function mediamanager_inline_code($ids) { global $set, $db, $apx; $tmpl = new tengine(); $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,picture,popup,text,align FROM " . PRE . "_inlinescreens WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")"); if (!count($data)) { array(); } //Codes generieren ob_start(); $code = array(); foreach ($data as $res) { if ($res['popup']) { $size = getimagesize(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $res['popup']); $tmpl->assign('POPUP', "javascript:popuppic('misc.php?action=picture&pic=" . $res['popup'] . "','" . $size[0] . "','" . $size[1] . "',0);"); } $tmpl->assign('ID', $res['id']); $tmpl->assign('PICTURE', HTTPDIR . getpath('uploads') . $res['picture']); $tmpl->assign('FULLSIZE', HTTPDIR . getpath('uploads') . $res['popup']); $tmpl->assign('TEXT', $res['text']); $tmpl->assign('ALIGN', $res['align']); $tmpl->parse('inlinepic', 'main'); $imagecode = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); $code[$res['id']] = $imagecode; } ob_end_clean(); //Replacement $replace = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $replace['{IMAGE(' . $id . ')}'] = $code[intval($id)]; } return $replace; }
function comments_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'comments'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'comments'); if (in_array('COUNT_COMMENTS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_comments\n\t\t\tWHERE active=1\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_COMMENTS', $count); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'comments'); }
function faq_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'faq'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'faq'); if (in_template(array('COUNT_ARTICLES', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_faq\n\t\t\tWHERE starttime!=0\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_FAQ', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'faq'); }
function content_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'content'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'content'); if (in_template(array('COUNT', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_content\n\t\t\tWHERE active=1\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'content'); }
function teaser_show($count = 0, $start = 0, $group = 0, $template = 'teaser') { global $set, $db, $apx; $count = (int) $count; $start = (int) $start; $group = (int) $group; $tmpl = new tengine(); $groupfilter = ''; if ($group) { $groupfilter = " AND `group`='" . $group . "'"; } if ($set['teaser']['orderby'] == 1) { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,text,link,image,hits FROM " . PRE . "_teaser WHERE '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime " . $groupfilter . section_filter() . " ORDER BY ord ASC" . iif($count, " LIMIT " . iif($start, $start . ',') . $count)); } elseif ($set['teaser']['orderby'] == 2) { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,text,link,image,hits FROM " . PRE . "_teaser WHERE '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime " . $groupfilter . section_filter() . " ORDER BY addtime DESC" . iif($count, " LIMIT " . iif($start, $start . ',') . $count)); } else { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,text,link,image,hits FROM " . PRE . "_teaser WHERE '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime" . $groupfilter . section_filter()); if (count($data)) { srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); shuffle($data); if ($count) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$ii; $newdata[] = $res; if ($ii == $count) { break; } } $data = $newdata; unset($newdata); } } } if (count($data)) { $apx->lang->drop('teaser', 'teaser'); foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $affdata[$i]['TITLE'] = $res['title']; $affdata[$i]['TEXT'] = $res['text']; $affdata[$i]['URL'] = $res['link']; $affdata[$i]['IMAGE'] = iif($res['image'], HTTPDIR . getpath('uploads') . $res['image']); $affdata[$i]['HITS'] = number_format($res['hits'], 0, '', '.'); $affdata[$i]['LINK'] = HTTPDIR . 'misc.php?action=teaserlink&id=' . $res['id']; } } $tmpl->assign('TEASER', $affdata); $tmpl->parse($template, 'teaser'); }
