function get_form_label() { if ($this->form_marclist) { return titre_uniforme::get_marc_form()->table[$this->form_marclist]; } }
for ($i = 0; $i <= $max_subdiv; $i++) { eval("\$val=\$f_subdiv" . $i . ";"); if ($val) { $titre_uniforme_val['subdiv'][] = $val; } } $titre_uniforme = new titre_uniforme($id); $titre_uniforme->update($titre_uniforme_val); include './autorites/titres_uniformes/'; break; case 'titre_uniforme_form': // création/modification d'un titre_uniforme if (!$id) { $titre_uniforme = new titre_uniforme(); } else { $titre_uniforme = new titre_uniforme($id); } // affichage du form pour modification $titre_uniforme->show_form(); break; case 'titre_uniforme_last': $last_param = 1; $tri_param = "order by tu_id desc "; $limit_param = "limit 0, {$pmb_nb_lastautorities} "; $clef = ""; $nbr_lignes = 0; include './autorites/titres_uniformes/'; break; default: // affichage du début de la liste include './autorites/titres_uniformes/';
function insert_authority_infos($authority_number, $type, $id_origin_authority, $authority_infos = array()) { global $opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql; //on a un numéro d'autorité, on regarde si on l'a déjà rencontré $num_authority = $authority_infos['id']; $query = "select id_authority_source,num_authority from authorities_sources where authority_number = '" . $authority_number . "' and num_origin_authority='" . $id_origin_authority . "' and authority_type = '" . $type . "'"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query) or die("can't select authorities_sources :" . $query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $num_authority = $row->num_authority; $num_authority_source = $row->id_authority_source; // on cherche la préférence... dès fois que... $query = "select id_authority_source, num_authority from authorities_sources where authority_number = '" . $authority_number . "' and authority_type = '" . $type . "' and authority_favorite = 1"; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query) or die("can't select authorities_sources :" . $query); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $num_authority = $row->num_authority; $num_authority_source = $row->id_authority_source; } } else { // on importe l'autorité dans la base si elle n'a pas d'id if ($num_authority == 0) { switch ($type) { case "author": $num_authority = auteur::import($authority_infos); break; case "uniform_title": $num_authority = titre_uniforme::import($authority_infos); break; case "category": $num_authority = category::import($authority_infos); break; case "collection": $num_authority = collection::import($authority_infos); break; case "subcollection": $num_authority = subcollection::import($authority_infos); break; case "serie": break; } } // on intègre la source de l'autorité $query = "insert into authorities_sources set\n\t\t\tnum_authority = '{$num_authority}',\n\t\t\tauthority_number = '" . $authority_number . "',\n\t\t\tauthority_type = '{$type}',\n\t\t\tnum_origin_authority = " . $id_origin_authority . ",\n\t\t\timport_date = now()"; pmb_mysql_query($query) or die("can't insert authorities_sources :" . $query); $num_authority_source = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql && $type == 'author') { auteur::author_enrichment($num_authority); } } return $num_authority; }
static function getAutomaticTu($notice) { global $dbh, $charset, $opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql; if (!$opac_enrichment_bnf_sparql) { return 0; } $requete = "select code, responsability_author from notices left join responsability on (responsability_notice={$notice} and responsability_type=0)\n\t\t\tleft join notices_titres_uniformes on notice_id=ntu_num_notice where notice_id={$notice} and ntu_num_notice is null"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat, $dbh)) { $code = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 0, $dbh); $id_author = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 1, $dbh); } else { $code = ""; } $id_tu = 0; if (isISBN($code)) { $uri = titre_uniforme::get_data_bnf_uri($code); if ($uri) { //Recherche du titre uniforme déjà existant ? $requete = "select tu_id from titres_uniformes where tu_databnf_uri='" . addslashes($uri) . "'"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat, $dbh)) { $id_tu = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 0, $dbh); } else { //Interrogation de data.bnf pour obtenir les infos ! $configbnf = array('remote_store_endpoint' => ''); $storebnf = ARC2::getRemoteStore($configbnf); $sparql = "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPREFIX dc: <>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT ?title ?date ?description WHERE {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t <" . $uri . "> dc:title ?title.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t OPTIONAL { <" . $uri . "> dc:date ?date. }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t OPTIONAL { <" . $uri . "> dc:description ?description. }\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}"; $rows = $storebnf->query($sparql, 'rows'); // On vérifie qu'il n'y a pas d'erreur sinon on stoppe le programme et on renvoi une chaine vide $err = $storebnf->getErrors(); if (!$err) { $value = array("name" => encoding_normalize::charset_normalize($rows[0]['title'], "utf-8"), "num_author" => $id_author, "date" => encoding_normalize::charset_normalize($rows[0]['date'], "utf-8"), "comment" => encoding_normalize::charset_normalize($rows[0]['description'], "utf-8"), "databnf_uri" => $uri); $id_tu = titre_uniforme::import($value); } } } } if ($id_tu) { $titres_uniformes = array(array("num_tu" => $id_tu)); $ntu = new tu_notice($notice); $ntu->update($titres_uniformes); } return $id_tu; }
function list_titres_uniformes($cle, $titre_uniforme_list, $nav_bar) { global $titres_uniformes_list_tmpl; global $charset; $titres_uniformes_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!cle!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($cle), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $titres_uniformes_list_tmpl); $titres_uniformes_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!list!!", $titre_uniforme_list, $titres_uniformes_list_tmpl); $titres_uniformes_list_tmpl = str_replace("!!nav_bar!!", $nav_bar, $titres_uniformes_list_tmpl); titre_uniforme::search_form(); print pmb_bidi($titres_uniformes_list_tmpl); }
// $Id:,v 2014-12-16 13:58:16 jpermanne Exp $ if (stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".inc.php")) { die("no access"); } // affichage du detail pour un titre uniforme // inclusion de classe utiles require_once $class_path . '/titre_uniforme.class.php'; require_once $base_path . '/includes/templates/titre_uniforme.tpl.php'; require_once "{$class_path}/aut_link.class.php"; print "<div id='aut_details'>\n\n\t\t<h3><span>" . $msg["titre_uniforme_see_title"] . "</span></h3>\n"; print "<div id='aut_details_container'>\n"; if ($id) { $id += 0; // affichage des informations sur l'éditeur print "<div id='aut_see'>\n"; $ourTu = new titre_uniforme($id); print pmb_bidi($ourTu->print_resume()); $aut_link = new aut_link(AUT_TABLE_TITRES_UNIFORMES, $id); print pmb_bidi($aut_link->get_display()); print "</div><!-- fermeture #aut_see -->\n"; // affichage des notices associées print "\t<div id='aut_details_liste'>\n\n\t\t\t<h3>" . $msg["doc_titre_uniforme_title"] . "</h3>\n"; //droits d'acces emprunteur/notice $acces_j = ''; if ($gestion_acces_active == 1 && $gestion_acces_empr_notice == 1) { require_once "{$class_path}/acces.class.php"; $ac = new acces(); $dom_2 = $ac->setDomain(2); $acces_j = $dom_2->getJoin($_SESSION['id_empr_session'], 4, 'notice_id'); } if ($acces_j) {
