Example #1
  *  Gets and returns all of the generic assignments.
 public function testgetAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray()
     //$logFile = fopen("/var/www/jimfuqua/tutor/logs/testgetAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray.log", "w");
     //$string = "\n".__LINE__.' testgetAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray'."\n";
     //fwrite  ($logFile, $string);
     // reset variables.
     $classInstance = new tutor\src\classes\GenericAClass();
     // Add one row to insure at least one record.
     $this->myArray['tG_AssignmentName'] = 'Test22';
     $result = $classInstance->insertRecord($this->myArray);
     $this->assertTrue($result === 1);
     // Get number of rows.  Then add two rows.
     // Get number of rows again and check for increase of two rows.
     //$string = "\n".__LINE__.' testgetAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray'."\n";
     //fwrite  ($logFile, $string);
     $assignments = $classInstance->getAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray();
     //echo var_export($assignments, true);
     $count1 = count($assignments);
     $initial_count = $count1;
     $this->myArray['tG_AssignmentName'] = 'Test1';
     $result = $classInstance->insertRecord($this->myArray);
     $string = "\n" . __LINE__ . ' testgetAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray' . "\n";
     $assignments2 = $classInstance->getAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray();
     $count2 = count($assignments2);
     $count_after_adding_one = $count2;
     //echo "count1 =".$count1."\n";
     //echo "count2 =".$count2;
     $this->assertTrue($count2 - $initial_count === 1);
     $this->myArray['tG_AssignmentName'] = 'Test2';
     $this->myArray['id'] = '3';
     $result = $classInstance->insertRecord($this->myArray);
     $this->assertTrue($result === 1);
     $result = $assignments3 = $classInstance->getAllAssignmentNamesFromDbArray();
     $count3 = count($assignments3);
     $this->assertTrue($count3 - $initial_count === 2);
     // Clean up.
     // reset variables.