/* $Id$ $URL$ */ if (!defined('W2P_BASE_DIR')) { die('You should not access this file directly.'); } // check permissions $perms =& $AppUI->acl(); if (!canEdit('system')) { $AppUI->redirect('m=public&a=access_denied'); } $reset = (int) w2PgetParam($_GET, 'reset', 0); if ($reset == 1) { $obj =& $AppUI->acl(); $obj->recalcPermissions(); } $w2Pcfg = new w2p_Core_Config(); // retrieve the system configuration data $rs = $w2Pcfg->loadAll('config_group'); $tab = $AppUI->processIntState('ConfigIdxTab', $_GET, 'tab', 0); $active = intval(!$AppUI->getState('ConfigIdxTab')); $titleBlock = new w2p_Theme_TitleBlock('System Configuration', 'control-center.png', $m); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system', 'system admin'); $titleBlock->addCrumb('?m=system&a=addeditpref', 'default user preferences'); $titleBlock->show(); // prepare the automated form fields based on db system configuration data $output = null; $last_group = ''; foreach ($rs as $c) { $tooltip = $AppUI->_($c['config_name'] . '_tooltip'); // extraparse the checkboxes and the select lists $extra = '';
/** * Retrieves a configuration setting. * @param $key string The name of a configuration setting * @param $default string The default value to return if the key not found. * @return The value of the setting, or the default value if not found. */ function w2PgetConfig($key, $default = null) { global $w2Pconfig, $AppUI; if (isset($w2Pconfig[$key])) { return $w2Pconfig[$key]; } else { if (!is_null($default)) { $obj = new w2p_Core_Config(); $obj->config_name = $key; $obj->config_value = $default; $obj->store($AppUI); } return $default; } }
$q->addTable('config'); $q->addQuery("config_id"); $q->addWhere("config_name = 'cal_day_start'"); $id = $q->loadResult(); $q->clear(); $obj = new w2p_Core_Config(); $obj->load($id); $obj->config_value = $newcal_day_start; if ($msg = $obj->store($AppUI)) { $AppUI->setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect(); } } $cal_day_end = w2PgetConfig("cal_day_end"); $newcal_day_end = w2PgetParam($_POST, "cal_day_end", $cal_day_end); if ($newcal_day_end != $cal_day_end) { $q->addTable('config'); $q->addQuery("config_id"); $q->addWhere("config_name = 'cal_day_end'"); $id = $q->loadResult(); $q->clear(); $obj = new w2p_Core_Config(); $obj->load($id); $obj->config_value = $newcal_day_end; if ($msg = $obj->store($AppUI)) { $AppUI->setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect(); } } $AppUI->setMsg("Settings updated"); $AppUI->redirect();