static function update_index($id) { global $dbh; // On cherche tous les n-uplet de la table notice correspondant à cet auteur. $found = pmb_mysql_query("select distinct responsability_notice from responsability where responsability_author='" . $id . "'", $dbh); // Pour chaque n-uplet trouvés on met a jour la table notice_global_index avec l'auteur modifié : while ($mesNotices = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($found)) { $notice_id = $mesNotices->responsability_notice; notice::majNoticesGlobalIndex($notice_id); notice::majNoticesMotsGlobalIndex($notice_id, 'author'); } // On met à jour les titres uniformes correspondant à cet auteur $found = pmb_mysql_query("select distinct responsability_tu_num from responsability_tu where responsability_tu_author_num='" . $id . "'", $dbh); // Pour chaque n-uplet trouvés on met a jour l'index du titre uniforme avec l'auteur modifié : while ($mesTu = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($found)) { titre_uniforme::update_index_tu($mesTu->responsability_tu_num); titre_uniforme::update_index($mesTu->responsability_tu_num); } }
} } if ($bt_ajouter == "no") { $bouton_ajouter = ""; } else { $bouton_ajouter = "<input type='button' class='bouton_small' onclick=\"document.location='{$base_url}&action=add&deb_rech='+this.form.f_user_input.value\" value='" . $msg["aut_titre_uniforme_ajouter"] . "'>"; } switch ($action) { case 'add': $titre_uniforme_form = str_replace("!!deb_saisie!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($f_user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $titre_uniforme_form); $titre_uniforme = new titre_uniforme(0); $titre_uniforme->show_form(); break; case 'update': $value = array('name' => $name, 'oeuvre_nature' => $oeuvre_nature, 'oeuvre_type' => $oeuvre_type, 'statut' => $authority_statut); $titre_uniforme = new titre_uniforme(); $titre_uniforme->update($value); $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!bouton_ajouter!!", $bouton_ajouter, $sel_search_form); $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!deb_rech!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($f_user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $sel_search_form); print $sel_search_form; print $jscript; show_results($dbh, $name, 0, 0, $titre_uniforme->id); break; default: $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!bouton_ajouter!!", $bouton_ajouter, $sel_search_form); $sel_search_form = str_replace("!!deb_rech!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($f_user_input), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $sel_search_form); print $sel_search_form; print $jscript; show_results($dbh, $user_input, $nbr_lignes, $page, 0); break; }
function keep_authority_infos($authority_number, $type, $origin_authority, $notice_id, $authority_infos = array()) { //on a un numéro d'autorité, on regarde si on l'a déjà rencontré $query = "select id_authority_source,num_authority from authorities_sources where authority_number = '" . $authority_number . "' and num_origin_authority='" . $origin_authority . "' and authority_type = '" . $type . "'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $num_authority = $row->num_authority; $num_authority_source = $row->id_authority_source; // on cherche la préférence... dès fois que... $query = "select id_authority_source, num_authority from authorities_sources where authority_number = '" . $authority_number . "' and authority_type = '" . $type . "' and authority_favorite = 1"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $num_authority = $row->num_authority; $num_authority_source = $row->id_authority_source; } } else { // c'est un petit nouveau switch ($type) { case "author": $num_authority = auteur::import($authority_infos); break; case "uniform_title": $num_authority = titre_uniforme::import($authority_infos); break; case "category": $num_authority = category::import($authority_infos); break; case "collection": $num_authority = collection::import($authority_infos); break; case "subcollection": $num_authority = subcollection::import($authority_infos); break; case "serie": break; } $query = "insert into authorities_sources set \n\t\t\tnum_authority = '{$num_authority}',\n\t\t\tauthority_number = '" . $authority_number . "',\n\t\t\tauthority_type = '{$type}',\n\t\t\tnum_origin_authority = " . $origin_authority . ",\n\t\t\timport_date = now()"; mysql_query($query); $num_authority_source = mysql_insert_id(); } //certaines autorités sont créés avant la notice... if ($notice_id != 0) { $query = "insert into notices_authorities_sources set \n\t\tnum_authority_source = " . $num_authority_source . ",\n\t\tnum_notice = " . $notice_id; mysql_query($query); } return $num_authority; }
public function create_authority() { switch ($this->notice->type) { case "author": $this->authority_id = auteur::import($this->notice->specifics_data); break; case "uniform_title": $this->authority_id = titre_uniforme::import($this->notice->specifics_data); break; case "collection": $this->authority_id = collection::import($this->notice->specifics_data); if ($this->authority_id != 0 && $this->notice->specifics_data['subcollections']) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->notice->specifics_data['subcollections']); $i++) { $this->notice->specifics_data['subcollections'][$i]['coll_parent'] = $this->authority_id; $subcoll_id = subcollection::check_if_exists($this->notice->specifics_data['subcollections'][$i]); if ($subcoll_id != 0 && $this->notice->specifics_data['subcollections'][$i]['authority_number']) { $query = "insert into authorities_sources set \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnum_authority = " . $subcoll_id . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_number = '" . $this->notice->specifics_data['subcollections'][$i]['authority_number'] . "',\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_type = 'subcollection',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnum_origin_authority = " . $this->num_origin . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_favorite = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\timport_date = now()"; mysql_query($query); } } } break; case "subcollection": $this->authority_id = subcollection::import($this->notice->specifics_data); if ($this->authority_id != 0 && $this->notice->specifics_data['collection'] && $this->notice->specifics_data['collection']['authority_number']) { $coll_id = collection::check_if_exists($this->notice->specifics_data['collection']); $query = "insert into authorities_sources set \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnum_authority = " . $coll_id . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_number = '" . $this->notice->specifics_data['collection']['authority_number'] . "',\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_type = 'collection',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnum_origin_authority = " . $this->num_origin . ",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tauthority_favorite = 0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\timport_date = now()"; mysql_query($query); } break; case "category": $this->authority_id = category::import($this->notice->specifics_data, $this->id_thesaurus, $this->get_parent_category(), $this->notice->common_data['lang']); break; default: // on fait rien... break; } if ($this->authority_id) { $query = "insert into authorities_sources set \n\t\t\t\tnum_authority = " . $this->authority_id . ",\n\t\t\t\tauthority_number = '" . $this->notice->common_data['authority_number'] . "',\t\n\t\t\t\tauthority_type = '" . $this->notice->type . "',\n\t\t\t\tnum_origin_authority = " . $this->num_origin . ",\n\t\t\t\tauthority_favorite = 1,\n\t\t\t\timport_date = now(),\n\t\t\t\tupdate_date = now()"; mysql_query($query); } else { return false; } }
public function check_if_exists($data, $id_thesaurus = 0) { switch ($data['type_authority']) { // Forme associée - Nom de Personne case "author": $id = auteur::check_if_exists($data); break; // Forme associée - Titre Uniforme // Forme associée - Titre Uniforme case "uniform_title": $id = titre_uniforme::import_tu_exist($data); break; case "category": $id = category::check_if_exists($data, $id_thesaurus, 0, $this->common_data['lang']); break; default: $id = 0; break; } return $id; }
