function process() { global $DB; global $website; global $events; global $theme; set_time_limit(0); setlocale(LC_ALL, $_SESSION['navigate_install_locale']); $lang = navigate_install_load_language(); switch ($_REQUEST['process']) { case 'verify_zip': sleep(1); if (!file_exists('')) { die(json_encode($lang['missing_package'])); } else { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open('') !== TRUE) { die(json_encode($lang['invalid_package'])); } else { $zip->close(); die(json_encode(true)); } } break; case 'extract_zip': $npath = getcwd() . NAVIGATE_FOLDER; $npath = str_replace('\\', '/', $npath); if (!file_exists($npath)) { mkdir($npath); } if (file_exists($npath)) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open('') === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($npath); $zip->close(); copy($npath . '/crossdomain.xml', dirname($npath) . '/crossdomain.xml'); die(json_encode(true)); } else { die(json_encode($lang['extraction_failed'])); } } die(json_encode($lang['folder_not_exists'])); break; case 'chmod': sleep(1); // chmod the directories recursively $npath = getcwd() . NAVIGATE_FOLDER; if (!navigate_install_chmodr($npath, 0755)) { die(json_encode($lang['chmod_failed'])); } else { die(json_encode(true)); } break; case 'verify_database': if ($_REQUEST['PDO_DRIVER'] == 'mysql' || $_REQUEST['PDO_DRIVER'] == 'mysql-socket') { try { $dsn = "mysql:host=" . $_REQUEST['PDO_HOSTNAME'] . ";port=" . $_REQUEST['PDO_PORT'] . ';charset=utf8'; if ($_REQUEST['PDO_DRIVER'] == "mysql-socket") { $dsn = "mysql:unix_socket=" . $_REQUEST['PDO_SOCKET'] . ";charset=utf8"; } $db_test = @new PDO($dsn, $_REQUEST['PDO_USERNAME'], $_REQUEST['PDO_PASSWORD']); if (!$db_test) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $lang['database_connect_error'])); } else { $create_database_privilege = false; $drop_database_privilege = false; $stm = $db_test->query('SHOW DATABASES;'); $rs = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 'Database'); $rs = array_diff($rs, array('mysql', 'information_schema')); $stm = $db_test->query('SHOW PRIVILEGES;'); $privileges = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); for ($p = 0; $p < count($privileges); $p++) { if ($privileges[$p]['Privilege'] == 'Create') { if (strpos($privileges[$p]['Context'], 'Databases') !== false) { $create_database_privilege = true; } } if ($privileges[$p]['Privilege'] == 'Drop') { if (strpos($privileges[$p]['Context'], 'Databases') !== false) { $drop_database_privilege = true; } } } if ($create_database_privilege && $drop_database_privilege) { // check if we are really allowed to create databases $dbname = 'navigate_test_' . time(); $create_result = $db_test->exec('CREATE DATABASE ' . $dbname); if ($create_result) { $db_test->exec('DROP DATABASE ' . $dbname); } if (!$create_result) { $create_database_privilege = false; } } $db_test = NULL; echo json_encode(array('databases' => array_values($rs), 'create_database_privilege' => $create_database_privilege)); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage())); } } else { echo json_encode(array('error' => $lang['database_driver_error'])); } exit; break; case 'database_create': $DB = new database(); if (!$DB->connect()) { // try to create the database automatically if (PDO_DRIVER == 'mysql') { if (PDO_DATABASE != '') { if (PDO_HOSTNAME != "") { $dsn = "mysql:host=" . PDO_HOSTNAME . ";port=" . PDO_PORT . ";charset=utf8"; } else { $dsn = "mysql:unix_socket=" . PDO_SOCKET . ";charset=utf8"; } $db_test = new PDO($dsn, PDO_USERNAME, PDO_PASSWORD); $db_test->exec('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `' . PDO_DATABASE . '` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;'); $db_test = NULL; } if (!$DB->connect()) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $DB->get_last_error())); } else { echo json_encode(array('ok' => $lang['database_created'])); } } } else { echo json_encode(array('ok' => $lang['database_exists'])); } exit; break; case 'database_import': $DB = new database(); if (!$DB->connect()) { die(json_encode(array('error' => $DB->get_last_error()))); } try { $sql = file_get_contents('navigate.sql'); $sql = str_replace("{#!NAVIGATE_FOLDER!#}", NAVIGATE_PARENT . NAVIGATE_FOLDER, $sql); $sql = explode("\n\n", $sql); // can't do it in one step => SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014 foreach ($sql as $sqlline) { $sqlline = trim($sqlline); if (empty($sqlline)) { continue; } if (!@$DB->execute($sqlline)) { $error = $DB->get_last_error(); } if (!empty($error)) { break; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } if (!empty($error) && false) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $error)); } else { echo json_encode(array('ok' => $lang['done'])); } exit; break; case 'create_account': // create admin try { $DB = new database(); if (!