protected function get_test_question_data()
     global $USER;
     $q = new stdClass();
     $q->id = 0;
     $q->name = 'Gapfill Question';
     $q->category = 0;
     $q->contextid = 0;
     $q->parent = 0;
     $q->questiontext = 'The [cat] sat on the [mat]';
     $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $q->generalfeedback = 'General feedback.';
     $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $q->defaultmark = 1;
     $q->penalty = 0.3333333;
     $q->length = 1;
     $q->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
     $q->version = make_unique_id_code();
     $q->hidden = 0;
     $q->timecreated = time();
     $q->timemodified = time();
     $q->createdby = $USER->id;
     $q->modifiedby = $USER->id;
     $q->options = new stdClass();
     $q->options->displayanswers = 0;
     $q->options->delimitchars = "[]";
     return $q;
Example #2
     * Makes a calculated question about summing two numbers.
     * @return qtype_calculated_question
    public function make_calculated_question_sum() {
        $q = new qtype_calculated_question();
        $q->name = 'Simple sum';
        $q->questiontext = 'What is {a} + {b}?';
        $q->generalfeedback = 'Generalfeedback: {={a} + {b}} is the right answer.';

        $q->answers = array(
            13 => new qtype_numerical_answer(13, '{a} + {b}', 1.0, 'Very good.', FORMAT_HTML, 0),
            14 => new qtype_numerical_answer(14, '{a} - {b}', 0.0, 'Add. not subtract!.',
                    FORMAT_HTML, 0),
            17 => new qtype_numerical_answer(17, '*', 0.0, 'Completely wrong.', FORMAT_HTML, 0),
        foreach ($q->answers as $answer) {
            $answer->correctanswerlength = 2;
            $answer->correctanswerformat = 1;

        $q->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('calculated');
        $q->unitdisplay = qtype_numerical::UNITNONE;
        $q->unitgradingtype = 0;
        $q->unitpenalty = 0;
        $q->ap = new qtype_numerical_answer_processor(array());
        $q->synchronised = false;

        $q->datasetloader = new qtype_calculated_test_dataset_loader(0, array(
            array('a' => 1, 'b' => 5),
            array('a' => 3, 'b' => 4),

        return $q;
Example #3
 public function test_render_missing()
     $records = new question_test_recordset(array(array('questionattemptid', 'contextid', 'questionusageid', 'slot', 'behaviour', 'questionid', 'variant', 'maxmark', 'minfraction', 'maxfraction', 'flagged', 'questionsummary', 'rightanswer', 'responsesummary', 'timemodified', 'attemptstepid', 'sequencenumber', 'state', 'fraction', 'timecreated', 'userid', 'name', 'value'), array(1, 123, 1, 1, 'strangeunknown', -1, 1, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, '', '', '', 1256233790, 1, 0, 'todo', null, 1256233700, 1, '_order', '1,2,3'), array(1, 123, 1, 1, 'strangeunknown', -1, 1, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, '', '', '', 1256233790, 2, 1, 'complete', 0.5, 1256233705, 1, '-submit', '1'), array(1, 123, 1, 1, 'strangeunknown', -1, 1, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, '', '', '', 1256233790, 2, 1, 'complete', 0.5, 1256233705, 1, 'choice0', '1')));
     $question = test_question_maker::make_question('truefalse', 'true');
     $question->id = -1;
     $qa = question_attempt::load_from_records($records, 1, new question_usage_null_observer(), 'deferredfeedback');
     $this->assertEquals(2, $qa->get_num_steps());
     $step = $qa->get_step(0);
     $this->assertEquals(question_state::$todo, $step->get_state());
     $this->assertEquals(1256233700, $step->get_timecreated());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $step->get_user_id());
     $this->assertEquals(array('_order' => '1,2,3'), $step->get_all_data());
     $step = $qa->get_step(1);
     $this->assertEquals(question_state::$complete, $step->get_state());
     $this->assertEquals(0.5, $step->get_fraction());
     $this->assertEquals(1256233705, $step->get_timecreated());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $step->get_user_id());
     $this->assertEquals(array('-submit' => '1', 'choice0' => '1'), $step->get_all_data());
     $output = $qa->render(new question_display_options(), '1');
     $this->assertRegExp('/' . preg_quote($qa->get_question()->questiontext, '/') . '/', $output);
     $this->assertRegExp('/' . preg_quote(get_string('questionusedunknownmodel', 'qbehaviour_missing'), '/') . '/', $output);
     $this->assertTag(array('tag' => 'div', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'warning')), $output);
 public function test_informationitem_feedback_description()
     // Create a true-false question with correct answer true.
     $description = test_question_maker::make_question('description');
     $this->start_attempt_at_question($description, 'deferredfeedback');
     // Check the initial state.
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_contains_question_text_expectation($description), new question_contains_tag_with_attributes('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $this->quba->get_field_prefix($this->slot) . '-seen', 'value' => 1)), $this->get_does_not_contain_feedback_expectation());
     // Process a submission indicating this question has been seen.
     $this->process_submission(array('-seen' => 1));
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_does_not_contain_correctness_expectation(), new question_no_pattern_expectation('/type=\\"hidden\\"[^>]*name=\\"[^"]*seen\\"|name=\\"[^"]*seen\\"[^>]*type=\\"hidden\\"/'), $this->get_does_not_contain_feedback_expectation());
     // Finish the attempt.
     // Verify.
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_contains_question_text_expectation($description), $this->get_contains_general_feedback_expectation($description));
     // Process a manual comment.
     $this->manual_grade('Not good enough!', null, FORMAT_HTML);
     $this->check_current_output(new question_pattern_expectation('/' . preg_quote('Not good enough!', '/') . '/'));
     // Check that trying to process a manual comment with a grade causes an exception.
     $this->manual_grade('Not good enough!', 1, FORMAT_HTML);
Example #5
    public function test_false_right_does_not_show_feedback_when_not_answered() {

