public function get_user_id()
     try {
         // don't use $_REQUEST as it can do funny things escaping quotes etc.
         $request = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
         // authenticate requesting website for this service. This can create a user, so need write
         // permission.
         echo json_encode(user_identifier::get_user_id($request, $this->website_id));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
 public function register()
     try {
         if (!empty($_GET['user_id'])) {
             $userId = $_GET['user_id'];
         } else {
             // User was not logged in when subscribing, so use their details to find or create a warehouse user id.
             $emailIdentifierObject = new stdClass();
             $emailIdentifierObject->type = "email";
             $emailIdentifierObject->identifier = $_GET["email"];
             $userIdentificationData['identifiers'] = json_encode(array($emailIdentifierObject));
             //Also pass through these fields so if a new user is required then the system can fill in the database details
             $userIdentificationData['surname'] = $_GET["surname"];
             $userIdentificationData['first_name'] = $_GET["first_name"];
             //Call existing user identifier code that will either fetch an existing user for that email, or create a new one.
             $userDetails = user_identifier::get_user_id($userIdentificationData, $_GET["website_id"]);
             if (!empty($userDetails['userId'])) {
                 $userId = $userDetails['userId'];
             } else {
                 $userId = $userDetails['possibleMatches'][0]['user_id'];
         //Store the species alert for the user (which is either a new or existing user as determined by get_user_id)
         //Automatically register the user to receive email notifications if they have never had any settings at all
         try {
             $readAuth = data_entry_helper::get_read_auth(0 - $userId, kohana::config('indicia.private_key'));
             $freqSettingsData = data_entry_helper::get_report_data(array('dataSource' => 'library/user_email_notification_settings/user_email_notification_settings_inc_deleted', 'readAuth' => $readAuth, 'extraParams' => array('user_id' => $userId)));
             if (empty($freqSettingsData)) {
         } catch (exception $e) {
             kohana::log('debug', "Unable to register user " . $userId . " for email notifications, perhaps that module is not installed?.");
     } catch (Exception $e) {