protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output) { global $PAGE, $CFG; // Add user picture. $userpicture = new \user_picture($this->data); $userpicture->size = 1; // Size f1. $profileimageurl = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false); $userpicture->size = 0; // Size f2. $profileimageurlsmall = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false); $profileurl = (new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id' => $this->data->id)))->out(false); $identityfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->showuseridentity)); $data = $this->data; foreach ($identityfields as $field => $index) { if (!empty($data->{$field})) { $identityfields[$field] = $data->{$field}; } else { unset($identityfields[$field]); } } $identity = implode(', ', $identityfields); return array('fullname' => fullname($this->data), 'profileimageurl' => $profileimageurl, 'profileimageurlsmall' => $profileimageurlsmall, 'profileurl' => $profileurl, 'identity' => $identity); }
/** * Get the students points based on a time interval * * @param int * @param int * @param int * @return mixed */ function block_ranking_get_students_by_date($limit = null, $datestart, $dateend) { global $COURSE, $DB, $PAGE; // Get block ranking configuration. $cfgranking = get_config('block_ranking'); // Get limit from default configuration or instance configuration. if (!$limit) { if (isset($cfgranking->rankingsize) && trim($cfgranking->rankingsize) != '') { $limit = $cfgranking->rankingsize; } else { $limit = 10; } } $context = $PAGE->context; $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('username')); $sql = "SELECT\n DISTINCT {$userfields},\n sum(rl.points) as points\n FROM\n {user} u\n INNER JOIN {role_assignments} a ON a.userid =\n INNER JOIN {ranking_points} r ON r.userid = AND r.courseid = :r_courseid\n INNER JOIN {ranking_logs} rl ON rl.rankingid =\n INNER JOIN {context} c ON = a.contextid\n WHERE a.contextid = :contextid\n AND a.userid =\n AND a.roleid = :roleid\n AND c.instanceid = :courseid\n AND r.courseid = :crsid\n AND rl.timecreated BETWEEN :weekstart AND :weekend\n GROUP BY\n ORDER BY points DESC, u.firstname ASC\n LIMIT " . $limit; $params['contextid'] = $context->id; $params['roleid'] = 5; $params['courseid'] = $COURSE->id; $params['r_courseid'] = $COURSE->id; $params['crsid'] = $COURSE->id; $params['weekstart'] = $datestart; $params['weekend'] = $dateend; $users = array_values($DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)); return $users; }
/** * Test the update user profile image function. */ public function test_update_user_profile_image() { global $DB, $CFG; // Set the profile image. \enrol_lti\helper::update_user_profile_image($this->user1->id, $this->getExternalTestFileUrl('/test.jpg')); // Get the new user record. $this->user1 = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->user1->id)); // Set the page details. $page = new moodle_page(); $page->set_url('/user/profile.php'); $page->set_context(context_system::instance()); $renderer = $page->get_renderer('core'); $usercontext = context_user::instance($this->user1->id); // Get the user's profile picture and make sure it is correct. $userpicture = new user_picture($this->user1); $this->assertSame($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php/' . $usercontext->id . '/user/icon/clean/f2?rev=' . $this->user1->picture, $userpicture->get_url($page, $renderer)->out(false)); }
function get_user_picture($userid) { global $DB; $extrafields[] = 'lastaccess'; $ufields = user_picture::fields('u', $extrafields); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$ufields} FROM {user} u where{$userid}"; $user = $DB->get_record_sql($sql); return new user_picture($user); }
/** * get list of attendants for slot form * @param int $cmid the course module * @param mixed $groupid id number of the group to select from, 0 or '' if all groups * @return array of moodle user records */ function scheduler_get_attendants($cmid, $groupid = '') { $context = context_module::instance($cmid); if (!$groupid) { $groupkeys = ''; } else { $groupkeys = array($groupid); } $attendants = get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/scheduler:attend', user_picture::fields('u'), 'u.lastname, u.firstname', '', '', $groupkeys, '', false, false, false); return $attendants; }
function get_content() { global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT; if (!$CFG->messaging) { $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->text = ''; $this->content->footer = ''; if ($this->page->user_is_editing()) { $this->content->text = get_string('disabled', 'message'); } return $this->content; } if ($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->text = ''; $this->content->footer = ''; if (empty($this->instance) or !isloggedin() or isguestuser() or empty($CFG->messaging)) { return $this->content; } $link = '/message/index.php'; $action = null; //this was using popup_action() but popping up a fullsize window seems wrong $this->content->footer = $OUTPUT->action_link($link, get_string('messages', 'message'), $action); $ufields = user_picture::fields('u', array('lastaccess')); $users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT {$ufields}, COUNT(m.useridfrom) AS count\n FROM {user} u, {message} m\n WHERE m.useridto = ? AND = m.useridfrom AND m.notification = 0\n GROUP BY {$ufields}", array($USER->id)); //Now, we have in users, the list of users to show //Because they are online if (!empty($users)) { $this->content->text .= '<ul class="list">'; foreach ($users as $user) { $timeago = format_time(time() - $user->lastaccess); $this->content->text .= '<li class="listentry"><div class="user"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $user->id . '&course=' . SITEID . '" title="' . $timeago . '">'; $this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('courseid' => SITEID)); //TODO: user might not have capability to view frontpage profile :-( $this->content->text .= fullname($user) . '</a></div>'; $link = '/message/index.php?usergroup=unread&id=' . $user->id; $anchortagcontents = '<img class="iconsmall" src="' . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/message') . '" alt="" /> ' . $user->count; $action = null; // popup is gone now $anchortag = $OUTPUT->action_link($link, $anchortagcontents, $action); $this->content->text .= '<div class="message">' . $anchortag . '</div></li>'; } $this->content->text .= '</ul>'; } else { $this->content->text .= '<div class="info">'; $this->content->text .= get_string('nomessages', 'message'); $this->content->text .= '</div>'; } return $this->content; }
public function definition() { global $USER, $OUTPUT, $CFG; $mform = $this->_form; $instance = $this->_customdata; $this->instance = $instance; $plugin = enrol_get_plugin('boleto'); $heading = $plugin->get_instance_name($instance); $mform->addElement('header', 'boletoheader', $heading); if ($instance->password) { // Change the id of boleto enrolment key input as there can be multiple boleto enrolment methods. $mform->addElement('passwordunmask', 'enrolpassword', get_string('password', 'enrol_boleto'), array('id' => 'enrolpassword_' . $instance->id)); $context = context_course::instance($this->instance->courseid); $keyholders = get_users_by_capability($context, 'enrol/boleto:holdkey', user_picture::fields('u')); $keyholdercount = 0; foreach ($keyholders as $keyholder) { $keyholdercount++; if ($keyholdercount === 1) { $mform->addElement('static', 'keyholder', '', get_string('keyholder', 'enrol_boleto')); } $keyholdercontext = context_user::instance($keyholder->id); if ($USER->id == $keyholder->id || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', context_system::instance()) || has_coursecontact_role($keyholder->id)) { $profilelink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $keyholder->id . '&course=' . $this->instance->courseid . '">' . fullname($keyholder) . '</a>'; } else { $profilelink = fullname($keyholder); } $profilepic = $OUTPUT->user_picture($keyholder, array('size' => 35, 'courseid' => $this->instance->courseid)); $mform->addElement('static', 'keyholder' . $keyholdercount, '', $profilepic . $profilelink); } } $boletourl = new moodle_url('/enrol/boleto/boleto.php', array('instanceid' => $this->instance->id)); $mform->addElement('static', 'info', '', get_string('boletoprintandpayinfo', 'enrol_boleto')); // customint8 == avista. if ($this->instance->customint8) { $mform->addElement('static', 'info', '', get_string('boletoprintandpayinfodirectlinks', 'enrol_boleto', $boletourl->out(false))); } else { $mform->addElement('static', 'info', '', get_string('boletoprintandpayinfoparceladolink0', 'enrol_boleto', $boletourl->out(false))); $boletourl->param('parcela', 1); $mform->addElement('static', 'info', '', get_string('boletoprintandpayinfoparceladolink1', 'enrol_boleto', $boletourl->out(false))); $boletourl->param('parcela', 2); $mform->addElement('static', 'info', '', get_string('boletoprintandpayinfoparceladolink2', 'enrol_boleto', $boletourl->out(false))); } $this->add_action_buttons(false, get_string('enrolme', 'enrol_boleto')); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id'); $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT); $mform->setDefault('id', $instance->courseid); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'instance'); $mform->setType('instance', PARAM_INT); $mform->setDefault('instance', $instance->id); }
/** * @param stdClass $data row data * @return string HTML for the fullname column */ public function col_fullname($data) { if (is_null($data->realuserid)) { // User is in the git history but does not have an account in this Moodle site. $user = new stdClass(); $user->firstname = $data->firstname; $user->lastname = $data->lastname; // Additional fields so fullname() doesn't display a developer debug message. $user->firstnamephonetic = null; $user->lastnamephonetic = null; $user->middlename = null; $user->alternatename = null; } else { $user = user_picture::unalias($data, null, "realuserid", "realuser"); } return fullname($user); }
function getUserList($currentgroup = '', $courseId, $contextlevel, $context, $limitUsers = 15) { global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT; $groupmembers = ""; $groupselect = ""; $params = array(); //Add this to the SQL to show only group users if ($currentgroup !== NULL) { $groupmembers = ", {groups_members} gm"; $groupselect = "AND = gm.userid AND gm.groupid = :currentgroup"; $params['currentgroup'] = $currentgroup; } $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('username')); if ($courseId == SITEID or $contextlevel < CONTEXT_COURSE) { // Site-level //Only show if is admin if (!checkIfUserIsAdmin()) { return ''; } $sql = "SELECT {$userfields}, ul.lastip, MAX(ul.timemodified) AS lastaccess\n FROM {user} u {$groupmembers} ,{sessions} ul\n WHERE = ul.userid AND u.deleted = 0\n {$groupselect}\n GROUP BY {$userfields}\n ORDER BY ul.timemodified DESC "; } else { // Course level - show only enrolled users for now //Only show if is teacher or admin if (!checkIfUserIsTeacher($courseId)) { return ''; } list($esqljoin, $eparams) = get_enrolled_sql($context); $params = array_merge($params, $eparams); $sql = "SELECT {$userfields}, ul.lastip, MAX(ul.timemodified) AS lastaccess\n FROM {sessions} ul {$groupmembers}, {user} u\n JOIN ({$esqljoin}) euj ON =\n WHERE = ul.userid\n AND u.deleted = 0\n {$groupselect}\n GROUP BY {$userfields}\n ORDER BY lastaccess DESC"; $params['courseid'] = $courseId; } if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, 0, $limitUsers)) { // We'll just take the most recent 50 maximum foreach ($users as $user) { $users[$user->id]->fullname = fullname($user); } } else { $users = array(); } return $users; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param string $uniqueid Unique ID. */ public function __construct($uniqueid, $courseid) { global $PAGE; parent::__construct($uniqueid); // Block XP stuff. $this->xpmanager = block_xp_manager::get($courseid); $this->xpoutput = $PAGE->get_renderer('block_xp'); // Define columns. $this->define_columns(array('rank', 'userpic', 'fullname', 'lvl', 'xp', 'progress')); $this->define_headers(array(get_string('rank', 'block_xp'), '', get_string('fullname'), get_string('level', 'block_xp'), get_string('xp', 'block_xp'), get_string('progress', 'block_xp'))); // Define SQL. $this->sql = new stdClass(); $this->sql->fields = 'x.*, ' . user_picture::fields('u'); $this->sql->from = '{block_xp} x LEFT JOIN {user} u ON x.userid ='; $this->sql->where = 'courseid = :courseid'; $this->sql->params = array('courseid' => $courseid); // Define various table settings. $this->sortable(false); $this->no_sorting('userpic'); $this->no_sorting('progress'); $this->collapsible(false); }