        // Create a true-false question with correct answer false.
        $tf = test_question_maker::make_question('truefalse', 'false');
        $this->start_attempt_at_question($tf, 'deferredfeedback', 1);

        // Check the initial state.
                new question_contains_tag_with_contents('h3',
                        get_string('questiontext', 'question')));
        $this->assertEquals(get_string('false', 'qtype_truefalse'),
        $this->assertRegExp('/' . preg_quote($tf->questiontext, '/') . '/',

        // Finish the attempt without answering.

        // Verify.
                $this->get_contains_tf_true_radio_expectation(false, false),
                $this->get_contains_tf_false_radio_expectation(false, false),

                // In particular, check that the false feedback is not displayed.
                new question_no_pattern_expectation('/' . preg_quote($tf->falsefeedback, '/') . '/'));

Example #6
 public function test_interactive()
     // Create a gapselect question.
     $q = test_question_maker::make_question('calculated');
     $q->hints = array(new question_hint(1, 'This is the first hint.', FORMAT_HTML), new question_hint(2, 'This is the second hint.', FORMAT_HTML));
     $this->start_attempt_at_question($q, 'interactive', 3, 1);
     $values = $q->vs->get_values();
     $this->assertEquals($values, $q->datasetloader->load_values(1));
     // Check the initial state.
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_contains_marked_out_of_summary(), $this->get_contains_submit_button_expectation(true), $this->get_does_not_contain_feedback_expectation(), $this->get_does_not_contain_validation_error_expectation(), $this->get_does_not_contain_try_again_button_expectation(), $this->get_no_hint_visible_expectation());
     // Submit blank.
     $this->process_submission(array('-submit' => 1, 'answer' => ''));
     // Verify.
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_contains_marked_out_of_summary(), $this->get_contains_submit_button_expectation(true), $this->get_does_not_contain_feedback_expectation(), $this->get_contains_validation_error_expectation(), $this->get_does_not_contain_try_again_button_expectation(), $this->get_no_hint_visible_expectation());
     // Sumit something that does not look like a number.
     $this->process_submission(array('-submit' => 1, 'answer' => 'newt'));
     // Verify.
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_contains_marked_out_of_summary(), $this->get_contains_submit_button_expectation(true), $this->get_does_not_contain_feedback_expectation(), $this->get_contains_validation_error_expectation(), new question_pattern_expectation('/' . preg_quote(get_string('invalidnumber', 'qtype_numerical'), '/') . '/'), $this->get_does_not_contain_try_again_button_expectation(), $this->get_no_hint_visible_expectation());
     // Now get it right.
     $this->process_submission(array('-submit' => 1, 'answer' => $values['a'] + $values['b']));
     // Verify.
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_contains_mark_summary(3), $this->get_does_not_contain_submit_button_expectation(), $this->get_contains_correct_expectation(), $this->get_does_not_contain_validation_error_expectation(), $this->get_no_hint_visible_expectation());
 public function test_summarise_response()
     $question = test_question_maker::make_question('multianswer');
     $question->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
     $rightchoice = $question->subquestions[2]->get_correct_response();
     $this->assertEqual(get_string('subqresponse', 'qtype_multianswer', array('i' => 1, 'response' => 'Owl')) . '; ' . get_string('subqresponse', 'qtype_multianswer', array('i' => 2, 'response' => 'Pussy-cat')), $question->summarise_response(array('sub1_answer' => 'Owl', 'sub2_answer' => reset($rightchoice))));
 protected function setUp()
     $this->question = test_question_maker::make_question('description');
     $this->question->defaultmark = 3;
     $this->usageid = 13;
     $this->qa = new question_attempt($this->question, $this->usageid);
  * @return object the data to construct a question like
  * {@link qtype_gapselect_test_helper::make_a_gapselect_question()}.
 protected function get_test_question_data()
