$titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('View Department', 'departments.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a); if ($canEdit) { $titleBlock->addCell(); $titleBlock->addCell('<input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new department') . '">', '', '<form action="?m=departments&a=addedit&company_id=' . $department->dept_company . '&dept_parent=' . $dept_id . '" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8">', '</form>'); } $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=departments', 'department list'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=companies', 'company list'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=companies&a=view&company_id=' . $department->dept_company, 'view this company'); if ($canEdit) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=departments&a=addedit&dept_id=' . $dept_id, 'edit this department'); if ($canDelete) { $titleBlock->addCrumbDelete('delete department', $canDelete, $msg); } } $titleBlock->show(); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $htmlHelper->stageRowData((array) $department); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <?php // security improvement: // some javascript functions may not appear on client side in case of user not having write permissions // else users would be able to arbitrarily run 'bad' functions if ($canDelete) { ?> function delIt() { if (confirm('<?php echo $AppUI->_('departmentDelete', UI_OUTPUT_JS); ?> ')) { document.frmDelete.submit();
$s .= $row[$field] ? '</a>' : ''; $s .= '</td>'; break; case 'department_list': $dept_array = CProject::getDepartments($AppUI, $row['project_id']); $s .= '<td>'; foreach ($dept_array as $dept) { $s .= '<a href="?m=departments&a=view&dept_id=' . $dept['dept_id'] . '">'; $s .= $dept['dept_name']; $s .= '</a>'; $s .= '<br />'; } $s .= '</td>'; break; default: $s .= w2p_Output_HTMLHelper::renderColumn($AppUI, $field, $row); } } $s .= '<td class="center"><input type="checkbox" name="project_id[]" value="' . $row['project_id'] . '" /></td>'; if ($show_all_projects) { $s .= '<td class="left" nowrap="nowrap">'; $s .= $row['project_status'] == 0 ? $AppUI->_('Not Defined') : ($projectStatuses[0] ? $AppUI->_($project_statuses[$row['project_status'] + 2]) : $AppUI->_($project_statuses[$row['project_status'] + 1])); $s .= '</td>'; } if ($level) { $s .= '</div>'; } $s .= '</tr>'; if ($project_id > 0 && !isset($projectArray[$project_id]) || !$project_id && !isset($projectArray[$row['project_id']])) { echo $s; }
$task_name = $obj->getTaskName(); } elseif ($file_task) { $q = new w2p_Database_Query(); $q->addTable('tasks'); $q->addQuery('task_name'); $q->addWhere('task_id=' . (int) $file_task); $task_name = $q->loadResult(); $q->clear(); } else { $task_name = ''; } $extra = array('where' => 'project_active<>0'); $project = new CProject(); $projects = $project->getAllowedRecords($AppUI->user_id, 'projects.project_id,project_name', 'project_name', null, $extra, 'projects'); $projects = arrayMerge(array('0' => $AppUI->_('All')), $projects); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function popFile( params ) { fileloader = window.open("fileviewer.php?"+params,"mywindow","location=1,status=1,scrollbars=0,width=80,height=80"); fileloader.moveTo(0,0); } </script> <form name="coFrm" action="?m=files" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_co" /> <input type="hidden" name="del" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="<?php echo $file_id; ?>
?> <!-- </a>--> </th><?php } echo '<th></th>'; ?> </tr> <?php // Pull the task comments $task = new CTask(); //TODO: this method should be moved to CTaskLog $logs = $task->getTaskLogs($task_id, $problem); $s = ''; $hrs = 0; $canEdit = canEdit('task_log'); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $billingCategory = w2PgetSysVal('BudgetCategory'); $durnTypes = w2PgetSysVal('TaskDurationType'); $taskLogReference = w2PgetSysVal('TaskLogReference'); $status = w2PgetSysVal('TaskStatus'); $task_types = w2PgetSysVal('TaskType'); $customLookups = array('budget_category' => $billingCategory, 'task_duration_type' => $durnTypes, 'task_log_reference' => $taskLogReference, 'task_status' => $status, 'task_type' => $task_types); if (count($logs)) { foreach ($logs as $row) { $s .= '<tr bgcolor="white" valign="top"><td>'; if ($canEdit) { $s .= '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $task_id . '&tab='; $s .= $tab == -1 ? $AppUI->getState('TaskLogVwTab') : '1'; $s .= '&task_log_id=' . $row['task_log_id'] . '">' . w2PshowImage('icons/stock_edit-16.png', 16, 16, '') . '</a>'; } $s .= '<a name="tasklog' . $row['task_log_id'] . '"></a>';