protected function get_authors() { global $DB; $rslt = $this->workshop->get_submissions_grouped(); //now we have to do some magic to turn these back into "authors" $ret = array(); $users = array(); //loop 1: get user ids foreach ($rslt as $r) { $users[] = $r->authorid; } $fields = user_picture::fields(); $users = $DB->get_records_list('user','id',$users,'',$fields); //loop 2: apply users to submissions $ret[0] = array(); foreach ($rslt as $r){ $ret[$r->group->id] = array( $r->authorid => $users[$r->authorid] ); $ret[0][$r->authorid] = $users[$r->authorid]; } return $ret; }
/** * Store the SQL queries & params for listing online users * * @param int $currentgroup The group (if any) to filter on * @param int $now Time now * @param int $timetoshowusers Number of seconds to show online users * @param context $context Context object used to generate the sql for users enrolled in a specific course * @param bool $sitelevel Whether to check online users at site level. * @param int $courseid The course id to check */ protected function set_sql($currentgroup, $now, $timetoshowusers, $context, $sitelevel, $courseid) { $timefrom = 100 * floor(($now - $timetoshowusers) / 100); // Round to nearest 100 seconds for better query cache. $groupmembers = ""; $groupselect = ""; $groupby = ""; $lastaccess = ", lastaccess"; $timeaccess = ", ul.timeaccess AS lastaccess"; $params = array(); $userfields = \user_picture::fields('u', array('username')); // Add this to the SQL to show only group users. if ($currentgroup !== null) { $groupmembers = ", {groups_members} gm"; $groupselect = "AND = gm.userid AND gm.groupid = :currentgroup"; $groupby = "GROUP BY {$userfields}"; $lastaccess = ", MAX(u.lastaccess) AS lastaccess"; $timeaccess = ", MAX(ul.timeaccess) AS lastaccess"; $params['currentgroup'] = $currentgroup; } $params['now'] = $now; $params['timefrom'] = $timefrom; if ($sitelevel) { $sql = "SELECT {$userfields} {$lastaccess}\n FROM {user} u {$groupmembers}\n WHERE u.lastaccess > :timefrom\n AND u.lastaccess <= :now\n AND u.deleted = 0\n {$groupselect} {$groupby}\n ORDER BY lastaccess DESC "; $csql = "SELECT COUNT(\n FROM {user} u {$groupmembers}\n WHERE u.lastaccess > :timefrom\n AND u.lastaccess <= :now\n AND u.deleted = 0\n {$groupselect}"; } else { // Course level - show only enrolled users for now. // TODO: add a new capability for viewing of all users (guests+enrolled+viewing). list($esqljoin, $eparams) = get_enrolled_sql($context); $params = array_merge($params, $eparams); $sql = "SELECT {$userfields} {$timeaccess}\n FROM {user_lastaccess} ul {$groupmembers}, {user} u\n JOIN ({$esqljoin}) euj ON =\n WHERE ul.timeaccess > :timefrom\n AND = ul.userid\n AND ul.courseid = :courseid\n AND ul.timeaccess <= :now\n AND u.deleted = 0\n {$groupselect} {$groupby}\n ORDER BY lastaccess DESC"; $csql = "SELECT COUNT(\n FROM {user_lastaccess} ul {$groupmembers}, {user} u\n JOIN ({$esqljoin}) euj ON =\n WHERE ul.timeaccess > :timefrom\n AND = ul.userid\n AND ul.courseid = :courseid\n AND ul.timeaccess <= :now\n AND u.deleted = 0\n {$groupselect}"; $params['courseid'] = $courseid; } $this->sql = $sql; $this->csql = $csql; $this->params = $params; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param string $uniqueid Unique ID. */ public function __construct($uniqueid, $courseid) { global $DB, $PAGE; parent::__construct($uniqueid); // Block XP stuff. $this->xpmanager = block_xp_manager::get($courseid); $this->xpoutput = $PAGE->get_renderer('block_xp'); $context = context_course::instance($courseid); // Define columns. $this->define_columns(array('userpic', 'fullname', 'lvl', 'xp', 'progress', 'actions')); $this->define_headers(array('', get_string('fullname'), get_string('level', 'block_xp'), get_string('xp', 'block_xp'), get_string('progress', 'block_xp'), '')); // Get the relevant user IDs, users enrolled or users with XP. // This might be a performance issue at some point. $ids = array(); $users = get_enrolled_users($context, 'block/xp:earnxp'); foreach ($users as $user) { $ids[$user->id] = $user->id; } unset($users); $entries = $DB->get_recordset_sql('SELECT userid FROM {block_xp} WHERE courseid = :courseid', array('courseid' => $courseid)); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $ids[$entry->userid] = $entry->userid; } $entries->close(); list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($ids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param', true, null); // Define SQL. $this->sql = new stdClass(); $this->sql->fields = user_picture::fields('u') . ', x.lvl, x.xp'; $this->sql->from = "{user} u LEFT JOIN {block_xp} x ON (x.userid = AND x.courseid = :courseid)"; $this->sql->where = " {$insql}"; $this->sql->params = array_merge($inparams, array('courseid' => $courseid)); // Define various table settings. $this->sortable(true, 'lvl', SORT_DESC); $this->no_sorting('userpic'); $this->no_sorting('progress'); $this->collapsible(false); }
/** * Formats the column userpic. * * @param stdClass $row Table row. * @return string Output produced. */ protected function col_userpic($row) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; if ($this->identitymode == block_xp_manager::IDENTITY_OFF && $this->userid != $row->userid) { static $guestuser = null; if ($guestuser === null) { $guestuser = guest_user(); } return $OUTPUT->user_picture($guestuser, array('link' => false, 'alttext' => false)); } return $OUTPUT->user_picture(user_picture::unalias($row, null, 'userid')); }
/** * Test function username_load_fields_from_object(). */ public function test_username_load_fields_from_object() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // This object represents the information returned from an sql query. $userinfo = new stdClass(); $userinfo->userid = 1; $userinfo->username = '******'; $userinfo->firstname = 'Bruce'; $userinfo->lastname = 'Campbell'; $userinfo->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $userinfo->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $userinfo->middlename = ''; $userinfo->alternatename = ''; $userinfo->email = ''; $userinfo->picture = 23; $userinfo->imagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $userinfo->idnumber = 3982; // Just user name fields. $user = new stdClass(); $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $userinfo); $expectedarray = new stdClass(); $expectedarray->firstname = 'Bruce'; $expectedarray->lastname = 'Campbell'; $expectedarray->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $expectedarray->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $expectedarray->middlename = ''; $expectedarray->alternatename = ''; $this->assertEquals($user, $expectedarray); // User information for showing a picture. $user = new stdClass(); $additionalfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields()); $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $userinfo, null, $additionalfields); $user->id = $userinfo->userid; $expectedarray = new stdClass(); $expectedarray->id = 1; $expectedarray->firstname = 'Bruce'; $expectedarray->lastname = 'Campbell'; $expectedarray->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $expectedarray->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $expectedarray->middlename = ''; $expectedarray->alternatename = ''; $expectedarray->email = ''; $expectedarray->picture = 23; $expectedarray->imagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $this->assertEquals($user, $expectedarray); // Alter the userinfo object to have a prefix. $userinfo->authorfirstname = 'Bruce'; $userinfo->authorlastname = 'Campbell'; $userinfo->authorfirstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $userinfo->authorlastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $userinfo->authormiddlename = ''; $userinfo->authorpicture = 23; $userinfo->authorimagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $userinfo->authoremail = '*****@*****.**'; // Return an object with user picture information. $user = new stdClass(); $additionalfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields()); $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $userinfo, 'author', $additionalfields); $user->id = $userinfo->userid; $expectedarray = new stdClass(); $expectedarray->id = 1; $expectedarray->firstname = 'Bruce'; $expectedarray->lastname = 'Campbell'; $expectedarray->firstnamephonetic = 'ブルース'; $expectedarray->lastnamephonetic = 'カンベッル'; $expectedarray->middlename = ''; $expectedarray->alternatename = ''; $expectedarray->email = '*****@*****.**'; $expectedarray->picture = 23; $expectedarray->imagealt = 'Michael Jordan draining another basket.'; $this->assertEquals($user, $expectedarray); }
