1; $value = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) { $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $start = $j; break; } } $other_element_id = -1; $is_other = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other" . $id] : ""; if ($is_other == "yes") { $other_element_id = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other_num" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other_num" . $id] : ""; } if ($start != -1) { for ($j = $start; $j < 100; $j++) { $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : NULL; if (isset($element)) { if ($j == $other_element_id) { $value = $value . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_other_input" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_other_input" . $id] : "") . '***br***'; } else { $value = $value . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : "") . '***br***'; } } } } break; case "type_paypal_price": $value = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_dollars" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_dollars" . $id] : 0; $value = (int) preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $value); if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_cents" . $id])) { $value = $value . '.' . preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_cents" . $id]); } $total += (double) $value; $paypal_option = array(); if ($value != 0) { $quantity = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key]); array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], $value); $is_amount = true; array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); } $value = $value . $form_currency; break; case "type_paypal_select": if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] != '') { $value = $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id] . ' : ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : "") . $form_currency; } else { $value = ''; } $quantity = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; $total += (double) (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : 0) * $quantity; array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key] . ' ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id] : "")); array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : ""); if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] != 0) { $is_amount = true; } $element_quantity = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($element_quantity) && $value != '') { $value .= '***br***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id] : "") . ': ' . $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] . '***quantity***'; } $paypal_option = array(); $paypal_option['on'] = array(); $paypal_option['os'] = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val) && $value != '') { array_push($paypal_option['on'], isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : ""); array_push($paypal_option['os'], isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] : ""); $value .= '***br***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : "") . ': ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] : "") . '***property***'; } } array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); break; case "type_paypal_radio": if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id])) { $value = $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id] . ' : ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : "") . $form_currency; } else { $value = ''; } $quantity = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; $total += (double) (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : 0) * $quantity; array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key] . ' ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id] : "")); array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : 0); if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] != 0) { $is_amount = true; } $element_quantity = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($element_quantity) && $value != '') { $value .= '***br***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id] : "") . ': ' . $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] . '***quantity***'; } $paypal_option = array(); $paypal_option['on'] = array(); $paypal_option['os'] = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val) && $value != '') { array_push($paypal_option['on'], isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : ""); array_push($paypal_option['os'], $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]); $value .= '***br***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : "") . ': ' . $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] . '***property***'; } } array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); break; case "type_paypal_shipping": if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id])) { $value = $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id] . ' : ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : "") . $form_currency; } else { $value = ''; } $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_label" . $id] : "") . ' - ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : "") . $form_currency; $paypal['shipping'] = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : ""; break; case "type_paypal_checkbox": $start = -1; $value = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) { $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $start = $j; break; } } $other_element_id = -1; $is_other = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other" . $id] : ""; if ($is_other == "yes") { $other_element_id = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other_num" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_allow_other_num" . $id] : ""; } if ($start != -1) { for ($j = $start; $j < 100; $j++) { $element = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : NULL; if (isset($element)) { if ($j == $other_element_id) { $value = $value . