Example #1
	 * Main function of the MODULE. Write the content to $this->content
	 * There are three main modes:
	 * - Based on a file reference, creating/modifying a DS/TO
	 * - Based on a Template Object uid, remapping
	 * - Based on a Data Structure uid, selecting a Template Object to map.
	 * @return	void
	function main_mode()	{
		global $LANG, $BACK_PATH;

		$this->doc = t3lib_div::makeInstance('template');
		$this->doc->docType= 'xhtml_trans';
		$this->doc->backPath = $BACK_PATH;
		$this->doc->bodyTagId = 'typo3-mod-php';
		$this->doc->divClass = '';

			#templavoila-frame-visual { height:500px; display:block; margin:0 5px; width:98%; border: 1xpx solid black;}
			DIV.typo3-fullDoc H2 { width: 100%; }
			TABLE#c-mapInfo {margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; }
			TABLE#c-mapInfo TR TD {padding-right: 20px;}
			select option.pagetemplate {background-image:url(../icon_pagetemplate.gif);background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 5px 50%; padding: 1px 0 3px 24px; -webkit-background-size: 0;}
			select option.fce {background-image:url(../icon_fce_ce.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 5px 50%; padding: 1px 0 3px 24px; -webkit-background-size: 0;}
			#c-toMenu { margin-bottom:10px; }
		$this->doc->inDocStylesArray[] = self::$gnyfStyleBlock;

			// Add custom styles
		$this->doc->styleSheetFile2 = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath($this->extKey)."cm1/styles.css";

			// General GPvars for module mode:
		$this->displayFile = tx_templavoila_file::filename(t3lib_div::_GP('file'));
		$this->displayTable = t3lib_div::_GP('table');
		$this->displayUid = t3lib_div::_GP('uid');
		$this->displayPath = t3lib_div::_GP('htmlPath');
		$this->returnUrl =  t3lib_div::sanitizeLocalUrl(t3lib_div::_GP('returnUrl'));

			// GPvars specific to the DS listing/table and mapping features:
		$this->_preview = t3lib_div::_GP('_preview');
		$this->mapElPath = t3lib_div::_GP('mapElPath');
		$this->doMappingOfPath = t3lib_div::_GP('doMappingOfPath');
		$this->showPathOnly = t3lib_div::_GP('showPathOnly');
		$this->mappingToTags = t3lib_div::_GP('mappingToTags');
		$this->DS_element = t3lib_div::_GP('DS_element');
		$this->DS_cmd = t3lib_div::_GP('DS_cmd');
		$this->fieldName = t3lib_div::_GP('fieldName');

			// GPvars specific for DS creation from a file.
		$this->_load_ds_xml_content = t3lib_div::_GP('_load_ds_xml_content');
		$this->_load_ds_xml_to = t3lib_div::_GP('_load_ds_xml_to');
		$this->_saveDSandTO_TOuid = t3lib_div::_GP('_saveDSandTO_TOuid');
		$this->_saveDSandTO_title = t3lib_div::_GP('_saveDSandTO_title');
		$this->_saveDSandTO_type = t3lib_div::_GP('_saveDSandTO_type');
		$this->_saveDSandTO_pid = t3lib_div::_GP('_saveDSandTO_pid');
		$this->DS_element_DELETE = t3lib_div::_GP('DS_element_DELETE');

			// Finding Storage folder:

			// Setting up form-wrapper:
		$this->doc->form='<form action="'.$this->linkThisScript(array()).'" method="post" name="pageform">';

			// JavaScript
		$this->doc->JScode.= $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
			script_ended = 0;
			function jumpToUrl(URL)	{	//
				document.location = URL;
			function updPath(inPath)	{	//
				document.location = "'.t3lib_div::linkThisScript(array('htmlPath'=>'','doMappingOfPath'=>1)).'&htmlPath="+top.rawurlencode(inPath);

			function openValidator(key) {
				new Ajax.Request("' . $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'] . 'ajax.php?ajaxID=tx_templavoila_cm1_ajax::getDisplayFileContent&key=" + key, {
					onSuccess: function(response) {
						var valform = new Element(\'form\',{method: \'post\', target:\'_blank\', action: \'http://validator.w3.org/check#validate_by_input\'});
						valform.insert(new Element(\'input\',{name: \'fragment\', value:response.responseText, type: \'hidden\'}));$(document.body).insert(valform);

		if(tx_templavoila_div::convertVersionNumberToInteger(TYPO3_version) < 4005000) {
		} else {

