function parse()
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/remotefile.class.php';
     $rfObj = new remotePageProperty($this->url);
     $data = array();
     $data['title'] = $this->cleanTitle($rfObj->getPageTitle());
     $page = $rfObj->page_content;
     // to do - grab description from meta tag or story content
     if (preg_match('/<meta name="description"[^>]*content="([^"]+)"/i', $page, $match)) {
         $data['description'] = $match[1];
     } else {
         $temp = $rfObj->getPageParagraphs();
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/utilities.class.php';
         $utilObj = new utilities();
         $temp = $utilObj->shorten($temp, LENGTH_LONG_CAPTION);
         $data['description'] = $temp;
         //$this->log('Caption from gPP: '.$temp);
     $data['images'] = $this->parseImages($rfObj);
     // to do - grab content
     // to do - use my code to grab keywords using semantic library
     return $this->jsonData($data);
 function transmit($timestamp = 0, $limit = 25)
     require_once 'utilities.class.php';
     $utilObj = new utilities($this->db);
     // return serialized log info for synchronization
     $log = array();
     /*** Transmit votes - req. ncUid and contentid ***/
     $votes = array();
     $x = 0;
     $page = 0;
     $q = $this->db->query("SELECT Log.*,User.ncUid,Content.contentid FROM Log,User,Content WHERE Log.itemid=Content.siteContentId AND contentid>0 AND User.ncUid<>0 AND Log.userid1=User.userid AND action='vote' AND status='pending' AND Content.isBlocked=0 AND User.isBlocked=0 ORDER BY DESC");
     while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
         $votes[$x][contentid] = $data->contentid;
         $votes[$x][logid] = $data->id;
         // fetch newscloud id from userid1
         $votes[$x][uid] = $data->ncUid;
         // $this->lookupUid($data->userid1);
         $x += 1;
     $this->narrate('Transmitting votes');
     $log['votes'] = $votes;
     /*** Transmit new users - req isVerifiedEmail=1 ***/
     $newUsers = array();
     $x = 0;
     require_once 'userRemoteSync.class.php';
     $rsObj = new userRemoteSync($this->db);
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/systemStatus.class.php';
     $ssObj = new systemStatus($this->db);
     $partnerid = $ssObj->getState('partnerid');
     $q = $rsObj->findUnlinkedAccounts();
     while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
         $newUsers[$x][partnerid] = $partnerid;
         $newUsers[$x][userid] = $data->userid;
         $newUsers[$x][name] = $data->name;
         $newUsers[$x][email] = $data->email;
         $newUsers[$x][fbId] = $data->fbId;
         $newUsers[$x][city] = $data->city;
         $x += 1;
     $log['newUsers'] = $newUsers;
     $this->narrate('New users to sync with NewsCloud');
     // build for users to synchronize - changed bio, changed user level - to do : facebook image
     /*** Transmit users who change their user level ***/
     $levelChanges = array();
     $x = 0;
     require_once 'userRemoteSync.class.php';
     $rsObj = new userRemoteSync($this->db);
     $q = $rsObj->findUserLevelIncreases($timestamp);
     while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
         $levelChanges[$x][logid] = $data->id;
         $levelChanges[$x][userid] = $data->userid;
         $levelChanges[$x][uid] = $data->ncUid;
         $levelChanges[$x][userlevel] = $data->itemid;
         $x += 1;
     $log['levelChanges'] = $levelChanges;
     $this->narrate('User Level Increases');
     /*** Transmit read story records - req. ncUid and contentid ***/
     $q = $this->db->query("SELECT,Content.contentid,User.ncUid FROM Log,Content,User WHERE action='readStory' AND status='pending' AND User.userid=Log.userid1 AND Log.itemid=Content.siteContentId  AND User.ncUid>0 AND Content.contentid>0 AND Content.isBlocked=0 AND User.isBlocked=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit};");
     $readStory = array();
     $x = 0;
     while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
         $readStory[$x][contentid] = $data->contentid;
         $readStory[$x][logid] = $data->id;
         $readStory[$x][uid] = $data->ncUid;
         $x += 1;
     $log['readStory'] = $readStory;
     /*** Transmit published story to journal - req. ncUid and contentid ***/
     $q = $this->db->query("SELECT,Content.contentid,User.ncUid FROM Log,Content,User WHERE action='publishStory' AND status='pending' AND User.userid=Log.userid1 AND Log.itemid=Content.siteContentId  AND User.ncUid>0 AND Content.contentid>0 AND Content.isBlocked=0 AND User.isBlocked=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit};");
     $pubStory = array();
     $x = 0;
     while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
         $pubStory[$x][contentid] = $data->contentid;
         $pubStory[$x][logid] = $data->id;
         $pubStory[$x][uid] = $data->ncUid;