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_other_input" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_other_input" . $id] : "") . '***br***'; } else { $value = $value . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"] : "") . ' - ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] == '' ? '0' : (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : "")) . $form_currency . '***br***'; $quantity = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] >= 1 ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; $total += (double) (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : 0) * (double) $quantity; array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key] . ' ' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"] : "")); array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] == '' ? '0' : $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] : ""); if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . $j] != 0) { $is_amount = TRUE; } $paypal_option = array(); $paypal_option['on'] = array(); $paypal_option['os'] = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val)) { array_push($paypal_option['on'], isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : ""); array_push($paypal_option['os'], $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]); } } array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); } } } $element_quantity = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($element_quantity)) { $value .= (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id] : "") . ': ' . $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_quantity" . $id] . '***quantity***'; } for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val)) { $value .= '***br***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : "") . ': ' . $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_property" . $id . $k] . '***property***'; } } } break; case "type_star_rating": if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_selected_star_amount" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_selected_star_amount" . $id] == "") { $selected_star_amount = 0; } else { $selected_star_amount = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_selected_star_amount" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_selected_star_amount" . $id] : 0; } $value = $selected_star_amount . '/' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_star_amount" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_star_amount" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_scale_rating": $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_scale_radio" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_scale_radio" . $id] : 0) . '/' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_scale_amount" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_scale_amount" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_spinner": $value = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id] : ""; break; case "type_slider": $value = isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_slider_value" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_slider_value" . $id] : ""; break; case "type_range": $value = (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . '0']) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . '0'] : "") . '-' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . '1']) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . '1'] : ""); break; case "type_grading": $value = ""; $items = explode(":", isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_item" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_item" . $id] : ""); for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($items) - 1; $k++) { $value .= (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . '_' . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_element" . $id . '_' . $k] : "") . ':'; } $value .= (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_item" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_item" . $id] : "") . '***grading***'; break; case "type_matrix": $rows_of_matrix = explode("***", isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_row" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_row" . $id] : ""); $rows_count = sizeof($rows_of_matrix) - 1; $column_of_matrix = explode("***", isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_column" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_column" . $id] : ""); $columns_count = sizeof($column_of_matrix) - 1; if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id] == "radio") { $input_value = ""; for ($k = 1; $k <= $rows_count; $k++) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_element" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_element" . $id . $k] : 0) . "***"; } } if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id] == "checkbox") { $input_value = ""; for ($k = 1; $k <= $rows_count; $k++) { for ($j = 1; $j <= $columns_count; $j++) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_element" . $id . $k . '_' . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_element" . $id . $k . '_' . $j] : 0) . "***"; } } } if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id] == "text") { $input_value = ""; for ($k = 1; $k <= $rows_count; $k++) { for ($j = 1; $j <= $columns_count; $j++) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_element" . $id . $k . '_' . $j]) ? esc_html($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_element" . $id . $k . '_' . $j]) : "") . "***"; } } } if (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id] == "select") { $input_value = ""; for ($k = 1; $k <= $rows_count; $k++) { for ($j = 1; $j <= $columns_count; $j++) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_select_yes_no" . $id . $k . '_' . $j]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_select_yes_no" . $id . $k . '_' . $j] : "") . "***"; } } } $value = $rows_count . