public function execute()
     $cache = null;
     if ($cache_time = $this->getConfig()->getOption('cache_time')) {
         //$cache = new waSerializeCache('pages/'.$domain.$url.'page');
     $page = array();
     if ($cache && $cache->isCached()) {
         $page = $cache->get();
     } else {
         $site = new siteFrontend();
         if (waRequest::param('error')) {
             $page = array();
         } else {
             $page = $site->getPage(waRequest::param('url', ''));
         if ($page && $cache) {
     if (!waRequest::isXMLHttpRequest()) {
         $this->setLayout(new siteFrontendLayout());
     try {
         $this->executeAction(new siteFrontendAction($page));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
             echo $e;
         } else {
             $this->executeAction(new siteFrontendAction($e));
 protected function writeToFile($file, $v)
     if (!file_exists($file) && is_writable(dirname($file)) || is_writable($file)) {
         return file_put_contents($file, "<?php\nreturn " . var_export($v, true) . ";");
     } elseif (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
         throw new waException("Cannot write to cache file " . $file, 601);
 public function execute()
     if ($this->thread_id = waRequest::get('thread_id', false)) {
         $cache = new waSerializeCache($this->getApp() . '.' . $this->thread_id);
         $this->urls = $cache->get();
     if ($this->urls) {
         try {
             $this->model = new waAppSettingsModel();
             $log_level = waSystemConfig::isDebug() ? waInstaller::LOG_DEBUG : waInstaller::LOG_WARNING;
             $updater = new waInstaller($log_level, $this->thread_id);
             $storage = wa()->getStorage();
             $this->urls = $updater->update($this->urls);
             if (waRequest::request('install')) {
             $this->response['sources'] = $this->getResult();
             $this->response['current_state'] = $updater->getState();
             $this->response['state'] = $updater->getFullState(waRequest::get('mode', 'apps'));
             //cleanup cache
             //update themes
             foreach ($this->urls as $url) {
                 if (preg_match('@(wa-apps/)?(.+)/themes/(.+)@', $url['slug'], $matches)) {
                     try {
                         $theme = new waTheme($matches[3], $matches[2]);
                     } catch (Exception $ex) {
                         waLog::log(sprintf('Error during theme %s@%s update: %s', $matches[3], $matches[2], $ex->getMessage()));
             //and again cleanup
             $response = $this->getResponse();
             $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
         if ($ob = ob_get_clean()) {
             $this->response['warning'] = $ob;
             waLog::log('Output at ' . __METHOD__ . ': ' . $ob);
     } else {
         throw new Exception('nothing to update');
 public function decorate($response)
     if (is_array($response)) {
         $response = $this->parseArray($response);
     if (waSystemConfig::isDebug() && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') >= 0) {
         return json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
     } else {
         return json_encode($response);
 protected function writeToFile($file, $v)
     $data = serialize(array('time' => time(), 'ttl' => $this->ttl, 'value' => $v));
     if (!file_exists($file) || is_writable($file)) {
         $r = @file_put_contents($file, $data);
         if ($r) {
             @chmod($file, 0664);
         return $r;
     } elseif (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
         throw new waException("Cannot write to cache file " . $file, 601);
 public function display($clear_assign = true)
     if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
         return parent::display($clear_assign);
     try {
         return parent::display($clear_assign);
     } catch (SmartyCompilerException $e) {
         $message = preg_replace('/(on\\sline\\s[0-9]+).*$/i', '$1', $e->getMessage());
         $message = str_replace($this->getConfig()->getRootPath(), '', $message);
         throw new SmartyCompilerException($message, $e->getCode());
 public function execute()
     $message = '';
     if (!wa()->getUser()->getRights('webasyst', 'backend')) {
         $message = _w('Coding sandbox is available for Webasyst admin users only.');
     if (!waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
         $message = _w('Coding sandbox works only if Debug mode is enabled in the Installer app.');
     // !!! only allow access from localhost?
     if ($message) {
         $this->setTemplate('string:<div class="tripple-padded block"><h2 style="color:red">{$message|escape}</h2></div>');
         $this->view->assign('message', $message);
 public function execute()
     // Access control
     $message = '';
     if (!wa()->getUser()->getRights('webasyst', 'backend')) {
         $message = _w('This application is available for Webasyst admin users only.');
     if (!waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
         $message = _w('This application works only when Debug mode is enabled in the Installer app.');
     if ($message) {
         throw new waRightsException($message);
     // !!! TODO: only allow access from localhost?
