public function remove() { $q = $this->_getQuery(); $q->dropTable('history'); $q->exec(); return parent::remove(); }
public function install() { $result = $this->_checkRequirements(); if (!$result) { return false; } $q = $this->_getQuery(); $q->createTable('links'); $q->createDefinition('( link_id int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , link_url varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default "", link_project int( 11 ) NOT NULL default "0", link_task int( 11 ) NOT NULL default "0", link_name varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default "", link_parent int( 11 ) default "0", link_description text, link_owner int( 11 ) default "0", link_date datetime default NULL , link_icon varchar( 20 ) default "obj/", link_category int( 11 ) NOT NULL default "0", PRIMARY KEY ( link_id ) , KEY idx_link_task ( link_task ) , KEY idx_link_project ( link_project ) , KEY idx_link_parent ( link_parent ) ) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 '); if (!$q->exec()) { return false; } $i = 0; $linkTypes = array('Unknown', 'Document', 'Application'); //TODO: refactor as proper sysvals handling foreach ($linkTypes as $linkType) { $q = $this->_getQuery(); $q->addTable('sysvals'); $q->addInsert('sysval_key_id', 1); $q->addInsert('sysval_title', 'LinkType'); $q->addInsert('sysval_value', $linkType); $q->addInsert('sysval_value_id', $i); $q->exec(); $i++; } return parent::install(); }
public function remove() { $q = $this->_getQuery(); $q->dropTable('resources'); $q->exec(); $q->clear(); $q->dropTable('resource_tasks'); $q->exec(); $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('sysvals'); $q->addWhere("sysval_title = 'ResourceTypes'"); $q->exec(); return parent::remove(); }
public function __construct(w2p_Core_CAppUI $AppUI = null, array $config = null, w2p_Database_Query $query = null) { parent::__construct($AppUI, $config, $query); trigger_error(get_class($this) . " has been deprecated in v3.1 and will be removed by v4.0. Please use " . get_parent_class($this) . " instead.", E_USER_NOTICE); }
public function configure() { $this->_AppUI->redirect('m=projectdesigner&a=configure'); return parent::configure(); }