         $x += 1;
     $log['pubStory'] = $pubStory;
     /*** Transmit posted raw stories - req ncUid ***/
     $q = $this->db->queryC("SELECT,Log.itemid,User.ncUid FROM Log,User WHERE action='publishWire' AND status='pending' AND User.userid=Log.userid1 AND User.ncUid>0 AND User.isBlocked=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit};");
     $pubWire = array();
     $x = 0;
     while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
         $wireQuery = $this->db->queryC("SELECT * FROM Newswire WHERE id={$data->itemid};");
         if ($wireQuery !== false) {
             $wi = $this->db->readQ($wireQuery);
             $pubWire[$x][logid] = $data->id;
             $pubWire[$x][uid] = $data->ncUid;
             // fetch wire story url
             $pubWire[$x][url] = $wi->url;
             $pubWire[$x][siteContentId] = $data->itemid2;
             $pubWire[$x][wireid] = $wi->wireid;
             switch ($wi->feedType) {
                     // wire
                     $pubWire[$x][feedType] = 'wire';
                 case 'blog':
                     $pubWire[$x][feedType] = 'blog';
                     $pubWire[$x][title] = $wi->title;
                     $pubWire[$x][date] = $wi->date;
                     $pubWire[$x][caption] = $utilObj->shorten($wi->caption, 500);
             $x += 1;
         } else {
             // story deleted from newswire
             $this->db->update("Log", "status='error'", "id={$data->id}");
     $log['pubWire'] = $pubWire;
     /*** Transmit posted stories, a new user posted story - req ncUid ***/
     $q = $this->db->queryC("SELECT,Log.itemid,User.ncUid FROM Log,User WHERE action='postStory' AND status='pending' AND User.userid=Log.userid1 AND User.ncUid>0 AND User.isBlocked=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit};");
     if ($q !== false) {
         //$this->db->log('inside poststory');
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php';
         $cObj = new content($this->db);
         $postStory = array();
         $x = 0;
         while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
             // fetch contentid from siteContentid
             $si = $cObj->getById($data->itemid);
             if ($si !== false) {
                 $postStory[$x][logid] = $data->id;
                 $postStory[$x][siteContentId] = $data->itemid;
                 $postStory[$x][uid] = $data->ncUid;
                 $postStory[$x][title] = $si->title;
                 $postStory[$x][url] = $si->url;
                 $postStory[$x][date] = $si->date;
                 $postStory[$x][caption] = htmlentities($utilObj->shorten(strip_tags($si->caption), 500), ENT_QUOTES);
                 $imageProps = $cObj->getImage($data->itemid);
                 if ($imageProps !== false) {
                     $postStory[$x][imageurl] = $imageProps->url;
                 $x += 1;
         $log['postStory'] = $postStory;
     $this->narrate('Posting stories to NewsCloud');
     /*** Transmit comments - req. ncUid and contentid ***/
     $comments = array();
     $q = $this->db->query("SELECT,Comments.comments,Comments.siteCommentId,Content.contentid,User.ncUid FROM Log,Comments,Content,User WHERE Log.itemid=Comments.siteCommentId AND Comments.siteContentId=Log.itemid2 AND Content.siteContentId=Log.itemid2 AND  Content.contentid>0 AND Log.userid1=User.userid AND User.ncUid>0   AND action='comment' AND status='pending' AND Content.isBlocked=0 AND User.isBlocked=0 AND Comments.videoid=0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT {$limit};");
     $x = 0;
     while ($data = $this->db->readQ($q)) {
         $comments[$x][uid] = $data->ncUid;
         $comments[$x][contentid] = $data->contentid;
         $comments[$x][logid] = $data->id;
         $comments[$x][comments] = htmlentities($data->comments, ENT_QUOTES);
         $comments[$x][siteCommentId] = $data->siteCommentId;
         $x += 1;
         // fetch contentid from siteContentid
         //if ($contentid!==false AND $contentid<>0) {
         // fetch newscloud id from userid1
         //if ($ncUid<>0) {
     $log['comments'] = $comments;
     $this->narrate('Transmitting comments');
     // send serialized array out
     return serialize($log);
 function loadStory($wire = null, $feed = null)
     $this->db->log('entering loadStory ');
     // post a story from a feed to Content table for the user who owns the bookmark feed
     // $id is feed id, $wire is serialized newswire object, $feed->userid is posted by userid
     // clean headlines
     $wire->title = $this->psObj->cleanTitle($wire->title);
     $this->db->log('clean title:' . $wire->title);
     // check for duplicates from final url or initial url or title
     $error = false;
     $cleanUrl = $this->psObj->cleanUrl($wire->url);
     $isDup = $this->db->queryC("SELECT siteContentId FROM Content WHERE url = '" . $wire->url . "' OR url = '" . $cleanUrl . "' OR title = '" . $wire->title . "'");
