Example #1
  * save log
  * @param
  * @return boolean
 function log($arr)
     //author_id = given author id, if not given, check data array for author id, if not given, check login, if not given, set to 0=system
     //action = text = new/edit/delete
     //object = contact/ticket/contact_group/object/contact_type etc
     //data = array with data, e.g. from $contact array addContact Method etc.
     $Return = false;
     //check values
     //set log date
     $this->LOG['date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     //chekc for author id
     $this->LOG['author_id'] = 0;
     //default is 0=system
     if (isset($arr['author_id']) && check_dbid($arr['author_id'])) {
         //if valid author_id in arr
         $this->LOG['author_id'] = $arr['author_id'];
     } else {
         //else check for author_id in data array
         if (isset($arr['data']['author_id']) && check_dbid($arr['data']['author_id'])) {
             $this->LOG['author_id'] = $arr['data']['author_id'];
         } else {
             // else, if not set at all get author id from logged in user
             global $LOGIN;
             if (isset($LOGIN->USER['id']) && check_dbid($LOGIN->USER['id'])) {
                 $this->LOG['author_id'] = $LOGIN->USER['id'];
     //action should always be set, default is --
     $this->LOG['action'] = "--";
     if (isset($arr['action']) && !empty($arr['action'])) {
         //wenn aktion definiert
         $this->LOG['action'] = $arr['action'];
     //object should always be set, default is --
     $this->LOG['object'] = "--";
     if (isset($arr['object']) && !empty($arr['object'])) {
         //wenn aktion definiert
         $this->LOG['object'] = $arr['object'];
     //edit_id, die id des geaenderten datensatzes! oder neuen datensatzes, defakto muss log() erst am ende einer add methode aufgerufen werden wenn die id bekannt ist!
     //edit_id should always be set, default is 0
     $this->LOG['edit_id'] = 0;
     if (isset($arr['data']['id']) && !empty($arr['data']['id'])) {
         //wenn id
         $this->LOG['edit_id'] = $arr['data']['id'];
     $this->LOG['memo'] = "";
     if (isset($arr['memo'])) {
         $this->LOG['memo'] = $arr['memo'];
     $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($arr['data']);
     //hmmm, falls loeschung, daten aus altem datensatz anhand id ermitteln.... hmmmm
     if ($this->LOG['action'] == "delete" && check_dbid($this->LOG['edit_id'])) {
         switch ($this->LOG['object']) {
             #no default, default : require_once (TM_INCLUDEPATH."/Welcome.inc.php"); break;
             case 'usr':
                 $LINK = new tm_CFG();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getUser("", $this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA);
             case 'adr':
                 $LINK = new tm_ADR();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getAdr($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'adr_grp':
                 $LINK = new tm_ADR();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getGroup($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'nl':
                 $LINK = new tm_NL();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getNL($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'nl_grp':
                 $LINK = new tm_NL();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getGroup($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'bl':
                 $LINK = new tm_BLACKLIST();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getBL($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'frm':
                 $LINK = new tm_FRM();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getForm($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'host':
                 $LINK = new tm_HOST();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getHost($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'q':
                 $LINK = new tm_Q();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getQ($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'lnk':
                 $LINK = new tm_LNK();
                 $DATA = $LINK->get($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
             case 'lnk_grp':
                 $LINK = new tm_LNK();
                 $DATA = $LINK->getGroup($this->LOG['edit_id']);
                 $this->LOG['s_data'] = serialize($DATA[0]);
     //if action=delete
     //serialisierte werte speichern, ein eintrag in die db pro aktion!
     $Query = "INSERT INTO " . TM_TABLE_LOG . " (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdate,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tauthor_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\taction,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tobject,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tproperty,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tx_value,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tedit_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdata,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmemo,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsiteid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . dbesc($this->LOG["date"]) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . checkset_int($this->LOG["author_id"]) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . dbesc($this->LOG["action"]) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . dbesc($this->LOG["object"]) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . checkset_int($this->LOG["edit_id"]) . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . dbesc($this->LOG['s_data']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . dbesc($this->LOG['memo']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t'" . TM_SITEID . "')";
     if ($this->DB->Query($Query)) {
         $Return = true;
     } else {
         $Return = FALSE;
         return $Return;
     //jeden wert einzeln speichern, ist aber unsinnn!!!!