/** * Display all the submissions ready for grading * * @global object * @global object * @global object * @global object * @param string $message * @return bool|void */ function display_submissions($message='') { global $CFG, $DB, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); /* first we check to see if the form has just been submitted * to request user_preference updates */ $filters = array(self::FILTER_ALL => get_string('all'), self::FILTER_SUBMITTED => get_string('submitted', 'assignment'), self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING => get_string('requiregrading', 'assignment')); $updatepref = optional_param('updatepref', 0, PARAM_INT); if (isset($_POST['updatepref'])){ $perpage = optional_param('perpage', 10, PARAM_INT); $perpage = ($perpage <= 0) ? 10 : $perpage ; $filter = optional_param('filter', 0, PARAM_INT); set_user_preference('assignment_perpage', $perpage); set_user_preference('assignment_quickgrade', optional_param('quickgrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL)); set_user_preference('assignment_filter', $filter); } /* next we get perpage and quickgrade (allow quick grade) params * from database */ $perpage = get_user_preferences('assignment_perpage', 10); $quickgrade = get_user_preferences('assignment_quickgrade', 0); $filter = get_user_preferences('assignment_filter', 0); $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id); if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) and !empty($grading_info->outcomes)) { $uses_outcomes = true; } else { $uses_outcomes = false; } $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); $strsaveallfeedback = get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment'); /// Some shortcuts to make the code read better $course = $this->course; $assignment = $this->assignment; $cm = $this->cm; $tabindex = 1; //tabindex for quick grading tabbing; Not working for dropdowns yet add_to_log($course->id, 'assignment', 'view submission', 'submissions.php?id='.$this->cm->id, $this->assignment->id, $this->cm->id); $PAGE->set_title(format_string($this->assignment->name,true)); $PAGE->set_heading($this->course->fullname); echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo '<div class="usersubmissions">'; //hook to allow plagiarism plugins to update status/print links. plagiarism_update_status($this->course, $this->cm); /// Print quickgrade form around the table if ($quickgrade) { $formattrs = array(); $formattrs['action'] = new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php'); $formattrs['id'] = 'fastg'; $formattrs['method'] = 'post'; echo html_writer::start_tag('form', $formattrs); echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'id', 'value'=> $this->cm->id)); echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'mode', 'value'=> 'fastgrade')); echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'page', 'value'=> $page)); echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'hidden', 'name'=>'sesskey', 'value'=> sesskey())); } $course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); if (has_capability('gradereport/grader:view', $course_context) && has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $course_context)) { echo '<div class="allcoursegrades"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=' . $course->id . '">' . get_string('seeallcoursegrades', 'grades') . '</a></div>'; } if (!empty($message)) { echo $message; // display messages here if any } $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); /// Check to see if groups are being used in this assignment /// find out current groups mode $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm); $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true); groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id); /// Get all ppl that are allowed to submit assignments list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, 'mod/assignment:view', $currentgroup); if ($filter == self::FILTER_ALL) { $sql = "SELECT FROM {user} u ". "LEFT JOIN ($esql) eu ON ". "WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND "; } else { $wherefilter = ''; if($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) { $wherefilter = ' AND s.timemodified > 0'; } else if($filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) { $wherefilter = ' AND s.timemarked < s.timemodified '; } $sql = "SELECT FROM {user} u ". "LEFT JOIN ($esql) eu ON ". "LEFT JOIN {assignment_submissions} s ON ( = s.userid) " . "WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND ". 'AND s.assignment = '. $this->assignment->id . $wherefilter; } $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); if (!empty($users)) { $users = array_keys($users); } // if groupmembersonly used, remove users who are not in any group if ($users and !empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) and $cm->groupmembersonly) { if ($groupingusers = groups_get_grouping_members($cm->groupingid, '', '')) { $users = array_intersect($users, array_keys($groupingusers)); } } $tablecolumns = array('picture', 'fullname', 'grade', 'submissioncomment', 'timemodified', 'timemarked', 'status', 'finalgrade'); if ($uses_outcomes) { $tablecolumns[] = 'outcome'; // no sorting based on outcomes column } $tableheaders = array('', get_string('fullname'), get_string('grade'), get_string('comment', 'assignment'), get_string('lastmodified').' ('.get_string('submission', 'assignment').')', get_string('lastmodified').' ('.get_string('grade').')', get_string('status'), get_string('finalgrade', 'grades')); if ($uses_outcomes) { $tableheaders[] = get_string('outcome', 'grades'); } require_once($CFG->libdir.'/tablelib.php'); $table = new flexible_table('mod-assignment-submissions'); $table->define_columns($tablecolumns); $table->define_headers($tableheaders); $table->define_baseurl($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id='.$this->cm->id.'&currentgroup='.$currentgroup); $table->sortable(true, 'lastname');//sorted by lastname by default $table->collapsible(true); $table->initialbars(true); $table->column_suppress('picture'); $table->column_suppress('fullname'); $table->column_class('picture', 'picture'); $table->column_class('fullname', 'fullname'); $table->column_class('grade', 'grade'); $table->column_class('submissioncomment', 'comment'); $table->column_class('timemodified', 'timemodified'); $table->column_class('timemarked', 'timemarked'); $table->column_class('status', 'status'); $table->column_class('finalgrade', 'finalgrade'); if ($uses_outcomes) { $table->column_class('outcome', 'outcome'); } $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0'); $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts'); $table->set_attribute('class', 'submissions'); $table->set_attribute('width', '100%'); //$table->set_attribute('align', 'center'); $table->no_sorting('finalgrade'); $table->no_sorting('outcome'); // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over $table->setup(); if (empty($users)) { echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('nosubmitusers','assignment')); echo '</div>'; return true; } if ($this->assignment->assignmenttype=='upload' || $this->assignment->assignmenttype=='online' || $this->assignment->assignmenttype=='uploadsingle') { //TODO: this is an ugly hack, where is the plugin spirit? (skodak) echo '<div style="text-align:right"><a href="submissions.php?id='.$this->cm->id.'&download=zip">'.get_string('downloadall', 'assignment').'</a></div>'; } /// Construct the SQL list($where, $params) = $table->get_sql_where(); if ($where) { $where .= ' AND '; } if ($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) { $where .= 's.timemodified > 0 AND '; } else if($filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) { $where .= 's.timemarked < s.timemodified AND '; } if ($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) { $sort = ' ORDER BY '.$sort; } $ufields = user_picture::fields('u'); $select = "SELECT $ufields, AS submissionid, s.grade, s.submissioncomment, s.timemodified, s.timemarked, COALESCE(SIGN(SIGN(s.timemarked) + SIGN(s.timemarked - s.timemodified)), 0) AS status "; $sql = 'FROM {user} u '. 'LEFT JOIN {assignment_submissions} s ON = s.userid AND s.assignment = '.$this->assignment->id.' '. 'WHERE '.$where.' IN ('.implode(',',$users).') '; $ausers = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$sql.$sort, $params, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size()); $table->pagesize($perpage, count($users)); ///offset used to calculate index of student in that particular query, needed for the pop up to know who's next $offset = $page * $perpage; $strupdate = get_string('update'); $strgrade = get_string('grade'); $grademenu = make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade); if ($ausers !== false) { $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id, array_keys($ausers)); $endposition = $offset + $perpage; $currentposition = 0; foreach ($ausers as $auser) { if ($currentposition == $offset && $offset < $endposition) { $final_grade = $grading_info->items[0]->grades[$auser->id]; $grademax = $grading_info->items[0]->grademax; $final_grade->formatted_grade = round($final_grade->grade,2) .' / ' . round($grademax,2); $locked_overridden = 'locked'; if ($final_grade->overridden) { $locked_overridden = 'overridden'; } /// Calculate user status $auser->status = ($auser->timemarked > 0) && ($auser->timemarked >= $auser->timemodified); $picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($auser); if (empty($auser->submissionid)) { $auser->grade = -1; //no submission yet } if (!empty($auser->submissionid)) { ///Prints student answer and student modified date ///attach file or print link to student answer, depending on the type of the assignment. ///Refer to print_student_answer in inherited classes. if ($auser->timemodified > 0) { $studentmodified = '<div id="ts'.$auser->id.'">'.$this->print_student_answer($auser->id) . userdate($auser->timemodified).'</div>'; } else { $studentmodified = '<div id="ts'.$auser->id.'"> </div>'; } ///Print grade, dropdown or text if ($auser->timemarked > 0) { $teachermodified = '<div id="tt'.$auser->id.'">'.userdate($auser->timemarked).'</div>'; if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) { $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'" class="'. $locked_overridden .'">'.$final_grade->formatted_grade.'</div>'; } else if ($quickgrade) { $attributes = array(); $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++; $menu = html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu['.$auser->id.']', $auser->grade, array(-1=>get_string('nograde')), $attributes); $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'. $menu .'</div>'; } else { $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$this->display_grade($auser->grade).'</div>'; } } else { $teachermodified = '<div id="tt'.$auser->id.'"> </div>'; if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) { $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'" class="'. $locked_overridden .'">'.$final_grade->formatted_grade.'</div>'; } else if ($quickgrade) { $attributes = array(); $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++; $menu = html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu['.$auser->id.']', $auser->grade, array(-1=>get_string('nograde')), $attributes); $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$menu.'</div>'; } else { $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$this->display_grade($auser->grade).'</div>'; } } ///Print Comment if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) { $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'.shorten_text(strip_tags($final_grade->str_feedback),15).'</div>'; } else if ($quickgrade) { $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">' . '<textarea tabindex="'.$tabindex++.'" name="submissioncomment['.$auser->id.']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id.'" rows="2" cols="20">'.($auser->submissioncomment).'</textarea></div>'; } else { $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'.shorten_text(strip_tags($auser->submissioncomment),15).'</div>'; } } else { $studentmodified = '<div id="ts'.$auser->id.'"> </div>'; $teachermodified = '<div id="tt'.$auser->id.'"> </div>'; $status = '<div id="st'.$auser->id.'"> </div>'; if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) { $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>'; } else if ($quickgrade) { // allow editing $attributes = array(); $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++; $menu = html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu['.$auser->id.']', $auser->grade, array(-1=>get_string('nograde')), $attributes); $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">'.$menu.'</div>'; } else { $grade = '<div id="g'.$auser->id.'">-</div>'; } if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) { $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">'.$final_grade->str_feedback.'