     if ($isDup === false) {
         $wire->url = $cleanUrl;
         $this->psObj->log('Cleaned url: ' . $cleanUrl . ' <= ' . $wire->url);
         // load user wire record
         $this->db->log('not a dup');
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php';
         $userTable = new UserTable($this->db);
         $user = $userTable->getRowObject();
         // to do if $feed->userid==0 use admin
         if ($feed->userid == 0) {
         } else {
         // create temporary content item, temp permalink
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/utilities.class.php';
         $utilObj = new utilities();
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php';
         $cObj = new content($this->db);
         // clean caption, strip tags, trim for length
         $wire->caption = $utilObj->shorten($wire->caption, LENGTH_LONG_CAPTION);
         $wire->source = $this->stripit(parse_url($wire->url, PHP_URL_HOST));
         // create permalink
         $wire->permalink = $cObj->buildPermalink($wire->title);
         // get images, check size of each and pick most likely candidate with minimum
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/remotefile.class.php';
         $rfObj = new remotePageProperty($wire->url);
         $imgArr = $this->psObj->parseImages($rfObj, 7500);
         // 7500 is min jpg size for automatically selecting images
         // $this->db->log($imgArr);
         if (count($imgArr) > 0) {
             $wire->imageUrl = $imgArr[0];
         } else {
             $wire->imageUrl = '';
         // serialize the content
         $isBlogEntry = 0;
         $story = $cObj->serialize(0, $wire->title, $wire->caption, $wire->source, $wire->url, $wire->permalink, $user->ncUid, $user->name, $user->userid, '', 1, 0, 0, $wire->imageUrl, 0, $isBlogEntry, 1);
         // add to content by this userid
         $siteContentId = $cObj->add($story);
         if ($siteContentId !== false) {
             require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/log.class.php';
             $this->logObj = new log($this->db);
             // add to user journal
             $logItem = $this->logObj->serialize(0, $user->userid, 'postStory', $siteContentId);
             $inLog = $this->logObj->update($logItem);
             if ($inLog) {
                 $logItem = $this->logObj->serialize(0, $user->userid, 'vote', $siteContentId);
                 $inLog = $this->logObj->update($logItem);
         // set new story loaded flag - so that features can be updated
         $this->newStoryLoaded = true;
     } else {
         $error = true;
 function validate($option = 'link')
     $fData = new stdClass();
     $fData->result = true;
     $fData->state = 'validate';
     $fData->url = $_POST['url'];
     $fData->imageUrl = $_POST['imageUrl'];
     $fData->videoEmbed = $_POST['videoEmbed'];
     // Remove microsoft quotes
     $bad = array('`', '’', '„', '‘', '’', '´');
     $good = array('\'', '\'', ',', '\'', '\'', '\'');
     $title = str_replace($bad, $good, $_POST['title']);
     $fData->title = stripslashes(strip_tags($title));
     // took out mysql_real_escape
     $fData->tags = $_POST['tags'];
     $fData->mediatype = $_POST['mediatype'];
     if (isset($_POST['isFeatureCandidate']) and $_POST['isFeatureCandidate'] == 'on') {
         $fData->isFeatureCandidate = 1;
     } else {
         $fData->isFeatureCandidate = 0;
     $fData->isBookmarklet = true;
     $fData->showPreview = false;
     $fData->alert = '';
     $fData->title = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['title']));
     $fData->caption = stripslashes($_POST['caption']);
     //$fData->caption=mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($_POST['caption']), $this->db->handle);
     // begin option specific code and error checking
     switch ($option) {
             $fData->caption = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['caption']));
             if ($fData->url == '') {
                 $fData->alert = 'Please provide a Web address (URL) for your story.';
                 $fData->result = false;
             if ($fData->caption == '') {
                 $fData->alert = 'Please provide a short caption for your entry.';
                 $fData->result = false;
             if (strlen($fData->caption) > LENGTH_LONG_CAPTION + 5) {
                 $fData->alert = 'Please shorten your caption to ' . LENGTH_LONG_CAPTION . ' characters. Current length: ' . strlen($fData->caption);
                 $fData->result = false;
         case 'blog':
             if (isset($_POST['blogid'])) {
                 $fData->blogid = $_POST['blogid'];
             $fData->status = 'draft';
             // only allowable html, fbml
             $fData->entry = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['entry'], '<p><a><i><br><em><strong><img>'));
