Example #1
 static function logout()
     $user = identity::active_user();
     if (!$user->guest) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Kohana_Log::add("error", $e);
         module::event("user_logout", $user);
     log::info("user", t("User %name logged out", array("name" => $user->name)), t('<a href="%url">%user_name</a>', array("url" => user_profile::url($user->id), "user_name" => html::clean($user->name))));
 static function thumb_info($theme, $item)
     $results = "";
     if ($item->view_count) {
         $results .= "<li>";
         $results .= t("Views: %view_count", array("view_count" => $item->view_count));
         $results .= "</li>";
     // rWatcher Edit:  Display Tags on Thumbnails
     if (module::is_active("tag")) {
         $tags = ORM::factory("tag")->join("items_tags", "tags.id", "items_tags.tag_id")->where("items_tags.item_id", "=", $item->id)->find_all();
         if (count($tags) > 0) {
             $results .= "<li>";
             $results .= t("Tags:") . " ";
             $anchors = array();
             foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                 $anchors[] = "<a href=" . $tag->url() . ">" . html::clean($tag->name) . "</a>";
             $results .= join(", ", $anchors) . "</li>";
     // rWatcher End Edit
     if ($item->owner) {
         // rWatcher Edit:  Display profile instead of web site, if viewable.
         $str_owner_url = $item->owner->url;
         if (rwinfo_theme_Core::_can_view_profile_pages(identity::lookup_user($item->owner->id))) {
             $str_owner_url = user_profile::url($item->owner->id);
         // rWatcher End Edit
         $results .= "<li>";
         if ($str_owner_url) {
             //rW Edit str_owner_url
             $results .= t("By: <a href=\"%owner_url\">%owner_name</a>", array("owner_name" => $item->owner->display_name(), "owner_url" => $str_owner_url));
             // rW Edit str_owner_url
         } else {
             $results .= t("By: %owner_name", array("owner_name" => $item->owner->display_name()));
         $results .= "</li>";
     return $results;
             $user_text = $oneTag->name;
         if ($showusers) {
             $legend_users .= "<span id=\"photoannotation-legend-user-" . $oneUser->id . "\"><a href=\"" . user_profile::url($oneUser->user_id) . "\">" . html::clean($user_text) . "</a></span>   ";
         $jscode .= "{ \"top\": " . $oneUser->y1 . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"left\": " . $oneUser->x1 . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"width\": " . ($oneUser->x2 - $oneUser->x1) . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"height\": " . ($oneUser->y2 - $oneUser->y1) . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"text\": \"" . html::clean($user_text) . "\",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"internaltext\": \"" . $oneTag->display_name() . " (" . $oneTag->name . ")\",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"description\": \"" . html::clean($oneUser->description) . "\",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"noteid\": " . $oneUser->id . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"notetype\": \"user\",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"editable\": true,\n";
         $jscode .= "\"url\": \"" . user_profile::url($oneUser->user_id) . "\" },\n";
 foreach ($existingFaces as $oneFace) {
     $oneTag = ORM::factory("tag", $oneFace->tag_id);
     if ($oneTag->loaded()) {
         if ($showfaces) {
             $legend_faces .= "<span id=\"photoannotation-legend-face-" . $oneFace->id . "\"><a href=\"" . $oneTag->url() . "\">" . html::clean($oneTag->name) . "</a></span>   ";
         $jscode .= "{ \"top\": " . $oneFace->y1 . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"left\": " . $oneFace->x1 . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"width\": " . ($oneFace->x2 - $oneFace->x1) . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"height\": " . ($oneFace->y2 - $oneFace->y1) . ",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"text\": \"" . html::clean($oneTag->name) . "\",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"description\": \"" . html::clean($oneFace->description) . "\",\n";
         $jscode .= "\"noteid\": " . $oneFace->id . ",\n";
Example #4
 static function user_menu($menu, $theme)
     if ($theme->page_subtype != "login") {
         $user = identity::active_user();
         if ($user->guest) {
         } else {
             $csrf = access::csrf_token();
             $menu->append(Menu::factory("link")->id("user_menu_logout")->css_id("g-logout-link")->url(url::site("logout?csrf={$csrf}&amp;continue=" . urlencode(url::abs_current())))->label(t("Logout")));

defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
  <? foreach ($comments as $comment): ?>
  <li class="<?php 
echo text::alternate("g-even", "g-odd");
    <img src="<?php 
echo $comment->author()->avatar_url(32, $theme->url("images/avatar.jpg", true));
echo html::clean_attribute($comment->author_name());
         height="32" />
echo gallery::date_time($comment->created);
echo t('<a href="%url">%author_name</a> said <em>%comment_text</em>', array("author_name" => html::clean($comment->author_name()), "url" => user_profile::url($comment->author_id), "comment_text" => text::limit_words(nl2br(html::purify($comment->text)), 50)));
  <? endforeach ?>
echo $search_form;
if (count($users)) {
  <div class="g-message photoannotation-user-search">
    echo t("%count people found for <b>%term</b>", array("count" => $count, "term" => $q));
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        $profile_link = "<a href=\"" . user_profile::url($user->id) . "\">";
