Example #1
 public static function whitelistIP($IP)
     //IP as a string in dotted quad notation e.g. ''
     $IP = trim($IP);
     $user_range = new wfUserIPRange($IP);
     if (!$user_range->isValidRange()) {
         throw new Exception("The IP you provided must be in dotted quad notation or use ranges with square brackets. e.g. or 10.11.12.[1-50]");
     $whites = wfConfig::get('whitelisted', '');
     $arr = explode(',', $whites);
     $arr2 = array();
     foreach ($arr as $e) {
         if ($e == $IP) {
             return false;
         $arr2[] = trim($e);
     $arr2[] = $IP;
     wfConfig::set('whitelisted', implode(',', $arr2));
     return true;
Example #2
  * Convert CIDR notation to a wfUserIPRange object
  * @param string $cidr
  * @return wfUserIPRange
 public static function CIDR2wfUserIPRange($cidr)
     list($network, $prefix) = array_pad(explode('/', $cidr, 2), 2, null);
     $ip_range = new wfUserIPRange();
     if (filter_var($network, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
         // If no prefix was supplied, 32 is implied for IPv4
         if ($prefix === null) {
             $prefix = 32;
         // Validate the IPv4 network prefix
         if ($prefix < 0 || $prefix > 32) {
             return $ip_range;
         // Increase the IPv4 network prefix to work in the IPv6 address space
         $prefix += 96;
     } else {
         // If no prefix was supplied, 128 is implied for IPv6
         if ($prefix === null) {
             $prefix = 128;
         // Validate the IPv6 network prefix
         if ($prefix < 1 || $prefix > 128) {
             return $ip_range;
     // Convert human readable address to 128 bit (IPv6) binary string
     // Note: self::inet_pton converts IPv4 addresses to IPv6 compatible versions
     $binary_network = self::inet_pton($network);
     $binary_mask = wfHelperBin::str2bin(str_pad(str_repeat('1', $prefix), 128, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT));
     // Calculate first and last address
     $binary_first = $binary_network & $binary_mask;
     $binary_last = $binary_network | ~$binary_mask;
     // Convert binary addresses back to human readable strings
     $first = self::inet_ntop($binary_first);
     $last = self::inet_ntop($binary_last);
     if (filter_var($network, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
         $first = self::expandIPv6Address($first);
         $last = self::expandIPv6Address($last);
     // Split addresses into segments
     $first_array = preg_split('/[\\.\\:]/', $first);
     $last_array = preg_split('/[\\.\\:]/', $last);
     // Make sure arrays are the same size. IPv6 '::' could cause problems otherwise.
     // The strlen filter should leave zeros in place
     $first_array = array_pad(array_filter($first_array, 'strlen'), count($last_array), '0');
     $range_segments = array();
     foreach ($first_array as $index => $segment) {
         if ($segment === $last_array[$index]) {
             $range_segments[] = str_pad(ltrim($segment, '0'), 1, '0');
         } else {
             if ($segment === '' || $last_array[$index] === '') {
                 $range_segments[] = '';
             } else {
                 $range_segments[] = "[" . str_pad(ltrim($segment, '0'), 1, '0') . "-" . str_pad(ltrim($last_array[$index], '0'), 1, '0') . "]";
     $delimiter = filter_var($network, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) ? '.' : ':';
     $ip_range->setIPString(implode($delimiter, $range_segments));
     return $ip_range;
Example #3
  * @param string $IP Should be in dot or colon notation ( or ::1)
  * @return bool
 public function isWhitelisted($IP)
     $wfIPBlock = new wfUserIPRange('69.46.36.[1-32]');
     if ($wfIPBlock->isIPInRange($IP)) {
         //IP is in Wordfence's IP block which would prevent our scanning server manually kicking off scans that are stuck
         return true;
     //We now whitelist all private addrs
     if (wfUtils::isPrivateAddress($IP)) {
         return true;
     //These belong to sucuri's scanning servers which will get blocked by Wordfence as a false positive if you try a scan. So we whitelisted them.
     $externalWhite = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     if (in_array($IP, $externalWhite)) {
         return true;
     $list = wfConfig::get('whitelisted');
     if (!$list) {
         return false;
     $list = explode(',', $list);
     if (sizeof($list) < 1) {
         return false;
     foreach ($list as $whiteIP) {
         $white_ip_block = new wfUserIPRange($whiteIP);
         if ($white_ip_block->isIPInRange($IP)) {
             return true;
     return false;