     // Welcome to the dark side!
 public function execute()
     $comment_id = (int) waRequest::post('spam');
     $comment_model = new blogCommentModel();
     $comment = $comment_model->getById($comment_id);
     $this->response['status'] = null;
     if ($comment) {
         $comment_model->updateById($comment_id, array('akismet_spam' => 1, 'status' => blogCommentModel::STATUS_DELETED));
         $this->response['status'] = blogCommentModel::STATUS_DELETED;
         $blog_plugin = wa()->getPlugin('akismet');
         $akismet = new Akismet(wa()->getRouting()->getUrl('blog', array(), true), $blog_plugin->getSettingValue('api_key'));
         if (!waSystemConfig::isDebug() && $blog_plugin->getSettingValue('send_spam')) {
Example #10
 public function add($action, $params = null, $subject_contact_id = null, $contact_id = null)
      * @var waSystem
     $system = waSystem::getInstance();
      * @var waAppConfig
     $config = $system->getConfig();
     if ($config instanceof waAppConfig) {
         // Get actions of current application available to log
         $actions = $config->getLogActions();
         // Check action
         if (!isset($actions[$action])) {
             if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                 throw new waException('Unknown action for log ' . $action);
             } else {
                 return false;
         if ($actions[$action] === false) {
             return false;
         $app_id = $system->getApp();
     } else {
         $app_id = 'wa-system';
     // Save to database
     $data = array('app_id' => $app_id, 'contact_id' => $contact_id === null ? $system->getUser()->getId() : $contact_id, 'datetime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'action' => $action, 'subject_contact_id' => $subject_contact_id);
     if ($params !== null) {
         if (is_array($params)) {
             $params = json_encode($params);
         $data['params'] = $params;
     return $this->insert($data);
Example #11
 public function addCss($url, $app_id = false)
     if ($app_id) {
         $url = wa()->getAppStaticUrl($app_id) . $url;
         $app_info = wa()->getAppInfo($app_id === true ? null : $app_id);
         $url .= '?' . (isset($app_info['version']) ? $app_info['version'] : '0.0.1');
         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
             $url .= '.' . time();
     } else {
         $url = wa()->getRootUrl() . $url;
     $this->css[] = $url;
     return $this;
Example #12
 public function getApps($system = false)
     if (self::$apps === null) {
         $locale = $this->getUser()->getLocale();
         $file = $this->config->getPath('cache', 'config/apps' . $locale);
         if (!file_exists($this->getConfig()->getPath('config', 'apps'))) {
             self::$apps = array();
             throw new waException('File wa-config/apps.php not found.', 600);
         if (!file_exists($file) || filemtime($file) < filemtime($this->getConfig()->getPath('config', 'apps')) || waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
             waFiles::create($this->getConfig()->getPath('cache') . '/config');
             $all_apps = (include $this->getConfig()->getPath('config', 'apps'));
             $all_apps['webasyst'] = true;
             self::$apps = array();
             foreach ($all_apps as $app => $enabled) {
                 if ($enabled) {
                     waLocale::loadByDomain($app, $locale);
                     $app_config = $this->getAppPath('lib/config/app.php', $app);
                     if (!file_exists($app_config)) {
                         if (false && SystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             throw new waException("Config not found. Create config by path " . $app_config);
                     $app_info = (include $app_config);
                     $build_file = $app_config = $this->getAppPath('lib/config/build.php', $app);
                     if (file_exists($build_file)) {
                         $app_info['build'] = (include $build_file);
                     } else {
                         if (SystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             $app_info['build'] = time();
                         } else {
                             $app_info['build'] = 0;
                     $app_info['id'] = $app;
                     $app_info['name'] = _wd($app, $app_info['name']);
                     if (isset($app_info['icon'])) {
                         if (is_array($app_info['icon'])) {
                             foreach ($app_info['icon'] as $size => $url) {
                                 $app_info['icon'][$size] = 'wa-apps/' . $app . '/' . $url;
                         } else {
                             $app_info['icon'] = array(48 => 'wa-apps/' . $app . '/' . $app_info['icon']);
                     } else {
                         $app_info['icon'] = array();
                     if (isset($app_info['img'])) {
                         $app_info['img'] = 'wa-apps/' . $app . '/' . $app_info['img'];
                     } else {
                         $app_info['img'] = isset($app_info['icon'][48]) ? $app_info['icon'][48] : 'wa-apps/' . $app . '/img/' . $app . ".png";
                     if (!isset($app_info['icon'][48])) {
                         $app_info['icon'][48] = $app_info['img'];
                     if (!isset($app_info['icon'][24])) {
                         $app_info['icon'][24] = $app_info['icon'][48];
                     if (!isset($app_info['icon'][16])) {