$DB->connect()) { die(json_encode(array('error' => $DB->get_last_error()))); } $user = new user(); $user->id = 0; $user->username = $_SESSION['NAVIGATE-SETUP']['ADMIN_USERNAME']; $user->set_password($_SESSION['NAVIGATE-SETUP']['ADMIN_PASSWORD']); $user->email = $_SESSION['NAVIGATE-SETUP']['ADMIN_EMAIL']; $user->profile = 1; $user->skin = 'cupertino'; $user->language = $_SESSION['navigate_install_lang']; $user->blocked = 0; $user->timezone = 'UTC'; $user->date_format = 'Y-m-d H:i'; $user->decimal_separator = ','; $user->thousands_separator = ''; $user->attempts = 0; $user->cookie_hash = ''; $user->activation_key = ''; $ok = $user->insert(); if (!$ok) { throw new Exception($lang['error']); } // create default website details $website = new website(); $website->create_default(); $_SESSION['NAVIGATE-SETUP']['WEBSITE_DEFAULT'] = $website->id; echo json_encode(array('ok' => $lang['done'])); } catch (Exception $e) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage())); } exit; break; case 'install_default_theme': try { $DB = new database(); if (!$DB->connect()) { die(json_encode(array('error' => $DB->get_last_error()))); } if (@$_SESSION['NAVIGATE-SETUP']['DEFAULT_THEME'] == 'theme_kit') { $website = new website(); $website->load($_SESSION['NAVIGATE-SETUP']['WEBSITE_DEFAULT']); $website->theme = 'theme_kit'; $website->languages = array('en' => array('language' => 'en', 'variant' => '', 'code' => 'en', 'system_locale' => 'en_US.utf8'), 'es' => array('language' => 'es', 'variant' => '', 'code' => 'es', 'system_locale' => 'es_ES.utf8')); $website->languages_published = array('en', 'es'); $website->save(); // default objects (first user, no events bound...) $user = new user(); $user->load(1); $events = new events(); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip_open_status = $zip->open(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/'); if ($zip_open_status === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/theme_kit'); $zip->close(); $theme = new theme(); $theme->load('theme_kit'); $theme->import_sample($website); } echo json_encode(array('ok' => $lang['done'])); } else { // user does not want to install the default theme echo json_encode(array('ok' => $lang['not_selected'])); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage())); } exit; break; case 'apache_htaccess': try { $nvweb = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . NAVIGATE_FOLDER . '/web/nvweb.php'; $nvweb = str_replace('//', '/', $nvweb); $data = array(); $data[] = 'Options +FollowSymLinks'; $data[] = 'Options -Indexes'; $data[] = 'RewriteEngine On'; $data[] = 'RewriteBase /'; $data[] = 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f'; $data[] = 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d'; $data[] = 'RewriteRule ^(.+) ' . $nvweb . '?route=$1 [QSA]'; $data[] = 'RewriteRule ^$ ' . $nvweb . '?route=nv.empty [L,QSA]'; $ok = @file_put_contents(dirname(NAVIGATE_PATH) . '/.htaccess', implode("\n", $data)); if (!$ok) { throw new Exception($lang['unexpected_error']); } echo json_encode('true'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage())); } exit; break; } }
function run() { global $user; global $layout; global $website; global $theme; global $DB; $out = ''; switch ($_REQUEST['act']) { case 'theme_info': echo '<iframe src="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/themes/' . $_REQUEST['theme'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['theme'] . '.info.html' . '" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>'; core_terminate(); break; case 'remove': // check the theme is not actually used in any website $usages = $DB->query_single('COUNT(*)', 'nv_websites', ' theme = ' . protect($_REQUEST['theme'])); if ($usages == 0) { try { $theme = new theme(); $theme->load($_REQUEST['theme']); $status = $theme->delete(); echo json_encode($status); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } else { $status = t(537, "Can't remove the theme because it is currently being used by another website."); echo $status; } core_terminate(); break; /* case 'export': $out = themes_export_form(); break; */ /* case 'export': $out = themes_export_form(); break; */ case 'theme_sample_content_import': try { $theme->import_sample(); $layout->navigate_notification(t(374, "Item installed successfully."), false); } catch (Exception $e) { $layout->navigate_notification($e->getMessage(), true, true); } $themes = theme::list_available(); $out = themes_grid($themes); break; case 