?> <table class="tbl list center" width="50%"> <tr> <?php foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) { ?> <th><?php echo $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]); ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); foreach ($rows as $row) { $htmlHelper->stageRowData($row); ?> <tr><?php echo $htmlHelper->createCell('na', $row['contact_first_name']); echo $htmlHelper->createCell('na', $row['contact_last_name']); echo $htmlHelper->createCell('user_ip', $row['user_ip']); echo $htmlHelper->createCell('log_in_datetime', $row['date_time_in']); echo $htmlHelper->createCell('log_out_datetime', $row['date_time_out']); ?> </tr><?php } ?> </table> <?php
echo '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="0" class="tbl"><tr>'; if ($project_id == 0) { echo '<th>Project Name</th>'; } echo '<th>Task Name</th>'; echo '<th width=400>Task Description</th>'; echo '<th>Assigned To</th>'; echo '<th>Task Start Date</th>'; echo '<th>Task End Date</th>'; echo '<th>Completion</th></tr>'; $pdfdata = array(); $columns = array('<b>' . $AppUI->_('Task Name') . '</b>', '<b>' . $AppUI->_('Task Description') . '</b>', '<b>' . $AppUI->_('Assigned To') . '</b>', '<b>' . $AppUI->_('Task Start Date') . '</b>', '<b>' . $AppUI->_('Task End Date') . '</b>', '<b>' . $AppUI->_('Completion') . '</b>'); if ($project_id == 0) { array_unshift($columns, '<b>' . $AppUI->_('Project Name') . '</b>'); } $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); if ($project_id == 0) { $myProject = new CProject(); $projects = $myProject->getAllowedProjects($AppUI->user_id); $project_ids = array_keys($projects); } else { $project_ids = array($project_id); } $obj = new CTask(); foreach ($project_ids as $project_id) { $taskTree = $obj->getTaskTree($project_id, 0); foreach ($taskTree as $task) { $str = '<tr>'; if (count($project_ids) > 1) { $str .= '<td>' . $task['project_name'] . '</td>'; }
function showtask_pr_ed(&$arr, $level = 0, $today_view = false) { global $AppUI, $done; //Check for Tasks Access $tmpTask = new CTask(); $tmpTask->load($arr['task_id']); $canAccess = $tmpTask->canAccess(); if (!$canAccess) { return false; } $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $htmlHelper->df .= ' ' . $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'); $done[] = $arr['task_id']; $s = '<tr>'; // dots $s .= '<td style="width: ' . ($today_view ? '20%' : '50%') . '" class="data _name">'; for ($y = 0; $y < $level; $y++) { if ($y + 1 == $level) { $image = w2PfindImage('corner-dots.gif', $m); } else { $image = w2PfindImage('shim.gif', $m); } $s .= '<img src="' . $image . '" width="16" height="12" border="0" alt="" />'; } // name link $alt = mb_strlen($arr['task_description']) > 80 ? mb_substr($arr['task_description'], 0, 80) . '...' : $arr['task_description']; // instead of the statement below $alt = mb_str_replace('"', """, $alt); $alt = mb_str_replace("\r", ' ', $alt); $alt = mb_str_replace("\n", ' ', $alt); $open_link = w2PshowImage('collapse.gif'); if ($arr['task_milestone'] > 0) { $s .= ' <b>' . $arr["task_name"] . '</b><!--</a>--> <img src="' . w2PfindImage('icons/milestone.gif', $m) . '" border="0" alt="" />'; } elseif ($arr['task_dynamic'] == '1') { $s .= $open_link; $s .= '<strong>' . $arr['task_name'] . '</strong>'; } else { $s .= $arr['task_name']; } $s .= '</td>'; $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('task_percent_complete', $arr['task_percent_complete']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('task_start_date', $arr['task_start_date']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('task_end_date', $arr['task_end_date']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('last_update', $arr['last_update']); $s .= '</tr>'; return $s; }
$titleBlock->addCell(); $titleBlock->addCell(' <form action="?m=calendar&a=addedit" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="submit" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('new event') . '" /> </form>', '', '', ''); } $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&date=' . $start_date->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE), 'month view'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=day_view&date=' . $start_date->format(FMT_TIMESTAMP_DATE) . '&tab=0', 'day view'); if ($canEdit) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=calendar&a=addedit&event_id=' . $event_id, 'edit this event'); if ($canDelete) { $titleBlock->addCrumbDelete('delete event', $canDelete, $msg); } } $titleBlock->show(); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $htmlHelper->df .= ' ' . $tf; ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <?php // security improvement: // some javascript functions may not appear on client side in case of user not having write permissions // else users would be able to arbitrarily run 'bad' functions if ($canDelete) { ?> function delIt() { if (confirm( "<?php echo $AppUI->_('eventDelete', UI_OUTPUT_JS); ?> " )) { document.frmDelete.submit();