  <div class="g-block">
    <h2><img src="<?php 
        echo $user->avatar_url(40, $theme->url("images/avatar.jpg", true));
        echo html::clean_attribute($user->display_name());
       class="g-avatar" width="40" height="40" />
        echo $profile_link . $user->name;
Example #7
echo $comment->id;
    <p class="g-author">
      <a href="#">
        <img src="<?php 
echo $comment->author()->avatar_url(40, $theme->url("images/avatar.jpg", true));
echo html::clean_attribute($comment->author_name());
             height="40" />
echo t('on %date <a href="%url">%name</a> said', array("date" => date("Y-M-d H:i:s", $comment->created), "url" => user_profile::url($comment->author_id), "name" => html::clean($comment->author_name())));
echo nl2br(html::purify($comment->text));
  <? endforeach ?>
Example #8
 static function user_menu($menu, $theme)
     if ($theme->page_subtype != "login") {
         $user = identity::active_user();
         if ($user->guest) {
         } else {
             $csrf = access::csrf_token();
             if (Router::$controller == "admin") {
                 $continue_url = url::abs_site("");
             } else {
                 if ($item = $theme->item()) {
                     if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view", $theme->item)) {
                         $continue_url = $item->abs_url();
                     } else {
                         $continue_url = item::root()->abs_url();
                 } else {
                     $continue_url = url::abs_current();
             $menu->append(Menu::factory("link")->id("user_menu_logout")->css_id("g-logout-link")->url(url::site("logout?csrf={$csrf}&amp;continue_url=" . urlencode($continue_url)))->label(t("Logout")));

defined("SYSPATH") or die("No direct script access.");
  <? foreach ($entries as $entry): ?>
  <li class="<?php 
echo log::severity_class($entry->severity);
" style="direction: ltr">
    <a href="<?php 
echo user_profile::url($entry->user->id);
echo html::clean($entry->user->name);
echo gallery::date_time($entry->timestamp);
echo $entry->message;
echo $entry->html;
  <? endforeach ?>
 static function cloud($count)
     $users = ORM::factory("user")->order_by("name", "ASC")->find_all();
     if ($users) {
         $cloud = new View("photoannotation_cloud.html");
         $fullname = module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false);
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $annotations = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->count_all();
             if ($annotations > 0) {
                 if ($annotations > $maxcount) {
                     $maxcount = $annotations;
                 if ($fullname) {
                     $user_array[$user->name]->name = $user->display_name();
                 } else {
                     $user_array[$user->name]->name = $user->name;
                 $user_array[$user->name]->size = $annotations;
                 $user_array[$user->name]->url = user_profile::url($user->id);
         if (isset($user_array)) {
             $cloud->users = array_slice($user_array, 0, $count);
             $cloud->max_count = $maxcount;
             return $cloud;
         } else {
             return "";
 public function save($item_id)
     // Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery
     //Get form data
     $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id);
     $annotate_id = $_POST["noteid"];
     $notetype = $_POST["notetype"];
     $str_y1 = $_POST["top"];
     $str_x1 = $_POST["left"];
     $str_y2 = $_POST["height"] + $str_y1;
     //Annotation uses area size, tagfaces uses positions
     $str_x2 = $_POST["width"] + $str_x1;
     //Annotation uses area size, tagfaces uses positions
     $item_title = $_POST["text"];
     $tag_data = $_POST["tagsList"];
     $user_id = "";
     $user_id = $_POST["userlist"];
     $description = $_POST["desc"];
     $error_noselection = t("Please select a person or tag or specify a title.");
     $redir_uri = url::abs_site("{$item->type}s/{$item->id}");
     //If this is a user then get the id
     if ($user_id != "") {
         $getuser = photoannotation::getuser($user_id);
         if (!$getuser->found) {
             json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) t("Could not find anyone with the name %user.", array("user" => $user_id))));
         if ($getuser->isguest) {
             json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) t("You cannot create an annotation for the guest user.")));
         $user_id = $getuser->user->id;
     //Add tag to item, create tag if not exists
     if ($tag_data != "") {
         $tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", "=", $tag_data)->find();
         if (!$tag->loaded()) {
             $tag->name = $tag_data;
             $tag->count = 0;
         $tag_data = $tag->id;
     } else {
         $tag_data = "";
     //Save annotation
     if ($annotate_id == "new") {
         //This is a new annotation
         $annotate_id = -1;
         if ($user_id != "") {
             //Save user
             $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
             $dest_type = "user";
         } elseif ($tag_data != "") {
             //Save face
             $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
             $dest_type = "face";
         } elseif ($item_title != "") {
             //Save note
             $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
             $dest_type = "note";
         } else {
             //Something's wrong
             json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection));
     } else {
         //This is an update to an existing annotation