</div>'; } else if ($quickgrade) { $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'">' . '<textarea tabindex="'.$tabindex++.'" name="submissioncomment['.$auser->id.']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id.'" rows="2" cols="20">'.($auser->submissioncomment).'</textarea></div>'; } else { $comment = '<div id="com'.$auser->id.'"> </div>'; } } if (empty($auser->status)) { /// Confirm we have exclusively 0 or 1 $auser->status = 0; } else { $auser->status = 1; } $buttontext = ($auser->status == 1) ? $strupdate : $strgrade; ///No more buttons, we use popups ;-). $popup_url = '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id='.$this->cm->id . '&userid='.$auser->id.'&mode=single'.'&filter='.$filter.'&offset='.$offset++; $button = $OUTPUT->action_link($popup_url, $buttontext); $status = '<div id="up'.$auser->id.'" class="s'.$auser->status.'">'.$button.'</div>'; $finalgrade = '<span id="finalgrade_'.$auser->id.'">'.$final_grade->str_grade.'</span>'; $outcomes = ''; if ($uses_outcomes) { foreach($grading_info->outcomes as $n=>$outcome) { $outcomes .= '<div class="outcome"><label>'.$outcome->name.'</label>'; $options = make_grades_menu(-$outcome->scaleid); if ($outcome->grades[$auser->id]->locked or !$quickgrade) { $options[0] = get_string('nooutcome', 'grades'); $outcomes .= ': <span id="outcome_'.$n.'_'.$auser->id.'">'.$options[$outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade].'</span>'; } else { $attributes = array(); $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++; $attributes['id'] = 'outcome_'.$n.'_'.$auser->id; $outcomes .= ' '.html_writer::select($options, 'outcome_'.$n.'['.$auser->id.']', $outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade, array(0=>get_string('nooutcome', 'grades')), $attributes); } $outcomes .= '</div>'; } } $userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $auser->id . '&course=' . $course->id . '">' . fullname($auser, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->context)) . '</a>'; $row = array($picture, $userlink, $grade, $comment, $studentmodified, $teachermodified, $status, $finalgrade); if ($uses_outcomes) { $row[] = $outcomes; } $table->add_data($row); } $currentposition++; } } $table->print_html(); /// Print the whole table /// Print quickgrade form around the table if ($quickgrade && $table->started_output){ $mailinfopref = false; if (get_user_preferences('assignment_mailinfo', 1)) { $mailinfopref = true; } $emailnotification = html_writer::checkbox('mailinfo', 1, $mailinfopref, get_string('enableemailnotification','assignment')); $emailnotification .= $OUTPUT->help_icon('enableemailnotification', 'assignment'); echo html_writer::tag('div', $emailnotification, array('class'=>'emailnotification')); $savefeedback = html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type'=>'submit', 'name'=>'fastg', 'value'=>get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment'))); echo html_writer::tag('div', $savefeedback, array('class'=>'fastgbutton')); echo html_writer::end_tag('form'); } else if ($quickgrade) { echo html_writer::end_tag('form'); } echo '</div>'; /// End of fast grading form /// Mini form for setting user preference $formaction = new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php', array('id'=>$this->cm->id)); $mform = new MoodleQuickForm('optionspref', 'post', $formaction, '', array('class'=>'optionspref')); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'updatepref'); $mform->setDefault('updatepref', 1); $mform->addElement('header', 'qgprefs', get_string('optionalsettings', 'assignment')); $mform->addElement('select', 'filter', get_string('show'), $filters); $mform->setDefault('filter', $filter); $mform->addElement('text', 'perpage', get_string('pagesize', 'assignment'), array('size'=>1)); $mform->setDefault('perpage', $perpage); $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'quickgrade', get_string('quickgrade','assignment')); $mform->setDefault('quickgrade', $quickgrade); $mform->addHelpButton('quickgrade', 'quickgrade', 'assignment'); $mform->addElement('submit', 'savepreferences', get_string('savepreferences')); $mform->display(); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); }
/** * MDL-27591 made this method obsolete. */ public function get_users($groupid = 0, $page = 1) { global $DB, $CFG; // Fields we need from the user table. $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('username', 'idnumber', 'institution', 'department')); if (isset($this->pageparams->sort) and $this->pageparams->sort == ATT_SORT_FIRSTNAME) { $orderby = "u.firstname ASC, u.lastname ASC, u.idnumber ASC, u.institution ASC, u.department ASC"; } else { $orderby = "u.lastname ASC, u.firstname ASC, u.idnumber ASC, u.institution ASC, u.department ASC"; } if ($page) { $usersperpage = $this->pageparams->perpage; if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) and $this->cm->groupmembersonly) { $startusers = ($page - 1) * $usersperpage; if ($groupid == 0) { $groups = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($this->cm->course, 0, $this->cm->groupingid, '')); } else { $groups = $groupid; } $users = get_users_by_capability($this->context, 'mod/attendance:canbelisted', $userfields . ',, u.firstname, u.lastname,', $orderby, $startusers, $usersperpage, $groups, '', false, true); } else { $startusers = ($page - 1) * $usersperpage; $users = get_enrolled_users($this->context, 'mod/attendance:canbelisted', $groupid, $userfields, $orderby, $startusers, $usersperpage); } } else { if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) and $this->cm->groupmembersonly) { if ($groupid == 0) { $groups = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($this->cm->course, 0, $this->cm->groupingid, '')); } else { $groups = $groupid; } $users = get_users_by_capability($this->context, 'mod/attendance:canbelisted', $userfields . ',, u.firstname, u.lastname,', $orderby, '', '', $groups, '', false, true); } else { $users = get_enrolled_users($this->context, 'mod/attendance:canbelisted', $groupid, $userfields, $orderby); } } // Add a flag to each user indicating whether their enrolment is active. if (!empty($users)) { list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($users), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'usid0'); // See CONTRIB-4868. $mintime = 'MIN(CASE WHEN (ue.timestart > :zerotime) THEN ue.timestart ELSE ue.timecreated END)'; $maxtime = 'CASE WHEN MIN(ue.timeend) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE MAX(ue.timeend) END'; // See CONTRIB-3549. $sql = "SELECT ue.userid, MIN(ue.status) as status,\n {$mintime} AS mintime,\n {$maxtime} AS maxtime\n FROM {user_enrolments} ue\n JOIN {enrol} e ON = ue.enrolid\n WHERE ue.userid {$sql}\n AND e.status = :estatus\n AND e.courseid = :courseid\n GROUP BY ue.userid"; $params += array('zerotime' => 0, 'estatus' => ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED, 'courseid' => $this->course->id); $enrolments = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($users as $user) { $users[$user->id]->enrolmentstatus = $enrolments[$user->id]->status; $users[$user->id]->enrolmentstart = $enrolments[$user->id]->mintime; $users[$user->id]->enrolmentend = $enrolments[$user->id]->maxtime; $users[$user->id]->type = 'standard'; // Mark as a standard (not a temporary) user. } } // Add the 'temporary' users to this list. $tempusers = $DB->get_records('attendance_tempusers', array('courseid' => $this->course->id)); foreach ($tempusers as $tempuser) { $users[] = self::tempuser_to_user($tempuser); } return $users; }
/** * Retrieve a list of users blocked * * @param int $userid the user whose blocked users we want to retrieve * @return external_description * @since 2.9 */ public static function get_blocked_users($userid) { global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE; // Warnings array, it can be empty at the end but is mandatory. $warnings = array(); // Validate params. $params = array('userid' => $userid); $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_blocked_users_parameters(), $params); $userid = $params['userid']; // Validate context. $context = context_system::instance(); self::validate_context($context); // Check if private messaging between users is allowed. if (empty($CFG->messaging)) { throw new moodle_exception('disabled', 'message'); } $user = core_user::get_user($userid, '*', MUST_EXIST); core_user::require_active_user($user); // Check if we have permissions for retrieve the information. if ($userid != $USER->id and !has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', $context)) { throw new moodle_exception('accessdenied', 'admin'); } // Now, we can get safely all the blocked users. $users = message_get_blocked_users($user); $blockedusers = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $newuser = array('id' => $user->id, 'fullname' => fullname($user)); $userpicture = new user_picture($user); $userpicture->size = 1; // Size f1. $newuser['profileimageurl'] = $userpicture->get_url($PAGE)->out(false); $blockedusers[] = $newuser; } $results = array('users' => $blockedusers, 'warnings' => $warnings); return $results; }
/** * @global object * @param int $surveyid * @param int $groupid * @param string $sort * @return array */ function survey_get_user_answers($surveyid, $questionid, $groupid, $sort="sa.answer1,sa.answer2 ASC") { global $DB; $params = array('surveyid'=>$surveyid, 'questionid'=>$questionid); if ($groupid) { $groupfrom = ', {groups_members} gm'; $groupsql = 'AND gm.groupid = :groupid AND = gm.userid'; $params['groupid'] = $groupid; } else { $groupfrom = ''; $groupsql = ''; } $userfields = user_picture::fields('u'); return $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT sa.*, $userfields FROM {survey_answers} sa, {user} u $groupfrom WHERE sa.survey = :surveyid AND sa.question = :questionid AND = sa.userid $groupsql ORDER BY $sort", $params); }
$table->sortable(true, 'firstname', SORT_ASC); } $table->no_sorting('roles'); $table->no_sorting('groups'); $table->no_sorting('groupings'); $table->no_sorting('select'); $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0'); $table->set_attribute('id', 'participants'); $table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox'); $table->set_control_variables(array(TABLE_VAR_SORT => 'ssort', TABLE_VAR_HIDE => 'shide', TABLE_VAR_SHOW => 'sshow', TABLE_VAR_IFIRST => 'sifirst', TABLE_VAR_ILAST => 'silast', TABLE_VAR_PAGE => 'spage')); $table->setup(); list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, null, $currentgroup, true); $joins = array("FROM {user} u"); $wheres = array(); $userfields = array('username', 'email', 'city', 'country', 'lang', 'timezone', 'maildisplay'); $mainuserfields = user_picture::fields('u', $userfields); $extrasql = get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, 'u', '', $userfields); if ($isfrontpage) { $select = "SELECT {$mainuserfields}, u.lastaccess{$extrasql}"; $joins[] = "JOIN ({$esql}) e ON ="; // Everybody on the frontpage usually. if ($accesssince) { $wheres[] = get_user_lastaccess_sql($accesssince); } } else { $select = "SELECT {$mainuserfields}, COALESCE(ul.timeaccess, 0) AS lastaccess{$extrasql}"; $joins[] = "JOIN ({$esql}) e ON ="; // Course enrolled users only. $joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {user_lastaccess} ul ON (ul.userid = AND ul.courseid = :courseid)"; // Not everybody accessed course yet. $params['courseid'] = $course->id;