     global $USER;
     $gapselect = new stdClass();
     $gapselect->id = 0;
     $gapselect->category = 0;
     $gapselect->contextid = 0;
     $gapselect->parent = 0;
     $gapselect->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $gapselect->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $gapselect->defaultmark = 1;
     $gapselect->penalty = 0.3333333;
     $gapselect->length = 1;
     $gapselect->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
     $gapselect->version = make_unique_id_code();
     $gapselect->hidden = 0;
     $gapselect->timecreated = time();
     $gapselect->timemodified = time();
     $gapselect->createdby = $USER->id;
     $gapselect->modifiedby = $USER->id;
     $gapselect->name = 'Selection from drop down list question';
     $gapselect->questiontext = 'The [[1]] brown [[2]] jumped over the [[3]] dog.';
     $gapselect->generalfeedback = 'This sentence uses each letter of the alphabet.';
     $gapselect->qtype = 'gapselect';
     $gapselect->options = new stdClass();
     $gapselect->options->shuffleanswers = true;
     $gapselect->options->answers = array((object) array('answer' => 'quick', 'feedback' => '1'), (object) array('answer' => 'fox', 'feedback' => '2'), (object) array('answer' => 'lazy', 'feedback' => '3'), (object) array('answer' => 'assiduous', 'feedback' => '3'), (object) array('answer' => 'dog', 'feedback' => '2'), (object) array('answer' => 'slow', 'feedback' => '1'));
     return $gapselect;
 protected function get_test_question_data()
     global $USER;
     $q = new stdClass();
     $q->id = 0;
     $q->name = 'Drag and drop matching question';
     $q->category = 0;
     $q->contextid = 0;
     $q->parent = 0;
     $q->questiontext = 'Classify the animals.';
     $q->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $q->generalfeedback = 'General feedback.';
     $q->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
     $q->defaultmark = 1;
     $q->penalty = 0.3333333;
     $q->length = 1;
     $q->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
     $q->version = make_unique_id_code();
     $q->hidden = 0;
     $q->timecreated = time();
     $q->timemodified = time();
     $q->createdby = $USER->id;
     $q->modifiedby = $USER->id;
     $q->options = new stdClass();
     $q->options->shuffleanswers = false;
     $q->options->subquestions = array(14 => (object) array('id' => 14, 'questiontext' => 'frog', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'amphibian', 'answertextformat' => FORMAT_HTML), 15 => (object) array('id' => 15, 'questiontext' => 'cat', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'mammal', 'answertextformat' => FORMAT_HTML), 16 => (object) array('id' => 16, 'questiontext' => 'newt', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'amphibian', 'answertextformat' => FORMAT_HTML), 17 => (object) array('id' => 17, 'questiontext' => '', 'questiontextformat' => FORMAT_HTML, 'answertext' => 'insect', 'answertextformat' => FORMAT_HTML));
     return $q;
Example #11
 public function test_classify_response()
     $tf = test_question_maker::make_question('truefalse', 'true');
     $tf->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
     $this->assertEquals(array($tf->id => new question_classified_response(0, get_string('false', 'qtype_truefalse'), 0.0)), $tf->classify_response(array('answer' => '0')));
     $this->assertEquals(array($tf->id => new question_classified_response(1, get_string('true', 'qtype_truefalse'), 1.0)), $tf->classify_response(array('answer' => '1')));
     $this->assertEquals(array($tf->id => question_classified_response::no_response()), $tf->classify_response(array()));
 protected function setUp() {
     $this->question = test_question_maker::make_question('description');
     $this->qa = new testable_question_attempt($this->question, 0, null, 2);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $step = new question_attempt_step(array('i' => $i));
Example #13
 public function make_question($question)
     try {
         $q = test_question_maker::make_question('coderunner', $question);
     } catch (qtype_coderunner_missing_question_type $ex) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("{$question} question unavailable: test skipped");