         switch ($notetype) {
             case "user":
                 //the original annotation is a user
                 $updateduser = ORM::factory("items_user")->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)->find();
                 if ($user_id != "") {
                     //Conversion user -> user
                     $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
                     $dest_type = "user";
                 } elseif ($tag_data != "") {
                     //Conversion user -> face
                     $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
                     $dest_type = "face";
                     //delete old user
                 } elseif ($item_title != "") {
                     //Conversion user -> note
                     $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
                     $dest_type = "note";
                     //delete old user
                 } else {
                     //Somethings wrong
                     json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection));
             case "face":
                 //the original annotation is a face
                 $updatedface = ORM::factory("items_face")->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)->find();
                 if ($user_id != "") {
                     //Conversion face -> user
                     $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
                     $dest_type = "user";
                     //delete old face
                 } elseif ($tag_data != "") {
                     //Conversion face -> face
                     $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id);
                     $dest_type = "face";
                 } elseif ($item_title != "") {
                     //Conversion face -> note
                     $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
                     $dest_type = "note";
                     //delete old face
                 } else {
                     //Somethings wrong
                     json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection));
             case "note":
                 //the original annotation is a note
                 $updatednote = ORM::factory("items_note")->where("id", "=", $annotate_id)->find();
                 if ($user_id != "") {
                     //Conversion note -> user
                     $new_id = photoannotation::saveuser($user_id, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
                     $dest_type = "user";
                     //delete old note
                 } elseif ($tag_data != "") {
                     //Conversion note -> face
                     $new_id = photoannotation::saveface($tag_data, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description);
                     $dest_type = "face";
                     //delete old note
                 } elseif ($item_title != "") {
                     //Conversion note -> note
                     $new_id = photoannotation::savenote($item_title, $item_id, $str_x1, $str_y1, $str_x2, $str_y2, $description, $annotate_id);
                     $dest_type = "note";
                 } else {
                     //Somethings wrong
                     json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection));
                 json::reply(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_noselection));
     $int_text = "";
     $editable = true;
     switch ($dest_type) {
         case "user":
             $fullname = module::get_var("photoannotation", "fullname", false);
             $int_text = $getuser->user->display_name() . " (" . $getuser->user->name . ")";
             if ($fullname) {
                 $note_text = $getuser->user->display_name();
             } else {
                 $note_text = $getuser->user->name;
             $note_url = user_profile::url($getuser->user->id);
         case "face":
             $note_text = $tag->name;
             $note_url = $tag->url();
         case "note":
             $note_text = $item_title;
             $note_url = "";
             $editable = false;
     if ($annotate_id == -1) {
         $annotation_id = "";
     } else {
         $annotation_id = "photoannotation-area-" . $notetype . "-" . $annotate_id;
     $reply = array("result" => "success", "notetype" => (string) $dest_type, "description" => (string) $description, "height" => (int) $_POST["height"], "internaltext" => (string) $int_text, "left" => (int) $str_x1, "noteid" => (int) $new_id, "text" => (string) $note_text, "top" => (int) $str_y1, "url" => (string) $note_url, "width" => (int) $_POST["width"], "editable" => (bool) $editable, "annotationid" => (string) $annotation_id, "oldid" => (string) $annotate_id, "oldtype" => (string) $notetype);
Example #12
           height="40" />
if ($comment->author()->guest) {
    echo t("on %date_time, %name said", array("date_time" => gallery::date_time($comment->created), "name" => html::clean($comment->author_name())));
} else {
    echo t("on %date_time,  <a href=\"%url\">%name</a> said", array("date_time" => gallery::date_time($comment->created), "url" => user_profile::url($comment->author_id), "name" => html::clean($comment->author_name())));
echo nl2br(html::purify($comment->text));
if ($comment->state == "unpublished") {
  <b> <?php 
    echo t("Your comment is held for moderation. The site moderator will review and publish it.");
 static function get($block_id, $theme)
     $block = "";
     switch ($block_id) {
         case "rwinfo":
             if ($theme->item()) {
                 // rWatcher Edit: Don't display on root album.
