Example #1
  * Returns the name of the content author
  * @return string
 public function getUsername()
     if ($this->use_item) {
         return $this->content->getUsername();
     return false;
Example #2
	protected function load_content_info()
		$type_instance = vB_Types::instance();
		$class = $type_instance->getContentTypeClass($this->contenttypeid);
		$package = $type_instance->getContentTypePackage($this->contenttypeid);

		//this forces some of the fields we access to be loaded.
		$contentinfo = vBCms_Content::create($package, $class);

		//we have a contenttype and content id, but we need the nodeid.
		if ($record = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT nodeid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX .
			"cms_node WHERE contenttypeid = " . $this->contenttypeid . " AND contentid = " .
			$item = vB_Item_Content::create($package, $class, $this->nodeid = $record['nodeid']);

			return $contentinfo;
		return false;
Example #3
	 * Sets preloaded info from an existing item to the current content.
	 * @param vBCms_Item_Content $node
	public function castFrom(vB_Item_Content $source)
		$this->content = $source;
		$this->contentid = $source->getNodeId();
Example #4
	 * Creates a content item to add to the collection.
	 * @param array mixed $iteminfo				- The known properties of the new item
	 * @return vB_Item							- The created item
	protected function createItem($iteminfo, $load_flags = false)
		$class = vBCms_Types::instance()->getContentTypeClass($iteminfo['contenttypeid']);
		$package = vBCms_Types::instance()->getContentTypePackage($iteminfo['contenttypeid']);

		$item = vB_Item_Content::create($package, $class, $iteminfo[$this->primary_key]);
		$item->setInfo($iteminfo, $load_flags);

		return $item;
Example #5
	protected function postSave($result, $deferred, $replace, $ignore)
			if (! $this->save_children)
			return true;

		vB::$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
			'ids' => vB_Input::TYPE_ARRAY));
		//The parent classes insist on setting new=1, but we want new=0;
		vB::$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node
		SET new = 0 WHERE nodeid = " . (isset($this->set_fields['nodeid']) ? $this->set_fields['nodeid'] : $this->primary_id));

		//We have a minor issue here. The edit screen does not have a time and date
		//So- if the item is currently published and is still published, we should do nothing.
		//To make that decision we need to know what's currently published.

		$existing = array();
		if (count(vB::$vbulletin->GPC['ids']))
			$rst = $record = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_read($sql = "SELECT nodeid, publishdate, setpublish, publicpreview FROM " .
				TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node AS node WHERE nodeid in (" . implode(', ', vB::$vbulletin->GPC['ids']) . ")");
			if ($rst)
				while($record = vB::$vbulletin->db->fetch_array($rst))
					$existing[$record['nodeid']] = $record;

		$orders = array();
		foreach (vB::$vbulletin->GPC['ids'] as $nodeid)
			vB::$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
				"cb_preview_$nodeid" => vB_Input::TYPE_INT,
				"cb_delete_$nodeid" => vB_Input::TYPE_INT,
				"order_$nodeid" => vB_Input::TYPE_INT,
				"published_$nodeid" => vB_Input::TYPE_INT

			//If we're deleting we need to instantiate the appropriate data manager
			// and use that to delete. Otherwise we know where the variables are and
			// can just update them directly.
			if (vB::$vbulletin->GPC_exists["cb_delete_$nodeid"])
				if ($record = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT contenttype.class, package.class
				AS package FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node node
				INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contenttype AS contenttype ON contenttype.contenttypeid = node.contenttypeid
				INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "package AS package ON package.packageid = contenttype.packageid
				 WHERE nodeid = " . $nodeid))
					$item = vB_Item_Content::create($record['package'], $record['class'], $nodeid);
					$dm = $item->getDM();
				//Check the order. This is fairly tricky. If we do the order updates
				// out of sequence, things get scrambled and we are sure to wind up incorrect. So we
				// need to index them and do them in order.

				if (intval( vB::$vbulletin->GPC["order_$nodeid"]))
					$orders[$nodeid] = vB::$vbulletin->GPC["order_$nodeid"];
					$orders[$nodeid] = 0;

				$updates = array();
				//Check the preview status
				$newpreview = vB::$vbulletin->GPC_exists["cb_preview_$nodeid"] ? 1 : 0;

				if (($newpreview == 1) AND (array_key_exists($nodeid, $existing))
					AND (intval($existing[$nodeid]['publicpreview']) != 1))
					$updates[] = " publicpreview = 1";
				else if (($newpreview == 0) AND (array_key_exists($nodeid, $existing))
				AND (intval($existing[$nodeid]['publicpreview']) != 0))
					$updates[] = " publicpreview = 0";

				//Check the published status. Remember we set published = 2;
				if (array_key_exists($nodeid, $existing) AND vB::$vbulletin->GPC_exists["published_$nodeid"]
					AND (vB::$vbulletin->GPC["published_$nodeid"] == 2) AND
					($existing[$nodeid]['setpublish'] != 1))
					$updates[] = " setpublish = 1, publishdate = " . (TIMENOW  - vBCms_ContentManager::getTimeOffset(vB::$vbulletin->userinfo, false) );
				else if (array_key_exists($nodeid, $existing)  AND vB::$vbulletin->GPC_exists["published_$nodeid"]
					AND (vB::$vbulletin->GPC["published_$nodeid"] == 1) AND ($existing[$nodeid]['setpublish'] != 0))
					$updates[] = " setpublish = 0 " ;

				if (count($updates))
					$sql = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node set " . implode(', ' , $updates) .
						" WHERE nodeid = $nodeid";
		$min_sequence = 1;

		foreach ($orders as $nodeid => $order)
			if ($order == 0)
				vBCms_ContentManager::setDisplayOrder($this->set_fields['nodeid'], $nodeid, 0);
				$order = max($min_sequence, intval($order));
				vBCms_ContentManager::setDisplayOrder($this->set_fields['nodeid'], $nodeid, $order);


		return parent::postSave($result, $deferred, $replace, $ignore);
Example #6
	 * Loads non item properties from a cache hit.
	 * @param mixed $info						- The info loaded from the cache
	protected function loadCacheInfo($info)

		if (isset($info['pending_parent']))
			$this->pending_parent = $info['pending_parent'];

		if (isset($info['node_layout']))
			$this->node_layout = $info['node_layout'];

		if (isset($info['node_styleid']))
			$this->node_styleid = $info['node_styleid'];

		if (isset($info['parents']))
			$this->parents = unserialize($info['parents']);

		if (isset($info['config']))
			$this->config = unserialize($info['config']);

		return true;