| __| | | | | | -_| | |_ -| |_____|_|_|_|___|____/|___|\_/|___| Copyright (C) 2013 EmuDevs <http://www.emudevs.com/> */ ?> <div class='box_two_title'>Character Reviver</div> Choose the character you wish to revive. The character will be revived with 1 health.<hr/> <?php $service = "revive"; if ($GLOBALS['service'][$service]['price'] == 0) { echo '<span class="attention">Revive is free of charge.</span>'; } else { ?> <span class="attention">Revive costs <?php echo $GLOBALS['service'][$service]['price'] . ' ' . website::convertCurrency($GLOBALS['service'][$service]['currency']); ?> </span> <?php if ($GLOBALS['service'][$service]['currency'] == "vp") { echo "<span class='currency'>Vote Points: " . account::loadVP($_SESSION['cw_user']) . "</span>"; } elseif ($GLOBALS['service'][$service]['currency'] == "dp") { echo "<span class='currency'>" . $GLOBALS['donation']['coins_name'] . ": " . account::loadDP($_SESSION['cw_user']) . "</span>"; } } account::isNotLoggedIn(); connect::selectDB('webdb'); $num = 0; $result = mysql_query('SELECT char_db,name FROM realms ORDER BY id ASC'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $acct_id = account::getAccountID($_SESSION['cw_user']);