                 if ($theme->item->id == 1) {
                     return "";
                 // End rWatcher Edit
                 $block = new Block();
                 $block->css_id = "g-metadata";
                 $block->title = $theme->item()->is_album() ? t("Album info") : ($theme->item()->is_movie() ? t("Movie info") : t("Photo info"));
                 // rWatcher Edit:  File Name change.
                 $block->content = new View("rwinfo_block.html");
                 if ($theme->item->title && module::get_var("rwinfo", "show_title")) {
                     //rWatcher Edit:  rwinfo
                     $info["title"] = array("label" => t("Title:"), "value" => html::purify($theme->item->title));
                 if ($theme->item->description && module::get_var("rwinfo", "show_description")) {
                     //rWatcher Edit:  rwinfo
                     $info["description"] = array("label" => t("Description:"), "value" => nl2br(html::purify($theme->item->description)));
                 if (!$theme->item->is_album() && module::get_var("rwinfo", "show_name")) {
                     //rWatcher Edit:  rwinfo
                     $info["file_name"] = array("label" => t("File name:"), "value" => html::clean($theme->item->name));
                 // rWatcher Edit:  Display file size
                 if (!$theme->item->is_album()) {
                     // Calculate file size.
                     $filesize_unit = array("B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB");
                     $item_filesize = filesize($theme->item->file_path());
                     $unit_counter = 0;
                     while ($item_filesize >= 1024) {
                         $item_filesize = $item_filesize / 1024;
                     $item_filesize = number_format($item_filesize, 2) . " " . $filesize_unit[$unit_counter];
                     $info["file_size"] = array("label" => t("File size:"), "value" => $item_filesize);
                 // End rWatcher Edit
                 // rWatcher Edit:  Remove Show Captured for everything -- Show created DATE for album, captured DATE/TIME for everything else.
                 //if ($theme->item->captured && module::get_var("info", "show_captured")) {
                 //  $info["captured"] = array(
                 //    "label" => t("Captured:"),
                 //    "value" => gallery::date_time($theme->item->captured)
                 //  );
                 if ($theme->item->is_album() && $theme->item->created && module::get_var("rwinfo", "show_captured")) {
                     $info["captured"] = array("label" => t("Date:"), "value" => gallery::date($theme->item->created));
                 if (!$theme->item->is_album() && $theme->item->created && module::get_var("rwinfo", "show_captured")) {
                     $info["captured"] = array("label" => t("Date:"), "value" => gallery::date_time($theme->item->captured));
                 // End rWatcher Edit
                 if ($theme->item->owner && module::get_var("info", "show_owner")) {
                     $display_name = $theme->item->owner->display_name();
                     // rWatcher Edit:  Display profile instead of web site, if viewable.
                     $str_owner_url = $theme->item->owner->url;
                     if (rwinfo_block_Core::_can_view_profile_pages(identity::lookup_user($theme->item->owner->id))) {
                         $str_owner_url = user_profile::url($theme->item->owner->id);
                     // rWatcher End Edit
                     if ($str_owner_url) {
                         //rW Edit $str_owner_url.
                         $info["owner"] = array("label" => t("Owner:"), "value" => html::anchor(html::clean($str_owner_url), html::clean($display_name)));
                     } else {
                         $info["owner"] = array("label" => t("Owner:"), "value" => html::clean($display_name));
                 if ($theme->item->width && $theme->item->height && module::get_var("info", "show_dimensions")) {
                     $info["size"] = array("label" => t("Dimensions:"), "value" => t("%width x %height px", array("width" => $theme->item->width, "height" => $theme->item->height)));
                 $block->content->metadata = $info;
                 module::event("info_block_get_metadata", $block, $theme->item);
     return $block;