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_row" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_row" . $id] : "") . '***' . $columns_count . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_column" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_hidden_column" . $id] : "") . '***' . (isset($_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id]) ? $_POST['wdform_' . $i . "_input_type" . $id] : "") . '***' . $input_value . '***matrix***'; break; } if ($type == "type_address") { if ($value == '*#*#*#') { continue; } } if ($type == "type_text" or $type == "type_password" or $type == "type_textarea" or $type == "type_name" or $type == "type_submitter_mail" or $type == "type_number" or $type == "type_phone") { $untilupload = $form->form_fields; $untilupload = substr($untilupload, strpos($untilupload, $i . '*:*id*:*' . $type), -1); $untilupload = substr($untilupload, 0, strpos($untilupload, '*:*new_field*:')); $untilupload = explode('*:*w_required*:*', $untilupload); $untilupload = $untilupload[1]; $untilupload = explode('*:*w_unique*:*', $untilupload); $unique_element = $untilupload[0]; if ($unique_element == 'yes') { $unique = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits WHERE form_id= %d and element_label= %s and element_value= %s", $id, $i, addslashes($value))); if ($unique) { echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes(__('This field %s requires a unique entry and this value was already submitted.', 'form_maker')) . "'.replace('%s','" . $label_label[$key] . "'));</script>"; return array($max + 1); } } } $save_or_no = TRUE; $fvals['{' . $i . '}'] = str_replace(array("***map***", "*@@url@@*", "@@@@@@@@@", "@@@", "***grading***", "***br***"), array(" ", "", " ", " ", " ", ", "), addslashes($value)); if ($form->savedb) { $save_or_no = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits", array('form_id' => $id, 'element_label' => $i, 'element_value' => stripslashes($value), 'group_id' => $max + 1, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'user_id_wd' => $current_user->ID), array('%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')); } if (!$save_or_no) { return FALSE; } $chgnac = FALSE; } } } else { foreach ($label_type as $key => $type) { $value = ''; if ($type == "type_submit_reset" or $type == "type_map" or $type == "type_editor" or $type == "type_captcha" or $type == "type_recaptcha" or $type == "type_button" or $type == "type_paypal_total") { continue; } $i = $label_id[$key]; if ($type != "type_address") { $deleted = isset($_POST[$i . "_type" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_type" . $id] : NULL; if (!isset($deleted)) { break; } } if ($type == 'type_paypal_total') { continue; } switch ($type) { case 'type_text': case 'type_password': case 'type_textarea': case "type_submitter_mail": case "type_date": case "type_own_select": case "type_country": case "type_number": $value = isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) : ""; break; case "type_mark_map": $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_long" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_long" . $id] : "") . '***map***' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_lat" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_lat" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_date_fields": $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_day" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_day" . $id] : "") . '-' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_month" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_month" . $id] : "") . '-' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_year" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_year" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_time": $ss = isset($_POST[$i . "_ss" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_ss" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($ss)) { $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_hh" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_hh" . $id] : "") . ':' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_mm" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_mm" . $id] : "") . ':' . $ss; } else { $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_hh" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_hh" . $id] : "") . ':' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_mm" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_mm" . $id] : ""); } $am_pm = isset($_POST[$i . "_am_pm" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_am_pm" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($am_pm)) { $value = $value . ' ' . $am_pm; } break; case "type_phone": $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_first" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_first" . $id] : "") . ' ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_last" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_last" . $id] : ""); break; case "type_name": $element_title = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_title" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_element_title" . $id]) : NULL; if (isset($element_title)) { $value = $element_title . ' ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_first" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_element_first" . $id]) : "") . ' ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_last" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_element_last" . $id]) : "") . ' ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_middle" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_element_middle" . $id]) : ""); } else { $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_first" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_element_first" . $id]) : "") . ' ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_last" . $id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_element_last" . $id]) : ""); } break; case 'type_address': $value = '*#*#*#'; if (isset($_POST[$i . "_street1" . $id])) { $value = esc_html($_POST[$i . "_street1" . $id]); break; } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_street2" . $id])) { $value = esc_html($_POST[$i . "_street2" . $id]); break; } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_city" . $id])) { $value = esc_html($_POST[$i . "_city" . $id]); break; } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_state" . $id])) { $value = esc_html($_POST[$i . "_state" . $id]); break; } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_postal" . $id])) { $value = esc_html($_POST[$i . "_postal" . $id]); break; } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_country" . $id])) { $value = esc_html($_POST[$i . "_country" . $id]); break; } break; case "type_hidden": $value = isset($_POST[$label_label[$key]]) ? $_POST[$label_label[$key]] : ""; break; case "type_radio": $element = isset($_POST[$i . "_other_input" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_other_input" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($element)) { $value = $element; break; } $value = isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : ""; break; case "type_checkbox": $start = -1; $value = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) { if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j])) { $start = $j; break; } } $other_element_id = -1; $is_other = isset($_POST[$i . "_allow_other" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_allow_other" . $id] : ""; if ($is_other == "yes") { $other_element_id = isset($_POST[$i . "_allow_other_num" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_allow_other_num" . $id] : ""; } if ($start != -1) { for ($j = $start; $j < 100; $j++) { if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j])) { if ($j == $other_element_id) { $value = $value . (isset($_POST[$i . "_other_input" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_other_input" . $id] : "") . '***br***'; } else { $value = $value . $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j] . '***br***'; } } } } break; case "type_paypal_price": $value = 0; if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_dollars" . $id])) { $value = $_POST[$i . "_element_dollars" . $id]; } $value = (int) preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $value); if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_cents" . $id])) { $value = $value . '.' . preg_replace('/\\D/', '', $_POST[$i . "_element_cents" . $id]); } $total += (double) $value; $paypal_option = array(); if ($value != 0) { array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key]); $quantity = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] >= 1 ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], $value); $is_amount = true; array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); } $value = $value . $form_currency; break; case "type_paypal_select": $value = ''; $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id] : "") . ' : ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : "") . $form_currency; $quantity = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] >= 1 ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; $total += (double) (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : 0) * (double) $quantity; array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key] . ' ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id] : "")); array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : ""); if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] != 0) { $is_amount = true; } $element_quantity_label = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($element_quantity_label)) { $value .= '***br***' . $element_quantity_label . ': ' . $quantity; } $paypal_option = array(); $paypal_option['on'] = array(); $paypal_option['os'] = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val)) { array_push($paypal_option['on'], isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : ""); array_push($paypal_option['os'], $temp_val); $value .= '***br***' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : "") . ': ' . $temp_val; } } array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); break; case "type_paypal_radio": $value = ''; if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id] != '') { $value = $_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id] . ' - ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : "") . $form_currency; $quantity = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] >= 1 ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; $total += (double) (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : 0) * (double) $quantity; array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key] . ' ' . $_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id]); array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : ""); if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] != 0) { $is_amount = true; } $element_quantity_label = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id] : NULL; if (isset($element_quantity_label)) { $value .