/** * Returns posts made by the selected user in the requested courses. * * This method can be used to return all of the posts made by the requested user * within the given courses. * For each course the access of the current user and requested user is checked * and then for each post access to the post and forum is checked as well. * * This function is safe to use with usercapabilities. * * @global moodle_database $DB * @param stdClass $user The user whose posts we want to get * @param array $courses The courses to search * @param bool $musthaveaccess If set to true errors will be thrown if the user * cannot access one or more of the courses to search * @param bool $discussionsonly If set to true only discussion starting posts * will be returned. * @param int $limitfrom The offset of records to return * @param int $limitnum The number of records to return * @return stdClass An object the following properties * ->totalcount: the total number of posts made by the requested user * that the current user can see. * ->courses: An array of courses the current user can see that the * requested user has posted in. * ->forums: An array of forums relating to the posts returned in the * property below. * ->posts: An array containing the posts to show for this request. */ function forum_get_posts_by_user($user, array $courses, $musthaveaccess = false, $discussionsonly = false, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 50) { global $DB, $USER, $CFG; $return = new stdClass; $return->totalcount = 0; // The total number of posts that the current user is able to view $return->courses = array(); // The courses the current user can access $return->forums = array(); // The forums that the current user can access that contain posts $return->posts = array(); // The posts to display // First up a small sanity check. If there are no courses to check we can // return immediately, there is obviously nothing to search. if (empty($courses)) { return $return; } // A couple of quick setups $isloggedin = isloggedin(); $isguestuser = $isloggedin && isguestuser(); $iscurrentuser = $isloggedin && $USER->id == $user->id; // Checkout whether or not the current user has capabilities over the requested // user and if so they have the capabilities required to view the requested // users content. $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id, MUST_EXIST); $hascapsonuser = !$iscurrentuser && $DB->record_exists('role_assignments', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'contextid' => $usercontext->id)); $hascapsonuser = $hascapsonuser && has_all_capabilities(array('moodle/user:viewdetails', 'moodle/user:readuserposts'), $usercontext); // Before we actually search each course we need to check the user's access to the // course. If the user doesn't have the appropraite access then we either throw an // error if a particular course was requested or we just skip over the course. foreach ($courses as $course) { $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id, MUST_EXIST); if ($iscurrentuser || $hascapsonuser) { // If it is the current user, or the current user has capabilities to the // requested user then all we need to do is check the requested users // current access to the course. // Note: There is no need to check group access or anything of the like // as either the current user is the requested user, or has granted // capabilities on the requested user. Either way they can see what the // requested user posted, although its VERY unlikely in the `parent` situation // that the current user will be able to view the posts in context. if (!is_viewing($coursecontext, $user) && !is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user)) { // Need to have full access to a course to see the rest of own info if ($musthaveaccess) { print_error('errorenrolmentrequired', 'forum'); } continue; } } else { // Check whether the current user is enrolled or has access to view the course // if they don't we immediately have a problem. if (!can_access_course($course)) { if ($musthaveaccess) { print_error('errorenrolmentrequired', 'forum'); } continue; } // Check whether the requested user is enrolled or has access to view the course // if they don't we immediately have a problem. if (!can_access_course($course, $user)) { if ($musthaveaccess) { print_error('notenrolled', 'forum'); } continue; } // If groups are in use and enforced throughout the course then make sure // we can meet in at least one course level group. // Note that we check if either the current user or the requested user have // the capability to access all groups. This is because with that capability // a user in group A could post in the group B forum. Grrrr. if (groups_get_course_groupmode($course) == SEPARATEGROUPS && $course->groupmodeforce && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext) && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext, $user->id)) { // If its the guest user to bad... the guest user cannot access groups if (!$isloggedin or $isguestuser) { // do not use require_login() here because we might have already used require_login($course) if ($musthaveaccess) { redirect(get_login_url()); } continue; } // Get the groups of the current user $mygroups = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id, $course->defaultgroupingid, ',')); // Get the groups the requested user is a member of $usergroups = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id, $course->defaultgroupingid, ',')); // Check whether they are members of the same group. If they are great. $intersect = array_intersect($mygroups, $usergroups); if (empty($intersect)) { // But they're not... if it was a specific course throw an error otherwise // just skip this course so that it is not searched. if ($musthaveaccess) { print_error("groupnotamember", '', $CFG->wwwroot."/course/view.php?id=$course->id"); } continue; } } } // Woo hoo we got this far which means the current user can search this // this course for the requested user. Although this is only the course accessibility // handling that is complete, the forum accessibility tests are yet to come. $return->courses[$course->id] = $course; } // No longer beed $courses array - lose it not it may be big unset($courses); // Make sure that we have some courses to search if (empty($return->courses)) { // If we don't have any courses to search then the reality is that the current // user doesn't have access to any courses is which the requested user has posted. // Although we do know at this point that the requested user has posts. if ($musthaveaccess) { print_error('permissiondenied'); } else { return $return; } } // Next step: Collect all of the forums that we will want to search. // It is important to note that this step isn't actually about searching, it is // about determining which forums we can search by testing accessibility. $forums = forum_get_forums_user_posted_in($user, array_keys($return->courses), $discussionsonly); // Will be used to build the where conditions for the search $forumsearchwhere = array(); // Will be used to store the where condition params for the search $forumsearchparams = array(); // Will record forums where the user can freely access everything $forumsearchfullaccess = array(); // DB caching friendly $now = round(time(), -2); // For each course to search we want to find the forums the user has posted in // and providing the current user can access the forum create a search condition // for the forum to get the requested users posts. foreach ($return->courses as $course) { // Now we need to get the forums $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course); if (empty($modinfo->instances['forum'])) { // hmmm, no forums? well at least its easy... skip! continue; } // Iterate foreach ($modinfo->get_instances_of('forum') as $forumid => $cm) { if (!$cm->uservisible or !isset($forums[$forumid])) { continue; } // Get the forum in question $forum = $forums[$forumid]; // This is needed for functionality later on in the forum code.... $forum->cm = $cm; // Check that either the current user can view the forum, or that the // current user has capabilities over the requested user and the requested // user can view the discussion if (!has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $cm->context) && !($hascapsonuser && has_capability('mod/forum:viewdiscussion', $cm->context, $user->id))) { continue; } // This will contain forum specific where clauses $forumsearchselect = array(); if (!$iscurrentuser && !$hascapsonuser) { // Make sure we check group access if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course) == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $cm->context)) { $groups = $modinfo->get_groups($cm->groupingid); $groups[] = -1; list($groupid_sql, $groupid_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groups, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grps'.$forumid.'_'); $forumsearchparams = array_merge($forumsearchparams, $groupid_params); $forumsearchselect[] = "d.groupid $groupid_sql"; } // hidden timed discussions if (!empty($CFG->forum_enabletimedposts) && !has_capability('mod/forum:viewhiddentimedposts', $cm->context)) { $forumsearchselect[] = "(d.userid = :userid{$forumid} OR (d.timestart < :timestart{$forumid} AND (d.timeend = 0 OR d.timeend > :timeend{$forumid})))"; $forumsearchparams['userid'.$forumid] = $user->id; $forumsearchparams['timestart'.$forumid] = $now; $forumsearchparams['timeend'.$forumid] = $now; } // qanda access if ($forum->type == 'qanda' && !has_capability('mod/forum:viewqandawithoutposting', $cm->context)) { // We need to check whether the user has posted in the qanda forum. $discussionspostedin = forum_discussions_user_has_posted_in($forum->id, $user->id); if (!empty($discussionspostedin)) { $forumonlydiscussions = array(); // Holds discussion ids for the discussions the user is allowed to see in this forum. foreach ($discussionspostedin as $d) { $forumonlydiscussions[] = $d->id; } list($discussionid_sql, $discussionid_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($forumonlydiscussions, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'qanda'.$forumid.'_'); $forumsearchparams = array_merge($forumsearchparams, $discussionid_params); $forumsearchselect[] = "( $discussionid_sql OR p.parent = 0)"; } else { $forumsearchselect[] = "p.parent = 0"; } } if (count($forumsearchselect) > 0) { $forumsearchwhere[] = "( = :forum{$forumid} AND ".implode(" AND ", $forumsearchselect).")"; $forumsearchparams['forum'.$forumid] = $forumid; } else { $forumsearchfullaccess[] = $forumid; } } else { // The current user/parent can see all of their own posts $forumsearchfullaccess[] = $forumid; } } } // If we dont have any search conditions, and we don't have any forums where // the user has full access then we just return the default. if (empty($forumsearchwhere) && empty($forumsearchfullaccess)) { return $return; } // Prepare a where condition for the full access forums. if (count($forumsearchfullaccess) > 0) { list($fullidsql, $fullidparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($forumsearchfullaccess, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'fula'); $forumsearchparams = array_merge($forumsearchparams, $fullidparams); $forumsearchwhere[] = "( $fullidsql)"; } // Prepare SQL to both count and search. // We alias to useridx because we forum_posts already has a userid field and not aliasing this would break // oracle and mssql. $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', null, 'useridx'); $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) '; $selectsql = 'SELECT p.*,, AS discussionname, '.$userfields.' '; $wheresql = implode(" OR ", $forumsearchwhere); if ($discussionsonly) { if ($wheresql == '') { $wheresql = 'p.parent = 0'; } else { $wheresql = 'p.parent = 0 AND ('.$wheresql.')'; } } $sql = "FROM {forum_posts} p JOIN {forum_discussions} d ON = p.discussion JOIN {user} u ON = p.userid WHERE ($wheresql) AND p.userid = :userid "; $orderby = "ORDER BY p.modified DESC"; $forumsearchparams['userid'] = $user->id; // Set the total number posts made by the requested user that the current user can see $return->totalcount = $DB->count_records_sql($countsql.$sql, $forumsearchparams); // Set the collection of posts that has been requested $return->posts = $DB->get_records_sql($selectsql.$sql.$orderby, $forumsearchparams, $limitfrom, $limitnum); // We need to build an array of forums for which posts will be displayed. // We do this here to save the caller needing to retrieve them themselves before // printing these forums posts. Given we have the forums already there is // practically no overhead here. foreach ($return->posts as $post) { if (!array_key_exists($post->forum, $return->forums)) { $return->forums[$post->forum] = $forums[$post->forum]; } } return $return; }
