$form .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
$form .= '<tr><td width="130">Delivery Name</td><td>' . $delname . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Delivery Address</td><td>' . $deladdress . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Delivery CP</td><td>' . $ctperson . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Phone Number</td><td>' . $phoneno . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Fax</td><td>' . $faxno . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Email Address</td><td>' . $email . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Shipper</td><td>' . $shipper . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Account No</td><td>' . $shipper_account_no . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Shipper Address</td><td>' . $shipper_addr . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Country of Origin</td><td>' . $shipper_country . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '<tr><td>Shipper CP</td><td>' . $shipper_cp . '</td></tr>';
$form .= '</table>';
$form .= '</div>';
$win_logheader = new ui_window($title, $form);
$content .= '<div style="float:left;">';
$content .= $win_loginfo->ui_print();
$content .= '<div id="log_packages"></div>';
$content .= '<div id="pack_progress" style="display:none;"><img src="images/ajax-load-2.gif" /></div>';
$content .= '</div>';
$content .= '<div style="margin-left:' . ($left_window_size + 30) . 'px;">';
$content .= $win_logheader->ui_print();
$content .= '</div>';
$javascript = '
            var last_log_id_without_cogs = "' . $last_logistic_id_without_cogs . '";
            var pdf_path = "' . DIR_WS_ARCHIVES . '";
            var pdf_link = "' . $log_data['pdf_file'] . '";
            function packagesLoaded(htmlResult, txtStatus) 
                if (txtStatus == "success") {
Example #2
$form .= '<input type="button" id="clear-rack" class="red" value="Clear Rack" />';
$form .= '<input type="button" id="print-stock" value="Print Stock List" />';
$form .= '</div>';
$form .= '<form name="clear_rack" action="?open=rack-info" method="post">';
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="CLEARRACK" />';
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="rack_id" value="' . $id . '" />';
$form .= '</form>';
$form .= '<form name="clear_rack_nbs" action="?open=rack-info" method="post">';
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="CLEARRACKNBS" />';
$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="rack_id" value="' . $id . '" />';
$form .= '</form>';
$rack_no = $class_bin->formatRackNumber($rack['no']);
$formtitle = 'Rack ' . $rack_no;
$win_form = new ui_window($formtitle, $form);
$content .= $win_form->ui_print();
$content .= '<div style="display:none;">';
$content .= '<div id="bs_list" style="width:400px;padding:20px;text-align:center;max-height:400px;">';
if ($bins_bs_total > 0) {
    $content .= '<h3>Rack ' . $rack_no . '<br /><span class="smallText">' . $rack_flag . ' Rack</span></h3>';
    $content .= '<div style="margin-top:20px;">Bins booked by Best Selling Products:</div>';
    foreach ($bins_bs as $b) {
        $products_id = $b['products_id'];
        $articles_id = $b['articles_id'];
        $booked = $products_id > 0 ? $class_pm->productsBookedCount($jng_warehouses_id, $products_id, $articles_id) : 0;
        $binclass = $booked > 0 ? ' class="red bold" title="Bin contains booked Articles"' : '';
        $bexp = explode('-', $b['code']);
        $bin = $bexp[2] . ' - ' . $bexp[3] . ' - ' . $bexp[4];
        $content .= '<div' . $binclass . ' style="padding:2px 0;">' . $bin . '</div>';
    $form2 .= '</form>';
    $win_form1 = new ui_window($formtitle1, $form1);
if (!isset($_GET['type']) || $_GET['type'] == '2') {
    $formtitle2 = 'Billing Address';
    $form2 = '<form name="order_address_2" action="?open=order-address&amp;id=' . $order_id . '&amp;type=2" method="post">';
    $form2 .= '<div><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
    $form2 .= '<tr><td class="l">Company:</td><td><input type="text" name="billing_company" value="' . $order['billing_company'] . '" /></td></tr>';
    $form2 .= '<tr><td class="l">Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="billing_name" value="' . $order['billing_name'] . '" /></td></tr>';
    $form2 .= '<tr><td class="l">Street Address:</td><td><input type="text" name="billing_street_address" value="' . $order['billing_street_address'] . '" /></td></tr>';
    $form2 .= '<tr><td class="l">Postcode:</td><td><input type="text" name="billing_postcode" value="' . $order['billing_postcode'] . '" /></td></tr>';
    $form2 .= '<tr><td class="l">City:</td><td><input type="text" name="billing_city" value="' . $order['billing_city'] . '" /></td></tr>';
    $form2 .= '<tr><td class="l">Country:</td><td><input type="text" name="billing_country" value="' . $order['billing_country'] . '" /></td></tr>';
    $form2 .= '</table></div>';
    $form2 .= '<div class="buttons">';
    $form2 .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="ORDERUPDATEADDRESS" />';