= '***br***' . $element_quantity_label . ': ' . $quantity; } $paypal_option = array(); $paypal_option['on'] = array(); $paypal_option['os'] = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val)) { array_push($paypal_option['on'], isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : ""); array_push($paypal_option['os'], $temp_val); $value .= '***br***' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : "") . ': ' . $temp_val; } } array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); } break; case "type_paypal_shipping": $value = ''; if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id] != '') { $value = $_POST[$i . "_element_label" . $id] . ' - ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : "") . $form_currency; $paypal['shipping'] = isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : ""; } break; case "type_paypal_checkbox": $start = -1; $value = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < 100; $j++) { if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j])) { $start = $j; break; } } $other_element_id = -1; $is_other = isset($_POST[$i . "_allow_other" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_allow_other" . $id] : ""; if ($is_other == "yes") { $other_element_id = isset($_POST[$i . "_allow_other_num" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_allow_other_num" . $id] : ""; } if ($start != -1) { for ($j = $start; $j < 100; $j++) { if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j])) { if ($j == $other_element_id) { $value = $value . (isset($_POST[$i . "_other_input" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_other_input" . $id] : "") . '***br***'; } else { $value = $value . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"] : "") . ' - ' . ($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j] == '' ? '0' : $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j]) . $form_currency . '***br***'; $quantity = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] >= 1 ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; $total += (double) (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j] : 0) * (double) $quantity; array_push($paypal['item_name'], $label_label[$key] . ' ' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j . "_label"] : "")); array_push($paypal['quantity'], $quantity); array_push($paypal['amount'], $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j] == '' ? '0' : $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j]); if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j]) && $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $j] != 0) { $is_amount = TRUE; } $paypal_option = array(); $paypal_option['on'] = array(); $paypal_option['os'] = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val)) { array_push($paypal_option['on'], isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : ""); array_push($paypal_option['os'], $temp_val); } } array_push($paypal['on_os'], $paypal_option); } } } $element_quantity_label = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity_label" . $id] : NULL; $quantity = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] >= 1 ? $_POST[$i . "_element_quantity" . $id] : 1; if (isset($element_quantity_label)) { $value .= $element_quantity_label . ': ' . $quantity . '***br***'; } for ($k = 0; $k < 50; $k++) { $temp_val = isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_value" . $id . $k] : NULL; if (isset($temp_val)) { $value .= (isset($_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element_property_label" . $id . $k] : "") . ': ' . $temp_val . '***br***'; } } } break; case "type_star_rating": if (isset($_POST[$i . "_selected_star_amount" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_selected_star_amount" . $id] != "") { $selected_star_amount = $_POST[$i . "_selected_star_amount" . $id]; } else { $selected_star_amount = 0; } $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_star_amount" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_star_amount" . $id] : '') . '***' . $selected_star_amount . '***' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_star_color" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_star_color" . $id] : '') . '***star_rating***'; break; case "type_scale_rating": $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_scale_radio" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_scale_radio" . $id] : 0) . '/' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_scale_amount" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_scale_amount" . $id] : ''); break; case "type_spinner": $value = isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id] : ''; break; case "type_slider": $value = isset($_POST[$i . "_slider_value" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_slider_value" . $id] : ''; break; case "type_range": $value = (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . '0']) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . '0'] : '') . '-' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . '1']) ? $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . '1'] : ''); break; case "type_grading": $value = ""; if (isset($_POST[$i . "_hidden_item" . $id])) { $items = explode(":", $_POST[$i . "_hidden_item" . $id]); for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($items) - 1; $k++) { if (isset($_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $k])) { $value .= $_POST[$i . "_element" . $id . $k] . ':'; } } $value .