                         $app_info['icon'][16] = $app_info['icon'][24];
                     self::$apps[$app] = $app_info;
             if (!file_exists($file) || filemtime($file) < filemtime($this->getConfig()->getPath('config', 'apps'))) {
                 waUtils::varExportToFile(self::$apps, $file);
         } else {
             self::$apps = (include $file);
     if ($system) {
         return self::$apps;
     } else {
         $apps = self::$apps;
         return $apps;
 public function checkUpdates()
     try {
         $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
         $time = $app_settings_model->get($this->application, 'update_time');
     } catch (waDbException $e) {
         // Can't connect to MySQL server
         if ($e->getCode() == 2002) {
             throw $e;
         } elseif (!empty($app_settings_model)) {
             $time = null;
             $row = $app_settings_model->getByField(array('app_id' => $this->application, 'name' => 'update_time'));
             if ($row) {
                 $time = $row['value'];
         } elseif ($this->application != 'webasyst' && $this->environment == 'frontend') {
     } catch (waException $e) {
     if (empty($time)) {
         try {
         } catch (waException $e) {
             throw $e;
         $ignore_all = true;
         $time = null;
     } else {
         $ignore_all = false;
     if (!self::isDebug()) {
         $cache = new waVarExportCache('updates', 0, $this->application);
         if ($cache->isCached() && $cache->get() <= $time) {
     $path = $this->getAppPath() . '/lib/updates';
     $cache_database_dir = $this->getPath('cache') . '/db';
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
         $files = array();
         foreach ($iterator as $file) {
              * @var SplFileInfo $file
             if ($file->isFile() && preg_match('/^[0-9]+\\.php$/', $file->getFilename())) {
                 $t = substr($file->getFilename(), 0, -4);
                 if ($t > $time) {
                     $files[$t] = $file->getPathname();
         if (!self::isDebug()) {
             // get last time
             if ($files) {
                 $keys = array_keys($files);
             } else {
                 $cache->set($time ? $time : 1);
         foreach ($files as $t => $file) {
             try {
                 if (!$ignore_all) {
                     $app_settings_model->set($this->application, 'update_time', $t);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                     echo $e;
                 // log errors
     } else {
         $t = 1;
     if ($ignore_all) {
         if (!isset($t) || !$t) {
             $t = 1;
         if (!isset($app_settings_model)) {
             $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
         $app_settings_model->set($this->application, 'update_time', $t);
     if (isset($this->info['edition']) && $this->info['edition']) {
         if (!isset($app_settings_model)) {
             $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
         if (!$app_settings_model->get($this->application, 'edition')) {
             $app_settings_model->set($this->application, 'edition', $this->info['edition']);
 private function validate()
     $valid = @$this->dom->validate();
     $strict = waSystemConfig::isDebug();
     if ((!$valid || $strict) && ($r = libxml_get_errors())) {
         $this->data['error'] = array();
         $error = array();
         if ($valid) {
             $this->data['error'][] = array('level' => 'info', 'message' => 'YML-файл валиден');
         } else {
             $this->data['error'][] = array('level' => 'error', 'message' => 'YML-файл содержит ошибки');
         foreach ($r as $er) {
              * @var libXMLError $er
             $level_name = '';
             switch ($er->level) {
                 case LIBXML_ERR_WARNING:
                     $level_name = 'LIBXML_ERR_WARNING';
                 case LIBXML_ERR_ERROR:
                     $level_name = 'LIBXML_ERR_ERROR';
                 case LIBXML_ERR_FATAL:
                     $level_name = 'LIBXML_ERR_FATAL';
             if ($er->code != 505) {
                 $this->data['error'][] = array('level' => $valid ? 'warning' : 'error', 'message' => "{$level_name} #{$er->code} [{$er->line}:{$er->column}]: {$er->message}");
             $error[] = "Error #{$er->code}[{$er->level}] at [{$er->line}:{$er->column}]: {$er->message}";
         if ($valid && count($this->data['error']) == 1) {
             $this->data['error'] = array();
         $this->error(implode("\n\t", $error));
 protected function checkUpdates()
     try {
         $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
         $time = $app_settings_model->get($this->application, 'update_time');
     } catch (waDbException $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == 2002 && !waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
         } else {
             // table doesn't exist
             $time = null;
     } catch (waException $e) {
     if (!$time) {
         try {
         } catch (waException $e) {
             throw $e;
         $ignore_all = true;
     } else {
         $ignore_all = false;
     if (!self::isDebug()) {
         $cache = new waVarExportCache('updates', 0, $this->application);
         if ($cache->isCached() && $cache->get() <= $time) {
     $path = $this->getAppPath() . '/lib/updates';
     $cache_database_dir = $this->getPath('cache') . '/db';
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
         $files = array();
         foreach ($iterator as $file) {