    $form2 .= '<input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="' . $order_id . '" />';
    $form2 .= '<input type="submit" class="red button" name="submit" value="Save Changes" title="Save changes and go back to order detail" />';
    $form2 .= '</div>';
    $form2 .= '</form>';
    $win_form2 = new ui_window($formtitle2, $form2);
if (isset($win_form1)) {
    $content .= $win_form1->ui_print();
if (isset($win_form2)) {
    $content .= $win_form2->ui_print();
$title = 'Order Detail - Change Address';
Example #4
$use_2col = array('shape', 'surface', 'cut', 'clasp', 'setting');
foreach ($element->attributes as $attr_type => $attr) {
    if ($attr_type != 'surface') {
        $attr_id = 'attribute_' . $attr_type . '_id';
        $attr_options = $class_ea->drawOptions($attr_type, $attr['id'], $attr_id, $attr_id, $options, 'editable');
        $attr_label = ucfirst($attr_type);
        if (in_array($attr_type, $use_2col)) {
            $attrform .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' . $attr_options . '</td></tr>';
        } else {
            $attrform .= '<tr><td width="100">' . $attr_label . '</td><td>' . $attr_options . '</td></tr>';
$attrform .= '</table></div>';
$attr_window = new ui_window($attrform_title, $attrform, 'attributes');
$content .= $attr_window->ui_print();
if ($hidemenuscript == '') {
    $content .= '<div class="buttons-left">';
    $content .= '<input type="button" id="el-tolist" value="Back to Element list" />';
    $content .= '<input type="button" id="el-other" value="View Other Element" />';
    $content .= '</div>';
$content .= '</div>';
if ($hidemenuscript == '') {
    $content .= '<div id="other-id" style="display:none">';
    $content .= '<form name="elsearch" action="?open=element" method="post" />';
    $content .= 'Element ID &nbsp; <input type="text" id="other_elements_id" name="elements_id" value="" class="iwbutton" />';
Example #5
                var order_id = $("#print_order_id").val();
                if(order_id!="") callbackManoboBrowser_PrintLabelOrder(order_id);
    $form_footer = '';
    $win_form->ui_setAdditionalStyle('margin:0 auto;');
} else {
    $formwidth = 550;
    $jsmcbg = '';
    $form_footer .= '<div style="width:' . $formwidth . 'px;text-align:center;margin-top:30px;">';
    $form_footer .= '<a href="?open=sp-orders">Click here to go back to <strong>SP Orders Management</strong></a>';
    $form_footer .= '</div>';
    $content = '<h2 class="red">Scaning here will not generate Order Label automatically, PLEASE USE MANOBO CLIENT!</h2>';
$content .= $win_form->ui_print();
$content .= $form_footer;
$javascript .= '
            ' . $jsmcbg . '
            var id_col = new Array();
            var curID_forEAN = null;
            function submitResultCol(htmlResult, txtStatus) {
                if(txtStatus=="success") {
                    ' . $jscallback . '
            function submitResult(htmlResult, txtStatus) {
                if(txtStatus=="success") {
Example #6
         //$el[$row['elements_id']] = $row;
         $usage = $elements_usage[$row['elements_id']];
         $cbid = 'el-' . $row['elements_id'];
         $cb = '<input type="checkbox" name="cb_elements[' . $row['elements_id'] . ']" value="' . $usage . '" id="' . $cbid . '" title="Add to Picking List" />';
         $form .= '<div style="background:#fff;border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px; float:left; margin:10px 10px 0px 0px;">';
         $form .= '<div><label for="' . $cbid . '">' . webImage($row['image'], '130', '130', 'Supplier: ' . $row['suppliers_name']) . '</label></div>';
         $form .= '<div style="margin-top:5px;text-align:center;">' . $cb . ' ' . $row['elements_code'] . ' <strong>(' . $usage . ')</strong></div>';
         $form .= '</div>';
     $form .= '<div class="buttons">';
     $form .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" class="button blue" value="Generate PickingList" />';
     $form .= '<input type="button" class="button" value="Close List" id="hideelements" />';
     $form .= '</div>';
     $form .= '</form>';
     $win_form = new ui_window($formtitle, $form);
     $win_form->ui_setAdditionalStyle('margin:0 auto;margin-bottom:20px;');
     $result = $win_form->ui_print();
     echo utf8_encode($result);
 } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SENDDELAYINFORMATION') {
     $dmresult = new messagebox();
     $items_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['oi_id']);
     if ($class_jo->isDelayInfoSent($items_id)) {
         $result = "{$items_id}: " . 'Delay Info for this product is already sent.';
         $dmresult->add($result, 'green');
     } else {
         $item = $class_jo->retrieveItemDetail($items_id);
         $order = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($item['jng_sp_orders_id']);
         if ($order['jng_sp_id'] == '1') {
        $messagebox->add('Address is updated.', 'green');
$order_id = isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != '' ? tep_db_prepare_input($_GET['id']) : '';