'theme_sample_content_export': if (empty($_POST)) { $out = themes_sample_content_export_form(); } else { $categories = explode(',', $_POST['categories']); $folder = $_POST['folder']; $items = explode(',', $_POST['elements']); $block_groups = explode(',', $_POST['block_groups']); $blocks = explode(',', $_POST['blocks']); $comments = explode(',', $_POST['comments']); theme::export_sample($categories, $items, $block_groups, $blocks, $comments, $folder); core_terminate(); } break; case 'install_from_hash': $url = base64_decode($_GET['hash']); if (!empty($url) && $user->permission("themes.install") == "true") { $error = false; parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $query); $tmp_file = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $query['code'] . '.zip'; @core_file_curl($url, $tmp_file); if (@filesize($tmp_file) == 0) { @unlink($tmp_file); // core file curl failed, try using file_get_contents... $tmp = @file_get_contents($url); if (!empty($tmp)) { @file_put_contents($tmp_file, $tmp); } unset($tmp); } if (@filesize($tmp_file) > 0) { // uncompress ZIP and copy it to the themes dir @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/' . $query['code']); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip_open_status = $zip->open($tmp_file); if ($zip_open_status === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/' . $query['code']); $zip->close(); $layout->navigate_notification(t(374, "Item installed successfully."), false); } else { $layout->navigate_notification('ERROR ' . $zip_open_status, true, true); $error = true; } } else { $layout->navigate_notification(t(56, 'Unexpected error'), true, true); $error = true; } if ($error) { $layout->add_content(' <div id="navigate_marketplace_install_from_hash_error"> <p>' . t(529, "It has not been possible to download the item you have just bought from the marketplace.") . '</p> <p>' . t(530, "You have to visit your Marketplace Dashboard and download the file, then use the <strong>Install from file</strong> button you'll find in the actions bar on the right.") . '</p> <p>' . t(531, "Sorry for the inconvenience.") . '</p> <a class="uibutton" href="" target="_blank"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-extlink" style="float: left;"></span> ' . t(532, "Navigate CMS Marketplace") . '</a> </div> '); $layout->add_script(' $("#navigate_marketplace_install_from_hash_error").dialog({ modal: true, title: "' . t(56, "Unexpected error") . '" }); '); } } // don't break, we want to show the themes grid right now (theme_upload by browser upload won't trigger) // don't break, we want to show the themes grid right now (theme_upload by browser upload won't trigger) case 'theme_upload': if (isset($_FILES['theme-upload']) && $_FILES['theme-upload']['error'] == 0 && $user->permission("themes.install") == "true") { // uncompress ZIP and copy it to the themes dir $tmp = trim(substr($_FILES['theme-upload']['name'], 0, strpos($_FILES['theme-upload']['name'], '.'))); $theme_name = filter_var($tmp, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); if ($tmp != $theme_name) { $layout->navigate_notification(t(344, 'Security error'), true, true); } else { @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/' . $theme_name); $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($_FILES['theme-upload']['tmp_name']) === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo(NAVIGATE_PATH . '/themes/' . $theme_name); $zip->close(); $layout->navigate_notification(t(374, "Item installed successfully."), false); } else { $layout->navigate_notification(t(262, 'Error uploading file'), true, true); } } } // don't break, we want to show the themes grid right now // don't break, we want to show the themes grid right now case 'themes': default: if (@$_REQUEST['opt'] == 'install') { $ntheme = new theme(); $ntheme->load($_REQUEST['theme']); $website->theme = $ntheme->name; if (!empty($ntheme->styles)) { $nst = get_object_vars($ntheme->styles); $nst = array_keys($nst); if (!isset($website->theme_options) || empty($website->theme_options)) { $website->theme_options = json_decode('{"style": ""}'); } $website->theme_options->style = array_shift($nst); } else { if (!isset($website->theme_options) || empty($website->theme_options)) { $website->theme_options = json_decode('{"style": ""}'); } else { $website->theme_options->style = ""; } } try { $website->update(); $layout->navigate_notification(t(374, "Item installed successfully."), false); } catch (Exception $e) { $layout->navigate_notification($e->getMessage(), true, true); } } $themes = theme::list_available(); $out = themes_grid($themes); break; } return $out; }