              * @var SplFileInfo $file
             if ($file->isFile() && preg_match('/^[0-9]+\\.php$/', $file->getFilename())) {
                 $t = substr($file->getFilename(), 0, -4);
                 if ($t > $time) {
                     $files[$t] = $file->getPathname();
         if (!self::isDebug()) {
             // get last time
             if ($files) {
                 $keys = array_keys($files);
             } else {
                 $cache->set($time ? $time : 1);
         foreach ($files as $t => $file) {
             try {
                 if (!$ignore_all) {
                     include $file;
                     $app_settings_model->set($this->application, 'update_time', $t);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                     echo $e;
                 // log errors
     } else {
         $t = 1;
     if ($ignore_all) {
         if (!isset($t) || !$t) {
             $t = 1;
         if (!isset($app_settings_model)) {
             $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
         $app_settings_model->set($this->application, 'update_time', $t);
     if (isset($this->info['edition']) && $this->info['edition']) {
         if (!isset($app_settings_model)) {
             $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
         if (!$app_settings_model->get($this->application, 'edition')) {
             $file_sql = $this->getAppPath('lib/config/app.' . $this->info['edition'] . '.sql');
             if (file_exists($file_sql)) {
                 self::executeSQL($file_sql, 1);
             $app_settings_model->set($this->application, 'edition', $this->info['edition']);
Example #16
 public function debug()
     return waSystemConfig::isDebug();
Example #17
 public function execute()
     $fm = new shopFollowupModel();
     $opm = new shopOrderParamsModel();
     $asm = new waAppSettingsModel();
     $olm = new shopOrderLogModel();
     $cm = new shopCustomerModel();
     $om = new shopOrderModel();
     $asm->set('shop', 'last_followup_cli', time());
     $view = wa()->getView();
     $empty_customer = $cm->getEmptyRow();
     $general = wa('shop')->getConfig()->getGeneralSettings();
     foreach ($fm->getAllEnabled() as $f) {
         $between_from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($f['last_cron_time']) - 24 * 3600);
         $between_to = date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', time() - $f['delay'] - 10 * 3600);
         $orders = $om->where('paid_date >= ? AND paid_date < ?', $between_from, $between_to)->fetchAll('id');
         if ($orders) {
             $f_param_key = 'followup_' . $f['id'];
             // Params for all orders with one query
             $params = $opm->get(array_keys($orders));
             // Customer data for all orders with one query
             $cids = array();
             foreach ($orders as $o) {
                 $cids[] = $o['contact_id'];
             $customers = $cm->getById($cids);
             $sent_count = 0;
             foreach ($orders as $o) {
                 try {
                     // Is there a recipient in the first place?
                     if (empty($o['contact_id'])) {
                         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: no contact_id");
                     // Check that this is the first order of this customer
                     if ($f['first_order_only']) {
                         $first_order_id = $om->select('MIN(id)')->where('contact_id=? AND paid_date IS NOT NULL', $o['contact_id'])->fetchField();
                         if ($first_order_id != $o['id']) {
                             if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                                 waLog::log("Skipping follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: not the first order of a customer.");
                     $o['params'] = ifset($params[$o['id']], array());
                     $source = 'backend';
                     if (!empty($o['params']['storefront'])) {
                         $source = rtrim($o['params']['storefront'], '/') . '/*';
                     if ($f['source'] && $f['source'] != $source) {
                     // Make sure we have not send follow-up for this order yet
                     if (isset($o['params'][$f_param_key])) {
                         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             waLog::log("Skipping follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: already sent before.");
                     shopHelper::workupOrders($o, true);
                     // Recipient info
                     $customer = ifset($customers[$o['contact_id']], $empty_customer);
                     $contact = new shopCustomer($o['contact_id']);
                     $email = $contact->get('email', 'default');
                     // this with throw exception if contact does not exist; that's ok
                     if (!$email) {
                         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                             waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: contact has no email");
                     $to = array($email => $contact->getName());
                     if (self::sendOne($f, $o, $customer, $contact, $to, $view, $general)) {
                         // Write to order log
                         $olm->add(array('order_id' => $o['id'], 'contact_id' => null, 'action_id' => '', 'text' => sprintf_wp("Follow-up <strong>%s</strong> (%s) sent to customer.", htmlspecialchars($f['name']), $f['id']), 'before_state_id' => $o['state_id'], 'after_state_id' => $o['state_id']));