     //iterate data array, fetch all indexes and values and save...... yes, it becomes a very very big table!!!!! anders gehts halt nicht!
     foreach ($arr['data'] as $data_key => $data_val) {
     	    	if (DEBUG) $_MAIN_MESSAGE.= "$data_key => $data_val\n, ";
     	$Query ="INSERT INTO ".TM_TABLE_LOG." (
     				VALUES (
     	if (DEBUG_SQL) $_MAIN_MESSAGE.="\n".$Query."<br>";
     	if ($this->DB->Query($Query)) {
     	} else {
     		return $Return;			
     return $Return;
if (!isset($_CONTENT)) {
    $_CONTENT = "";
if (!isset($called_via_url)) {
    if (DEBUG) {
        $FMESSAGE .= tm_debugmessage("valled_via_url = true");
    $called_via_url = true;
$HOSTS = new tm_HOST();
if (DEBUG) {
    $FMESSAGE .= tm_debugmessage("select smtp host with id " . $C[0]['unsubscribe_host']);
$HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($C[0]['unsubscribe_host']);
$check = true;
$InputName_Name = "email";
${$InputName_Name} = getVar($InputName_Name);
$InputName_Captcha = "fcpt";
//einbgegebener Captcha Code
${$InputName_Captcha} = getVar($InputName_Captcha);
$cpt = getVar("cpt");
//zu pruefender captchacode, hidden field, $captcha_code
//if isset $a_id and adr exists and adr code=c, then prefill email!
if (check_dbid($a_id)) {
    $ADR_TMP = $ADDRESS->getAdr($a_id);
    //found entry?
    if (count($ADR_TMP) > 0) {
        if (DEBUG) {
Example #3
    //set new tpl path
//get default smtp host, default, as fallback
if (DEBUG) {
    $MESSAGE .= tm_debugmessage("fetch default smtp host");
$HOST = $HOSTS->getStdSMTPHost();
$use_frm_smtphost = FALSE;
//get host form valid form
if ($use_form) {
    // && !$doptin_check
    //get host
    if (check_dbid($FRM[0]['host_id'])) {
        //valid host id found
        $HOST_FRM = $HOSTS->getHost($FRM[0]['host_id']);
        if ($HOST_FRM[0]['aktiv'] == 1 && $HOST_FRM[0]['type'] == 'smtp') {
            $use_frm_smtphost = TRUE;
            if (DEBUG) {
                $MESSAGE .= tm_debugmessage("found valid smtp host for this form");
        } else {
            if (DEBUG) {
                $MESSAGE .= tm_debugmessage("found no valid smtp host for this form, continue use default host");
if ($use_frm_smtphost) {
    //if found a valid host for this form, set new host array.....
    $HOST = $HOST_FRM;
Example #4
$InputName_Action = "val";
${$InputName_Action} = getVar($InputName_Action);
if (empty($val)) {
    $val = "list";
$InputName_ActionAdr = "val2";
${$InputName_ActionAdr} = getVar($InputName_ActionAdr);
require_once TM_INCLUDEPATH . "/bounce_host_form.inc.php";
require_once TM_INCLUDEPATH . "/bounce_host_form_show.inc.php";
//server ausgewaehlt, wir connecten
if ($set == "connect") {
    $Mailer = new tm_Mail();
    $Bounce = new tm_Bounce();
    $ADDRESS = new tm_ADR();
    $HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($host);
    $search_mail = array();
    //filter? emails suchen?