} require_once "{$class_path}/titre_uniforme.class.php"; // la taille d'un paquet de notices $lot = SERIE_PAQUET_SIZE; // defini dans ./ // taille de la jauge pour affichage $jauge_size = GAUGE_SIZE; // initialisation de la borne de départ if (!isset($start)) { $start = 0; } $v_state = urldecode($v_state); print "<br /><br /><h2 align='center'>" . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_suppr_titres_uniformes"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</h2>"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT tu_id from titres_uniformes left join notices_titres_uniformes on ntu_num_tu=tu_id where ntu_num_tu is null"); $affected = 0; if ($affected = mysql_num_rows($query)) { while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_object($query)) { $tu = new titre_uniforme($ligne->tu_id); $tu->delete(); } } //Nettoyage des informations d'autorités pour les sous collections titre_uniforme::delete_autority_sources(); $query = mysql_query("delete notices_titres_uniformes from notices_titres_uniformes left join titres_uniformes on ntu_num_tu=tu_id where tu_id is null"); $spec = $spec - CLEAN_TITRES_UNIFORMES; $v_state .= "<br /><img src=../../images/d.gif hspace=3>" . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_suppr_titres_uniformes"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . " : "; $v_state .= $affected . " " . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_res_suppr_titres_uniformes"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $opt = mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE titres_uniformes'); // mise à jour de l'affichage de la jauge print "<table border='0' align='center' width='{$table_size}' cellpadding='0'><tr><td class='jauge'>\n \t\t\t<img src='../../images/jauge.png' width='{$jauge_size}' height='16'></td></tr></table>\n \t\t\t<div align='center'>100%</div>"; print "\n\t<form class='form-{$current_module}' name='process_state' action='./clean.php' method='post'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='v_state' value=\"{$v_state}\">\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='spec' value=\"{$spec}\">\n\t</form>\n\t<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n\t\tdocument.forms['process_state'].submit();\n\t\t-->\n\t</script>";
function import($value, $from_form = 0) { global $dbh; // Si vide on sort if (trim($value['name']) == '') { return FALSE; } if (!$from_form) { $value['name'] = addslashes($value['name']); $value['num_author'] = addslashes($value['num_author']); $value['form'] = addslashes($value['form']); $value['date'] = addslashes($value['date']); $value['subject'] = addslashes($value['subject']); $value['place'] = addslashes($value['place']); $value['history'] = addslashes($value['history']); $value['characteristic'] = addslashes($value['characteristic']); $value['intended_termination'] = addslashes($value['intended_termination']); $value['intended_audience'] = addslashes($value['intended_audience']); $value['context'] = addslashes($value['context']); $value['equinox'] = addslashes($value['equinox']); $value['coordinates'] = addslashes($value['coordinates']); $value['tonalite'] = addslashes($value['tonalite']); $value['comment'] = addslashes($value['comment']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['distrib']); $i++) { $value['distrib'][$i] = addslashes($value['distrib'][$i]); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['ref']); $i++) { $value['ref'][$i] = addslashes($value['ref'][$i]); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['subdiv']); $i++) { $value['subdiv'][$i] = addslashes($value['subdiv'][$i]); } } // s'assurer que ce titre uniforme n'existe pas déjà /*$dummy = "SELECT * FROM titres_uniformes WHERE tu_name='".$value['name']."' "; $check = mysql_query($dummy, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($check)) { $tu=mysql_fetch_object($check); $tu_id=$tu->tu_id; return $tu->tu_id; }*/ $tu_auteur = new auteur($value['num_author']); if (!$tu_auteur->id) { $value['num_author'] = 0; } else { $value['num_author'] = $tu_auteur->id; } $titre = titre_uniforme::import_tu_exist($value, $from_form); if ($titre) { return $titre; } $requete = "INSERT INTO titres_uniformes SET "; $requete .= "tu_name='" . $value["name"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_num_author='" . $value["num_author"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_forme='" . $value["form"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_date='" . $value["date"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_sujet='" . $value["subject"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_lieu='" . $value["place"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_histoire='" . $value["history"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_caracteristique='" . $value["characteristic"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_completude='" . $value["intended_termination"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_public='" . $value["intended_audience"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_contexte='" . $value["context"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_equinoxe='" . $value["equinox"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_coordonnees='" . $value["coordinates"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_tonalite='" . $value["tonalite"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_comment='" . $value["comment"] . "'"; // insertion du titre uniforme et mise à jour de l'index tu if (mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) { $tu_id = mysql_insert_id(); } else { return FALSE; } // Distribution instrumentale et vocale (pour la musique) for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['distrib']); $i++) { $requete = "INSERT INTO tu_distrib SET\n\t\t\tdistrib_num_tu='{$tu_id}',\n\t\t\tdistrib_name='" . $value['distrib'][$i] . "',\n\t\t\tdistrib_ordre='{$i}' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } // Référence numérique (pour la musique) for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['ref']); $i++) { $requete = "INSERT INTO tu_ref SET\n\t\t\tref_num_tu='{$tu_id}',\n\t\t\tref_name='" . $value['ref'][$i] . "',\n\t\t\tref_ordre='{$i}' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } // Subdivision de forme for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['subdiv']); $i++) { $requete = "INSERT INTO tu_subdiv SET\n\t\t\tsubdiv_num_tu='{$tu_id}',\n\t\t\tsubdiv_name='" . $value['subdiv'][$i] . "',\n\t\t\tsubdiv_ordre='{$i}' "; mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_TITRE_UNIFORME, $tu_id); // mise à jour du champ index du titre uniforme if ($tu_id) { titre_uniforme::update_index_tu($tu_id); } return $tu_id; }
function import($value, $from_form = 0) { global $dbh; // Si vide on sort if (trim($value['name']) == '') { return FALSE; } if (!$from_form) { $value['name'] = addslashes($value['name']); $value['num_author'] = addslashes($value['num_author']); $value['form'] = addslashes($value['form']); $value['date'] = addslashes($value['date']); $value['subject'] = addslashes($value['subject']); $value['place'] = addslashes($value['place']); $value['history'] = addslashes($value['history']); $value['characteristic'] = addslashes($value['characteristic']); $value['intended_termination'] = addslashes($value['intended_termination']); $value['intended_audience'] = addslashes($value['intended_audience']); $value['context'] = addslashes($value['context']); $value['equinox'] = addslashes($value['equinox']); $value['coordinates'] = addslashes($value['coordinates']); $value['tonalite'] = addslashes($value['tonalite']); $value['comment'] = addslashes($value['comment']); $value['databnf_uri'] = addslashes($value['databnf_uri']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['distrib']); $i++) { $value['distrib'][$i] = addslashes($value['distrib'][$i]); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['ref']); $i++) { $value['ref'][$i] = addslashes($value['ref'][$i]); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['subdiv']); $i++) { $value['subdiv'][$i] = addslashes($value['subdiv'][$i]); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['authors']); $i++) { // les champs auteurs sont addslashes dans import auteur $value['authors'][$i]['type'] = addslashes($value['authors'][$i]['type']); $value['authors'][$i]['fonction'] = addslashes($value['authors'][$i]['fonction']); } } $marc_key = new marc_list("music_key"); $marc_form = new marc_list("music_form"); $flag_form = false; $flag_key = false; foreach ($marc_form->table as $value_form => $libelle_form) { if ($value_form == $value['form']) { $flag_form = true; } } foreach ($marc_key->table as $value_key => $libelle_key) { if ($value_key == $value['tonalite']) { $flag_key = true; } } if (count($value['authors'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['authors']); $i++) { if ($value['authors'][$i]['id']) { $tu_auteur = new auteur($value['authors'][$i]['id']); if (!