                         // Write to order params
                         $opm->insert(array('order_id' => $o['id'], 'name' => $f_param_key, 'value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
                     } else {
                         waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}: waMessage->send() returned FALSE.");
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     waLog::log("Unable to send follow-up #{$f['id']} for order #{$o['id']}:\n" . $e);
              * Notify plugins about sending followup
              * @event followup_send
              * @param array[string]int $params['sent_count'] number of emails successfully sent
              * @param array[string]int $params['id'] followup_id
              * @return void
             $event_params = $f;
             $event_params['sent_count'] = $sent_count;
             wa()->event('followup_send', $event_params);
         $fm->updateById($f['id'], array('last_cron_time' => $between_to));
 public function block($id, $params = array())
     if ($id && wa()->appExists('site')) {
         $model = new siteBlockModel();
         $block = $model->getById($id);
         if (!$block && strpos($id, '.') !== false) {
             list($app_id, $id) = explode('.', $id);
             $path = $this->getConfig()->getAppsPath($app_id, 'lib/config/site.php');
             if (file_exists($path)) {
                 $site_config = (include $path);
                 if (isset($site_config['blocks'][$id])) {
                     if (!is_array($site_config['blocks'][$id])) {
                         $block = array('content' => $site_config['blocks'][$id]);
                     } else {
                         $block = $site_config['blocks'][$id];
         if ($block) {
             try {
                 return $this->view->fetch('string:' . $block['content']);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                     return '<pre class="error">' . htmlentities($e->getMessage(), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "</pre>";
                 } else {
                     return '<div class="error">' . _ws('Syntax error at block') . ' ' . $id . '</div>';
     return '';
 protected function create($type, $id, $path, $params = array())
     $template_id = 'wapattern';
     $template_path = wa()->getConfig()->getPath('plugins') . '/' . $type . '/' . $template_id . '/';
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         try {
             $path .= '/';
             // lib
             mkdir($path . 'lib');
             waFiles::protect($path . 'lib');
             $plugin_class = null;
             mkdir($path . 'lib/classes');
             // config
             mkdir($path . 'lib/config');
             // app description
             $plugin = array('name' => empty($params['name']) ? ucfirst($id) : $params['name'], 'description' => '', 'icon' => 'img/' . $id . '.png', 'version' => empty($params['version']) ? '1.0.0' : $params['version'], 'vendor' => empty($params['vendor']) ? '' : $params['vendor']);
             waUtils::varExportToFile($plugin, $path . 'lib/config/plugin.php');
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'payment':
                     if (isset($params['settings'])) {
                         waUtils::varExportToFile(array(), $path . 'lib/config/settings.php');
                     #plugin class
                     $template_class_path = $template_path . 'lib/' . $template_id . ucfirst($type) . '.class.php';
                     $class_path = $path . 'lib/' . $id . ucfirst($type) . '.class.php';
                     $template = file_get_contents($template_class_path);
                     waFiles::write($class_path, str_replace($template_id, $id, $template));
                     #plugin template
                     mkdir($path . 'templates');
                     waFiles::protect($path . 'templates');
                     waFiles::copy($template_path . 'templates/payment.html', $path . 'templates/payment.html');
                 case 'shipping':
                     if (isset($params['settings'])) {
                         waUtils::varExportToFile(array(), $path . 'lib/config/settings.php');
                     #plugin class
                     $template_class_path = $template_path . 'lib/' . $template_id . ucfirst($type) . '.class.php';
                     $class_path = $path . 'lib/' . $id . ucfirst($type) . '.class.php';
                     $template = file_get_contents($template_class_path);
                     waFiles::write($class_path, str_replace($template_id, $id, $template));
                     throw new waException(sprintf("Plugin type \"%s\" not supported yet.\n", $type));
             print "Plugin with id \"{$id}\" created!\n";
         } catch (waException $ex) {
             print "Plugin with id \"{$id}\" was NOT created.\n";
             if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                 echo $ex;
             } else {
                 print "Error:" . $ex->getMessage() . "\n";
     } else {
         print "Plugin with id \"{$id}\" already exists.\n";
  * Adds a URL to the CSS file list. All added CSS file URLs are available in Smarty templates using {$wa->css()}.
  * @param  string       $url     Relative URL of a CSS file. If $app_id is specified, then the URL must be relative to
  *     specified app's directory URL. Otherwise the CSS file URL must be relative to framework's root URL.