= $_POST[$i . "_hidden_item" . $id] . '***grading***'; } break; case "type_matrix": $rows_of_matrix = explode("***", isset($_POST[$i . "_hidden_row" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_hidden_row" . $id] : ""); $rows_count = sizeof($rows_of_matrix) - 1; $column_of_matrix = explode("***", isset($_POST[$i . "_hidden_column" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_hidden_column" . $id] : ""); $columns_count = sizeof($column_of_matrix) - 1; $row_ids = explode(",", substr(isset($_POST[$i . "_row_ids" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_row_ids" . $id] : "", 0, -1)); $column_ids = explode(",", substr(isset($_POST[$i . "_column_ids" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_column_ids" . $id] : "", 0, -1)); if (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id] == "radio") { $input_value = ""; foreach ($row_ids as $row_id) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_element" . $id . $row_id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_input_element" . $id . $row_id] : 0) . "***"; } } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id] == "checkbox") { $input_value = ""; foreach ($row_ids as $row_id) { foreach ($column_ids as $column_id) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_element" . $id . $row_id . '_' . $column_id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_input_element" . $id . $row_id . '_' . $column_id] : 0) . "***"; } } } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id] == "text") { $input_value = ""; foreach ($row_ids as $row_id) { foreach ($column_ids as $column_id) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_element" . $id . $row_id . '_' . $column_id]) ? esc_html($_POST[$i . "_input_element" . $id . $row_id . '_' . $column_id]) : "") . "***"; } } } if (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id]) && $_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id] == "select") { $input_value = ""; foreach ($row_ids as $row_id) { foreach ($column_ids as $column_id) { $input_value .= (isset($_POST[$i . "_select_yes_no" . $id . $row_id . '_' . $column_id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_select_yes_no" . $id . $row_id . '_' . $column_id] : "") . "***"; } } } $value = $rows_count . '***' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_hidden_row" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_hidden_row" . $id] : "") . $columns_count . '***' . (isset($_POST[$i . "_hidden_column" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_hidden_column" . $id] : "") . (isset($_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_input_type" . $id] : "") . '***' . $input_value . '***matrix***'; break; } if ($type == "type_address") { if ($value == '*#*#*#') { // break; ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? continue; } } $unique_element = isset($_POST[$i . "_unique" . $id]) ? $_POST[$i . "_unique" . $id] : ""; if ($unique_element == 'yes') { $unique = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits WHERE form_id= %d and element_label= %s and element_value= %s", $id_old, $i, addslashes($value))); if ($unique) { echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes(__('This field %s requires a unique entry and this value was already submitted.', 'form_maker')) . "'.replace('%s','" . $label_label[$key] . "'));</script>"; return array($max + 1); } } $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $r = $wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits"; $save_or_no = $wpdb->insert($r, array('form_id' => $id_old, 'element_label' => $i, 'element_value' => stripslashes($value), 'group_id' => $max + 1, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $ip, 'user_id_wd' => $current_user->ID), array('%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')); if (!$save_or_no) { return FALSE; } $chgnac = FALSE; } } $queries = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_query WHERE form_id=%d", (int) $id)); if ($queries) { foreach ($queries as $query) { $temp = explode('***wdfcon_typewdf***', $query->details); $con_type = $temp[0]; $temp = explode('***wdfcon_methodwdf***', $temp[1]); $con_method = $temp[0]; $temp = explode('***wdftablewdf***', $temp[1]); $table_cur = $temp[0]; $temp = explode('***wdfhostwdf***', $temp[1]); $host = $temp[0]; $temp = explode('***wdfportwdf***', $temp[1]); $port = $temp[0]; $temp = explode('***wdfusernamewdf***', $temp[1]); $username = $temp[0]; $temp = explode('***wdfpasswordwdf***', $temp[1]); $password = $temp[0]; $temp = explode('***wdfdatabasewdf***', $temp[1]); $database = $temp[0]; $query = str_replace(array_keys($fvals), $fvals, $query->query); if ($con_type == 'remote') { $wpdb_temp = new wpdb($username, $password, $database, $host); $wpdb_temp->query($query); } else { $wpdb->query($query); } } // $wpdb= new wpdb(DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); } $str = ''; if ($form->paypal_mode) { if ($paypal['item_name']) { if ($is_amount) { $tax = $form->tax; $currency = $form->payment_currency; $business = $form->paypal_email; $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $total2 = round($total, 2); $save_or_no = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits", array('form_id' => $id, 'element_label' => 'item_total', 'element_value' => $total2 . $form_currency, 'group_id' => $max + 1, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $ip, 'user_id_wd' => $current_user->ID), array('%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')); if (!$save_or_no) { return false; } $total = $total + $total * $tax / 100; if (isset($paypal['shipping'])) { $total = $total + $paypal['shipping']; } $total = round($total, 2); $save_or_no = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits", array('form_id' => $id, 'element_label' => 'total', 'element_value' => $total . $form_currency, 'group_id' => $max + 1, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $ip, 'user_id_wd' => $current_user->ID), array('%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')); if (!$save_or_no) { return false; } $save_or_no = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "formmaker_submits", array('form_id' => $id, 'element_label' => '0', 'element_value' => 'In progress', 'group_id' => $max + 1, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'ip' => $ip, 'user_id_wd' => $current_user->ID), array('%d', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s', '%d')); if (!