function affiliates_show($count = 0, $start = 0, $template = 'affiliates') { global $set, $db, $apx; $count = (int) $count; $start = (int) $start; $tmpl = new tengine(); if ($set['affiliates']['orderby'] == 1) { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,image,link,hits FROM " . PRE . "_affiliates WHERE active='1' ORDER BY ord ASC" . iif($count, " LIMIT " . iif($start, $start . ',') . $count)); } elseif ($set['affiliates']['orderby'] == 2) { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,image,link,hits FROM " . PRE . "_affiliates WHERE active='1' ORDER BY hits DESC" . iif($count, " LIMIT " . iif($start, $start . ',') . $count)); } elseif ($set['affiliates']['orderby'] == 3) { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,image,link,hits FROM " . PRE . "_affiliates WHERE active='1' ORDER BY hits ASC" . iif($count, " LIMIT " . iif($start, $start . ',') . $count)); } else { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,image,hits FROM " . PRE . "_affiliates WHERE active='1'"); if (count($data)) { srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); shuffle($data); if ($count) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$ii; $newdata[] = $res; if ($ii == $count) { break; } } $data = $newdata; unset($newdata); } } } if (count($data)) { $apx->lang->drop('affiliates', 'affiliates'); foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $affdata[$i]['TITLE'] = $res['title']; $affdata[$i]['IMAGE'] = iif($res['image'], getpath('uploads') . $res['image']); $affdata[$i]['HITS'] = number_format($res['hits'], 0, '', '.'); $affdata[$i]['LINK'] = HTTPDIR . 'misc.php?action=afflink&id=' . $res['id']; $affdata[$i]['URL'] = $res['link']; } } $tmpl->assign('AFFILIATE', $affdata); $tmpl->parse($template, 'affiliates'); }
function newsletter_form() { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $apx->lang->drop('form', 'newsletter'); //Kategorien $catinfo = $set['newsletter']['categories']; if (!is_array($set['newsletter']['categories'])) { $set['newsletter']['categories'] = array(); } asort($catinfo); foreach ($catinfo as $id => $name) { ++$i; $catdata[$i]['ID'] = $id; $catdata[$i]['TITLE'] = $name; } $tmpl->assign('CATEGORY', $catdata); $tmpl->parse('functions/form', 'newsletter'); }
function stats_counter() { global $set, $db, $apx; $apx->lang->drop('counter', 'stats'); $tmpl = new tengine(); list($count_record, $record_time) = $db->first("SELECT sum(uniques) AS count,time FROM " . PRE . "_stats GROUP BY daystamp ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 1"); list($count_total, $hits_total) = $db->first("SELECT sum(uniques),sum(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_stats"); list($count_today, $hits_today) = $db->first("SELECT sum(uniques),sum(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_stats WHERE daystamp='" . date('Ymd', time() - TIMEDIFF) . "'"); list($count_yesterday, $hits_yesterday) = $db->first("SELECT sum(uniques),sum(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_stats WHERE daystamp='" . date('Ymd', time() - 24 * 3600 - TIMEDIFF) . "'"); $count_total += $set['stats']['startcount']; $tmpl->assign('VISITS_RECORD', number_format($count_record, 0, '', '.')); $tmpl->assign('VISITS_RECORD_TIME', $record_time); $tmpl->assign('VISITS_TOTAL', number_format($count_total, 0, '', '.')); $tmpl->assign('VISITS_TODAY', number_format($count_today, 0, '', '.')); $tmpl->assign('VISITS_YESTERDAY', number_format($count_yesterday, 0, '', '.')); $tmpl->assign('HITS_TOTAL', number_format($hits_total, 0, '', '.')); $tmpl->assign('HITS_TODAY', number_format($hits_today, 0, '', '.')); $tmpl->assign('HITS_YESTERDAY', number_format($hits_yesterday, 0, '', '.')); $tmpl->parse('counter', 'stats'); }
function navi_breadcrumb($nid = 1, $template = 'breadcrumb') { global $set, $db, $apx; $nid = (int) $nid; if (!$nid) { return; } $tmpl = new tengine(); require_once BASEDIR . 'lib/class.recursivetree.php'; $tree = new RecursiveTree(PRE . '_navi', 'id'); $data = $tree->getTree(array('*'), null, "nid='" . $nid . "'"); $selected = navi_get_selected($data); $selectedPath = null; $path = array(); $selectedNodeLevel = 0; foreach ($data as $res) { if (in_array($res['id'], $selected)) { //Tiefere Pfadteile entfernen $dellevel = $res['level']; while (isset($path[$dellevel])) { unset($path[$dellevel]); ++$dellevel; } //Node zum Pfad hinzufügen $path[$res['level']] = $res; //Dieser Pfad ist länger als der bisherige längste if ($res['level'] > $selectedNodeLevel) { $selectedPath = $path; $selectedNodeLevel = $res['level']; } } } if (count($selectedPath)) { foreach ($selectedPath as $res) { ++$i; $tabledata[$i]['ID'] = $res['id']; $tabledata[$i]['LEVEL'] = $res['level']; $tabledata[$i]['CHILDREN'] = $res['children']; $tabledata[$i]['TEXT'] = $res['text']; $tabledata[$i]['LINK'] = $res['link']; $tabledata[$i]['POPUP'] = $res['link_popup']; $tabledata[$i]['CODE'] = $res['code']; $tabledata[$i]['SELECTED'] = true; } } $tmpl->assign('NAVI', $tabledata); $tmpl->parse($template, 'navi'); }