  * @param  string|bool  $app_id  Optional app id
  * @return waResponse Instance of waResponse class
 public function addCss($url, $app_id = false)
     if ($app_id) {
         $url = wa()->getAppStaticUrl($app_id) . $url;
         $app_info = wa()->getAppInfo($app_id === true ? null : $app_id);
         $url .= '?' . (isset($app_info['version']) ? $app_info['version'] : '0.0.1');
         if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
             $url .= '.' . time();
         // Support external links
     } elseif (strpos($url, '://') === false && strpos($url, '//') !== 0) {
         $url = wa()->getRootUrl() . $url;
     $this->css[] = $url;
     return $this;
 protected function checkUpdates()
     $app_settings_model = new waAppSettingsModel();
     $time = $app_settings_model->get(array($this->app_id, $this->id), 'update_time');
     if (!$time) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw $e;
         $ignore_all = true;
     } else {
         $ignore_all = false;
     $is_debug = waSystemConfig::isDebug();
     if (!$is_debug) {
         $cache = new waVarExportCache('updates', 0, $this->app_id . "." . $this->id);
         if ($cache->isCached() && $cache->get() <= $time) {
     $path = $this->path . '/lib/updates';
     $cache_database_dir = wa()->getConfig()->getPath('cache') . '/db';
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
         $files = array();
         foreach ($iterator as $file) {
              * @var SplFileInfo $file
             if ($file->isFile() && preg_match('/^[0-9]+\\.php$/', $file->getFilename())) {
                 $t = substr($file->getFilename(), 0, -4);
                 if ($t > $time) {
                     $files[$t] = $file->getPathname();
         if (!$is_debug) {
             // get last time
             if ($files) {
                 $keys = array_keys($files);
             } else {
                 $cache->set($time ? $time : 1);
         foreach ($files as $t => $file) {
             try {
                 if (!$ignore_all) {
                     include $file;
                     $app_settings_model->set(array($this->app_id, $this->id), 'update_time', $t);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 if ($is_debug) {
                     echo $e;
                 // log errors
     } else {
         $t = 1;
     if ($ignore_all) {
         if (!isset($t) || !$t) {
             $t = 1;
         $app_settings_model->set(array($this->app_id, $this->id), 'update_time', $t);
Example #22
    public function __toString()
        try {
            $wa = wa();
            $additional_info = '';
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $wa = null;
            $additional_info = $e->getMessage();
        $message = nl2br($this->getMessage());
        if ($wa && waSystem::getApp()) {
            $app = $wa->getAppInfo();
            $backend_url = $wa->getConfig()->getBackendUrl(true);
        } else {
            $app = array();
        if (!waSystemConfig::isDebug() && $wa) {
            $env = $wa->getEnv();
            $file = $code = $this->getCode();
            if (!$code || !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/' . $code . '.php')) {
                $file = 'error';
            include dirname(__FILE__) . '/data/' . $file . '.php';
        if ($wa && $wa->getEnv() == 'cli' || !$wa && php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
            return date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " php " . implode(" ", waRequest::server('argv')) . "\n" . "Error: {$this->getMessage()}\nwith code {$this->getCode()} in '{$this->getFile()}' around line {$this->getLine()}:{$this->getFileContext()}\n" . $this->getTraceAsString() . "\n" . ($additional_info ? "Error while initializing waSystem during error generation: " . $additional_info . "\n" : '');
        } elseif ($this->code == 404) {
            $response = new waResponse();
        $request = htmlentities(var_export($_REQUEST, true), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8');
        $params = htmlentities(var_export(waRequest::param(), true), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8');
        $context = htmlentities($this->getFileContext(), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8');
        $trace = htmlentities($this->getTraceAsString(), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8');
        $result = <<<HTML
<div style="width:99%; position:relative; text-align: left;">
\t<h2 id='Title'>{$message}</h2>
\t<div id="Context" style="display: block;">
\t\t<h3>Error with code {$this->getCode()} in '{$this->getFile()}' around line {$this->getLine()}:</h3>
\t<div id="Trace">
\t\t<h2>Call stack</h2>
\t<div id="Request">
<div style="text-align: left;">
        if ($additional_info) {
            $additional_info = htmlentities($additional_info, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'utf-8');
            $result .= <<<HTML

<div style="text-align: left;">
    <h2>Error while initializing waSystem during error generation</h2>
        return $result;
  * Trigger event with given $name from current active application.
  * @param  string    $name        Event name.
  * @param  mixed     $params      Parameters passed to event handlers.
  * @param  string[]  $array_keys  Array of expected template items for UI events.
  * @return  array  app_id or plugin_id => data returned from handler (unless null is returned)
 public function event($name, &$params = null, $array_keys = null)
     $result = array();
     if (is_array($name)) {
         $event_app_id = $name[0];
         $event_system = self::getInstance($event_app_id);
         $name = $name[1];
     } else {
         $event_app_id = $this->getConfig()->getApplication();
         $event_system = $this;
     $event_prefix = wa($event_app_id)->getConfig()->getPrefix();
     if (!isset(self::$handlers['apps'])) {
         self::$handlers['apps'] = array();
         $cache_file = $this->config->getPath('cache', 'config/handlers');
         if (!waSystemConfig::isDebug() && file_exists($cache_file)) {