			// Setting up the context sensitive menu:
		$CMparts = $this->doc->getContextMenuCode();
		$this->doc->bodyTagAdditions = $CMparts[1];
		$this->doc->postCode.= $CMparts[2];

			// Icons
		$this->dsTypes = array(
			'sc' => $LANG->getLL('dsTypes_section') . ': ',
			'co' => $LANG->getLL('dsTypes_container') . ': ',
			'el' => $LANG->getLL('dsTypes_attribute') . ': ',
			'at' => $LANG->getLL('dsTypes_element') . ': ',
			'no' => $LANG->getLL('dsTypes_notmapped') . 'Not : ');
		foreach ($this->dsTypes as $id => $title) {
			$this->dsTypes[$id] = array(
					// abbrevation
					// descriptive title
					// image-path
				t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($this->doc->backPath,t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/item_'.$id.'.gif','width="24" height="16" border="0" style="margin-right: 5px;"'),
					// background-path

				// information
			$this->dsTypes[$id][4] = @getimagesize($this->dsTypes[$id][3]);

			// Render content, depending on input values:
		if ($this->displayFile)	{	// Browsing file directly, possibly creating a template/data object records.
		} elseif ($this->displayTable=='tx_templavoila_datastructure') {	// Data source display
		} elseif ($this->displayTable=='tx_templavoila_tmplobj') {	// Data source display

			// Add spacer:

		$this->pageinfo = t3lib_BEfunc::readPageAccess($this->id,$this->perms_clause);
		$docHeaderButtons = $this->getDocHeaderButtons();
		$docContent = array(
			'CSH' => $docHeaderButtons['csh'],
			'CONTENT' => $this->content

		$content  = $this->doc->startPage($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('title'));
		$content .= $this->doc->moduleBody(
		$content .= $this->doc->endPage();

			// Replace content with templated content
		$this->content = $content;
	 * Main function, adding items to the click menu array.
	 * @param	object		Reference to the parent object of the clickmenu class which calls this function
	 * @param	array		The current array of menu items - you have to add or remove items to this array in this function. Thats the point...
	 * @param	string		The database table OR filename
	 * @param	integer		For database tables, the UID
	 * @return	array		The modified menu array.
	function main(&$backRef, $menuItems, $table, $uid) {
		global $BE_USER, $LANG, $TYPO3_DB;

		$localItems = array();
		if (!$backRef->cmLevel)	{
			$LL = $LANG->includeLLFile(t3lib_extMgm::extPath('templavoila').'locallang.xml', 0);

				// Adding link for Mapping tool:
			if (tx_templavoila_file::is_file($table)) {
				if ($BE_USER->isAdmin()) {
					if (tx_templavoila_file::is_xmlFile($table)) {
						$url = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/index.php?file='.rawurlencode($table);
						$localItems[] = $backRef->linkItem(
							$backRef->excludeIcon('<img src="'.$backRef->backPath.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/cm_icon.gif" width="15" height="12" border="0" align="top" alt="" />'),
							$backRef->urlRefForCM($url, 'returnUrl'),
							1	// Disables the item in the top-bar. Set this to zero if you wish the item to appear in the top bar!
			elseif (t3lib_div::inList('tx_templavoila_tmplobj,tx_templavoila_datastructure,tx_templavoila_content',$table)) {
				$url = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/index.php?table='.rawurlencode($table).'&uid='.$uid.'&_reload_from=1';
				$localItems[] = $backRef->linkItem(
					$backRef->excludeIcon('<img src="'.$backRef->backPath.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/cm_icon.gif" width="15" height="12" border="0" align="top" alt="" />'),
					$backRef->urlRefForCM($url, 'returnUrl'),
					1	// Disables the item in the top-bar. Set this to zero if you wish the item to appear in the top bar!