$tu_auteur->id) { // id non valide $value['authors'][$i]['id'] = 0; } } if (!$value['authors'][$i]['id']) { // création ou déjà existant. auteur::import addslashes les champs $value['authors'][$i]['id'] = auteur::import($value['authors'][$i]); } } } // $value déjà addslashes plus haut -> 1 $titre = titre_uniforme::import_tu_exist($value, 1); if ($titre) { return $titre; } $requete = "INSERT INTO titres_uniformes SET "; $requete .= "tu_name='" . $value["name"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_num_author='" . $value["num_author"] . "', "; $requete .= (!$flag_form ? "tu_forme='" : "tu_forme_marclist='") . $value['form'] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_date='" . $value["date"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_sujet='" . $value["subject"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_lieu='" . $value["place"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_histoire='" . $value["history"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_caracteristique='" . $value["characteristic"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_completude='" . $value["intended_termination"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_public='" . $value["intended_audience"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_contexte='" . $value["context"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_equinoxe='" . $value["equinox"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_coordonnees='" . $value["coordinates"] . "', "; $requete .= (!$flag_key ? "tu_tonalite='" : "tu_tonalite_marclist='") . $value['tonalite'] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_comment='" . $value["comment"] . "', "; $requete .= "tu_databnf_uri='" . $value["databnf_uri"] . "'"; // insertion du titre uniforme et mise à jour de l'index tu if (pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh)) { $tu_id = pmb_mysql_insert_id(); } else { return FALSE; } if (count($value['authors'])) { $ordre = 0; $rqt_ins = "INSERT INTO responsability_tu (responsability_tu_author_num, responsability_tu_num, responsability_tu_fonction, responsability_tu_type, responsability_tu_ordre) VALUES "; foreach ($value['authors'] as $author) { if ($author['id']) { $rqt = $rqt_ins . " ('" . $author['id'] . "','" . $tu_id . "','" . $author['fonction'] . "','" . $author['type'] . "', {$ordre}) "; $res_ins = @pmb_mysql_query($rqt); $ordre++; } } } // Distribution instrumentale et vocale (pour la musique) for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['distrib']); $i++) { $requete = "INSERT INTO tu_distrib SET\n\t\t\tdistrib_num_tu='{$tu_id}',\n\t\t\tdistrib_name='" . $value['distrib'][$i] . "',\n\t\t\tdistrib_ordre='{$i}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } // Référence numérique (pour la musique) for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['ref']); $i++) { $requete = "INSERT INTO tu_ref SET\n\t\t\tref_num_tu='{$tu_id}',\n\t\t\tref_name='" . $value['ref'][$i] . "',\n\t\t\tref_ordre='{$i}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } // Subdivision de forme for ($i = 0; $i < count($value['subdiv']); $i++) { $requete = "INSERT INTO tu_subdiv SET\n\t\t\tsubdiv_num_tu='{$tu_id}',\n\t\t\tsubdiv_name='" . $value['subdiv'][$i] . "',\n\t\t\tsubdiv_ordre='{$i}' "; pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); } audit::insert_creation(AUDIT_TITRE_UNIFORME, $tu_id); // mise à jour du champ index du titre uniforme if ($tu_id) { titre_uniforme::update_index_tu($tu_id); titre_uniforme::tu_enrichment($tu_id); } return $tu_id; }
function do_isbd() { global $msg; $isbd_simple = $this->get_isbd_simple(); $isbd_oeuvre_expressions = ""; if (count($this->oeuvre_expressions)) { $isbd_oeuvre_expressions .= " .- " . $msg["aut_oeuvre_form_oeuvre_expression"]; foreach ($this->oeuvre_expressions as $expression) { $oeuvre_to = new titre_uniforme($expression['to_id']); $isbd_oeuvre_expressions .= " " . $oeuvre_to->get_isbd_simple(); } } $isbd_other_links = ""; if (count($this->other_links)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->other_links); $i++) { $memo_links[$this->other_links[$i]['type']][] = $i; } foreach ($memo_links as $link => $index_list) { $isbd_other_links .= " - " . $this->other_links[$index_list[0]]['type_name']; foreach ($index_list as $index) { $oeuvre_link = new titre_uniforme($this->other_links[$index]['to_id']); $isbd_other_links .= " " . $oeuvre_link->get_isbd_simple(); } } } $this->tu_isbd = $isbd_simple . $isbd_oeuvre_expressions . $isbd_other_links; return $isbd_simple; }
$ourAuthor = new auteur($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['author']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourAuthor->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "coll_see": $ourColl = new collection($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['coll_search']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourColl->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "subcoll_see": $ourSubcoll = new subcollection($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['subcoll_search']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourSubcoll->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "titre_uniforme_see": $ourTu = new titre_uniforme($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['titre_uniforme_search']; $ourTu->do_isbd(); $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourTu->tu_isbd . "'"; break; case "publisher_see": $ourPub = new publisher($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['publisher_search']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourPub->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "serie_see": $ourSerie = new serie($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['serie_query']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourSerie->name . "'"; break; case "concept_see":
function cleanTitresUniformes() { global $msg, $dbh, $charset, $PMBusername; if (SESSrights & ADMINISTRATION_AUTH) { $result .= "<h3>" . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_suppr_titres_uniformes"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</h3>"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT tu_id from titres_uniformes left join notices_titres_uniformes on ntu_num_tu=tu_id where ntu_num_tu is null", $dbh); $affected = 0; if ($affected = mysql_num_rows($query)) { while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_object($query)) { $tu = new titre_uniforme($ligne->tu_id); $tu->delete(); } } //Nettoyage des informations d'autorités pour les sous collections titre_uniforme::delete_autority_sources(); $query = mysql_query("delete notices_titres_uniformes from notices_titres_uniformes left join titres_uniformes on ntu_num_tu=tu_id where tu_id is null", $dbh); $affected = mysql_affected_rows(); $result .= $affected . " " . htmlentities($msg["nettoyage_res_suppr_titres_uniformes"], ENT_QUOTES, $charset); $opt = mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE titres_uniformes'); } else { $result .= sprintf($msg["planificateur_rights_bad_user_rights"], $PMBusername); } return $result; }