public function test_user_picture_fields_unaliasing_null() { $fields = user_picture::fields(); $fields = array_map('trim', explode(',', $fields)); $fakerecord = new stdClass(); $fakerecord->aliasedid = 42; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field !== 'id') { $fakerecord->{'prefix' . $field} = "Value of {$field}"; } } $fakerecord->prefixcustom1 = 'Value of custom1'; $fakerecord->prefiximagealt = null; $returned = user_picture::unalias($fakerecord, array('custom1'), 'aliasedid', 'prefix'); $this->assertEqual($returned->id, 42); $this->assertEqual($returned->imagealt, null); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field !== 'id' and $field !== 'imagealt') { $this->assertEqual($returned->{$field}, "Value of {$field}"); } } $this->assertEqual($returned->custom1, 'Value of custom1'); }
/** * get users which have completed a feedback * * @global object * @uses CONTEXT_MODULE * @uses FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO * @param object $cm * @param int $group single groupid * @param string $where a sql where condition (must end with " AND ") * @param array parameters used in $where * @param string $sort a table field * @param int $startpage * @param int $pagecount * @return object the userrecords */ function feedback_get_complete_users($cm, $group = false, $where = '', array $params = null, $sort = '', $startpage = false, $pagecount = false) { global $DB; if (!$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id)) { print_error('badcontext'); } $params = (array)$params; $params['anon'] = FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO; $params['instance'] = $cm->instance; $fromgroup = ''; $wheregroup = ''; if ($group) { $fromgroup = ', {groups_members} g'; $wheregroup = ' AND g.groupid = :group AND g.userid = c.userid'; $params['group'] = $group; } if ($sort) { $sortsql = ' ORDER BY '.$sort; } else { $sortsql = ''; } $ufields = user_picture::fields('u'); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$ufields.', c.timemodified as completed_timemodified FROM {user} u, {feedback_completed} c '.$fromgroup.' WHERE '.$where.' anonymous_response = :anon AND = c.userid AND = :instance '.$wheregroup.$sortsql; if ($startpage === false OR $pagecount === false) { $startpage = false; $pagecount = false; } return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $startpage, $pagecount); }
/** * @global object * @global object * @global object * @uses CONTEXT_MODULE * @param object $choicegroup * @param object $cm * @return array */ function choicegroup_get_response_data($choicegroup, $cm) { // Initialise the returned array, which is a matrix: $allresponses[responseid][userid] = responseobject. static $allresponses = array(); if (count($allresponses)) { return $allresponses; } // First get all the users who have access here. // To start with we assume they are all "unanswered" then move them later. $ctx = \context_module::instance($cm->id); $users = get_enrolled_users($ctx, 'mod/choicegroup:choose', 0, user_picture::fields('u', array('idnumber')), 'u.lastname ASC,u.firstname ASC'); if ($users) { $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($cm->course); $cminfo = $modinfo->get_cm($cm->id); $availability = new \core_availability\info_module($cminfo); $users = $availability->filter_user_list($users); } $allresponses[0] = $users; foreach ($allresponses[0] as $user) { $currentanswers = choicegroup_get_user_answer($choicegroup, $user, true); if ($currentanswers != false) { foreach ($currentanswers as $current) { $allresponses[$current->id][$user->id] = clone $allresponses[0][$user->id]; $allresponses[$current->id][$user->id]->timemodified = $current->timeuseradded; } // Remove from unanswered column. unset($allresponses[0][$user->id]); } } return $allresponses; }
/** * overridden constructor keeps a reference to the assignment class that is displaying this table * * @param assign $assignment The assignment class * @param int $perpage how many per page * @param string $filter The current filter * @param int $rowoffset For showing a subsequent page of results * @param bool $quickgrading Is this table wrapped in a quickgrading form? * @param string $downloadfilename */ public function __construct(assign $assignment, $perpage, $filter, $rowoffset, $quickgrading, $downloadfilename = null) { global $CFG, $PAGE, $DB, $USER; parent::__construct('mod_assign_grading'); $this->is_persistent(true); $this->assignment = $assignment; // Check permissions up front. $this->hasgrantextension = has_capability('mod/assign:grantextension', $this->assignment->get_context()); $this->hasgrade = $this->assignment->can_grade(); // Check if we have the elevated view capablities to see the blind details. $this->hasviewblind = has_capability('mod/assign:viewblinddetails', $this->assignment->get_context()); foreach ($assignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) { if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled()) { foreach ($plugin->get_grading_batch_operations() as $action => $description) { if (empty($this->plugingradingbatchoperations)) { $this->plugingradingbatchoperations[$plugin->get_type()] = array(); } $this->plugingradingbatchoperations[$plugin->get_type()][$action] = $description; } } } $this->perpage = $perpage; $this->quickgrading = $quickgrading && $this->hasgrade; $this->output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_assign'); $urlparams = array('action' => 'grading', 'id' => $assignment->get_course_module()->id); $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assign/view.php', $urlparams); $this->define_baseurl($url); // Do some business - then set the sql. $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($assignment->get_course_module(), true); if ($rowoffset) { $this->rownum = $rowoffset - 1; } $users = array_keys($assignment->list_participants($currentgroup, true)); if (count($users) == 0) { // Insert a record that will never match to the sql is still valid. $users[] = -1; } $params = array(); $params['assignmentid1'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id; $params['assignmentid2'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id; $params['assignmentid3'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id; $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields($this->assignment->get_context()); $fields = user_picture::fields('u', $extrauserfields) . ', '; $fields .= ' as userid, '; $fields .= 's.status as status, '; $fields .= ' as submissionid, '; $fields .= 's.timecreated as firstsubmission, '; $fields .= 's.timemodified as timesubmitted, '; $fields .= 's.attemptnumber as attemptnumber, '; $fields .= ' as gradeid, '; $fields .= 'g.grade as grade, '; $fields .= 'g.timemodified as timemarked, '; $fields .= 'g.timecreated as firstmarked, '; $fields .= 'uf.mailed as mailed, '; $fields .= 'uf.locked as locked, '; $fields .= 'uf.extensionduedate as extensionduedate, '; $fields .= 'uf.workflowstate as workflowstate, '; $fields .= 'uf.allocatedmarker as allocatedmarker '; $from = '{user} u LEFT JOIN {assign_submission} s ON = s.userid AND s.assignment = :assignmentid1 AND s.latest = 1 LEFT JOIN {assign_grades} g ON = g.userid AND g.assignment = :assignmentid2 '; // For group submissions we don't immediately create an entry in the assign_submission table for each user, // instead the userid is set to 0. In this case we use a different query to retrieve the grade for the user. if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission) { $params['assignmentid4'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id; $grademaxattempt = 'SELECT mxg.userid, MAX(mxg.attemptnumber) AS maxattempt FROM {assign_grades} mxg WHERE mxg.assignment = :assignmentid4 GROUP BY mxg.userid'; $from .= 'LEFT JOIN (' . $grademaxattempt . ') gmx ON = gmx.userid AND g.attemptnumber = gmx.maxattempt '; } else { $from .= 'AND g.attemptnumber = s.attemptnumber '; } $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {assign_user_flags} uf ON = uf.userid AND uf.assignment = :assignmentid3'; $userparams = array(); $userindex = 0; list($userwhere, $userparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($users, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'user'); $where = ' ' . $userwhere; $params = array_merge($params, $userparams); // The filters do not make sense when there are no submissions, so do not apply them. if ($this->assignment->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) { if ($filter == ASSIGN_FILTER_SUBMITTED) { $where .= ' AND (s.timemodified IS NOT NULL AND s.status = :submitted) '; $params['submitted'] = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED; } else { if ($filter == ASSIGN_FILTER_NOT_SUBMITTED) { $where .= ' AND (s.timemodified IS NULL OR s.status != :submitted) '; $params['submitted'] = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED; } else { if ($filter == ASSIGN_FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) { $where .= ' AND (s.timemodified IS NOT NULL AND s.status = :submitted AND (s.timemodified >= g.timemodified OR g.timemodified IS NULL OR g.grade IS NULL))'; $params['submitted'] = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED; } else { if (strpos($filter, ASSIGN_FILTER_SINGLE_USER) === 0) { $userfilter = (int) array_pop(explode('=', $filter)); $where .= ' AND ( = :userid)'; $params['userid'] = $userfilter; } } } } } if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow && $this->assignment->get_instance()->markingallocation) { if (has_capability('mod/assign:manageallocations', $this->assignment->get_context())) { // Check to see if marker filter is set. $markerfilter = (int) get_user_preferences('assign_markerfilter', ''); if (!empty($markerfilter)) { if ($markerfilter == ASSIGN_MARKER_FILTER_NO_MARKER) { $where .= ' AND (uf.allocatedmarker IS NULL OR uf.allocatedmarker = 0)'; } else { $where .= ' AND uf.allocatedmarker = :markerid'; $params['markerid'] = $markerfilter; } } } else { // Only show users allocated to this marker. $where .