			$isTVelement = ('tt_content' == $table && $backRef->rec['CType']=='templavoila_pi1' || 'pages' == $table) && $backRef->rec['tx_templavoila_flex'];

				// Adding link for "View: Sub elements":
			if ($table == 'tt_content' && $isTVelement) {
				$localItems = array();

				$url = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'mod1/index.php?id='.intval($backRef->rec['pid']).

				$localItems[] = $backRef->linkItem(
					$backRef->excludeIcon('<img src="'.$backRef->backPath.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/cm_icon.gif" width="15" height="12" border="0" align="top" alt="" />'),
					$backRef->urlRefForCM($url, 'returnUrl'),
					1	// Disables the item in the top-bar. Set this to zero if you wish the item to appear in the top bar!


				// Adding link for "View: Flexform XML" (admin only):
			if ($BE_USER->isAdmin() && $isTVelement) {
				$url = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm2/index.php?'.

				$localItems[] = $backRef->linkItem(
					$backRef->excludeIcon('<img src="'.$backRef->backPath.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm2/cm_icon.gif" width="15" height="12" border="0" align="top" alt="" />'),
					$backRef->urlRefForCM($url, 'returnUrl'),
					1	// Disables the item in the top-bar. Set this to zero if you wish the item to appear in the top bar!

				// Adding link for "View: DS/TO" (admin only):
			if ($BE_USER->isAdmin() && $isTVelement) {

				if (tx_templavoila_div::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($backRef->rec['tx_templavoila_ds']))	{
					$url = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/index.php?'.

					$localItems[] = $backRef->linkItem(
						$LANG->getLLL('cm_viewdsto',$LL,1).' ['.$backRef->rec['tx_templavoila_ds'].'/'.$backRef->rec['tx_templavoila_to'].']',
						$backRef->excludeIcon('<img src="'.$backRef->backPath.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm2/cm_icon.gif" width="15" height="12" border="0" align="top" alt="" />'),
						$backRef->urlRefForCM($url, 'returnUrl'),
						1	// Disables the item in the top-bar. Set this to zero if you wish the item to appear in the top bar!

#			if ($table=='tt_content') {
#					// Adding link for "Pages using this element":
#				$localItems[] = $backRef->linkItem(
#					$LANG->getLLL('cm1_pagesusingthiselement',$LL),
#					$backRef->excludeIcon('<img src="'.t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'cm1/cm_icon_activate.gif" width="15" height="12" border=0 align=top>'),
#					"top.loadTopMenu('".t3lib_div::linkThisScript()."&cmLevel=1&subname=tx_templavoila_cm1_pagesusingthiselement');return false;",
#					0,
#					1
#				);
#			}
		} else {
			if (t3lib_div::_GP('subname') == 'tx_templavoila_cm1_pagesusingthiselement') {
				$menuItems = array ();
				$url = t3lib_extMgm::extRelPath('templavoila').'mod1/index.php?id=';

					// Generate a list of pages where this element is also being used:
				$res = $TYPO3_DB->exec_SELECTquery ('*', 'tx_templavoila_elementreferences', 'uid='.$backRef->rec['uid']);
				if ($res) {
					while (false != ($referenceRecord = $TYPO3_DB->sql_fetch_assoc ($res))) {
						$pageRecord = t3lib_beFunc::getRecord('pages', $referenceRecord['pid']);
						$icon = t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord('pages', $pageRecord);
	// To do: Display language flag icon and jump to correct language
#						if ($referenceRecord['lkey'] != 'lDEF') {
#							$icon .= ' lKey:'.$referenceRecord['lkey'];
#						} elseif ($referenceRecord['vkey'] != 'vDEF') {
#							$icon .= ' vKey:'.$referenceRecord['vkey'];
#						}
						if (is_array ($pageRecord)) {
							$menuItems[] = $backRef->linkItem(
								t3lib_beFunc::getRecordTitle('pages', $pageRecord, 1),
								$backRef->urlRefForCM($url.$pageRecord['uid'], 'returnUrl'),
								1	// Disables the item in the top-bar. Set this to zero if you wish the item to appear in the top bar!

			// Simply merges the two arrays together and returns ...
		if (count($localItems))	{
			$menuItems = array_merge($menuItems,$localItems);

		return $menuItems;