function simple_search_content($value = '', $css) { global $dbh; global $msg; global $charset; global $lang; global $css; global $search_type; global $class_path; global $es; global $lvl; global $include_path; global $opac_allow_extended_search, $opac_allow_term_search, $opac_allow_external_search; global $typdoc; global $opac_search_other_function, $opac_search_show_typdoc; global $opac_thesaurus; global $id_thes; global $base_path; global $opac_allow_tags_search; global $opac_show_onglet_empr; global $external_env; global $user_query; global $source; global $opac_recherches_pliables; global $opac_show_help; global $onglet_persopac, $opac_allow_personal_search; global $search_form_perso, $search_form, $search_form_perso_limitsearch, $limitsearch; global $opac_show_onglet_help; global $search_in_perio; global $get_query; global $opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z, $opac_autolevel2; global $opac_simple_search_suggestions; global $opac_show_onglet_map, $opac_map_activate; global $opac_map_base_layer_params, $opac_map_size_search_edition, $opac_map_base_layer_type; global $map_emprises_query; include $include_path . "/templates/simple_search.tpl.php"; if ($opac_search_other_function) { require_once $include_path . "/" . $opac_search_other_function; } // pour la DSI global $opac_allow_bannette_priv; // bannettes privees autorisees ? global $bt_cree_bannette_priv; if ($opac_allow_bannette_priv && ($bt_cree_bannette_priv || $_SESSION['abon_cree_bannette_priv'] == 1)) { $_SESSION['abon_cree_bannette_priv'] = 1; } else { $_SESSION['abon_cree_bannette_priv'] = 0; } global $script_test_form; switch ($opac_show_onglet_empr) { case 1: $empr_link_onglet = "./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr"; break; case 2: $empr_link_onglet = "./empr.php"; break; } $search_p = new search_persopac(); $onglets_search_perso = $search_p->directlink_user; $onglets_search_perso_form = $search_p->directlink_user_form; switch ($search_type) { case "simple_search": // les tests de formulaire $result = $script_test_form; $tests = test_field("search_input", "query", "recherche"); $result = str_replace("!!tests!!", $tests, $result); // les typ_doc if ($opac_search_show_typdoc) { $query = "SELECT typdoc FROM notices where typdoc!='' GROUP BY typdoc"; $result2 = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $toprint_typdocfield = " <select name='typdoc'>"; $toprint_typdocfield .= " <option "; $toprint_typdocfield .= " value=''"; if ($typdoc == '') { $toprint_typdocfield .= " selected"; } $toprint_typdocfield .= ">" . $msg["simple_search_all_doc_type"] . "</option>\n"; $doctype = new marc_list('doctype'); while ($rt = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($result2)) { $obj[$rt[0]] = 1; } foreach ($doctype->table as $key => $libelle) { if ($obj[$key] == 1) { $toprint_typdocfield .= " <option "; $toprint_typdocfield .= " value='{$key}'"; if ($typdoc == $key) { $toprint_typdocfield .= " selected"; } $toprint_typdocfield .= ">" . htmlentities($libelle, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</option>\n"; } } $toprint_typdocfield .= "</select>"; } else { $toprint_typdocfield = ""; } if ($opac_search_other_function) { $toprint_typdocfield .= search_other_function_filters(); } $toprint_typdocfield .= "<br />"; // le contenu $result .= $search_input; // on met la valeur a jour $result = str_replace("!!user_query!!", htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $result); $result = str_replace("<!--!!typdoc_field!!-->", $toprint_typdocfield, $result); if ($opac_autolevel2) { $result = str_replace("!!action_simple_search!!", "./index.php?lvl=more_results&autolevel1=1", $result); } else { $result = str_replace("!!action_simple_search!!", "./index.php?lvl=search_result", $result); } if (!$opac_recherches_pliables) { $ou_chercher = "<div id='simple_search_zone'>" . do_ou_chercher() . "</div>"; } elseif ($opac_recherches_pliables == 1) { $ou_chercher = "<div id='simple_search_zone'>" . gen_plus_form("zsimples", $msg["rechercher_dans"], do_ou_chercher(), false) . "</div>"; } elseif ($opac_recherches_pliables == 2) { $ou_chercher = "<div id='simple_search_zone'>" . gen_plus_form("zsimples", $msg["rechercher_dans"], do_ou_chercher(), true) . "</div>"; } elseif ($opac_recherches_pliables == 3) { // les options de recherches sont invisibles, pas dépliables. $ou_chercher = "\n" . do_ou_chercher_hidden() . "\n"; } $result = str_replace("<!--!!ou_chercher!!-->", $ou_chercher, $result); // map if ($opac_map_activate) { $layer_params = json_decode($opac_map_base_layer_params, true); $baselayer = "baseLayerType: dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType." . $opac_map_base_layer_type; if (count($layer_params)) { if ($layer_params['name']) { $baselayer .= ",baseLayerName:\"" . $layer_params['name'] . "\""; } if ($layer_params['url']) { $baselayer .= ",baseLayerUrl:\"" . $layer_params['url'] . "\""; } if ($layer_params['options']) { $baselayer .= ",baseLayerOptions:" . json_encode($layer_params['options']); } } $size = explode("*", $opac_map_size_search_edition); if (count($size) != 2) { $map_size = "width:800px; height:480px;"; } $map_size = "width:" . $size[0] . "px; height:" . $size[1] . "px;"; if (!$map_emprises_query) { $map_emprises_query = array(); } $map_holds = array(); foreach ($map_emprises_query as $map_hold) { $map_holds[] = array("wkt" => $map_hold, "type" => "search", "color" => null, "objects" => array()); } $r = "<div id='map_search' data-dojo-type='apps/map/map_controler' style='{$map_size}' data-dojo-props='" . $baselayer . ",mode:\"search_criteria\",hiddenField:\"map_emprises_query\",searchHolds:" . json_encode($map_holds, true) . "'></div>"; $result = str_replace("!!map!!", $r, $result); } // on se place dans le bon champ // $result .= form_focus("search_input", "query"); $others = ""; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=perio_a2z\">" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); $result .= $onglets_search_perso_form; break; //Recherche avancee //Recherche avancee case "extended_search": global $mode_aff; if ($mode_aff) { if ($mode_aff == "aff_module") { //ajout de la recherche dans l'historique $_SESSION["nb_queries"] = $_SESSION["nb_queries"] + 1; $n = $_SESSION["nb_queries"]; $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n] = $_SESSION["last_module_search"]; switch ($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_mod"]) { case 'etagere_see': //appel de la fonction tableau_etagere du fichier $r1 = $msg["etagere_query"]; $t = array(); $t = tableau_etagere($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r = $r1 . " '" . $t[0]["nometagere"] . "'"; break; case 'categ_see': // instanciation de la categorie $ourCateg = new categorie($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg["category"]; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourCateg->libelle . "'"; break; case 'indexint_see': // instanciation de la classe indexation $r1 = $msg["indexint_search"]; $ourIndexint = new indexint($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourIndexint->name . " " . $ourIndexint->comment . "'"; break; case 'section_see': $resultat = pmb_mysql_query("select location_libelle from docs_location where idlocation='" . addslashes($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_location"]) . "'"); $j = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultat); $localisation_ = $j["location_libelle"]; pmb_mysql_free_result($resultat); $resultat = pmb_mysql_query("select section_libelle from docs_section where idsection='" . addslashes($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]) . "'"); $j = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultat); $section_ = $j["section_libelle"]; pmb_mysql_free_result($resultat); $r1 = $localisation_ . " => " . $msg["section"]; $r = $r1 . " '" . $section_ . "'"; break; case "author_see": $ourAuthor = new auteur($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['author']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourAuthor->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "coll_see": $ourColl = new collection($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['coll_search']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourColl->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "subcoll_see": $ourSubcoll = new subcollection($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['subcoll_search']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourSubcoll->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "titre_uniforme_see": $ourTu = new titre_uniforme($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['titre_uniforme_search']; $ourTu->do_isbd(); $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourTu->tu_isbd . "'"; break; case "publisher_see": $ourPub = new publisher($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['publisher_search']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourPub->isbd_entry . "'"; break; case "serie_see": $ourSerie = new serie($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['serie_query']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourSerie->name . "'"; break; case "concept_see": $ourConcept = new skos_concept($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg['skos_concept']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourConcept->get_display_label() . "'"; break; case "authperso_see": $ourAuth = new authperso_authority($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $ourAuth->info['authperso']['name']; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourAuth->info['isbd'] . "'"; break; } $_SESSION["human_query" . $n] = $r; $_SESSION["search_type" . $n] = "module"; } else { if ($_SESSION["last_query"]) { $n = $_SESSION["last_query"]; if ($_SESSION["lq_facette"]) { $facette = true; } } else { $n = $_SESSION["nb_queries"]; } } //générer les critères de la multi_critères //Attention ! si on est déjà dans une facette ! if ($facette) { search::unserialize_search($_SESSION["lq_facette_search"]["lq_search"]); } else { global $search; $search[0] = "s_1"; $op_ = "EQ"; //operateur $op = "op_0_" . $search[0]; global ${$op}; ${$op} = $op_; //contenu de la recherche $field = "field_0_" . $search[0]; $field_ = array(); $field_[0] = $n; global ${$field}; ${$field} = $field_; //opérateur inter-champ $inter = "inter_0_" . $search[0]; global ${$inter}; ${$inter} = ""; //variables auxiliaires $fieldvar_ = "fieldvar_0_" . $search[0]; global ${$fieldvar_}; ${$fieldvar_} = ""; $fieldvar = ${$fieldvar_}; } } if ($search_in_perio) { global $search; $search[0] = "f_34"; //opérateur $op = "op_0_" . $search[0]; global ${$op}; $op_ = "EQ"; ${$op} = $op_; //contenu de la recherche $field = "field_0_" . $search[0]; $field_ = array(); $field_[0] = $search_in_perio; global ${$field}; ${$field} = $field_; $search[1] = "f_42"; //opérateur $op = "op_1_" . $search[0]; global ${$op}; $op_ = "BOOLEAN"; ${$op} = $op_; } else { if ($get_query) { if ($_SESSION["last_query"] == $get_query && $_SESSION["lq_facette_test"]) { search::unserialize_search($_SESSION["lq_facette_search"]["lq_search"]); } else { get_history($get_query); } } } $es = new search(); if ($onglet_persopac) { $search_form = $search_form_perso; global $search; if (!$search) { $search_p_direct = new search_persopac($onglet_persopac); $es->unserialize_search($search_p_direct->query); } } if ($limitsearch) { $search_form = $search_form_perso_limitsearch; } if ($onglet_persopac && $lvl == "search_result") { $es->reduct_search(); } if ($opac_autolevel2 == 2) { $result = $es->show_form("./index.php?lvl={$lvl}&search_type_asked=extended_search", "./index.php?lvl=more_results&mode=extended"); } else { $result = $es->show_form("./index.php?lvl={$lvl}&search_type_asked=extended_search", "./index.php?lvl=search_result&search_type_asked=extended_search"); } $others = "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others2 = "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; } else { $others2 = ""; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others2 .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others2 .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=perio_a2z\">" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others2 .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others2 .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others2 .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); $result = str_replace("!!others2!!", $others2, $result); $result = "<div id='search'>" . $result . "</div>"; $result .= $onglets_search_perso_form; break; //Recherche avancee //Recherche avancee case "external_search": //Si c'est une multi-critere, on l'affiche telle quelle global $external_type; if ($external_type) { $_SESSION["ext_type"] = $external_type; } global $mode_aff; //Affinage if ($mode_aff) { if ($mode_aff == "aff_module") { //ajout de la recherche dans l'historique $_SESSION["nb_queries"] = $_SESSION["nb_queries"] + 1; $n = $_SESSION["nb_queries"]; $_SESSION["notice_view" . $n] = $_SESSION["last_module_search"]; switch ($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_mod"]) { case 'etagere_see': //appel de la fonction tableau_etagere du fichier $r1 = $msg["etagere_query"]; $t = array(); $t = tableau_etagere($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r = $r1 . " '" . $t[0]["nometagere"] . "'"; break; case 'categ_see': // instanciation de la catégorie $ourCateg = new categorie($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r1 = $msg["category"]; $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourCateg->libelle . "'"; break; case 'indexint_see': // instanciation de la classe indexation $r1 = $msg["indexint_search"]; $ourIndexint = new indexint($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]); $r = $r1 . " '" . $ourIndexint->name . " " . $ourIndexint->comment . "'"; break; case 'section_see': $resultat = pmb_mysql_query("select location_libelle from docs_location where idlocation='" . addslashes($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_location"]) . "'"); $j = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultat); $localisation_ = $j["location_libelle"]; pmb_mysql_free_result($resultat); $resultat = pmb_mysql_query("select section_libelle from docs_section where idsection='" . addslashes($_SESSION["last_module_search"]["search_id"]) . "'"); $j = pmb_mysql_fetch_array($resultat); $section_ = $j["section_libelle"]; pmb_mysql_free_result($resultat); $r1 = $localisation_ . " => " . $msg["section"]; $r = $r1 . " '" . $section_ . "'"; break; } $_SESSION["human_query" . $n] = $r; $_SESSION["search_type" . $n] = "module"; } else { if ($_SESSION["last_query"]) { $n = $_SESSION["last_query"]; } else { $n = $_SESSION["nb_queries"]; } } } if ($_SESSION["ext_type"] == "multi") { global $search; if (!$search) { $search[0] = "s_2"; $op_0_s_2 = "EQ"; $field_0_s_2 = array(); } else { //Recherche du champp source, s'il n'est pas present, on decale tout et on l'ajoute $flag_found = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($search); $i++) { if ($search[$i] == "s_2") { $flag_found = true; break; } } if (!$flag_found) { //Pas trouve, on decale tout !! for ($i = count($search) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $search[$i + 1] = $search[$i]; decale("field_" . $i . "_" . $search[$i], "field_" . ($i + 1) . "_" . $search[$i]); decale("op_" . $i . "_" . $search[$i], "op_" . ($i + 1) . "_" . $search[$i]); decale("inter_" . $i . "_" . $search[$i], "inter_" . ($i + 1) . "_" . $search[$i]); decale("fieldvar_" . $i . "_" . $search[$i], "fieldvar_" . ($i + 1) . "_" . $search[$i]); } $search[0] = "s_2"; $op_0_s_2 = "EQ"; $field_0_s_2 = array(); } } if ($mode_aff) { //générer les critères de la multi_critères $search[1] = "s_1"; $op_ = "EQ"; //opérateur $op = "op_1_" . $search[1]; global ${$op}; ${$op} = $op_; //contenu de la recherche $field = "field_1_" . $search[1]; $field_ = array(); $field_[0] = $n; global ${$field}; ${$field} = $field_; //opérateur inter-champ $inter = "inter_1_" . $search[1]; global ${$inter}; ${$inter} = "and"; //variables auxiliaires $fieldvar_ = "fieldvar_1_" . $search[1]; global ${$fieldvar_}; ${$fieldvar_} = ""; $fieldvar = ${$fieldvar_}; } $es = new search("search_fields_unimarc"); $result = $es->show_form("./index.php?lvl={$lvl}&search_type_asked=external_search", "./index.php?lvl=search_result&search_type_asked=external_search"); } else { global $mode_aff; //Si il y a une mode d'affichage demandé, on construit l'écran correspondant if ($mode_aff) { $f = get_field_text($n); $user_query = $f[0]; $look = $f[1]; global ${$look}; ${$look} = 1; global $look_FIRSTACCESS; $look_FIRSTACCESS = 1; } else { if ($external_env) { $external_env = unserialize(stripslashes($external_env)); foreach ($external_env as $varname => $varvalue) { global ${$varname}; ${$varname} = $varvalue; } } } $result = $search_input; $result = str_replace("!!user_query!