if ($order_id == '') {
    header('location: .');
} else {
    $order = $class_jo->retrieveDetail($order_id);
$formtitle1 = 'Change Shipping Address';
$form1 = '<form name="order_address_1" action="?open=sp-order-address&amp;id=' . $order_id . '" method="post">';
$form1 .= '<div class="form"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
$form1 .= '<tr><td width="150">Title</td><td><input type="text" name="customer_shipping_title" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_title'] . '" /></td></tr>';
$form1 .= '<tr><td>Firstname / Lastname</td><td><input type="text" name="customer_shipping_firstname" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_firstname'] . '" /> <input type="text" name="customer_shipping_lastname" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_lastname'] . '" /></td></tr>';
$form1 .= '<tr><td>Address (1)</td><td><input type="text" name="customer_shipping_address" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_address'] . '" class="input2" /></td></tr>';
$form1 .= '<tr><td>Address (2)</td><td><input type="text" name="customer_shipping_address2" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_address2'] . '" class="input2" /></td></tr>';
$form1 .= '<tr><td>Postcode / City</td><td><input type="text" name="customer_shipping_postcode" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_postcode'] . '" /> <input type="text" name="customer_shipping_city" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_city'] . '" /></td></tr>';
$form1 .= '<tr><td>Country</td><td><input type="text" name="customer_shipping_country" value="' . $order['customer_shipping_country'] . '" /></td></tr>';
$form1 .= '</table></div>';
$form1 .= '<div class="buttons">';
$form1 .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="ORDERUPDATEADDRESS" />';
$form1 .= '<input type="hidden" name="order_id" value="' . $order_id . '" />';
$form1 .= '<input type="submit" class="red button" name="submit" value="Save Changes" title="Save changes and go back to order detail" />';
$form1 .= '</div>';
$form2 .= '</form>';
$win_form1 = new ui_window($formtitle1, $form1);
$content .= $win_form1->ui_print();
$title = 'SP Order Detail - Change Address';
            $form .= '<tr>';
            $form .= '<td>Name</td>';
            $form .= '<td><input type="text" name="name" class="input" value="' . $cust_name . '" readonly="readonly"/></td>';
            $form .= '</tr>';
            $form .= '<tr>';
            $form .= '<td>Testimonial</td>';
            $form .= '<td><textarea rows="10" name="testimonial" class="input">' . $testimonials . '</textarea></td>';
            $form .= '</tr>';
            $form .= '<tr>';
            $form .= '<td>Created</td>';
            $form .= '<td><input type="text" name="created" class="date_picker input" readonly="readonly" value="' . $created . '"/></td>';
            $form .= '</tr>';
            $form .= '</table></div>';
            $form .= '<div class="buttons">' . $submit_buttons . '</div>';
            $form .= '</form>';
            $form .= '</div>';
            $javascript = '
                    dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd"
            $formtitle = $template == 'TESTIMONIALUPDATE' ? 'Update Testimonial' : 'New Testimonial';
            $window_width = 450;
$win_form = new ui_window($formtitle, $form);
$content .= $win_form->ui_print();
            array_unshift($customers, $header);
            $form .= tep_draw_table('', $customers);
        $form .= '<div style="clear:left;padding-top:10px;font-weight:bold;">OR <a href="?open=order-create-1&amp;search=true">Click here to search another</a></div>';
if (!isset($customers) || $retrieved_customers == 0) {
    $formtitle = 'STEP-1 &bull; Search a Customer';
    $form .= '<form name="search-customer" action="?open=order-create-1" method="post">';
    $form .= '<input type="hidden" name="me_action" value="CREATEORDERSEARCHCUSTOMER" />';
    $form .= '<div><table class="main" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
    $select_options = '<select name="customer_field">';
    $select_options .= '<option value="id">Customers ID</option>';
    $select_options .= '<option value="email">Email Address</option>';
    $select_options .= '<option value="name">Customers Name</option>';
    $select_options .= '</select>';
    $form .= '<tr><td width="100">' . $select_options . '</td><td><input type="text" name="customer_search" value="" /></td></tr>';
    $form .= '</table></div>';
    $form .= '<div style="margin-top:10px;text-align:right;">';
    $form .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search" />';
    if (isset($order_create['customer']) && count($order_create['customer']) > 0) {
        $form .= '<input type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" class="blue" onclick="location.href=\'?open=order-create-2\'" />';
    $form .= '</div>';
    $form .= '</form>';
$win_form = new ui_window($formtitle, $form);
$content .= $win_form->ui_print();
$title = 'Create New Order';