             self::$handlers['apps'] = (include $cache_file);
         if (!self::$handlers['apps'] || !is_array(self::$handlers['apps'])) {
             $apps = $this->getApps();
             $path = $this->getConfig()->getPath('apps');
             foreach ($apps as $app_id => $app_info) {
                 $files = waFiles::listdir($path . '/' . $app_id . '/lib/handlers/');
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     if (substr($file, -12) == '.handler.php') {
                         $file = explode('.', substr($file, 0, -12), 2);
                         self::$handlers['apps'][$file[0]][$file[1]][] = $app_id;
             if (!waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
                 waUtils::varExportToFile(self::$handlers['apps'], $cache_file);
     if (!isset(self::$handlers['plugins'][$event_app_id])) {
         self::$handlers['plugins'][$event_app_id] = array();
         $plugins = $event_system->getConfig()->getPlugins();
         foreach ($plugins as $plugin_id => $plugin) {
             if (!empty($plugin['handlers'])) {
                 foreach ($plugin['handlers'] as $handler_event => $handler_method) {
                     self::$handlers['plugins'][$event_app_id][$handler_event][$plugin_id] = $handler_method;
     if (isset(self::$handlers['apps'][$event_app_id][$name])) {
         $path = $this->getConfig()->getPath('apps');
         foreach (self::$handlers['apps'][$event_app_id][$name] as $app_id) {
             $file_path = $path . '/' . $app_id . '/lib/handlers/' . $event_prefix . "." . $name . ".handler.php";
             if (!file_exists($file_path)) {
             include_once $file_path;
             $class_name = $name;
             if (strpos($name, '.') !== false) {
                 $class_name = strtok($class_name, '.') . ucfirst(strtok(''));
             $class_name = $app_id . ucfirst($event_prefix) . ucfirst($class_name) . "Handler";
              * @var $handler waEventHandler
             $handler = new $class_name();
             try {
                 $r = $handler->execute($params);
                 if ($r !== null) {
                     $result[$app_id] = $r;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 waLog::log('Event handling error in ' . $file_path . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
     if (isset(self::$handlers['plugins'][$event_app_id][$name])) {
         $plugins = $event_system->getConfig()->getPlugins();
         foreach (self::$handlers['plugins'][$event_app_id][$name] as $plugin_id => $method) {
             if (!isset($plugins[$plugin_id])) {
             $plugin = $plugins[$plugin_id];
             self::pushActivePlugin($plugin_id, $event_prefix);
             $class_name = $event_app_id . ucfirst($plugin_id) . 'Plugin';
             try {
                 $class = new $class_name($plugin);
                 // Load plugin locale if it exists
                 $locale_path = $this->getAppPath('plugins/' . $plugin_id . '/locale', $event_app_id);
                 if (is_dir($locale_path)) {
                     waLocale::load($this->getLocale(), $locale_path, self::getActiveLocaleDomain(), false);
                 if (method_exists($class, $method) && null !== ($r = $class->{$method}($params))) {
                     if ($array_keys && is_array($r)) {
                         foreach ($array_keys as $k) {
                             if (!isset($r[$k])) {
                                 $r[$k] = '';
                     $result[$plugin_id . '-plugin'] = $r;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 waLog::log('Event handling error in ' . $class_name . '->' . $name . '(): ' . $e->getMessage());
     return $result;
  * Called when something went badly wrong so that current Runner should not continue,
  * (at least should immidiately notify a developer if in debug mode).
  * Still, not badly enough yet to break the whole long action process.
 protected function runnerFatalWarning($msg)
     if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
         // In debug mode, better to fail fast.
         throw new waException($msg);
     } else {
         waLog::log('waLongActionController (' . get_class($this) . '): ' . $msg);
 function execute()
     $update_ids = waRequest::get('app_id');
     if ($update_ids && is_array($update_ids)) {
         $app_ids = array();
         $plugins_ids = array();
         $vendors = array();
         foreach ($update_ids as $app_id => &$info) {
             if (!is_array($info)) {
                 if (strpos($info, ':') === false) {
                     $vendor = $info;
                     $edition = '';
                 } else {
                     list($vendor, $edition) = explode(':', $info, 2);
                 $app_ids[$app_id] = array('vendor' => $info, 'slug' => $app_id);
             } else {
                 if (isset($info['slug'])) {
                     $app_id = $info['slug'];
                 $app_ids[$app_id] = $info;
             $vendors[] = $info['vendor'];
         $vendors = array_unique($vendors);
         $model = new waAppSettingsModel();
         $license = $model->get('webasyst', 'license', false);
         $locale = wa()->getLocale();
         try {
             $log_level = waSystemConfig::isDebug() ? waInstaller::LOG_DEBUG : waInstaller::LOG_WARNING;
             $thread_id = $this->getRequest()->request('thread_id', false);
             $updater = new waInstaller($log_level, $thread_id);
             $apps = new waInstallerApps($license, $locale, false);
             $app = $this->getApp();
             if (isset($app_ids[$app]) || true) {
                 $system_list = $apps->getSystemList();
             if (isset($app_ids[$app])) {
                 #update system items
                 foreach ($system_list as $target => $item) {
                     if (empty($item['subject'])) {
                         $this->add(!empty($item['target']) ? $item['target'] : $item['slug'], $item);
             foreach ($system_list as $target => $item) {
                 if (!empty($item['subject']) && $item['subject'] == 'systemplugins' && isset($app_ids[$item['slug']])) {