     $q->contextid = $this->category->contextid;
     return $q;
Example #14
 public function test_classify_response()
     $question = test_question_maker::make_question('calculatedsimple');
     $question->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
     $values = $question->vs->get_values();
     $this->assertEquals(array(new question_classified_response(13, $values['a'] + $values['b'], 1.0)), $question->classify_response(array('answer' => $values['a'] + $values['b'])));
     $this->assertEquals(array(new question_classified_response(14, $values['a'] - $values['b'], 0.0)), $question->classify_response(array('answer' => $values['a'] - $values['b'])));
     $this->assertEquals(array(new question_classified_response(17, 7 * $values['a'], 0.0)), $question->classify_response(array('answer' => 7 * $values['a'])));
     $this->assertEquals(array(question_classified_response::no_response()), $question->classify_response(array('answer' => '')));
 protected function setUp()
     $this->quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('unit_test', context_system::instance());
     $slot = $this->quba->add_question(test_question_maker::make_question('description'));
     $this->qas[$slot] = $this->quba->get_question_attempt($slot);
     $slot = $this->quba->add_question(test_question_maker::make_question('description'));
     $this->qas[$slot] = $this->quba->get_question_attempt($slot);
     $this->iterator = $this->quba->get_attempt_iterator();
 public function setUp()
     $this->quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('unit_test', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
     $slot = $this->quba->add_question(test_question_maker::make_a_description_question());
     $this->qas[$slot] = $this->quba->get_question_attempt($slot);
     $slot = $this->quba->add_question(test_question_maker::make_a_description_question());
     $this->qas[$slot] = $this->quba->get_question_attempt($slot);
     $this->iterator = $this->quba->get_attempt_iterator();
 protected function setUp()
     $question = test_question_maker::make_question('description');
     $this->qa = new testable_question_attempt($question, 0);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         $step = new question_attempt_step(array('i' => $i));
     $this->iterator = $this->qa->get_step_iterator();
Example #18
 /** Make sure that if the Jobe URL is wrong we get "jobesandbox is down
  *  or misconfigured" exception.
  * @expectedException coderunner_exception
  * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp |.*jobesandbox is down or misconfigured.*|
  * @retrun void
 public function test_misconfigured_jobe()
     if (!get_config('qtype_coderunner', 'jobesandbox_enabled')) {
         $this->markTestSkipped("Sandbox {$sandbox} unavailable: test skipped");
     set_config('jobe_host', 'localhostxxx', 'qtype_coderunner');
     // Broken jobe_host url
     $q = test_question_maker::make_question('coderunner', 'sqr');
     $this->start_attempt_at_question($q, 'adaptive', 1, 1);
 public function test_synchronised_question_should_use_the_same_dataset()
     // Actually, we cheat here. We use the same question twice, not two different synchronised questions.
     $question = test_question_maker::make_question('calculated');
     $quba = question_engine::make_questions_usage_by_activity('test', context_system::instance());
     $slot1 = $quba->add_question($question);
     $slot2 = $quba->add_question($question);
     $quba->start_all_questions(new core_question\engine\variants\least_used_strategy($quba, new qubaid_list(array())));
     $this->assertEquals($quba->get_variant($slot1), $quba->get_variant($slot2));
Example #20
 public function test_informationitem_feedback_description()
     // Create a description question.
     $description = test_question_maker::make_question('description');
     $this->start_attempt_at_question($description, 'deferredfeedback');
     // Check the initial state.
     $this->assertEquals('informationitem', $this->quba->get_question_attempt($this->slot)->get_behaviour_name());
     $this->check_current_output(new question_contains_tag_with_contents('h4', get_string('informationtext', 'qtype_description')));
