  * Executes the commit task and returns TRUE if the execution was
  * succesfull
  * @return	boolean	returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 public function execute()
     $result = FALSE;
     if (is_null($this->solr)) {
     $response = $this->solr->commit();
     if ($response->responseHeader->status === 0) {
         $result = TRUE;
     return $result;
 public function getSpellcheckingSuggestions()
     $spellcheckingSuggestions = FALSE;
     $suggestions = (array) $this->solr->getResponse()->spellcheck->suggestions;
     if (!empty($suggestions)) {
         $spellcheckingSuggestions = $suggestions;
     return $spellcheckingSuggestions;
  * Checks whether a Solr server is available and provides some information.
  * @param	tx_solr_SolrService	Solr connection
  * @return	tx_reports_reports_status_Status Status of the Solr connection
 protected function getConnectionStatus(tx_solr_SolrService $solr)
     $value = 'Your site was unable to contact the Apache Solr server.';
     $severity = tx_reports_reports_status_Status::ERROR;
     $message = '<ul>' . '<li>Host: ' . $solr->getHost() . '</li>' . '<li>Port: ' . $solr->getPort() . '</li>' . '<li style="padding-bottom: 10px;">Path: ' . $solr->getPath() . '</li>';
     if ($solr->ping()) {
         $severity = tx_reports_reports_status_Status::OK;
         $value = 'Your site has contacted the Apache Solr server.';
         $solrVersion = $this->formatSolrVersion($solr->getSolrServerVersion());
         $message .= '<li>Apache Solr: ' . $solrVersion . '</li>';
         $message .= '<li>schema.xml: ' . $solr->getSchemaName() . '</li>';
         $message .= '<li>solrconfig.xml: ' . $solr->getSolrconfigName() . '</li>';
         $accessFilterPluginStatus = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_solr_report_AccessFilterPluginInstalledStatus');
         $accessFilterPluginVersion = $accessFilterPluginStatus->getInstalledPluginVersion($solr);
         $message .= '<li>Access Filter Plugin: ' . $accessFilterPluginVersion . '</li>';
     $message .= '</ul>';
     return t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_reports_reports_status_Status', 'Apache Solr', $value, $message, $severity);
  * Indexes Redmine projects
  * @param	array	$projects An array of Redmine project objects
  * @return	boolean	TRUE if projects are successfully indexed, FALSE otherwise
 protected function indexProjects(array $projects)
     $projectDocuments = array();
     $projectsIndexed = FALSE;
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         $projectDocuments[] = $this->projectToDocument($project);
     try {
         $response = $this->solrConnection->addDocuments($projectDocuments);
         if ($response->getHttpStatus() == 200) {
             $projectsIndexed = TRUE;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         foreach ($projectDocuments as $index => $projectDocument) {
             $projectDocuments[$index] = (array) $projectDocument;
         t3lib_div::devLog('Failed to index Redmine projects', 'solr_redmine', 3, array('documents' => $projectDocuments, 'response' => (array) $response));
     return $projectsIndexed;
  * Adds the collected documents to the Solr index.
  * @param    array    $documents An array of Apache_Solr_Document objects.
 protected function addDocumentsToSolrIndex(array $documents)
     $documentsAdded = FALSE;
     if (!count($documents)) {
         return $documentsAdded;
     try {
         $this->log('Adding ' . count($documents) . ' documents.', 0, $documents);
         // chunk adds by 20
         $documentChunks = array_chunk($documents, 20);
         foreach ($documentChunks as $documentChunk) {
         $documentsAdded = TRUE;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->log($e->getMessage() . ' Error code: ' . $e->getCode(), 2);
         if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_solr.']['logging.']['exceptions']) {
             t3lib_div::devLog('Exception while adding documents', 'tx_solr', 3, array($e->__toString()));
     return $documentsAdded;
  * Renders the index field table.
  * Acknowledgement: Some of the code is taken from Drupal's apachesolr module
  * @param $data
  * @return unknown_type
 protected function renderData(Apache_Solr_Response $data)
     $content = '';
     $registry = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_Registry');
     $limit = $registry->get('tx_solr', 'luke.limit', 20000);
     $numberOfDocuments = $data->index->numDocs;
     $content .= '<p>Number of documents in index: ' . $numberOfDocuments . '</p>';
     if (isset($data->index->numDocs) && $data->index->numDocs > $limit) {
         $notFound = '<em>Omitted</em>';
         $content .= '<p>You have more than ' . $limit . ' documents, so term frequencies are being omitted for performance reasons.</p>';
     } elseif (isset($data->index->numDocs)) {
         $notFound = 'Not indexed';
         // below limit, so we get more data
         // Note: we use 2 since 1 fails on Ubuntu Hardy.
         $data = $this->solr->getLukeMetaData(2);
         $content .= '<p>Number of terms in index: ' . $data->index->numTerms . '</p>';
     $fields = (array) $data->fields;
     $content .= '<p>Number of fields in index: ' . count($fields) . '</p>';
     // getting fields, sorting
     $rows = array();
     foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
         $rows[$name] = array($name, $field->type, isset($field->distinct) ? $field->distinct : $notFound);
     // Initialise table layout
     $tableLayout = array('table' => array('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="tx_solr_index_list">', '</table>'), '0' => array('tr' => array('<tr class="bgColor2" valign="top">', '</tr>'), 'defCol' => array('<td>', '</td>')), 'defRowOdd' => array('tr' => array('<tr class="bgColor3-20">', '</tr>'), 'defCol' => array('<td>', '</td>')), 'defRowEven' => array('tr' => array('<tr>', '</tr>'), 'defCol' => array('<td>', '</td>')));
     $table = array();
     // header row
     $table[] = array('Field Name', 'Index Type', 'Distinct Terms');
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $table[] = $row;
     // Render table
     $content .= $this->reportsModule->doc->table($table, $tableLayout);
     return $content;
  * Gets the version of the installed plugin.
  * @param	tx_solr_SolrService	Solr connection to check for the plugin.
  * @return	string	The installed plugin's version number.
 public function getInstalledPluginVersion(tx_solr_SolrService $solrConnection)
     $version = '0.0.0';
     $pluginsInformation = $solrConnection->getPluginsInformation();
     $rawVersion = $pluginsInformation->plugins->OTHER->{self::PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME}->version;
     $explodedRawVersion = explode('-', $rawVersion);
     $version = $explodedRawVersion[0];
     return $version;