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($user_query), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $result); $result = str_replace("<!--!!ou_chercher!!-->", do_ou_chercher(), $result); $result = str_replace("<!--!!sources!!-->", do_sources(), $result); } $others = "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=perio_a2z\">" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } $others2 = ""; $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); $result = str_replace("!!others2!!", $others2, $result); $result = "<div id='search'>" . $result . "</div>"; $result .= $onglets_search_perso_form; break; //Recherche par termes //Recherche par termes case "term_search": global $search_term; global $term_click; global $page_search; global $opac_term_search_height; global $opac_show_help; if (!$opac_term_search_height) { $height = 300; } else { $height = $opac_term_search_height; } $search_form_term = "\n\t\t\t<div id='search'>\n\t\t\t<ul class='search_tabs'>!!others!!" . ($opac_show_onglet_help ? "<li><a href=\"./index.php?lvl=infopages&pagesid={$opac_show_onglet_help}\">" . $msg["search_help"] . "</a></li>" : '') . "\n\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t<div id='search_crl'></div>\n\t\t\t<form class='form-{$current_module}' name='term_search_form' method='post' action='./index.php?lvl={$lvl}&search_type_asked=term_search'>\n\t\t\t\t<div class='form-contenu'>\n\t\t\t\t<!-- sel_thesaurus -->\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class='libSearchTermes'>" . $msg["term_search_search_for"] . "</span><input type='text' class='saisie-50em' name='search_term' value='" . htmlentities(stripslashes($search_term), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t<!--\tBouton Rechercher -->\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' class='boutonrechercher' value='{$msg['142']}' onClick=\"this.form.page_search.value=''; this.form.term_click.value='';\"/>\n"; if ($opac_show_help) { $search_form_term .= "<input type='submit' class='bouton' value='{$msg['search_help']}' onClick='\"help.php?whatis=search_terms\", \"search_help\", \"scrollbars=yes, toolbar=no, dependent=yes, width=400, height=400, resizable=yes\"); return false' />\n"; } $search_form_term .= "<input type='hidden' name='term_click' value='" . htmlentities(stripslashes($term_click), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "'/>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='page_search' value='" . $page_search . "'/>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['term_search_form'].elements['search_term'].focus();\n\t\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t"; //recuperation du thesaurus session if (!$id_thes) { $id_thes = thesaurus::getSessionThesaurusId(); } else { thesaurus::setSessionThesaurusId($id_thes); } //affichage du selectionneur de thesaurus et du lien vers les thesaurus $liste_thesaurus = thesaurus::getThesaurusList(); $sel_thesaurus = ''; $lien_thesaurus = ''; if ($opac_thesaurus != 0) { //la liste des thesaurus n'est pas affichée en mode monothesaurus $sel_thesaurus = "<select class='saisie-30em' id='id_thes' name='id_thes' "; $sel_thesaurus .= "onchange = \"document.location = './index.php?lvl=index&search_type_asked=term_search&id_thes='+document.getElementById('id_thes').value; \">"; foreach ($liste_thesaurus as $id_thesaurus => $libelle_thesaurus) { $sel_thesaurus .= "<option value='" . $id_thesaurus . "' "; if ($id_thesaurus == $id_thes) { $sel_thesaurus .= " selected"; } $sel_thesaurus .= ">" . htmlentities($libelle_thesaurus, ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</option>"; } $sel_thesaurus .= "<option value=-1 "; if ($id_thes == -1) { $sel_thesaurus .= "selected "; } $sel_thesaurus .= ">" . htmlentities($msg['thes_all'], ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</option>"; $sel_thesaurus .= "</select> "; $lien_thesaurus = "<a href='./autorites.php?categ=categories&sub=thes'>" . $msg[thes_lien] . "</a>"; } $search_form_term = str_replace("<!-- sel_thesaurus -->", $sel_thesaurus, $search_form_term); $search_form_term = str_replace("<!-- lien_thesaurus -->", $lien_thesaurus, $search_form_term); $result = $search_form_term; $others = ""; $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= "<li id='current'>" . $msg["search_by_terms"] . "</li>"; if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=perio_a2z\">" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } $result .= "\n\t\t\t<a name='search_frame'/>\n\t\t\t<iframe style='border: solid 1px black;' name='term_search' class='frame_term_search' src='" . $base_path . "/term_browse.php?search_term=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($search_term)) . "&term_click=" . rawurlencode(stripslashes($term_click)) . "&page_search={$page_search}&id_thes={$id_thes}' width='100%' height='" . $height . "'></iframe>\n\t\t\t<br /><br />"; $result .= $onglets_search_perso_form; break; case "tags_search": // les tests de formulaire $result = $script_test_form; $tests = test_field("search_input", "query", "recherche"); $result = str_replace("!!tests!!", $tests, $result); if ($opac_search_other_function) { $toprint_typdocfield .= search_other_function_filters(); } // le contenu $result .= $search_input; // on met la valeur a jour $result = str_replace("!!user_query!!", htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $result); $result = str_replace("<!--!!typdoc_field!!-->", "", $result); $result = str_replace("<!--!!ou_chercher!!-->", "", $result); // on se place dans le bon champ // $result .= form_focus("search_input", "query"); $others = ""; $others = "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li id='current'>" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=perio_a2z\">" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } // Ajout de la liste des tags if ($user_query == "") { $result .= "<h3><span>{$msg['search_result_for']}<b>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($user_query), ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</b></span></h3>"; $tag = new tags(); $result .= $tag->listeAlphabetique(); } $result .= $onglets_search_perso_form; break; // ***************** // Pour affichage compte emprunteur en onglet // ***************** // Pour affichage compte emprunteur en onglet case "connect_empr": // les tests de formulaire $result = $search_input; $others = ""; $others = "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=perio_a2z\">" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li id='current'>" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</li>"; } else { $others .= "<li id='current'>" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } $result = str_replace("!!account_or_form_empr_connect!!", affichage_onglet_compte_empr(), $result); $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); $result .= $onglets_search_perso_form; break; case "search_perso": // les tests de formulaire $result = $search_input; $others = ""; $others = "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li id='current'>" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=perio_a2z\">" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } $search_p = new search_persopac(); $result = str_replace("!!contenu!!", $search_p->do_list(), $result); $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); break; case "perio_a2z": global $opac_perio_a2z_abc_search; global $opac_perio_a2z_max_per_onglet; $result = $search_input; $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li id='current'>" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); // affichage des _perio_a2z $a2z = new perio_a2z(0, $opac_perio_a2z_abc_search, $opac_perio_a2z_max_per_onglet); $a2z_form = $a2z->get_form(); $a2z_form .= $onglets_search_perso_form; $result = str_replace("!!contenu!!", $a2z_form, $result); break; case "map": $result = $search_input; $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=simple_search\">" . $msg["simple_search"] . "</a></li>\n"; if ($opac_allow_personal_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=search_perso\">" . $msg["search_perso_menu"] . "</a></li>"; } $others .