     // Further tests of the description qtype are in
     // question/behaviour/informationitem/tests/testwalkthrough.php.
Example #21
 public function test_is_complete_response()
     $essay = test_question_maker::make_an_essay_question();
     $essay->start_attempt(new question_attempt_step(), 1);
     // The empty string should be considered an empty response, as should a lack of a response.
     $this->assertFalse($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => '')));
     // Any nonempty string should be considered a complete response.
     $this->assertTrue($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => 'A student response.')));
     $this->assertTrue($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => '0 times.')));
     $this->assertTrue($essay->is_complete_response(array('answer' => '0')));
Example #22
  * Create a new question. The question is initialised using one of the
  * examples from the appropriate {@link question_test_helper} subclass.
  * Then, any files you want to change from the value in the base example you
  * can override using $overrides.
  * @param string $qtype the question type to create an example of.
  * @param string $which as for the corresponding argument of
  *      {@link question_test_helper::get_question_form_data}. null for the default one.
  * @param array|stdClass $overrides any fields that should be different from the base example.
 public function create_question($qtype, $which = null, $overrides = null)
     global $CFG;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/question/engine/tests/helpers.php';
     $fromform = test_question_maker::get_question_form_data($qtype, $which);
     $fromform = (object) $this->datagenerator->combine_defaults_and_record((array) $fromform, $overrides);
     $question = new stdClass();
     $question->category = $fromform->category;
     $question->qtype = $qtype;
     $question->createdby = 0;
     return question_bank::get_qtype($qtype)->save_question($question, $fromform);
 public function test_make_html_inline()
     // Base class is abstract, so we need to pick one qusetion type to test this method.
     $mc = test_question_maker::make_a_multichoice_single_question();
     $this->assertEquals('Frog', $mc->make_html_inline('<p>Frog</p>'));
     $this->assertEquals('Frog', $mc->make_html_inline('<p>Frog<br /></p>'));
     $this->assertEquals('Frog<br />Toad', $mc->make_html_inline("<p>Frog</p>\n<p>Toad</p>"));
     $this->assertEquals('<img src="" alt="Graph" />', $mc->make_html_inline('<p><img src="" alt="Graph" /></p>'));
     $this->assertEquals("Frog<br />XXX <img src='' alt='Graph' />", $mc->make_html_inline(" <p> Frog </p> \n\r\n                    <p> XXX <img src='' alt='Graph' /> </p> "));
     $this->assertEquals('Frog', $mc->make_html_inline('<p>Frog</p><p></p>'));
     $this->assertEquals('Frog<br />†', $mc->make_html_inline('<p>Frog</p><p>†</p>'));
Example #24
 public function test_deferredfeedback_feedback_multichoice_multi()
     // Create a multichoice, multi question.
     $mc = test_question_maker::make_a_multichoice_multi_question();
     $mc->shuffleanswers = false;
     $this->start_attempt_at_question($mc, 'deferredfeedback', 2);
     // Verify.
     $this->check_current_output($this->get_contains_mc_checkbox_expectation('choice0', false, true), $this->get_contains_mc_checkbox_expectation('choice1', false, false), $this->get_contains_mc_checkbox_expectation('choice2', false, true), $this->get_contains_mc_checkbox_expectation('choice3', false, false), $this->get_contains_correct_expectation(), new question_pattern_expectation('/class="r0 correct"/'), new question_pattern_expectation('/class="r1"/'));
  * @return qtype_linkerdesc_question
 public static function make_linkerdesc_question_info()
     $q = new qtype_linkerdesc_question();
     $q->defaultmark = 0;
     $q->penalty = 0;
     $q->length = 0;
     $q->name = 'Description';
     $q->questiontext = 'Here is some information about the questions you are about to attempt.';
     $q->generalfeedback = 'And here is some more text shown only on the review page.';
     $q->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('linkerdesc');
     return $q;
Example #26
    public function test_deferred_feedback() {