<?php $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $df = $AppUI->getPref('SHDATEFORMAT'); ?> <table id="tblProjects" class="std view projects"> <tr> <td style="border: outset #d1d1cd 1px;background-color:#<?php echo $project->project_color_identifier; ?> " colspan="2" id="view-header"> <?php echo '<font color="' . bestColor($project->project_color_identifier) . '"><strong>' . $project->project_name . '<strong></font>'; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="view-column"> <strong><?php echo $AppUI->_('Details'); ?> </strong> <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%" class="well"> <tr> <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Company'); ?> :</td> <?php echo $htmlHelper->createCell('project_company', $project->project_company); ?>
?> </th> <?php } ?> <th></th> </tr> <?php // Pull the task comments $task = new CTask(); //TODO: this method should be moved to CTaskLog $logs = $task->getTaskLogs($task_id, $problem); $s = ''; $hrs = 0; $canEdit = canEdit('task_log'); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $billingCategory = w2PgetSysVal('BudgetCategory'); $durnTypes = w2PgetSysVal('TaskDurationType'); $taskLogReference = w2PgetSysVal('TaskLogReference'); $status = w2PgetSysVal('TaskStatus'); $task_types = w2PgetSysVal('TaskType'); $customLookups = array('budget_category' => $billingCategory, 'task_duration_type' => $durnTypes, 'task_log_reference' => $taskLogReference, 'task_status' => $status, 'task_type' => $task_types); if (count($logs)) { foreach ($logs as $row) { $s .= '<tr>'; $s .= '<td class="data _edit">'; if ($canEdit) { $s .= '<a href="?m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $task_id . '&tab='; $s .= $tab == -1 ? $AppUI->getState('TaskLogVwTab') : '1'; $s .= '&task_log_id=' . $row['task_log_id'] . '">' . w2PshowImage('icons/stock_edit-16.png', 16, 16, '') . '</a>'; }
function displayFiles($AppUI, $folder_id, $task_id, $project_id, $company_id) { global $m, $tab, $xpg_min, $xpg_pagesize, $showProject, $file_types, $company_id, $current_uri, $canEdit; // SETUP FOR FILE LIST $q = new w2p_Database_Query(); $q->addQuery('f.*, max(f.file_id) as latest_id, count(f.file_version) as file_versions, round(max(file_version), 2) as file_lastversion, file_owner, user_id'); $q->addQuery('ff.*, max(file_version) as file_version, f.file_date as file_datetime'); $q->addTable('files', 'f'); $q->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = file_folder'); $q->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = file_project'); $q->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = file_task'); $q->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = file_owner'); $q->leftJoin('project_departments', 'project_departments', 'p.project_id = project_departments.project_id OR project_departments.project_id IS NULL'); $q->leftJoin('departments', 'departments', 'departments.dept_id = project_departments.department_id OR dept_id IS NULL'); //TODO: apply permissions properly $project = new CProject(); $deny1 = $project->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id); if (count($deny1) > 0) { $q->addWhere('file_project NOT IN (' . implode(',', $deny1) . ')'); } //TODO: apply permissions properly $task = new CTask(); $deny2 = $task->getDeniedRecords($AppUI->user_id); if (count($deny2) > 0) { $q->addWhere('file_task NOT IN (' . implode(',', $deny2) . ')'); } if ($project_id) { $q->addWhere('file_project = ' . (int) $project_id); } if ($task_id) { $q->addWhere('file_task = ' . (int) $task_id); } if ($company_id) { $q->addWhere('project_company = ' . (int) $company_id); } //$tab = ($m == 'files') ? $tab-1 : -1; $temp_tab = $m == 'files' ? $tab - 1 : -1; if ($temp_tab >= 0 and count($file_types) - 1 > $temp_tab) { //if ($tab >= 0) { $q->addWhere('file_category = ' . (int) $temp_tab); } $q->setLimit($xpg_pagesize, $xpg_min); if ($folder_id > -1) { $q->addWhere('file_folder = ' . (int) $folder_id); } $q->addGroup('file_version_id DESC'); $q->addOrder('project_name ASC, file_parent ASC, file_id DESC'); $qv = new w2p_Database_Query(); $qv->addTable('files'); $qv->addQuery('file_id, file_version, file_project, file_name, file_task, file_description, file_owner, file_size, file_category, task_name, file_version_id, file_date as file_datetime, file_checkout, file_co_reason, file_type, file_date, cu.user_username