$save_or_no) { return false; } $str = ''; if ($form->checkout_mode == "production") { $str .= ""; } else { $str .= ""; } $str .= "currency_code=" . $currency; $str .= "&business=" . urlencode($business); $str .= "&cmd=" . "_cart"; $str .= "¬ify_url=" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=checkpaypal%26form_id=' . $id . '%26group_id=' . ($max + 1)); $str .= "&upload=" . "1"; $str .= "&charset=UTF-8"; if (isset($paypal['shipping'])) { $str = $str . "&shipping_1=" . $paypal['shipping']; // $str=$str."&weight_cart=".$paypal['shipping']; // $str=$str."&shipping2=3".$paypal['shipping']; $str = $str . "&no_shipping=2"; } $i = 0; foreach ($paypal['item_name'] as $pkey => $pitem_name) { if ($paypal['amount'][$pkey]) { $i++; $str = $str . "&item_name_" . $i . "=" . urlencode($pitem_name); $str = $str . "&amount_" . $i . "=" . $paypal['amount'][$pkey]; $str = $str . "&quantity_" . $i . "=" . $paypal['quantity'][$pkey]; if ($tax) { $str = $str . "&tax_rate_" . $i . "=" . $tax; } if ($paypal['on_os'][$pkey]) { foreach ($paypal['on_os'][$pkey]['on'] as $on_os_key => $on_item_name) { $str = $str . "&on" . $on_os_key . "_" . $i . "=" . $on_item_name; $str = $str . "&os" . $on_os_key . "_" . $i . "=" . $paypal['on_os'][$pkey]['os'][$on_os_key]; } } } } } } } if ($chgnac) { global $wpdb; if ($form->submit_text_type != 4) { $_SESSION['massage_after_submit' . $id] = addslashes(addslashes(__('Nothing was submitted.', 'form_maker'))); } $_SESSION['error_or_no' . $id] = 1; $_SESSION['form_submit_type' . $id] = $form->submit_text_type . "," . $form->id; wp_redirect($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); exit; } return array($all_files, $str); }
@($keyost_defaulthelptopicsetting = $_REQUEST['keyost_defaulthelptopicsetting']); @($keyost_contactfilestatus = $_REQUEST['keyost_contactfilestatus'] == "on" ? '1' : '0'); $config = array('host' => $host, 'database' => $database, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'keyost_prefix' => $keyost_prefix, 'keyost_version' => $keyost_version, 'keyost_usercloseticket' => $keyost_usercloseticket, 'supportpage' => $supportpage, 'contactticketpage' => $contactticketpage, 'thankyoupage' => $thankyoupage, 'googlesecretkey' => $googlesecretkey, 'googlesitekey' => $googlesitekey, 'keyost_departmentsetting' => $keyost_departmentsetting, 'keyost_defaultdepartmentsetting' => $keyost_defaultdepartmentsetting, 'keyost_helptopicsetting' => $keyost_helptopicsetting, 'keyost_defaulthelptopicsetting' => $keyost_defaulthelptopicsetting, 'keyost_contactfilestatus' => $keyost_contactfilestatus); if ($_REQUEST['host'] == "" || $_REQUEST['database'] == "" || $_REQUEST['username'] == "" || $_REQUEST['supportpage'] == "") { echo '<div id="failed"><b>' . __("Error:", 'key4ce-osticket-bridge') . '</b>' . __("All fields are required below for the database...", 'key4ce-osticket-bridge') . '</div><div style="clear: both"></div>'; } else { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); global $wpdb; $osticketpagecheck = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) as no FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_content='[addosticket]' AND post_status='publish'"); if ($osticketpagecheck == 0) { wp_insert_post(array('comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_author' => $current_user->ID, 'post_name' => $supportpage, 'post_title' => $supportpage, 'post_content' => '[addosticket]', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'page')); } $contactticketpagecheck = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) as no FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[addoscontact]%' AND post_status='publish'"); if ($contactticketpagecheck <= 0) { wp_insert_post(array('comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'post_author' => $current_user->ID, 'post_name' => get_the_title($contactticketpage), 'post_title' => get_the_title($contactticketpage), 'post_content' => '[addoscontact]', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'page')); } update_option('os_ticket_config', $config); $config = get_option('os_ticket_config'); extract($config); $ost_wpdb = new wpdb($username, $password, $database, $host); $ticket_cdata = $keyost_prefix . 'ticket__cdata'; $crt_cdata = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$ticket_cdata} (\r `ticket_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\r `subject` mediumtext,\r `priority` mediumtext,\r PRIMARY KEY (`ticket_id`)\r ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; $ost_wpdb->query($crt_cdata); global $ost; $ticket_cdata = $keyost_prefix . "ticket__cdata"; $osinstall = "osTicket Installed!"; $osticid = 1; $prior = 2; $result1 = $ost_wpdb->get_results("SELECT ticket_id FROM {$ticket_cdata} WHERE subject = '" . $osinstall . "'"); if (count($result1) > 0) { $row = current($result1);
/** * Check if there are any registered relations for the source blog. * * @param int $source_blog_id * @return boolean */ private function has_related_blogs($source_blog_id) { $sql = "SELECT `ml_id` FROM {$this->link_table} WHERE `ml_blogid` = {$source_blog_id} LIMIT 2"; return 2 == $this->wpdb->query($sql); }
public function remove_active_payment($sub_id, $level_order, $stamp) { $subscription = Membership_Plugin::factory()->get_subscription($sub_id); $level = $subscription->get_level_at_position($level_order); return $this->_wpdb->query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE member_id = %d AND sub_id = %d AND level_id = %d AND level_order = %d AND paymentmade = %d", MEMBERSHIP_TABLE_MEMBER_PAYMENTS, $this->ID, $sub_id, $level->id, $level_order, $stamp)); }