= ' AND uf.allocatedmarker = :markerid'; $params['markerid'] = $USER->id; } } if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow) { $workflowstates = $this->assignment->get_marking_workflow_states_for_current_user(); if (!empty($workflowstates)) { $workflowfilter = get_user_preferences('assign_workflowfilter', ''); if ($workflowfilter == ASSIGN_MARKING_WORKFLOW_STATE_NOTMARKED) { $where .= ' AND (uf.workflowstate = :workflowstate OR uf.workflowstate IS NULL OR ' . $DB->sql_isempty('assign_user_flags', 'workflowstate', true, true) . ')'; $params['workflowstate'] = $workflowfilter; } else { if (array_key_exists($workflowfilter, $workflowstates)) { $where .= ' AND uf.workflowstate = :workflowstate'; $params['workflowstate'] = $workflowfilter; } } } } $this->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params); if ($downloadfilename) { $this->is_downloading('csv', $downloadfilename); } $columns = array(); $headers = array(); // Select. if (!$this->is_downloading() && $this->hasgrade) { $columns[] = 'select'; $headers[] = get_string('select') . '<div class="selectall"><label class="accesshide" for="selectall">' . get_string('selectall') . '</label> <input type="checkbox" id="selectall" name="selectall" title="' . get_string('selectall') . '"/></div>'; } // User picture. if ($this->hasviewblind || !$this->assignment->is_blind_marking()) { if (!$this->is_downloading()) { $columns[] = 'picture'; $headers[] = get_string('pictureofuser'); } else { $columns[] = 'recordid'; $headers[] = get_string('recordid', 'assign'); } // Fullname. $columns[] = 'fullname'; $headers[] = get_string('fullname'); foreach ($extrauserfields as $extrafield) { $columns[] = $extrafield; $headers[] = get_user_field_name($extrafield); } } else { // Record ID. $columns[] = 'recordid'; $headers[] = get_string('recordid', 'assign'); } // Submission status. $columns[] = 'status'; $headers[] = get_string('status', 'assign'); // Team submission columns. if ($assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission) { $columns[] = 'team'; $headers[] = get_string('submissionteam', 'assign'); } // Allocated marker. if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow && $this->assignment->get_instance()->markingallocation && has_capability('mod/assign:manageallocations', $this->assignment->get_context())) { // Add a column for the allocated marker. $columns[] = 'allocatedmarker'; $headers[] = get_string('marker', 'assign'); } // Grade. $columns[] = 'grade'; $headers[] = get_string('grade'); if ($this->is_downloading()) { if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->grade >= 0) { $columns[] = 'grademax'; $headers[] = get_string('maxgrade', 'assign'); } else { // This is a custom scale. $columns[] = 'scale'; $headers[] = get_string('scale', 'assign'); } if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow) { // Add a column for the marking workflow state. $columns[] = 'workflowstate'; $headers[] = get_string('markingworkflowstate', 'assign'); } // Add a column for the list of valid marking workflow states. $columns[] = 'gradecanbechanged'; $headers[] = get_string('gradecanbechanged', 'assign'); } if (!$this->is_downloading() && $this->hasgrade) { // We have to call this column userid so we can use userid as a default sortable column. $columns[] = 'userid'; $headers[] = get_string('edit'); } // Submission plugins. if ($assignment->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) { $columns[] = 'timesubmitted'; $headers[] = get_string('lastmodifiedsubmission', 'assign'); foreach ($this->assignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) { if ($this->is_downloading()) { if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled()) { foreach ($plugin->get_editor_fields() as $field => $description) { $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache); $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin, $field); $columns[] = $index; $headers[] = $plugin->get_name(); } } } else { if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) { $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache); $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin); $columns[] = $index; $headers[] = $plugin->get_name(); } } } } // Time marked. $columns[] = 'timemarked'; $headers[] = get_string('lastmodifiedgrade', 'assign'); // Feedback plugins. foreach ($this->assignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) { if ($this->is_downloading()) { if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled()) { foreach ($plugin->get_editor_fields() as $field => $description) { $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache); $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin, $field); $columns[] = $index; $headers[] = $description; } } } else { if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) { $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache); $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin); $columns[] = $index; $headers[] = $plugin->get_name(); } } } // Exclude 'Final grade' column in downloaded grading worksheets. if (!$this->is_downloading()) { // Final grade. $columns[] = 'finalgrade'; $headers[] = get_string('finalgrade', 'grades'); } // Load the grading info for all users. $this->gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($this->assignment->get_course()->id, 'mod', 'assign', $this->assignment->get_instance()->id, $users); if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) && !empty($this->gradinginfo->outcomes)) { $columns[] = 'outcomes'; $headers[] = get_string('outcomes', 'grades'); } // Set the columns. $this->define_columns($columns); $this->define_headers($headers); foreach ($extrauserfields as $extrafield) { $this->column_class($extrafield, $extrafield); } $this->no_sorting('recordid'); $this->no_sorting('finalgrade'); $this->no_sorting('userid'); $this->no_sorting('select'); $this->no_sorting('outcomes'); if ($assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission) { $this->no_sorting('team'); } $plugincolumnindex = 0; foreach ($this->assignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) { if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) { $submissionpluginindex = 'plugin' . $plugincolumnindex++; $this->no_sorting($submissionpluginindex); } } foreach ($this->assignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) { if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) { $feedbackpluginindex = 'plugin' . $plugincolumnindex++; $this->no_sorting($feedbackpluginindex); } } // When there is no data we still want the column headers printed in the csv file. if ($this->is_downloading()) { $this->start_output(); } }
/** * Returns all assignments since a given time * * @param array $activities The activity information is returned in this array * @param int $index The current index in the activities array * @param int $timestart The earliest activity to show * @param int $courseid Limit the search to this course * @param int $cmid The course module id * @param int $userid Optional user id * @param int $groupid Optional group id * @return void */ function assign_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $courseid, $cmid, $userid = 0, $groupid = 0) { global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER, $DB; if ($COURSE->id == $courseid) { $course = $COURSE; } else { $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid)); } $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course); // no need pass this by reference as the return object already being cached $cm = $modinfo->get_cm($cmid); $params = array(); if ($userid) { $userselect = "AND = :userid"; $params['userid'] = $userid; } else { $userselect = ""; } if ($groupid) { $groupselect = "AND gm.groupid = :groupid"; $groupjoin = "JOIN {groups_members} gm ON"; $params['groupid'] = $groupid; } else { $groupselect = ""; $groupjoin = ""; } $params['cminstance'] = $cm->instance; $params['timestart'] = $timestart; $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', null, 'userid'); if (!($submissions = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT, asb.timemodified,\n {$userfields}\n FROM {assign_submission} asb\n JOIN {assign} a ON = asb.assignment\n JOIN {user} u ON = asb.userid\n {$groupjoin}\n WHERE asb.timemodified > :timestart AND = :cminstance\n {$userselect} {$groupselect}\n ORDER BY asb.timemodified ASC", $params))) { return; } $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course); $cm_context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $grader = has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $cm_context); $accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $cm_context); $viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $cm_context); if (is_null($modinfo->get_groups())) { $modinfo->groups = groups_get_user_groups($course->id); // load all my groups and cache it in modinfo } $showrecentsubmissions = get_config('mod_assign', 'showrecentsubmissions'); $show = array(); $usersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id, $cm->groupingid); if (is_array($usersgroups)) { $usersgroups = array_keys($usersgroups); } foreach ($submissions as $submission) { if ($submission->userid == $USER->id) { $show[] = $submission; continue; } // the act of submitting of assignment may be considered private - only graders will see it if specified if (empty($showrecentsubmissions)) { if (!$grader) { continue; } } if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$accessallgroups) { if (isguestuser()) { // shortcut - guest user does not belong into any group continue; } // this will be slow - show only users that share group with me in this cm if (empty($modinfo->groups[$cm->id])) { continue; } if (is_array($usersgroups)) { $intersect = array_intersect($usersgroups, $modinfo->groups[$cm->id]); if (empty($intersect)) { continue; } } } $show[] = $submission; } if (empty($show)) { return; } if ($grader) { require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'; $userids = array(); foreach ($show as $id => $submission) { $userids[] = $submission->userid; } $grades = grade_get_grades($courseid, 'mod', 'assign', $cm->instance, $userids); } $aname = format_string($cm->name, true); foreach ($show as $submission) { $activity = new stdClass(); $activity->type = 'assign'; $activity->cmid = $cm->id; $activity->name = $aname; $activity->sectionnum = $cm->sectionnum; $activity->timestamp = $submission->timemodified; $activity->user = new stdClass(); if ($grader) { $activity->grade = $grades->items[0]->grades[$submission->userid]->str_long_grade; } $userfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields()); foreach ($userfields as $userfield) { if ($userfield == 'id') { $activity->user->{$userfield} = $submission->userid; // aliased in SQL above } else { $activity->user->{$userfield} = $submission->{$userfield}; } } $activity->user->fullname = fullname($submission, $viewfullnames); $activities[$index++] = $activity; } return; }