as co_user, project_name, project_color_identifier, project_owner, u.user_id, con.contact_first_name, con.contact_last_name, con.contact_display_name as contact_name, co.contact_first_name as co_contact_first_name, co.contact_last_name as co_contact_last_name, co.contact_display_name as co_contact_name '); $qv->addJoin('projects', 'p', 'p.project_id = file_project'); $qv->addJoin('users', 'u', 'u.user_id = file_owner'); $qv->addJoin('contacts', 'con', 'con.contact_id = u.user_contact'); $qv->addJoin('tasks', 't', 't.task_id = file_task'); $qv->addJoin('file_folders', 'ff', 'ff.file_folder_id = file_folder'); if ($project_id) { $qv->addWhere('file_project = ' . (int) $project_id); } if ($task_id) { $qv->addWhere('file_task = ' . (int) $task_id); } if ($company_id) { $qv->addWhere('project_company = ' . (int) $company_id); } if ($temp_tab >= 0 and count($file_types) - 1 > $temp_tab) { //if ($tab >= 0) { $qv->addWhere('file_category = ' . (int) $temp_tab); } $qv->leftJoin('users', 'cu', 'cu.user_id = file_checkout'); $qv->leftJoin('contacts', 'co', 'co.contact_id = cu.user_contact'); if ($folder_id > -1) { $qv->addWhere('file_folder = ' . (int) $folder_id); } $files = $q->loadList(); $file_versions = $qv->loadHashList('file_id'); $module = new w2p_System_Module(); $fields = $module->loadSettings('files', 'index_list'); if (count($fields) > 0) { $fieldList = array_keys($fields); $fieldNames = array_values($fields); } else { // TODO: This is only in place to provide an pre-upgrade-safe // state for versions earlier than v3.0 // At some point at/after v4.0, this should be deprecated $fieldList = array('file_name', 'file_description', 'file_version', 'file_category', 'file_folder', 'file_task', 'file_owner', 'file_datetime'); $fieldNames = array('File Name', 'Description', 'Version', 'Category', 'Folder', 'Task Name', 'Owner', 'Date'); $module->storeSettings('files', 'index_list', $fieldList, $fieldNames); } $s = '<tr>'; $s .= '<th></th>'; $s .= '<th>' . $AppUI->_('co') . '</th>'; foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) { $s .= '<th>' . $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]) . '</th>'; } $s .= '<th></th>'; $s .= '</tr>'; $fp = -1; $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $htmlHelper->df .= ' ' . $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'); $file_types = w2PgetSysVal('FileType'); $customLookups = array('file_category' => $file_types); foreach ($files as $row) { $latest_file = $file_versions[$row['latest_id']]; if ($fp != $latest_file['file_project']) { if (!$latest_file['file_project']) { $latest_file['project_name'] = $AppUI->_('Not attached to a project'); $latest_file['project_color_identifier'] = 'f4efe3'; } if ($showProject) { $style = 'background-color:#' . $latest_file['project_color_identifier'] . ';color:' . bestColor($latest_file['project_color_identifier']); $s .= '<tr>'; $s .= '<td colspan="20" style="text-align: left; border: outset 2px #eeeeee;' . $style . '">'; if ($latest_file['file_project'] > 0) { $href = './index.php?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $latest_file['file_project']; } else { $href = './index.php?m=projects'; } $s .= '<a href="' . $href . '">'; $s .= '<span style="' . $style . '">' . $latest_file['project_name'] . '</span></a>'; $s .= '</td></tr>'; } } $fp = $latest_file['file_project']; $row['file_datetime'] = $latest_file['file_datetime']; $row['file_id'] = $latest_file['file_id']; $htmlHelper->stageRowData($row); $s .= '<tr>'; $s .= '<td class="data">'; if ($canEdit && (empty($latest_file['file_checkout']) || $latest_file['file_checkout'] == 'final' && ($canEdit || $latest_file['project_owner'] == $AppUI->user_id))) { $s .= '<a href="./index.php?m=files&a=addedit&file_id=' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '">' . w2PshowImage('kedit.png', '16', '16', 'edit file', 'edit file', 'files') . '</a>'; } $s .= '</td>'; $s .= '<td class="data">'; if ($canEdit && empty($latest_file['file_checkout'])) { $s .= '<a href="?m=files&a=co&file_id=' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '">' . w2PshowImage('up.png', '16', '16', 'checkout', 'checkout file', 'files') . '</a>'; } else { if ($latest_file['file_checkout'] == $AppUI->user_id) { $s .= '<a href="?m=files&a=addedit&ci=1&file_id=' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '">' . w2PshowImage('down.png', '16', '16', 'checkin', 'checkin file', 'files') . '</a>'; } else { if ($latest_file['file_checkout'] == 'final') { $s .= 'final'; } else { $s .