             // <fb:photo><fb:mp3><fb:swf><fb:flv><fb:silverlight>
             $fData->caption = stripslashes(strip_tags($_POST['caption']));
             if ($fData->entry == '' or strlen($fData->entry) < MIN_BLOG_LENGTH) {
                 $fData->alert = 'Please compose a blog post of at least ' . MIN_BLOG_LENGTH . ' characters (not counting HTML tags). Current length: ' . strlen($fData->entry);
                 $fData->result = false;
                 $lengthError = true;
             } else {
                 $lengthError = false;
             if (strlen($fData->entry) > MAX_BLOG_LENGTH) {
                 $fData->alert = 'Please shorten your blog entry to ' . MAX_BLOG_LENGTH . ' characters. Current length: ' . strlen($fData->entry);
                 $fData->result = false;
             if ($fData->caption != '') {
                 // if it exists already, then check that it meets the minimum length requirements
                 if (strlen($fData->caption) > LENGTH_LONG_CAPTION + 5) {
                     $temp = $utilObj->shorten($_POST['caption'], LENGTH_LONG_CAPTION);
                     $fData->caption = $temp;
             } else {
                 // if it doesn't exist, create
                 require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/utilities.class.php';
                 $utilObj = new utilities($this->db);
                 $temp = $utilObj->shorten($fData->entry, CAPTION_LENGTH);
                 if (!$lengthError and strlen($temp) < 100) {
                     $fData->alert = 'Please compose a blog entry for a caption of at least ' . MIN_BLOG_LENGTH . ' characters (not counting HTML tags). Current length: ' . strlen($temp);
                     $fData->result = false;
                 $fData->caption = $temp;
     // tags
     		if ($fData->tags=='') {
     			$fData->alert='Please provide at least one tag.';
     // check user has minimum # of friends - to prevent spam
     if (isset($_POST['fb_sig_friends']) and count(explode(',', $_POST['fb_sig_friends'])) < MIN_FRIENDS) {
         // suspiciously low # of friends to be posting
         $fData->alert = 'Please add more friends to your Facebook profile before you post stories here. This helps us minimize spam. Sorry for the inconvenience.';
         $fData->result = false;
     if (strcmp(strtoupper($fData->title), $fData->title) == 0) {
         $fData->title = $temp = ucwords(strtolower($fData->title));
         $fData->alert = 'We\'ve modified your headline so that it\'s not all uppercase. Please check it.';
         $fData->result = false;
     if ($fData->title == '') {
         $fData->alert = 'Please provide a short headline for your entry.';
         $fData->result = false;
     if (strlen($fData->title) > $this->titleLimit) {
         $fData->alert = 'Please shorten your title to ' . $this->titleLimit . ' characters. Current length: ' . strlen($fData->title);
         $fData->result = false;
     /* We might want this later
     		if ($fData->imageUrl=='' ) {
     			$fData->alert='Please provide a Web address (IMAGE URL) for your story image.';
     // url
     if ($fData->url != '') {
         $urlParts = parse_url($fData->url);
         // make sure url has http:// or other scheme in front of it
         if ($urlParts['scheme'] == '') {
             $fData->url = 'http://' . $fData->url;
         if (($urlParts['path'] == '' or $urlParts['path'] == '/') and $urlParts['query'] == '') {
             $fData->alert = 'You seem to be writing about a Web site, not a particular story on a Web site. Please do not submit links to Web sites. Please only submit stories from Web sites and blogs.';
             $fData->result = false;
         if (preg_match('/^http:\\/\\/\\/ext\\/share.php/', $fData->url)) {
             $fData->alert = 'You seem to be posting a shared story from facebook. Please go to the actual story page and post again from there.';
             $fData->result = false;
     // Check for rate limits on post story
     if (!($this->session->u->isAdmin || $this->session->u->isModerator || $this->session->u->isSponser)) {
         $resp = $this->logObj->checkLimits($this->session->userid, "(action = 'postStory' OR action = 'postBlog')", 'posting');
         if ($resp !== false) {
             $fData->alert = $resp['msg'];
             $fData->result = false;
     // validate the video
     if ($fData->videoEmbed != '') {
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/video.class.php';
         $videoURL = videos::getVideoURLFromEmbedCodeOrURL(stripslashes($fData->videoEmbed));
         if (!videos::validateVideoURL($fData->videoEmbed)) {
             $fData->alert = 'Your video URL or embedding code is invalid. We only support Facebook and YouTube videos at this time.';
             $fData->result = false;
     $this->fData =& $fData;
     return $fData;