/** * @brief 商品检索,可以直接读取 $_GET 全局变量:attr,order,brand,min_price,max_price * 在检索商品过程中计算商品结果中的进一步属性和规格的筛选 * @param mixed $defaultWhere string(条件) or array('search' => '模糊查找','category_extend' => '商品分类ID','字段' => 对应数据) * @param int $limit 读取数量 * @param bool $isCondition 是否筛选出商品的属性,价格等数据 * @return IQuery */ public static function find($defaultWhere = '', $limit = 21, $isCondition = true) { //获取配置信息 $siteConfigObj = new Config("site_config"); $site_config = $siteConfigObj->getInfo(); $orderArray = array(); //排序 //开始查询 $goodsObj = new IQuery("goods as go"); $goodsObj->page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $goodsObj->fields = ' go.* '; $goodsObj->pagesize = $limit; /*where条件拼接*/ //(1),当前产品分类 $where = ' go.is_del = 0 '; //(2),商品属性,规格筛选 $attrCond = array(); $childSql = ''; $attrArray = IReq::get('attr') ? IFilter::act(IReq::get('attr')) : array(); foreach ($attrArray as $key => $val) { if ($key && $val) { $attrCond[] = ' attribute_id = ' . intval($key) . ' and FIND_IN_SET("' . $val . '",attribute_value)'; } } //合并规格与属性的值,并且生成SQL查询语句 $GoodsId = null; if ($attrCond) { $tempArray = array(); foreach ($attrCond as $key => $cond) { $tempArray[] = '(' . $cond . ')'; } $childSql = join(' or ', $tempArray); $goodsAttrObj = new IQuery('goods_attribute'); $goodsAttrObj->fields = 'goods_id'; $goodsAttrObj->where = $childSql; $goodsAttrObj->group = 'goods_id'; $goodsAttrObj->having = 'count(goods_id) >= ' . count($attrCond); //每个子条件都有一条记录,则存在几个count(条件)必须包含count(goods_id)条数量 $goodsIdArray = $goodsAttrObj->find(); $goodsIds = array(); foreach ($goodsIdArray as $key => $val) { $goodsIds[] = $val['goods_id']; } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($goodsIds) : array_unique(array_intersect($goodsIds, $GoodsId)); } //(3),处理defaultWhere条件 goods, category_extend if ($defaultWhere) { //兼容array 和 string 数据类型的goods条件筛选 $goodsCondArray = array(); if (is_string($defaultWhere)) { $goodsCondArray[] = $defaultWhere; } else { if (is_array($defaultWhere)) { foreach ($defaultWhere as $key => $val) { if (!$val) { continue; } //商品分类检索 if ($key == 'category_extend') { $currentCatGoods = array(); $categoryExtendObj = new IModel('category_extend'); $categoryExtendList = $categoryExtendObj->query("category_id in (" . $val . ")", 'goods_id', 'id', 'desc'); foreach ($categoryExtendList as $key => $val) { $currentCatGoods[] = $val['goods_id']; } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($currentCatGoods) : array_unique(array_intersect($currentCatGoods, $GoodsId)); } else { if ($key == 'search') { $wordWhere = array(); $wordLikeOrder = array(); //检查输入的内容是否为分词形式 if (preg_match("#\\s+#", $defaultWhere['search']) == false) { $wordWhere[] = ' name like "%' . $defaultWhere['search'] . '%" or find_in_set("' . $defaultWhere['search'] . '",search_words) '; $wordLikeOrder[] = $defaultWhere['search']; } //进行分词 if (IString::getStrLen($defaultWhere['search']) >= 4 || IString::getStrLen($defaultWhere['search']) <= 100) { $wordData = words_facade::run($defaultWhere['search']); if (isset($wordData['data']) && count($wordData['data']) >= 2) { foreach ($wordData['data'] as $word) { $wordWhere[] = ' name like "%' . $word . '%" '; $wordLikeOrder[] = $word; } } } //分词排序 if (count($wordLikeOrder) > 1) { $orderTempArray = array(); foreach ($wordLikeOrder as $key => $val) { $orderTempArray[] = "(CASE WHEN name LIKE '%" . $val . "%' THEN " . $key . " ELSE 100 END)"; } $orderArray[] = " (" . join('+', $orderTempArray) . ") asc "; } $goodsCondArray[] = join(' or ', $wordWhere); } else { $goodsCondArray[] = $key . ' = "' . $val . '"'; } } } } } //goods 条件 if ($goodsCondArray) { $goodsDB = new IModel('goods as go'); $goodsCondData = $goodsDB->query(join(" and ", $goodsCondArray), "id"); $goodsCondId = array(); foreach ($goodsCondData as $key => $val) { $goodsCondId[] = $val['id']; } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === null ? array_unique($goodsCondId) : array_unique(array_intersect($goodsCondId, $GoodsId)); } } //过滤商品ID被删除的情况 if ($GoodsId) { if (!isset($goodsDB)) { $goodsDB = new IModel("goods as go"); } $goodsCondData = $goodsDB->query("go.id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ") and go.is_del = 0 ", "id"); $GoodsId = array(); foreach ($goodsCondData as $key => $val) { $GoodsId[] = $val['id']; } } $GoodsId = $GoodsId === array() || $GoodsId === null ? array(0) : array_unique($GoodsId); //存在商品ID数据 if ($GoodsId) { $GoodsId = array_slice($GoodsId, 0, search_goods::MAX_GOODSID); $where .= " and go.id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ") "; //商品属性进行检索 if ($isCondition == true) { /******属性 开始******/ $attrTemp = array(); $goodsAttrDB = new IModel('goods_attribute'); $attrData = $goodsAttrDB->query("goods_id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ")"); foreach ($attrData as $key => $val) { //属性 if ($val['attribute_id']) { if (!isset($attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']])) { $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']] = array(); } $checkSelectedArray = explode(",", $val['attribute_value']); foreach ($checkSelectedArray as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($v, $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']])) { $attrTemp[$val['attribute_id']][] = $v; } } } } //属性的数据拼接 if ($attrTemp) { $attrDB = new IModel('attribute'); $attrData = $attrDB->query("id in (" . join(',', array_keys($attrTemp)) . ") and search = 1", "*", "id", "asc", 8); foreach ($attrData as $key => $val) { self::$attrSearch[] = array('id' => $val['id'], 'name' => $val['name'], 'value' => $attrTemp[$val['id']]); } } /******属性 结束******/ /******品牌 开始******/ $brandQuery = new IModel('brand as b,goods as go'); self::$brandSearch = $brandQuery->query("go.brand_id = b.id and go.id in (" . join(',', $GoodsId) . ")", "distinct b.id,b.name", "b.sort", "asc", 10); /******品牌 结束******/ /******价格 开始******/ self::$priceSearch = goods_class::getGoodsPrice(join(',', $GoodsId)); /******价格 结束******/ } } //(4),商品价格 $where .= floatval(IReq::get('min_price')) ? ' and go.sell_price >= ' . floatval(IReq::get('min_price')) : ''; $where .= floatval(IReq::get('max_price')) ? ' and go.sell_price <= ' . floatval(IReq::get('max_price')) : ''; //(5),商品品牌 $where .= intval(IReq::get('brand')) ? ' and go.brand_id = ' . intval(IReq::get('brand')) : ''; //排序类别 $order = IFilter::act(IReq::get('order'), 'url'); if ($order == null) { $order = isset($site_config['order_by']) ? $site_config['order_by'] : 'new'; $asc = isset($site_config['order_type']) ? $site_config['order_type'] : 'desc'; } else { if (stripos($order, '_toggle')) { $order = str_replace('_toggle', '', $order); $asc = 'asc'; } else { $asc = 'desc'; } } switch ($order) { //销售量 case "sale": $orderArray[] = ' go.sale ' . $asc; break; //评分 //评分 case "cpoint": $orderArray[] = ' go.grade ' . $asc; break; //最新上架 //最新上架 case "new": $orderArray[] = ' go.id ' . $asc; break; //价格 //价格 case "price": $orderArray[] = ' go.sell_price ' . $asc; break; //根据排序字段 //根据排序字段 default: $orderArray[] = ' go.sort asc '; } //设置IQuery类的各个属性 $goodsObj->where = $where; $goodsObj->order = join(',', $orderArray); return $goodsObj; }
public function goods_tags_words() { $content = IFilter::act(IReq::get('content')); $words = words_facade::run($content); $result = array('result' => 'fail'); if (isset($words['data']) && $words['data']) { $result = array('result' => 'success', 'data' => join(",", $words['data'])); } die(JSON::encode($result)); }