= $latest_file['co_contact_name'] . '<br>(' . $latest_file['co_user'] . ')'; } } } $version_link = ''; $hidden_table = ''; if ($row['file_versions'] > 1) { $version_link = ' <a href="javascript: void(0);" onClick="expand(\'versions_' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '\'); ">(' . $row['file_versions'] . ')</a>'; $hidden_table = '<tr><td colspan="20"> <table style="display: none" id="versions_' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '" class="tbl list"> <tr>'; foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) { $hidden_table .= '<th nowrap="nowrap">'; $hidden_table .= $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]); $hidden_table .= '</th>'; } $hidden_table .= '</tr>'; $sub_htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $sub_htmlHelper->df .= ' ' . $AppUI->getPref('TIMEFORMAT'); foreach ($file_versions as $file) { $sub_htmlHelper->stageRowData($file); if ($file['file_version_id'] == $latest_file['file_version_id']) { foreach ($fieldList as $index => $column) { $hidden_table .= $sub_htmlHelper->createCell($fieldList[$index], $file[$fieldList[$index]], $customLookups); } if ($canEdit && w2PgetConfig('files_show_versions_edit')) { $hidden_table .= '<a href="./index.php?m=files&a=addedit&file_id=' . $file['file_id'] . '">' . w2PshowImage('kedit.png', '16', '16', 'edit file', 'edit file', 'files') . "</a>"; } $hidden_table .= '</td><tr>'; } } $hidden_table .= '</table>'; } $s .= '</td>'; foreach ($fieldList as $index => $column) { $cell = $htmlHelper->createCell($fieldList[$index], $row[$fieldList[$index]], $customLookups); if ('file_version' == $fieldList[$index]) { $cell = str_replace('</td>', $version_link . '</td>', $cell); } $s .= $cell; } $s .= '<td>'; $s .= '<form name="frm_remove_file_' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '" action="?m=files" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_file_aed" /> <input type="hidden" name="del" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="file_id" value="' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="' . $current_uri . '" /> </form>'; $s .= '<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="if (confirm(\'' . $AppUI->_('Are you sure you want to delete this file?') . '\')) {document.frm_remove_file_' . $latest_file['file_id'] . '.submit()}">' . w2PshowImage('remove.png', '16', '16', 'delete file', 'delete file', 'files') . '</a>'; $s .= '</td>'; $s .= '</tr>'; $s .= $hidden_table; } if (0 == count($files)) { $s .= '<tr><td colspan="' . (count($fieldNames) + 3) . '">' . $AppUI->_('No data available') . '</td></tr>'; } return $s; }
$st_projects_arr = array(); if ($row['project_id'] == $row['project_original_parent']) { $tmpProject->project_original_parent = $row['project_original_parent']; $tmpProject->project_status = -1; if ($project_status_filter == -2) { $st_projects_arr = $tmpProject->getStructuredProjects(true); } else { $st_projects_arr = $tmpProject->getStructuredProjects(); } } else { $st_projects_arr[0][1] = 0; } if (!is_array($st_projects_arr)) { continue; } $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); foreach ($st_projects_arr as $st_project) { $multiproject_id = 0; $project_id = isset($st_project[0]) ? $st_project[0]['project_id'] : 0; $level = $st_project[1]; if ($project_id) { if ($is_tabbed) { $row = $all_projects[getProjectIndex($all_projects, $project_id)]; } else { $row = $items[getProjectIndex($items, $project_id)]; } } $none = false; $end_date = intval($row['project_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($row['project_end_date']) : null; $actual_end_date = intval($row['project_actual_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($row['project_actual_end_date']) : null; $style = $actual_end_date > $end_date && !empty($end_date) ? 'style="color:red; font-weight:bold"' : '';
?> <th> <a href="?m=users&orderby=<?php echo $fieldList[$index]; ?> " class="hdr"> <?php echo $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]); ?> </a> </th><?php } ?> </tr> <?php $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); foreach ($rows as $row) { $htmlHelper->stageRowData($row); $s = '<tr>'; $s .= '<td align="center" nowrap="nowrap">'; if ($canEdit && $canDelete) { $s .= '<input type="button" class="button" value="' . $AppUI->_('logout_session') . '" onclick="javascript:window.location=\'./index.php?m=users&tab=3&out_session=' . $row['session_id'] . '&out_user_log_id=' . $row['user_access_log_id'] . '&out_user_id=' . $row['u_user_id'] . '&out_name=' . addslashes($row['contact_display_name']) . '\';"></input>'; } $s .= '</td><td align="center" nowrap="nowrap">'; if ($canEdit && $canDelete && $logoutUserFlag) { $s .= '<input type="button" class=button value="' . $AppUI->_('logout_user') . '" onclick="javascript:window.location=\'./index.php?m=users&tab=3&out_user_id=' . $row['u_user_id'] . '&out_name=' . addslashes($row['contact_display_name']) . '\';"></input>'; } $s .= '</td>'; $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('na', $row['user_username']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('na', $row['contact_display_name']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('contact_company', $row['contact_company']);