function definition() { global $CFG, $COURSE, $USER; $mform =& $this->_form; $context = context_course::instance($COURSE->id); $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($COURSE); $sections = get_all_sections($COURSE->id); $mform->addElement('header', 'filters', get_string('managefilters')); //TODO: add better string $groupoptions = array(); if (groups_get_course_groupmode($COURSE) == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) { // limited group access $groups = groups_get_user_groups($COURSE->id); $allgroups = groups_get_all_groups($COURSE->id); if (!empty($groups[$COURSE->defaultgroupingid])) { foreach ($groups[$COURSE->defaultgroupingid] as $groupid) { $groupoptions[$groupid] = format_string($allgroups[$groupid]->name, true, array('context' => $context)); } } } else { $groupoptions = array('0' => get_string('allgroups')); if (has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) { // user can see all groups $allgroups = groups_get_all_groups($COURSE->id); } else { // user can see course level groups $allgroups = groups_get_all_groups($COURSE->id, 0, $COURSE->defaultgroupingid); } foreach ($allgroups as $group) { $groupoptions[$group->id] = format_string($group->name, true, array('context' => $context)); } } if ($COURSE->id == SITEID) { $viewparticipants = has_capability('moodle/site:viewparticipants', context_system::instance()); } else { $viewparticipants = has_capability('moodle/course:viewparticipants', $context); } if ($viewparticipants) { $viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', context_course::instance($COURSE->id)); $options = array(); $options[0] = get_string('allparticipants'); $options[$CFG->siteguest] = get_string('guestuser'); if (isset($groupoptions[0])) { // can see all enrolled users if ($enrolled = get_enrolled_users($context, null, 0, user_picture::fields('u'))) { foreach ($enrolled as $euser) { $options[$euser->id] = fullname($euser, $viewfullnames); } } } else { // can see users from some groups only foreach ($groupoptions as $groupid => $unused) { if ($enrolled = get_enrolled_users($context, null, $groupid, user_picture::fields('u'))) { foreach ($enrolled as $euser) { if (!array_key_exists($euser->id, $options)) { $options[$euser->id] = fullname($euser, $viewfullnames); } } } } } $mform->addElement('select', 'user', get_string('participants'), $options); $mform->setAdvanced('user'); } $sectiontitle = get_string('sectionname', 'format_' . $COURSE->format); $options = array('' => get_string('allactivities')); $modsused = array(); foreach ($modinfo->cms as $cm) { if (!$cm->uservisible) { continue; } $modsused[$cm->modname] = true; } foreach ($modsused as $modname => $unused) { $libfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/{$modname}/lib.php"; if (!file_exists($libfile)) { unset($modsused[$modname]); continue; } include_once $libfile; $libfunction = $modname . "_get_recent_mod_activity"; if (!function_exists($libfunction)) { unset($modsused[$modname]); continue; } $options["mod/{$modname}"] = get_string('allmods', '', get_string('modulenameplural', $modname)); } foreach ($modinfo->sections as $section => $cmids) { $options["section/{$section}"] = "-- " . get_section_name($COURSE, $sections[$section]) . " --"; foreach ($cmids as $cmid) { $cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid]; if (empty($modsused[$cm->modname]) or !$cm->uservisible) { continue; } $options[$cm->id] = format_string($cm->name); } } $mform->addElement('select', 'modid', get_string('activities'), $options); $mform->setAdvanced('modid'); if ($groupoptions) { $mform->addElement('select', 'group', get_string('groups'), $groupoptions); $mform->setAdvanced('group'); } else { // no access to groups in separate mode $mform->addElement('hidden', 'group'); $mform->setType('group', PARAM_INT); $mform->setConstants(array('group' => -1)); } $options = array('default' => get_string('bycourseorder'), 'dateasc' => get_string('datemostrecentlast'), 'datedesc' => get_string('datemostrecentfirst')); $mform->addElement('select', 'sortby', get_string('sortby'), $options); $mform->setAdvanced('sortby'); $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'date', get_string('since'), array('optional' => true)); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id'); $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT); $mform->setType('courseid', PARAM_INT); $this->add_action_buttons(false, get_string('showrecent')); }
/** * @global object * @param object $message message to be displayed. * @param mixed $chatuser user chat data * @param object $currentuser current user for whom the message should be displayed. * @param int $groupingid course module grouping id * @param string $theme name of the chat theme. * @return bool|string Returns HTML or false */ function chat_format_message_theme($message, $chatuser, $currentuser, $groupingid, $theme = 'bubble') { global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT, $COURSE, $DB, $PAGE; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/locallib.php'; static $users; // Cache user lookups. $result = new stdClass(); if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/gui_ajax/theme/' . $theme . '/config.php')) { include $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/chat/gui_ajax/theme/' . $theme . '/config.php'; } if (isset($users[$message->userid])) { $sender = $users[$message->userid]; } else { if ($sender = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $message->userid), user_picture::fields())) { $users[$message->userid] = $sender; } else { return null; } } // Find the correct timezone for displaying this message. $tz = core_date::get_user_timezone($currentuser); if (empty($chatuser->course)) { $courseid = $COURSE->id; } else { $courseid = $chatuser->course; } $message->strtime = userdate($message->timestamp, get_string('strftimemessage', 'chat'), $tz); $message->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($sender, array('courseid' => $courseid)); $message->picture = "<a target='_blank'" . " href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/user/view.php?id={$sender->id}&course={$courseid}\">{$message->picture}</a>"; // Start processing the message. if (!empty($message->system)) { $result->type = 'system'; $senderprofile = $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $sender->id . '&course=' . $courseid; $event = get_string('message' . $message->message, 'chat', fullname($sender)); $eventmessage = new event_message($senderprofile, fullname($sender), $message->strtime, $event, $theme); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_chat'); $result->html = $output->render($eventmessage); return $result; } // It's not a system event. $text = trim($message->message); // Parse the text to clean and filter it. $options = new stdClass(); $options->para = false; $text = format_text($text, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options, $courseid); // And now check for special cases. $special = false; $outtime = $message->strtime; // Initialise variables. $outmain = ''; $patternto = '#^\\s*To\\s([^:]+):(.*)#'; if (substr($text, 0, 5) == 'beep ') { $special = true; // It's a beep! $result->type = 'beep'; $beepwho = trim(substr($text, 5)); if ($beepwho == 'all') { // Everyone. $outmain = get_string('messagebeepseveryone', 'chat', fullname($sender)); } else { if ($beepwho == $currentuser->id) { // Current user. $outmain = get_string('messagebeepsyou', 'chat', fullname($sender)); } else { if ($sender->id == $currentuser->id) { // Something is not caught? // Allow beep for a active chat user only, else user can beep anyone and get fullname. if (!empty($chatuser) && is_numeric($beepwho)) { $chatusers = chat_get_users($chatuser->chatid, $chatuser->groupid, $groupingid); if (array_key_exists($beepwho, $chatusers)) { $outmain = get_string('messageyoubeep', 'chat', fullname($chatusers[$beepwho])); } else { $outmain = get_string('messageyoubeep', 'chat', $beepwho); } } else { $outmain = get_string('messageyoubeep', 'chat', $beepwho); } } } } } else { if (substr($text, 0, 1) == '/') { // It's a user command. $special = true; $result->type = 'command'; $pattern = '#(^\\/)(\\w+).*#'; preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches); $command = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : false; // Support some IRC commands. switch ($command) { case 'me': $outmain = '*** <b>' . $sender->firstname . ' ' . substr($text, 4) . '</b>'; break; default: // Error, we set special back to false to use the classic message output. $special = false; break; } } else { if (preg_match($patternto, $text)) { $special = true; $result->type = 'dialogue'; $matches = array(); preg_match($patternto, $text, $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2])) { $outmain = $sender->firstname . ' <b>' . get_string('saidto', 'chat') . '</b> <i>' . $matches[1] . '</i>: ' . $matches[2]; } else { // Error, we set special back to false to use the classic message output. $special = false; } } } } if (!$special) { $outmain = $text; } $result->text = strip_tags($outtime . ': ' . $outmain); $mymessageclass = ''; if ($sender->id == $USER->id) { $mymessageclass = 'chat-message-mymessage'; } $senderprofile = $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $sender->id . '&course=' . $courseid; $usermessage = new user_message($senderprofile, fullname($sender), $message->picture, $mymessageclass, $outtime, $outmain, $theme); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_chat'); $result->html = $output->render($usermessage); // When user beeps other user, then don't show any timestamp to other users in chat. if ('' === $outmain && $special) { return false; } else { return $result; } }
// Sort by replies/discussions. $mostposts = $mostdiscussions = $posts; uasort($mostposts, function ($a, $b) { return $a->replies < $b->replies ? 1 : -1; }); uasort($mostdiscussions, function ($a, $b) { return $a->discussions < $b->discussions ? 1 : -1; }); $postkeys = array_keys($mostposts); $discusskeys = array_keys($mostdiscussions); echo html_writer::start_div('forumng_usage_contrib'); // Start posts/replies. echo html_writer::start_div('forumng_usage_contrib_cont'); $toplist = array(); $totaltoshow = $contribcount > count($posts) ? count($posts) : $contribcount; $userfields = user_picture::fields(); for ($a = 0; $a < $totaltoshow; $a++) { // Create list of most posts. if ($mostposts[$postkeys[$a]]->replies > 0) { if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $postkeys[$a]), $userfields)) { $toplist[] = $renderer->render_usage_list_item($forum, $mostposts[$postkeys[$a]]->replies, $user, html_writer::div($forum->display_user_link($user), 'fng_userlink')); } } } echo $renderer->render_usage_list($toplist, 'mostposts'); echo html_writer::end_div(); // End posts. echo html_writer::start_div('forumng_usage_contrib_cont'); $toplist = array(); $totaltoshow = $contribcount > count($posts) ? count($posts) : $contribcount; for ($a = 0; $a < $totaltoshow; $a++) {
$retorno = json_encode($retorno); echo $retorno; break; case 'mudar_status': $user = optional_param('user', 0, PARAM_INT); $param = array(1, $user, $USER->id); $DB->execute("UPDATE {chatwebgd_mensagem} SET lido = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND para_id = ?", $param); break; case 'atualizar_user_online': $timetoshowusers = 500; //Seconds default $now = time(); $timefrom = $now - 3600; // $timefrom = 100 * floor(($now - $timetoshowusers) / 100); $params = array(); $userfields = user_picture::fields('u', array('username')); $params['now'] = $now; $params['timefrom'] = $timefrom; $params['user_id'] = $USER->id; $sql = "SELECT {$userfields}\r\n FROM {user} u\r\n WHERE u.lastaccess > :timefrom\r\n AND u.lastaccess <= :now\r\n AND u.deleted = 0\r\n AND <> :user_id"; if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, 0, 50)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $users[$user->id]->fullname = fullname($user); } } else { $users = array(); } $retorno = "<ul class='list'>\n"; if (!empty($users)) { foreach ($users as $user) { $retorno .= '<li class="listentry">';