        // Create a gapselect question.
        $q = test_question_maker::make_question('multianswer', 'fourmc');
        $this->start_attempt_at_question($q, 'deferredfeedback', 4);

        // Check the initial state.

        // Save in incomplete answer.
        $this->process_submission(array('sub1_answer' => '1', 'sub2_answer' => '',
                'sub3_answer' => '', 'sub4_answer' => ''));

        // Verify.
                $this->get_does_not_contain_validation_error_expectation()); // TODO, really, it should. See MDL-32049.

        // Save a partially correct answer.
        $this->process_submission(array('sub1_answer' => '1', 'sub2_answer' => '1',
                'sub3_answer' => '1', 'sub4_answer' => '1'));

        // Verify.

        // Now submit all and finish.
        $this->process_submission(array('-finish' => 1));

        // Verify.
Example #27
  * Makes a match question about completing two blanks in some text.
  * @return object the question definition data, as it might be returned from
  *      the question editing form.
 public function get_match_question_form_data_foursubq()
     $q = new stdClass();
     $q->name = 'Matching question';
     $q->questiontext = array('text' => 'Classify the animals.', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML);
     $q->generalfeedback = array('text' => 'General feedback.', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML);
     $q->defaultmark = 1;
     $q->penalty = 0.3333333;
     $q->shuffleanswers = 1;
     $q->subquestions = array(0 => array('text' => 'frog', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 1 => array('text' => 'cat', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 2 => array('text' => 'newt', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML), 3 => array('text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML));
     $q->subanswers = array(0 => 'amphibian', 1 => 'mammal', 2 => 'amphibian', 3 => 'insect');
     $q->noanswers = 4;
     return $q;
Example #28
  * Makes a multichoice all or nothing question with choices 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' shuffled.
  * 'A' and 'C' is correct, defaultmark 1.
  * @return qtype_multichoiceset_question
 public static function make_a_multichoiceset_question()
     $mc = new qtype_multichoiceset_question();
     $mc->name = 'Multi-choice all or nothing question';
     $mc->questiontext = 'The answer is A and C.';
     $mc->generalfeedback = 'You should have selected A and C.';
     $mc->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('multichoiceset');
     $mc->shuffleanswers = 1;
     $mc->answernumbering = 'abc';
     $mc->answers = array(13 => new question_answer(13, 'A', 0.5, 'A is part of the right answer', FORMAT_HTML), 14 => new question_answer(14, 'B', 0, 'B is wrong', FORMAT_HTML), 15 => new question_answer(15, 'C', 0.5, 'C is part of the right answer', FORMAT_HTML), 16 => new question_answer(16, 'D', 0, 'D is wrong', FORMAT_HTML));
     return $mc;
Example #29
     * Helper method to reduce duplication.
     * @return qtype_essay_question
    protected function initialise_essay_question() {
        $q = new qtype_essay_question();
        $q->name = 'Essay question (HTML editor)';
        $q->questiontext = 'Please write a story about a frog.';
        $q->generalfeedback = 'I hope your story had a beginning, a middle and an end.';
        $q->responseformat = 'editor';
        $q->responsefieldlines = 10;
        $q->attachments = 0;
        $q->graderinfo = '';
        $q->graderinfoformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $q->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('essay');

        return $q;
Example #30
  * @return qtype_gapselect_question
 public static function make_a_maths_gapselect_question()
     $gapselect = new qtype_gapselect_question();
     $gapselect->name = 'Selection from drop down list question';
     $gapselect->questiontext = 'Fill in the operators to make this equation work: ' . '7 [[1]] 11 [[2]] 13 [[1]] 17 [[2]] 19 = 3';
     $gapselect->generalfeedback = 'This sentence uses each letter of the alphabet.';
     $gapselect->qtype = question_bank::get_qtype('gapselect');
     $gapselect->shufflechoices = true;
     $gapselect->choices = array(1 => array(1 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('+', 1, true), 2 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('-', 1, true), 3 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('*', 1, true), 4 => new qtype_gapselect_choice('/', 1, true)));
     $gapselect->places = array(1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 1);
     $gapselect->rightchoices = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 1, 4 => 2);
     $gapselect->textfragments = array('7 ', ' 11 ', ' 13 ', ' 17 ', ' 19 = 3');
     return $gapselect;