function downloads_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'downloads'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'downloads'); if (in_array('COUNT_CATEGORIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_downloads_cat"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_CATEGORIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_DOWNLOADS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_downloads\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_DOWNLOADS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'downloads'); }
function forum_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'forum'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'forum'); if (in_array('COUNT_POSTS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(postid) FROM " . PRE . "_forum_posts WHERE del=0"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_POSTS', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_THREADS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(threadid), avg(views) FROM " . PRE . "_forum_threads\n\t\t\tWHERE del=0 AND moved=0\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_THREADS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'forum'); }
function vbthreads_threads_print($from, $data, $template) { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $forumurl = $set['forum_url']; if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; if ($from == 'new') { $link = $forumurl . 'showthread.php?t=' . $res['threadid']; } else { $link = $forumurl . 'showthread.php?goto=lastpost&t=' . $res['threadid']; } $tabledata[$i]['ID'] = $res['threadid']; $tabledata[$i]['TITLE'] = $res['title']; $tabledata[$i]['LINK'] = $link; $tabledata[$i]['TIME'] = $res['dateline']; $tabledata[$i]['STARTER'] = $res['postusername']; $tabledata[$i]['LASTPOST'] = $res['lastpost']; $tabledata[$i]['LASTPOSTER'] = $res['lastposter']; $tabledata[$i]['POSTS'] = $res['replycount']; $tabledata[$i]['VIEWS'] = $res['views']; } } $tmpl->assign('THREAD', $tabledata); $tmpl->parse($template, 'vbforum'); }
function articles_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'articles'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'articles'); if (in_array('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_articles_cat"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_ARTICLES', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_ARTICLES', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } if (in_array('COUNT_NORMAL', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime AND type='normal'\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_NORMAL', $count); } if (in_array('COUNT_REVIEWS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime AND type='review'\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_REVIEWS', $count); } if (in_array('COUNT_PREVIEWS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_articles\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime AND type='preview'\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_PREVIEWS', $count); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'articles'); }
function calendar_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'calendar'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'calendar'); if (in_array('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_cat"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_CATGEORIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_EVENTS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events\n\t\t\tWHERE active!=0\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_EVENTS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'calendar'); }
function poll_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'poll'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'poll'); if (in_template(array('COUNT_POLLS', 'AVG_VOTES'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(a1_c+a2_c+a3_c+a4_c+a5_c+a6_c+a7_c+a8_c+a9_c+a10_c+a11_c+a12_c+a13_c+a14_c+a15_c+a16_c+a17_c+a18_c+a19_c+a20_c) FROM " . PRE . "_poll\n\t\t\tWHERE " . time() . " BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_POLLS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_VOTES', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'poll'); }
function user_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'user'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'user'); //User if (in_array('COUNT_USERS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(userid) FROM " . PRE . "_user\n\t\t\tWHERE active='1' " . iif($set['user']['listactiveonly'], " AND reg_key='' ") . "\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_USERS', $count); } if (in_array('COUNT_USERS_MALE', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(userid) FROM " . PRE . "_user\n\t\t\tWHERE active='1' AND gender=1 " . iif($set['user']['listactiveonly'], " AND reg_key='' ") . "\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_USERS_MALE', $count); } if (in_array('COUNT_USERS_FEMALE', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(userid) FROM " . PRE . "_user\n\t\t\tWHERE active='1' AND gender=2 " . iif($set['user']['listactiveonly'], " AND reg_key='' ") . "\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_USERS_FEMALE', $count); } //Blogs if (in_array('COUNT_BLOGS', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_user_blog\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_BLOGS', $count); } //Galerien if (in_array('COUNT_GALLERIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_user_gallery\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_GALLERIES', $count); } if (in_array('COUNT_PICTURES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_user_pictures\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_PICTURES', $count); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'user'); }
function gallery_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'gallery'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'gallery'); if (in_array('COUNT_GALLERIES', $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_gallery\n\t\t\tWHERE '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_GALLERIES', $count); } if (in_template(array('COUNT_PICTURES', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(, avg(p.hits) FROM " . PRE . "_gallery_pics AS p\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_gallery AS g ON\n\t\t\tWHERE '" . time() . "' BETWEEN g.starttime AND g.endtime AND\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_PICTURES', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'gallery'); }
function pages($link, $count, $epp = 0, $varname = 'p') { global $set; $count = (int) $count; $epp = (int) $epp; //Variablen vorbereiten $_REQUEST[$varname] = (int) $_REQUEST[$varname]; if (strpos($link, '?')) { $sticky = '&'; } else { $sticky = '?'; } if (!$epp) { $epp = $set['main']['admin_epp']; } $tmpl = new tengine(); //Seitenzahlen bereichnen, evtl. REQUEST berichtigen $pages = ceil($count / $epp); if ($_REQUEST[$varname] < 1 || $_REQUEST[$varname] > $pages) { $_REQUEST[$varname] = 1; } //Wenn kein $epp, alle Einträge zeigen -> Seiten (1): [1] if ($epp == 0) { $tmpl->assign('PAGE_COUNT', 1); $tmpl->assign('PAGE', array(array('NUMBER' => 1, 'LINK' => '#'))); $tmpl->parse('pages', '/'); return; } //Wenn es keine Einträge gibt if (!$count) { $tmpl->assign('PAGE_COUNT', 0); $tmpl->parse('pages', '/'); return; } //Seitenzahlen generieren for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { $pagedata[$i]['NUMBER'] = $i; $pagedata[$i]['LINK'] = $link . $sticky . $varname . '=' . $i; } if ($_REQUEST[$varname] > 1) { $previous = $link . $sticky . $varname . '=' . ($_REQUEST[$varname] - 1); } if ($_REQUEST[$varname] < $pages) { $next = $link . $sticky . $varname . '=' . ($_REQUEST[$varname] + 1); } $first = $link . $sticky . $varname . '=1'; $last = $link . $sticky . $varname . '=' . $pages; $tmpl->assign('PAGE_PREVIOUS', $previous); $tmpl->assign('PAGE_NEXT', $next); $tmpl->assign('PAGE_FIRST', $first); $tmpl->assign('PAGE_LAST', $last); $tmpl->assign('PAGE_COUNT', $pages); $tmpl->assign('PAGE_SELECTED', $_REQUEST[$varname]); $tmpl->assign('PAGE', $pagedata); $tmpl->parse('pages', '/'); }
function layer_footer() { if (MODE != 'admin') { return; } $tmpl = new tengine(); $tmpl->assign('SHOWFOOTER', true); $tmpl->parse('layer', '/'); }
function products_stats($template = 'stats') { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $tmpl = new tengine(); $parse = $tmpl->used_vars('functions/' . $template, 'products'); $apx->lang->drop('func_stats', 'products'); if (in_template(array('COUNT_PRODUCTS', 'AVG_HITS'), $parse)) { list($count, $hits) = $db->first("\n\t\t\tSELECT count(id), avg(hits) FROM " . PRE . "_products\n\t\t\tWHERE active=1\n\t\t"); $tmpl->assign('COUNT_PRODUCTS', $count); $tmpl->assign('AVG_HITS', round($hits)); } $types = array('normal', 'game', 'music', 'movie', 'book', 'software', 'hardware'); foreach ($types as $type) { $varname = 'COUNT_PRODUCTS_' . strtoupper($type); if (in_array($varname, $parse)) { list($count) = $db->first("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_products\n\t\t\t\tWHERE active=1 AND type='" . $type . "'\n\t\t\t"); $tmpl->assign($varname, $count); } } $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'products'); }
function main_sections($template = 'sections') { global $apx, $set, $db; $tmpl = new tengine(); $secdata = array(); if (count($apx->sections)) { foreach ($apx->sections as $id => $info) { ++$i; $secdata[$i]['ID'] = $id; $secdata[$i]['TITLE'] = $info['title']; $secdata[$i]['VIRTUALDIR'] = $info['virtual']; $secdata[$i]['LINK'] = mklink('index.php', 'index.html', $id); } } $tmpl->assign('SECTION', $secdata); $tmpl->parse('functions/' . $template, 'main'); }