    if ($filter_to == 1) {
        //nur mails an aktuelle return adesse fuer host
        $search_mail['to'] = $filter_to_smtp_return_path;
        $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . sprintf(___("Es werden nur E-Mails an die Adresse %s angezeigt."), $filter_to_smtp_return_path);
    $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . sprintf(___("Verbindung zum Server %s wird aufgebaut..."), $HOST[0]['name'] . " (" . $HOST[0]['host'] . ":" . $HOST[0]['port'] . "/" . $HOST[0]['type'] . ")");
    $Mailer->Connect($HOST[0]['host'], $HOST[0]['user'], $HOST[0]['pass'], $HOST[0]['type'], $HOST[0]['port'], $HOST[0]['options']);
    if (!empty($Mailer->Error)) {
        $_MAIN_MESSAGE .= "<br><b>" . sprintf(___("Servermeldung: %s"), "" . $Mailer->Error . "") . "</b>";
    //Mails auslesen
    $Mail = $Mailer->getMail(0, $offset, $limit, $search_mail);
$search_log['object'] = "q";
include TM_INCLUDEPATH . "/log_summary_section.inc.php";
$reloadURLPara_ = $reloadURLPara->getAllParams();
//refresh list
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<a href=\"" . $tm_URL . "/" . $reloadURLPara_ . "\" title=\"" . ___("Anzeige aktualisieren") . "\">" . tm_icon("arrow_refresh.png", ___("Anzeige aktualisieren")) . "&nbsp;" . ___("Anzeige aktualisieren") . "</a><br><br>";
//show table
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<thead>" . "<tr>" . "<td>&nbsp;" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Datum") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Newsletter") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Adressgruppe") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Host") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Status") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td>...</td>" . "</tr>" . "</thead>" . "<tbody>";
for ($qcc = 0; $qcc < $qc; $qcc++) {
    if ($qcc % 2 == 0) {
        $bgcolor = $row_bgcolor;
    } else {
        $bgcolor = $row_bgcolor2;
    $hc_new = 0;
    $HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($Q[$qcc]['host_id']);
    if (!isset($HOST[0]) || $HOST[0]['aktiv'] != 1) {
        $bgcolor = $row_bgcolor_inactive;
    $valid_adr_c = $ADDRESS->countValidADR($Q[$qcc]['grp_id']);
    //wenn q status=2 or 3 // run oder fertig
    //dann holen wir uns die daten fuer die q eintraege! vorher ist eh null... :)
    //wenn status > neu, also gestartet, versendet etc, dann summary anzeigen....
    $hc = $QUEUE->countH($Q[$qcc]['id']);
    $hc_new = $QUEUE->countH($Q[$qcc]['id'], 0, 0, 0, 1);
    //new entry
    $hc_ok = $QUEUE->countH($Q[$qcc]['id'], 0, 0, 0, 2);
    //ok, done
    $hc_view = $QUEUE->countH($Q[$qcc]['id'], 0, 0, 0, 3);
    $hc_fail = $QUEUE->countH($Q[$qcc]['id'], 0, 0, 0, 4);
Example #6
 $log_q_id = $QP[$qpcc]['id'];
 $log_nl_id = $QP[$qpcc]['nl_id'];
 $log_grp_id = $QP[$qpcc]['grp_id'];
 send_log("Preparing " . ($qpcc + 1) . " of {$qpc} Qs");
 send_log("QID=" . $QP[$qpcc]['id']);
 send_log("Status=" . $QP[$qpcc]['status']);
 send_log("nl_id=" . $QP[$qpcc]['nl_id']);
 send_log("grp_id=" . $QP[$qpcc]['grp_id']);
 send_log("host_id=" . $QP[$qpcc]['host_id']);
 send_log("send_at=" . $QP[$qpcc]['send_at']);
 send_log("autogen=" . $QP[$qpcc]['autogen']);
 $ReportMail_HTML = "";
 $G = $ADDRESS->getGroup($QP[$qpcc]['grp_id']);
 $NL = $NEWSLETTER->getNL($QP[$qpcc]['nl_id']);
 $HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($QP[$qpcc]['host_id'], array("aktiv" => 1, "type" => "smtp"));
 send_log("q status=1, q autogen =1");
 send_log("creating recipients list:");
 $h_refresh = $QUEUE->addHQ(array('nl_id' => $QP[$qpcc]['nl_id'], 'q_id' => $QP[$qpcc]['id'], 'grp_id' => $QP[$qpcc]['grp_id'], 'host_id' => $QP[$qpcc]['host_id'], 'status' => 1, 'created' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
 if ($C[0]['proof'] == 1) {
     if (DEBUG) {
         $MESSAGE .= send_log("proofing global enabled");
     if ($QP[$qpcc]['proof'] == 1) {