= $onglets_search_perso; if ($opac_allow_extended_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=extended_search\">" . $msg["extended_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_term_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=term_search\">" . $msg["term_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_allow_tags_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=tags_search\">" . $msg["tags_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_perio_a2z) { $others .= "<li>" . $msg["a2z_onglet"] . "</li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_empr == 1 || $opac_show_onglet_empr == 2 && $_SESSION["user_code"]) { if (!$_SESSION["user_code"]) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=connect_empr\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_connect"] . "</a></li>"; } else { $others .= "<li><a href=\"{$empr_link_onglet}\">" . $msg["onglet_empr_compte"] . "</a></li>"; } } if ($opac_allow_external_search) { $others .= "<li><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=external_search&external_type=simple\">" . $msg["connecteurs_external_search"] . "</a></li>"; } if ($opac_show_onglet_map && $opac_map_activate) { $others .= "<li id='current'><a href=\"./index.php?search_type_asked=map\">" . $msg["search_by_map"] . "</a></li>"; } $result = str_replace("!!others!!", $others, $result); // affichage page géolocalisation global $msg; global $dbh; global $charset, $lang; global $all_query, $typdoc_query, $statut_query, $docnum_query, $pmb_indexation_docnum_allfields, $pmb_indexation_docnum; global $categ_query, $thesaurus_auto_postage_search, $auto_postage_query; global $thesaurus_concepts_active, $concept_query; global $map_echelle_query, $map_projection_query, $map_ref_query, $map_equinoxe_query; global $opac_map_size_search_edition; global $opac_map_base_layer_type; global $opac_map_base_layer_params; global $map_emprises_query; // on commence par créer le champ de sélection de document // récupération des types de documents utilisés. $query = "SELECT count(typdoc), typdoc "; $query .= "FROM notices where typdoc!='' GROUP BY typdoc"; $res = @pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $toprint_typdocfield .= " <option value=''>{$msg['tous_types_docs']}</option>\n"; $doctype = new marc_list('doctype'); while ($rt = pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $obj[$rt[1]] = 1; $qte[$rt[1]] = $rt[0]; } foreach ($doctype->table as $key => $libelle) { if ($obj[$key] == 1) { $toprint_typdocfield .= " <option "; $toprint_typdocfield .= " value='{$key}'"; if ($typdoc == $key) { $toprint_typdocfield .= " selected='selected' "; } $toprint_typdocfield .= ">" . htmlentities($libelle . " (" . $qte[$key] . ")", ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</option>\n"; } } // récupération des statuts de documents utilisés. $query = "SELECT count(statut), id_notice_statut, gestion_libelle "; $query .= "FROM notices, notice_statut where id_notice_statut=statut GROUP BY id_notice_statut order by gestion_libelle"; $res = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $toprint_statutfield .= " <option value=''>{$msg['tous_statuts_notice']}</option>\n"; while ($obj = @pmb_mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $toprint_statutfield .= " <option value='{$obj['1']}'"; if ($statut_query == $obj[1]) { $toprint_statutfield .= " selected"; } $toprint_statutfield .= ">" . htmlentities($obj[2] . " (" . $obj[0] . ")", ENT_QUOTES, $charset) . "</OPTION>\n"; } $search_form_map = str_replace("!!typdocfield!!", $toprint_typdocfield, $search_form_map); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!statutfield!!", $toprint_statutfield, $search_form_map); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!all_query!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($all_query), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $search_form_map); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!categ_query!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($categ_query), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $search_form_map); if ($thesaurus_concepts_active) { $search_form_map = str_replace("!!concept_query!!", htmlentities(stripslashes($concept_query), ENT_QUOTES, $charset), $search_form_map); } // map $layer_params = json_decode($opac_map_base_layer_params, true); $baselayer = "baseLayerType: dojox.geo.openlayers.BaseLayerType." . $opac_map_base_layer_type; if (count($layer_params)) { if ($layer_params['name']) { $baselayer .= ",baseLayerName:\"" . $layer_params['name'] . "\""; } if ($layer_params['url']) { $baselayer .= ",baseLayerUrl:\"" . $layer_params['url'] . "\""; } if ($layer_params['options']) { $baselayer .= ",baseLayerOptions:" . json_encode($layer_params['options']); } } $size = explode("*", $opac_map_size_search_edition); if (count($size) != 2) { $map_size = "width:800px; height:480px;"; } $map_size = "width:" . $size[0] . "px; height:" . $size[1] . "px;"; if (!$map_emprises_query) { $map_emprises_query = array(); } $map_holds = array(); foreach ($map_emprises_query as $map_hold) { $map_holds[] = array("wkt" => $map_hold, "type" => "search", "color" => null, "objects" => array()); } $r = "<div id='map_search' data-dojo-type='apps/map/map_controler' style='{$map_size}' data-dojo-props='" . $baselayer . ",mode:\"search_criteria\",hiddenField:\"map_emprises_query\",searchHolds:" . json_encode($map_holds, true) . "'></div>"; $search_form_map = str_replace("!!map!!", $r, $search_form_map); //champs maps $requete = "SELECT map_echelle_id, map_echelle_name FROM map_echelles ORDER BY map_echelle_name "; $projections = gen_liste($requete, "map_echelle_id", "map_echelle_name", "map_echelle_query", "", $map_echelle_query, 0, "", 0, $msg['map_echelle_vide']); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!map_echelle_list!!", $projections, $search_form_map); $requete = "SELECT map_projection_id, map_projection_name FROM map_projections ORDER BY map_projection_name "; $projections = gen_liste($requete, "map_projection_id", "map_projection_name", "map_projection_query", "", $map_projection_query, 0, "", 0, $msg['map_projection_vide']); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!map_projection_list!!", $projections, $search_form_map); $requete = "SELECT map_ref_id, map_ref_name FROM map_refs ORDER BY map_ref_name "; $refs = gen_liste($requete, "map_ref_id", "map_ref_name", "map_ref_query", "", $map_ref_query, 0, "", 0, $msg['map_ref_vide']); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!map_ref_list!!", $refs, $search_form_map); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!map_equinoxe_value!!", $map_equinoxe_query, $search_form_map); $checkbox = ""; if ($thesaurus_auto_postage_search) { $checkbox = "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='colonne'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='row'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='checkbox' !!auto_postage_checked!! id='auto_postage_query' name='auto_postage_query'/><label for='auto_postage_query'>" . $msg["search_autopostage_check"] . "</label>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"; $checkbox = str_replace("!!auto_postage_checked!!", $auto_postage_query ? 'checked' : '', $checkbox); } $search_form_map = str_replace("!!auto_postage!!", $checkbox, $search_form_map); if ($pmb_indexation_docnum) { $checkbox = "<div class='colonne'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class='row'>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type='checkbox' !!docnum_query_checked!! id='docnum_query' name='docnum_query'/><label for='docnum_query'>{$msg['docnum_indexation']}</label>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"; $checkbox = str_replace("!!docnum_query_checked!!", $pmb_indexation_docnum_allfields || $docnum_query ? 'checked' : '', $checkbox); $search_form_map = str_replace("!!docnum_query!!", $checkbox, $search_form_map); } else { $search_form_map = str_replace("!!docnum_query!!", '', $search_form_map); } // $search_form_map = str_replace("!!base_url!!", $this->base_url,$search_form_map); $result = str_replace("!!contenu!!", $search_form_map, $result); break; } return $result; }