Example #1
function show_timeSheet_list($template)
    global $TPL;
    global $timeSheet;
    global $db;
    global $tskDesc;
    global $timeSheetItem;
    global $timeSheetID;
    $db_task = new db_alloc();
    if (is_object($timeSheet) && ($timeSheet->get_value("status") == "edit" || $timeSheet->get_value("status") == "rejected")) {
        $TPL["timeSheetItem_buttons"] = '
        <button type="submit" name="timeSheetItem_delete" value="1" class="delete_button">Delete<i class="icon-trash"></i></button>
        <button type="submit" name="timeSheetItem_edit" value="1">Edit<i class="icon-edit"></i></button>';
    $TPL["currency"] = page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), '', "%S");
    $timeUnit = new timeUnit();
    $unit_array = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelA");
    $item_query = prepare("SELECT * from timeSheetItem WHERE timeSheetID=%d", $timeSheetID);
    // If editing a timeSheetItem then don't display it in the list
    $timeSheetItemID = $_POST["timeSheetItemID"] or $timeSheetItemID = $_GET["timeSheetItemID"];
    $timeSheetItemID and $item_query .= prepare(" AND timeSheetItemID != %d", $timeSheetItemID);
    $item_query .= prepare(" GROUP BY timeSheetItemID ORDER BY dateTimeSheetItem, timeSheetItemID");
    if (is_object($timeSheet)) {
        $project = $timeSheet->get_foreign_object("project");
        $row_projectPerson = projectPerson::get_projectPerson_row($project->get_id(), $timeSheet->get_value("personID"));
        $default_rate = array();
        if ($row_projectPerson && $row_projectPerson['rate'] > 0) {
            $default_rate['rate'] = $row_projectPerson['rate'];
            $default_rate['unit'] = $row_projectPerson['rateUnitID'];
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $timeSheetItem = new timeSheetItem();
        $timeSheetItem->currency = $timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID");
        $TPL["timeSheet_totalHours"] += $timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDuration");
        $TPL["unit"] = $unit_array[$timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDurationUnitID")];
        $br = "";
        $commentPrivateText = "";
        $text = $timeSheetItem->get_value('description', DST_HTML_DISPLAY);
        if ($timeSheetItem->get_value("commentPrivate")) {
            $commentPrivateText = "<b>[Private Comment]</b> ";
        $text and $TPL["timeSheetItem_description"] = "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_task"] . "taskID=" . $timeSheetItem->get_value('taskID') . "\">" . $text . "</a>";
        $text && $timeSheetItem->get_value("comment") and $br = "<br>";
        $timeSheetItem->get_value("comment") and $TPL["timeSheetItem_comment"] = $br . $commentPrivateText . page::to_html($timeSheetItem->get_value("comment"));
        $TPL["timeSheetItem_unit_times_rate"] = $timeSheetItem->calculate_item_charge($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $timeSheetItem->get_value("rate"));
        $m = new meta("timeSheetItemMultiplier");
        $tsMultipliers = $m->get_list();
        $timeSheetItem->get_value('multiplier') and $TPL["timeSheetItem_multiplier"] = $tsMultipliers[$timeSheetItem->get_value('multiplier')]['timeSheetItemMultiplierName'];
        // Check to see if this tsi is part of an overrun
        $TPL["timeSheetItem_class"] = "panel";
        $TPL["timeSheetItem_status"] = "";
        $row_messages = array();
        if ($timeSheetItem->get_value('taskID')) {
            $task = new task();
            if ($task->get_value('timeLimit') > 0) {
                $total_billed_time = $task->get_time_billed(false) / 3600;
                // get_time_billed returns seconds, limit hours is in hours
                if ($total_billed_time > $task->get_value('timeLimit')) {
                    $row_messages[] = "<em class='faint warn nobr'>[ Exceeds Limit ]</em>";
        // Highlight the rate if the project person has a non-zero rate and it doesn't match the item's rate
        if ($default_rate) {