         if (DEBUG) {
             $MESSAGE .= send_log("proofing for this q enabled");
     } else {
         if (DEBUG) {
Example #7
/* check Homepage for Updates and more Infos                                    */
/* Besuchen Sie die Homepage fuer Updates und weitere Infos                     */
#include config file: edit line if you run this script via cronjob, add full path to tellmatic config file
require_once "./tm_config.inc.php";
if (DEMO) {
$HOSTS = new tm_HOST();
$Mailer = new tm_Mail();
$Bounce = new tm_Bounce();
$ADDRESS = new tm_ADR();
#POP3/IMAP HostID frm global config
$HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($C[0]['bounceit_host']);
if (!isset($HOST[0])) {
$Mail = array();
$BMail = array();
$Bounces = array();
$bcmatch = 0;
$offset = 0;
$search_mail = array();
if ($C[0]['bounceit_filter_to'] == 1) {
    $search_mail['to'] = $C[0]['bounceit_filter_to_email'];
    echo sprintf(___("Es werden nur E-Mails an die Adresse %s durchsucht."), $C[0]['bounceit_filter_to_email']) . "\n";
#serververbidung aufbauen
echo sprintf(___("Verbindung zum Server %s wird aufgebaut..."), $HOST[0]['name'] . " (" . $HOST[0]['host'] . ":" . $HOST[0]['port'] . "/" . $HOST[0]['type'] . ")") . "\n";
Example #8
$aktivURLPara = tmObjCopy($mSTDURL);
$aktivURLPara->addParam("set", "aktiv");
$stdURLPara = tmObjCopy($mSTDURL);
$stdURLPara->addParam("set", "standard");
$delURLPara = tmObjCopy($mSTDURL);
$delURLPara->addParam("set", "delete");
$statURLPara = tmObjCopy($mSTDURL);
$statURLPara->addParam("act", "statistic");
$statURLPara->addParam("set", "user");
//show log summary
//search for logs, only section
$search_log['object'] = "host";
include TM_INCLUDEPATH . "/log_summary_section.inc.php";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<thead>" . "<tr>" . "<td><b>&nbsp;</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Name") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Host/Port") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Type") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Options/SMTP-Auth") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Benutzer") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td><b>" . ___("Aktiv") . "</b>" . "</td>" . "<td>...</td>" . "</tr>" . "</thead>" . "<tbody>";
$HOST = $HOSTS->getHost();
$hc = count($HOST);
for ($hcc = 0; $hcc < $hc; $hcc++) {
    if ($hcc % 2 == 0) {
        $bgcolor = $row_bgcolor;
    } else {
        $bgcolor = $row_bgcolor2;
    if ($HOST[$hcc]['aktiv'] != 1) {
        $bgcolor = $row_bgcolor_inactive;
        $new_aktiv = 1;
    } else {
        $new_aktiv = 0;
    $editURLPara->addParam("h_id", $HOST[$hcc]['id']);
    $editURLPara_ = $editURLPara->getAllParams();
Example #9
${$InputName_SenderEMail} = getVar($InputName_SenderEMail);
$InputName_ReturnMail = "return_mail";
${$InputName_ReturnMail} = getVar($InputName_ReturnMail);
$InputName_ReplyTo = "reply_to";
${$InputName_ReplyTo} = getVar($InputName_ReplyTo);
$InputName_Aktiv = "aktiv";
${$InputName_Aktiv} = getVar($InputName_Aktiv);
$InputName_Delay = "delay";
${$InputName_Delay} = getVar($InputName_Delay);
//delay between messages send to this host in send_it.php!
//we MUST remove leading slashes from imap options, if not we get invalid remote specification error.
if (strpos($options, "/") == 0) {
    $options = substr_replace($options, '', 0, 1);
$HOSTS = new tm_HOST();
$HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($h_id);
$standard = $HOST[0]['standard'];
if ($set == "save") {
    $check = true;
    if (empty($name)) {
        $check = false;
        $_MAIN_MESSAGE .= "<br>" . ___("Der Name darf nicht leer sein.");
    if (empty($port)) {
        $check = false;
        $_MAIN_MESSAGE .= "<br>" . ___("Der Port muss angegeben werden.");
    if (empty($host)) {
        $check = false;
        $_MAIN_MESSAGE .= "<br>" . ___("Der Hostname oder IP-Adresse muss angegeben werden.");