public static function check($name, $action = 1, $module = "")
     if (empty($module)) {
         $module = wbCache::getCached('current', 'module');
     if (empty($module)) {
         throw new Exception("Unknown Module");
     if (!self::isPermissionExist($name)) {
         throw new Exception('Unknown Permission Name ' . $name . ' on module ' . $module);
     $sessionInfo = wbUser::getSession();
     $dbconn = wbDB::getConn();
     $prefix = wbConfig::get('DB.prefix');
     $query = "SELECT role_id FROM " . $prefix . "_user_role \r\n                    WHERE role_id IN (select role_id FROM " . $prefix . "_role_permission) AND user_id = ?";
     $result =& $dbconn->Execute($query, array($sessionInfo['user_id']));
     if (!$result) {
         throw new Exception($dbconn->ErrorMsg());
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         list($role_id) = $result->fields;
         // check ACCESS
         $query = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM " . $prefix . "_role_permission as a, " . $prefix . "_permission as b\r\n                        WHERE a.role_id = ? AND \r\n                              a.permission_level >= ? AND \r\n                              a.permission_id = b.permission_id AND\r\n                              b.permission_name = ? AND \r\n                              b.permission_module = ?";
         $count = $dbconn->GetOne($query, array($role_id, $action, $name, $module));
         if ($count === false) {
             throw new Exception($dbconn->ErrorMsg());
         if ($count) {
             return true;
         // this user has ACCESS
     // this user does not access
     throw new Exception(json_encode(array('error' => 'sess_error', 'msg' => "Anda tidak memiliki hak akses untuk melakukan operasi ini atau sessi login anda sudah berakhir<br/><br/>Silahkan untuk melakukan login kembali")));
     throw new Exception("Anda tidak memiliki hak akses untuk melakukan operasi ini atau sessi login anda sudah berakhir<br/><br/>Nama Akses : " . self::$accessList[$action] . " on " . $module . '.' . $name . "<br/>Silahkan hubungi Administrator untuk mendapatkan akses tersebut");