                     $this->add(!empty($item['target']) ? $item['target'] : $item['slug'], $item, $item['slug']);
             $app_list = $apps->getApplicationsList(false, $vendors, wa()->getDataPath('images', true));
             $this->pass = count($this->urls) || count($app_ids) > 1 ? true : false;
             $added = true;
             $execute_actions = array(waInstallerApps::ACTION_INSTALL, waInstallerApps::ACTION_CRITICAL_UPDATE, waInstallerApps::ACTION_UPDATE);
             while ($app_ids && $added) {
                 $added = false;
                 foreach ($app_list as &$info) {
                     $app_id = $info['slug'];
                     if ($app_id == 'installer') {
                         $info['name'] = _w('Webasyst Framework');
                     if (isset($app_ids[$app_id]) && installerHelper::equals($app_ids[$app_id], $info)) {
                         $target = 'wa-apps/' . $app_id;
                         $info['subject'] = 'app';
                         $this->add($target, $info, $app_id);
                     if (isset($info['extras']) && is_array($info['extras'])) {
                         foreach ($info['extras'] as $subject => $extras) {
                             foreach ($extras as $extras_id => $extras_info) {
                                 $extras_id = $app_id . '/' . $subject . '/' . $extras_id;
                                 if (isset($app_ids[$extras_id]) && installerHelper::equals($app_ids[$extras_id], $extras_info)) {
                                     if (!empty($app_ids[$extras_id]['dependent']) && (empty($extras_info['action']) || !in_array($extras_info['action'], $execute_actions))) {
                                     $target = 'wa-apps/' . $extras_id;
                                     $extras_info['subject'] = 'app_' . $subject;
                                     $this->add($target, $extras_info, $extras_info['slug']);
                                     if ($extras_info['dependency']) {
                                         foreach ($extras_info['dependency'] as $dependency) {
                                             $app_ids[$dependency] = $app_ids[$extras_id];
                                             $app_ids[$dependency]['slug'] = $dependency;
                                             $app_ids[$dependency]['dependent'] = $target;
                                             $added = true;
                                     if ($subject == 'themes') {
                                         if (!empty($extras_info['current']['parent_theme_id'])) {
                                             $parent_id = $extras_info['current']['parent_theme_id'];
                                             $parent_app_id = $app_id;
                                             if (strpos($parent_id, ':')) {
                                                 list($parent_app_id, $parent_id) = explode(':', $parent_id);
                                             $dependency = "{$parent_app_id}/{$subject}/{$parent_id}";
                                             $app_ids[$dependency] = $app_ids[$extras_id];
                                             $app_ids[$dependency]['slug'] = $dependency;
                                             $app_ids[$dependency]['dependent'] = $target;
                                             $added = true;
             $storage = wa()->getStorage();
             $result_urls = $updater->update($this->urls);
             if (waRequest::get('install')) {
                 $user = $this->getUser();
                 $set_rights = false;
                 if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
                     $set_rights = true;
                 foreach ($this->urls as $target => $url) {
                     //TODO workaround exceptions
                     if ((!isset($url['skipped']) || !$url['skipped']) && preg_match('@^wa-apps@', $target)) {
                         $apps->installWebAsystItem($url['slug'], null, isset($url['edition']) ? $url['edition'] : true);
                         if ($set_rights) {
                             $user->setRight($url['slug'], 'backend', 2);
             $secure_properties = array('archive', 'source', 'backup', 'md5', 'extract_path');
             foreach ($result_urls as &$result_url) {
                 foreach ($secure_properties as $property) {
                     if (isset($result_url[$property])) {
             $this->response['sources'] = $result_urls;
             $this->response['current_state'] = $updater->getState();
             $this->response['state'] = $updater->getFullState(waRequest::get('mode', 'apps'));
             //cleanup cache
             //waFiles::delete(wa()->getAppCachePath(null, false), true);
             $path_cache = waConfig::get('wa_path_cache');
             waFiles::delete($path_cache, true);
             $root_path = waConfig::get('wa_path_root');
             foreach ($this->urls as $url) {
                 if (!isset($url['skipped']) || !$url['skipped']) {
                     $path_cache = $root_path . '/' . $url['target'] . '/js/compiled';
                     waFiles::delete($path_cache, true);
             $response = $this->getResponse();
             $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
         if ($ob = ob_get_clean()) {
             $this->response['warning'] = $ob;
             waLog::log('Output at ' . __METHOD__ . ': ' . $ob);
     } else {
         throw new Exception('nothing to update');
Example #26

if (!isset($argc)) {
    die("Run from CLI only!");
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wa-config/SystemConfig.class.php';
if (count($argv) < 3) {
    die("Use\r\n" . realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../') . "/cli.php  APP CLASS PARAMS\r\n");
try {
    $config = new SystemConfig('cli');
    waSystem::getInstance(null, $config)->dispatchCli($argv);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    waLog::log($e, "cli.log");
    if (waSystemConfig::isDebug()) {
        echo $e;