            if ($timeSheetItem->get_value('rate') != $default_rate['rate'] || $timeSheetItem->get_value('timeSheetItemDurationUnitID') != $default_rate['unit']) {
                $row_messages[] = "<em class='faint warn nobr'>[ Modified rate ]</em>";
        if ($row_messages) {
            $TPL["timeSheetItem_status"] = implode("<br />", $row_messages);
            $TPL["timeSheetItem_class"] = "panel loud";
    $TPL["summary_totals"] = $timeSheet->pay_info["summary_unit_totals"];
Example #2
 function get_timeSheetItem_list_money($timeSheetID)
     global $TPL;
     list($db, $customerBilledDollars, $timeSheet, $unit_array, $currency) = $this->get_timeSheetItem_vars($timeSheetID);
     $taxPercent = config::get_config_item("taxPercent");
     $taxPercentDivisor = $taxPercent / 100 + 1;
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         $timeSheetItem = new timeSheetItem();
         $taskID = sprintf("%d", $timeSheetItem->get_value("taskID"));
         $num = $timeSheetItem->calculate_item_charge($currency, $customerBilledDollars ? $customerBilledDollars : $timeSheetItem->get_value("rate"));
         if ($taxPercent !== '') {
             $num_minus_gst = $num / $taxPercentDivisor;
             $gst = $num - $num_minus_gst;
             if ($num_minus_gst + $gst != $num) {
                 $num_minus_gst += $num - ($num_minus_gst + $gst);
                 // round it up.
             $rows[$taskID]["money"] += page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $num_minus_gst, "%mo");
             $rows[$taskID]["gst"] += page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $gst, "%mo");
             $info["total_gst"] += $gst;
             $info["total"] += $num_minus_gst;
         } else {
             $rows[$taskID]["money"] += page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $num, "%mo");
             $info["total"] += $num;
         $unit = $unit_array[$timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDurationUnitID")];
         $units[$taskID][$unit] += sprintf("%0.2f", $timeSheetItem->get_value("timeSheetItemDuration") * $timeSheetItem->get_value("multiplier"));
         $d = $timeSheetItem->get_value('taskID', DST_HTML_DISPLAY) . ": " . $timeSheetItem->get_value('description', DST_HTML_DISPLAY);
         $d && !$rows[$taskID]["desc"] and $str[] = "<b>" . $d . "</b>";
         //inline because the PDF needs it that way
         // Get task description
         if ($taskID && $TPL["printDesc"]) {
             $t = new task();
             $d2 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $t->get_value("taskDescription", DST_HTML_DISPLAY));
             $d2 .= "\n";
             $d2 && !$d2s[$taskID] and $str[] = $d2;
             $d2 and $d2s[$taskID] = true;
         $c = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $timeSheetItem->get_value("comment"));
         !$timeSheetItem->get_value("commentPrivate") && $c and $str[] = page::htmlentities($c);
         is_array($str) and $rows[$taskID]["desc"] .= trim(implode(DEFAULT_SEP, $str));
     // Group by units ie, a particular row/task might have  3 Weeks, 2 Hours of work done.
     $units or $units = array();
     foreach ($units as $tid => $u) {
         foreach ($u as $unit => $amount) {
             $rows[$tid]["units"] .= $commar . $amount . " " . $unit;
             $commar = ", ";
             $i[$unit] += $amount;
     $i or $i = array();
     foreach ($i as $unit => $amount) {
         $info["total_units"] .= $commar . $amount . " " . $unit;
         $commar = ", ";
     $info["total_inc_gst"] = page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $info["total"] + $info["total_gst"], "%s%mo");
     // If we are in dollar mode, then prefix the total with a dollar sign
     $info["total"] = page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $info["total"], "%s%mo");
     $info["total_gst"] = page::money($timeSheet->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $info["total_gst"], "%s%mo");
     $rows or $rows = array();
     $info or $info = array();
     return array($rows, $info);