?> " alt=""><?php echo $AppUI->_($module['mod_name']); ?> </a> <?php echo w2PendTip(); ?> </h2> </td> </tr> <?php $fieldList = array('field_name', 'field_description', 'field_htmltype', 'field_published', 'field_order'); $fieldNames = array('Name', 'Description', 'Type', 'Published', 'Order'); $rows = $manager->getStructure($module['mod_name']); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $s = ''; if (count($rows)) { $s .= '<tr><th width="10"></th>'; foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) { $s .= '<th>' . $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]) . '</th>'; } $s .= '<th width="10"></th></tr>'; foreach ($rows as $row) { $s .= '<tr><td class="hilite">'; $s .= w2PtoolTip('', $AppUI->_('Click this icon to Edit this Custom Field.'), true); $s .= '<a href="?m=system&u=customfields&a=addedit&module=' . $module['mod_id'] . '&field_id=' . $row['field_id'] . '"><img src="' . w2PfindImage('icons/stock_edit-16.png') . '" /></a>'; $s .= w2PendTip(); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('na', $row['field_name']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('field_description', $row['field_description']); $s .= '<td>' . $AppUI->_($manager->getType($row['field_htmltype'])) . '</td>';
foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) { ?> <th><?php echo $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]); ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php $none = true; $project_statuses = w2PgetSysVal('ProjectStatus'); $project_types = w2PgetSysVal('ProjectType'); $customLookups = array('project_status' => $project_statuses, 'project_type' => $project_types); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); foreach ($projects as $row) { $htmlHelper->stageRowData($row); if ($show_all_projects || $row['project_active'] && $row['project_status'] == $project_status_filter || $row['project_active'] && $row['project_status'] == $project_status_filter || !$row['project_active'] && $project_status_filter == -3) { $none = false; $end_date = intval($row['project_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($row['project_end_date']) : null; $actual_end_date = intval($row['project_actual_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($row['project_actual_end_date']) : null; $style = $actual_end_date > $end_date && !empty($end_date) ? 'style="color:red; font-weight:bold"' : ''; $s = '<tr><td width="65" align="center" style="border: outset #eeeeee 2px;background-color:#' . $row['project_color_identifier'] . '"><font color="' . bestColor($row['project_color_identifier']) . '">' . sprintf("%.1f%%", $row['project_percent_complete']) . '</font></td>'; $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('project_priority', $row['project_priority']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('project_id', $row['project_id']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('na', $row['project_name']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('na', $row['company_name']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('project_start_date', $row['project_start_date']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('project_end_date', $row['project_end_date']); $s .= $htmlHelper->createCell('project_actual_end_date', $row['project_actual_end_date']);
//if $department contains the $company_prefix string that it's requesting a company and not a department. So, clear the // $department variable, and populate the $company_id variable. if (!(strpos($department, $company_prefix) === false)) { $company_id = substr($department, strlen($company_prefix)); $AppUI->setState('UsrProjIdxCompany', $company_id); unset($department); } $tab = $AppUI->processIntState('UserVwTab', $_GET, 'tab', 0); // pull data $user = new CUser(); $user->loadFull($user_id); $contact = new CContact(); $contact->contact_id = $user->user_contact; $methods = $contact->getContactMethods(); $methodLabels = w2PgetSysVal('ContactMethods'); $helper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); if (!$user) { $titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Invalid User ID', 'helix-setup-user.