/** * @param tx_caretaker_AbstractNode $node * @param int $depth * @return array */ protected function nodeToArray($node, $depth = 1) { // show node and icon $result = array(); $uid = $node->getUid(); $title = $node->getTitle(); $hidden = $node->getHidden(); $id = $node->getCaretakerNodeId(); $testResult = $node->getTestResult(); $resultClass = 'caretaker-state-' . strtolower($testResult->getStateInfo()); $typeClass = 'caretaker-type-' . strtolower($node->getType()); $result['type'] = strtolower($node->getType()); $result['id'] = $id; $result['uid'] = $uid; $result['disabled'] = $hidden; $result['text'] = $title ? $title : '[no title]'; $result['cls'] = $resultClass . ' ' . $typeClass; $result['iconCls'] = 'icon-' . $typeClass . ($hidden ? '-hidden' : ''); if (strtolower($node->getType()) == 'instance' && $node instanceof tx_caretaker_InstanceNode) { $result['url'] = $node->getUrl(); } else { $result['url'] = false; } // show subitems of tx_caretaker_AggregatorNodes if ($node instanceof tx_caretaker_AggregatorNode) { $children = $node->getChildren(true); $result['leaf'] = count($children) == 0 ? true : false; if ($depth > 0) { $result['children'] = array(); foreach ($children as $child) { $result['children'][] = $this->nodeToArray($child, $depth - 1); } } } else { $result['leaf'] = TRUE; } return $result; }
/** * Get the ResultRange for the given Aggregator and the timerange * * @param tx_caretaker_AbstractNode $node * @param integer $start_timestamp * @param integer $stop_timestamp * @return tx_caretaker_AggregatorResultRange */ public function getRangeByNode($node, $start_timestamp, $stop_timestamp) { $result_range = new tx_caretaker_AggregatorResultRange($start_timestamp, $stop_timestamp); $instance = $node->getInstance(); if ($instance) { $instanceUid = $instance->getUid(); } else { $instanceUid = 0; } $nodeType = $node->getType(); $nodeUid = $node->getUid(); $base_condition = 'aggregator_uid=' . $nodeUid . ' AND aggregator_type="' . $nodeType . '" AND instance_uid=' . $instanceUid; $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_caretaker_aggregatorresult', $base_condition . ' AND tstamp >=' . $start_timestamp . ' AND tstamp <=' . $stop_timestamp, '', 'tstamp ASC'); while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $result = $this->dbrow2instance($row); $result_range->addResult($result); } // add first value if needed $first = $result_range->getFirst(); if (!$first || $first && $first->getTstamp() > $start_timestamp) { $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->store_lastBuiltQuery = TRUE; $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_caretaker_aggregatorresult', $base_condition . ' AND tstamp <' . $start_timestamp, '', 'tstamp DESC', 1); if ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $row['tstamp'] = $start_timestamp; $result = $this->dbrow2instance($row); $result_range->addResult($result); } } // add last value if needed $last = $result_range->getLast(); if ($last && $last->getTstamp() < $stop_timestamp) { $real_last = new tx_caretaker_AggregatorResult($stop_timestamp, $last->getState(), $last->getNumUNDEFINED(), $last->getNumOK(), $last->getNumWARNING(), $last->getNumERROR(), $last->getMessage()->getText()); $result_range->addResult($real_last); } return $result_range; }
/** * Get All Contacts for the given node that match the given role * * @param tx_caretaker_AbstractNode $node * @param tx_caretaker_ContactRole $role * @return array */ public function getContactsByNodeAndRole(tx_caretaker_AbstractNode $node, tx_caretaker_ContactRole $role) { $contacts = array(); // only Instancegroups and Instances store Contacts $nodeType = $node->getType(); if ($nodeType != tx_caretaker_Constants::nodeType_Instance && $nodeType != tx_caretaker_Constants::nodeType_Instancegroup) { return $contacts; } $storageTable = $node->getStorageTable(); $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', tx_caretaker_Constants::relationTable_Node2Address, 'uid_node=' . $node->getUid() . ' AND node_table=\'' . $storageTable . '\'' . ' AND role=' . $role->getUid()); while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($contact = $this->dbrow2contact($row)) { $contacts[] = $contact; } } return $contacts; }
/** * * @param tx_caretaker_AbstractNode $node * @return array */ function getNodeData($node) { $data = array(); // node data $data['uid'] = $node->getUid(); $data['node_id'] = $node->getCaretakerNodeId(); $data['node_type'] = $node->getType(); $data['type'] = $node->getTypeDescription(); $data['configuration'] = $node->getConfigurationInfo(); $data['title'] = $node->getTitle(); $data['description'] = $node->getDescription(); // add state Infos $result = $node->getTestResult(); $data['state'] = $result->getState(); $data['state_info'] = $result->getStateInfo(); $data['state_show'] = $result->getLocallizedStateInfo(); $data['state_msg'] = $result->getLocallizedInfotext(); $data['state_tstamp'] = $result->getTimestamp(); if ($result instanceof tx_caretaker_TestResult) { $data['state_value'] = $result->getValue(); } // instance data if (is_a($node, 'tx_caretaker_TestNode') || is_a($node, 'tx_caretaker_TestgroupNode')) { $data['instance'] = $node->getInstance()->getTitle(); } $data['link_parameters'] = '&tx_caretaker_pi_singleview[id]=' . $node->getCaretakerNodeId(); return $data; }
/** * @param tx_caretaker_AbstractNode $node * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * @return tx_caretaker_AggregatorResultRange */ public function getResultRangeByNodeAndOffset($node, $offset = 0, $limit = 10) { $result_range = new tx_caretaker_AggregatorResultRange(NULL, NULL); $instance = $node->getInstance(); if ($instance) { $instanceUid = $instance->getUid(); } else { $instanceUid = 0; } $nodeType = $node->getType(); $nodeUid = $node->getUid(); $base_condition = 'aggregator_uid=' . $nodeUid . ' AND aggregator_type="' . $nodeType . '" AND instance_uid=' . $instanceUid; $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_caretaker_aggregatorresult', $base_condition, '', 'tstamp DESC', (int) $offset . ',' . (int) $limit); while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $result = $this->dbrow2instance($row); $result_range->addResult($result); } return $result_range; }
/** * Get the latest Testresult for the given Instance and Test * * @param tx_caretaker_AbstractNode $testNode * @param $currentResult * @return tx_caretaker_TestResult */ public function getPreviousDifferingResult($testNode, $currentResult) { $row = NULL; if ($testNode instanceof tx_caretaker_TestNode) { $testUID = $testNode->getUid(); $instanceUID = $testNode->getInstance()->getUid(); $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_caretaker_testresult', 'test_uid = ' . $testUID . ' AND instance_uid = ' . $instanceUID . ' AND result_status <> ' . $currentResult->getState() . ' AND tstamp < ' . $currentResult->getTimestamp(), 'tstamp DESC, uid DESC', '', '1'); $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res); } if ($row) { $result = $this->dbrow2instance($row); return $result; } else { return new tx_caretaker_TestResult(); } }