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}"); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=admin', 'users list'); $titleBlock->show(); } else { $countries = w2PgetSysVal('GlobalCountries'); // setup the title block $titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('View User', 'helix-setup-user.png', $m, "{$m}.{$a}"); if ($canRead) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=admin', 'users list'); } if ($canEdit || $user_id == $AppUI->user_id) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=admin&a=addedituser&user_id=' . $user_id, 'edit this user'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=contacts&a=addedit&contact_id=' . $user->contact_id, 'edit this contact'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system&a=addeditpref&user_id=' . $user_id, 'edit preferences');
public function __construct($AppUI) { $this->_AppUI = $AppUI; parent::__construct($AppUI); }
$dept_detail = $contact->getDepartmentDetails(); // Get the Contact info (phone, emails, etc) for the contact $methods = $contact->getContactMethods(); $methodLabels = w2PgetSysVal('ContactMethods'); // setup the title block $ttl = 'View Contact'; $titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock($ttl, 'monkeychat-48.png', $m, $m . '.' . $a); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=contacts', 'contacts list'); if ($canEdit && $contact_id) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=contacts&a=addedit&contact_id=' . $contact_id, 'edit this contact'); } if ($canDelete && $contact_id) { $titleBlock->addCrumbDelete('delete contact', $canDelete, $msg); } $titleBlock->show(); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); $last_ask = new w2p_Utilities_Date($contact->contact_updateasked); $lastupdated = new w2p_Utilities_Date($contact->contact_lastupdate); ?> <form name="changecontact" action="?m=contacts" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_contact_aed" /> <input type="hidden" name="del" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="contact_id" value="<?php echo $contact_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="contact_owner" value="<?php echo $contact->contact_owner ? $contact->contact_owner : $AppUI->user_id; ?> " /> </form>
</td> </tr> <?php } $contacts = $obj->getContacts($AppUI, $task_id); if (count($contacts)) { echo '<tr><td><strong>' . $AppUI->_('Task Contacts') . '</strong></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="hilite">'; echo w2p_Output_HTMLHelper::renderContactList($AppUI, $contacts); echo '</td></tr>'; } $contacts = CProject::getContacts($AppUI, $obj->task_project); if (count($contacts)) { echo '<tr><td><strong>' . $AppUI->_('Project Contacts') . '</strong></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class="hilite">'; echo w2p_Output_HTMLHelper::renderContactList($AppUI, $contacts); echo '</td></tr>'; } ?> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <?php $custom_fields = new w2p_Core_CustomFields($m, $a, $obj->task_id, 'view'); $custom_fields->printHTML(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
$projectArray = array(); for ($i = ($page - 1) * $xpg_pagesize; $i < $page * $xpg_pagesize && $i < $xpg_totalrecs; $i++) { $row = $projects[$i]; if ($show_all_projects || $row['project_active'] && $row['project_status'] == $project_status_filter && $is_tabbed || $row['project_active'] && $row['project_status'] == $project_status_filter && !$is_tabbed || !$row['project_active'] && $project_status_filter == -3 && !$is_tabbed) { $st_projects_arr = array(); if ($row['project_id'] == $row['project_original_parent']) { if ($project_status_filter == -2) { $structprojects = getStructuredProjects($row['project_original_parent'], '-1', true); } else { $structprojects = getStructuredProjects($row['project_original_parent'], '-1'); } } else { $st_projects_arr[0][1] = 0; } $tmpProject = new CProject(); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); foreach ($st_projects_arr as $st_project) { $multiproject_id = 0; $project_id = isset($st_project[0]) ? $st_project[0]['project_id'] : 0; $level = $st_project[1]; if ($project_id) { if ($is_tabbed) { $row = $all_projects[getProjectIndex($all_projects, $project_id)]; } else { $row = $projects[getProjectIndex($projects, $project_id)]; } } $none = false; $end_date = intval($row['project_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($row['project_end_date']) : null; $actual_end_date = intval($row['project_actual_end_date']) ? new w2p_Utilities_Date($row['project_actual_end_date']) : null; $style = $actual_end_date > $end_date && !empty($end_date) ? 'style="color:red; font-weight:bold"' : '';
$titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks', 'tasks list'); if ($canReadProject) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $obj->task_project, 'view this project'); } if ($canEdit && 0 == $obj->task_represents_project) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=tasks&a=addedit&task_id=' . $task_id, 'edit this task'); } //$obj->task_represents_project if ($obj->task_represents_project) { $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=projects&a=view&project_id=' . $obj->task_represents_project, 'view subproject'); } if ($canDelete) { $titleBlock->addCrumbDelete('delete task', $canDelete, $msg); } $titleBlock->show(); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); ?> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function updateTask() { var f = document.editFrm; f.submit(); } <?php if ($canDelete) { ?> function delIt() { if (confirm( '<?php echo $AppUI->_('doDelete', UI_OUTPUT_JS) . ' ' . $AppUI->_('Task', UI_OUTPUT_JS) . '?'; ?> ' )) {
$canRead = canView('system'); if (!$canRead) { $AppUI->redirect(ACCESS_DENIED); } $module = new w2p_System_Module(); $hidden_modules = array('public', 'install'); $modules = __extract_from_modules_index($hidden_modules); // get the modules actually installed on the file system $loader = new w2p_FileSystem_Loader(); $modFiles = $loader->readDirs('modules'); $titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Modules', 'power-management.png', $m); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system', 'System Admin'); $titleBlock->show(); $fieldList = array('mod_name', 'mod_active', 'mod_customize', 'mod_type', 'mod_version', 'mod_ui_name', 'mod_ui_icon', 'mod_ui_active', 'mod_ui_order'); $fieldNames = array('Module', 'Status', 'Customize', 'Type', 'Version', 'Menu Text', 'Menu Icon', 'Menu Status', 'Order'); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); ?> <table class="tbl list modules"> <?php echo '<tr><th></th>'; foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) { echo '<th>' . $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]) . '</th>'; } echo '</tr>'; // do the modules that are installed on the system foreach ($modules as $row) { // clear the file system entry if (isset($modFiles[$row['mod_directory']])) { $modFiles[$row['mod_directory']] = ''; }
?> <th nowrap="nowrap"> <!-- <a href="?m=departments&orderby=<?php echo $fieldList[$index]; ?> " class="hdr">--> <?php echo $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]); ?> <!-- </a>--> </th><?php } ?> </tr> <?php if (count($depts)) { $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); foreach ($depts as $row) { echo '<tr>'; $htmlHelper->stageRowData($row); //TODO: how do we tweak this to get the parent/child relationship to display? foreach ($fieldList as $index => $column) { echo $htmlHelper->createCell($fieldList[$index], $row[$fieldList[$index]], $customLookups); } echo '</tr>'; } } else { echo '<tr><td colspan="' . count($fieldNames) . '">' . $AppUI->_('No data available') . '</td></tr>'; } ?> </table>
foreach ($avail_modules as $avail_module) { $modules[$avail_module['value']] = $avail_module['value']; } $module = isset($modules[$module]) ? $module : 'all'; $actions = array('all' => 'All Actions', 'access' => 'access', 'add' => 'add', 'delete' => 'delete', 'edit' => 'edit', 'view' => 'view'); $action = isset($actions[$action]) ? $action : 'all'; $users = array('' => '(' . $AppUI->_('Select User') . ')') + w2PgetUsers(); $permissions = getPermissions($perms, $user_id, $module, $action); $titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('Permission Result Table', 'icon.png', $m); $titleBlock->addCell(' <form action="?m=system&a=acls_view" method="post" name="pickUser" accept-charset="utf-8">' . $AppUI->_('View Users Permissions') . ': ' . arraySelect($users, 'user', 'class="text" onchange="javascript:document.pickUser.submit()"', $user_id) . $AppUI->_('View by Module') . ': ' . arraySelect($modules, 'module', 'class="text" onchange="javascript:document.pickUser.submit()"', $module) . $AppUI->_('View by Action') . ': ' . arraySelect($actions, 'action', 'class="text" onchange="javascript:document.pickUser.submit()"', $action) . '</form>', '', '', ''); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system', 'system admin'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system&u=roles', 'user roles'); $titleBlock->show(); $fieldNames = array('UserID', 'User', 'Display Name', 'Module', 'Item', 'Item Name', 'Action', 'Allow', 'ACL_ID'); $htmlHelper = new w2p_Output_HTMLHelper($AppUI); ?> <table class="tbl list"> <tr> <?php foreach ($fieldNames as $index => $name) { ?> <th><?php echo $AppUI->_($fieldNames[$index]); ?> </th> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php