 * AJAX handler for Email Capture
function tdr_email_list_subscribe($request = '')
        **** YOUR SITE ****
            Set the API key to use in the site's General settings page under Email List Subscriptions -> Email List API Key
    	**** YOUR FORM ****
    	    data-tdr-list-id="INT_ID" // The List ID from Contactology
    		data-tdr-group-id="INT_ID" // The Group ID from Contactology
    		data-tdr-opt-in-source="OPT_IN_SOURCE" // The Opt-In source from Contactology
    		data-tdr-pw-length="INT_MINIMUM_LIMIT" // The minimum password length
    		data-tdr-user-registration="TRUE|FALSE BOOLEAN" // Create a WordPress subscriber?
    		data-tdr-email-capture="TRUE|FALSE BOOLEAN" // Capture email address? Defaults to true
    		data-tdr-promotion="TRUE|FALSE BOOLEAN // Is a promotion? Defaults to false
    		data-tdr-promotion-name="STRING_PROMOTION_SLUG" // The slug for the promotion
    		data-tdr-promotion-referrer="STRING_REFERRAL_ID" // The referral code for the contest
    	*** YOUR FORM BUTTON ***
    		<button> with type="submit" class="tdr_register_email"
        *** AJAX SUBMISSION events ***
    		.tdr_register_email_working // Shows while the form submission is performed via AJAX
    		.tdr_register_email // The <button> hidden during form submission via AJAX
    		successful promotion entries trigger a jQuery event 'tdr_promo_success' on the FORM element
    	*** INPUT TAGS ***
    		wrap input tags in containers with control-group class // allows for validation errors
    	Success and Failure divs as siblings (outside of) form tag
    		* (Display: none)
    	*** MISSING FIELDS ***
    	Promotions with user registration but no password supplied will use user-email for password
    //Require the Contactology base class
    require get_template_directory() . '/class.Contactology.php';
    // Get API Key -- default to DigitalBrands API key if not set (Site General Settings)
    $contactology_api_key = get_option('tdr_email_list_api_key', $default = '91475b8ada42e6336141da18b84168db');
    // Start contactology with API key
    $c = new Contactology($contactology_api_key);
    // Setup request return info for client callback
    $return_array = array('message' => '', 'error' => '', 'invalid_message' => '', 'invalid' => array());
    // Try using POST data if no data was supplied as a parameter
    if (empty($request)) {
        // Parse Data into associative array from JSON
        $form_data = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']), true);
    } else {
        $form_data = $request;
    // Fail & return error if parsing problem
    if (empty($form_data)) {
        $return_array['error'] = 'There was a problem processing your request';
        // parsed JSON was empty
    } else {
        // Decode user information
        $form_data['user_information'] = array_map('urldecode', $form_data['user_information']);
        // Filter and sanitize form data
        $list_id = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['list_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
        // Looks for integer numbers or returns false
        $group_id = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['group_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
        // Looks for integer numbers or returns false
        $opt_in_source = esc_html($form_data['request_details']['opt_in_source']);
        // Filters html content from opt-in source field
        $user_email = filter_var($form_data['user_information']['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
        // Validates email based on format
        $user_email_confirm = filter_var($form_data['user_information']['user_email_confirm'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
        // Validates email based on format
        $user_email_confirm_in_form = array_key_exists('user_email_confirm', $form_data['user_information']);
        // Detects if form had a repeat email field
        $first_name = esc_html($form_data['user_information']['first_name']);
        // Filters html content from first name field
        $last_name = esc_html($form_data['user_information']['last_name']);
        // Filters html content from last name field
        $email_capture = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['email_capture'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE);
        // Evalutes to true/false/null
        if ('' === $form_data['request_details']['email_capture'] || $email_capture === null) {
            // Empty string returns false rather than null
            $email_capture = true;
            // Defaults email capture to true if not explicitly false
        $is_promotion = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['is_promotion'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
        // Defaults is promotion to false if unable to evaluate to true
        $promotion_name = sanitize_title($form_data['request_details']['promotion_name']);
        $provided_referral_id = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['referrer_id'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        $provided_referral_id = strtoupper($provided_referral_id);
        // Capitalize incoming referral ids
        $user_registration = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['user_registration'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
        // Defaults user registration as WP subscribers to false if unable to evaluate to true
        $user_password = filter_var($form_data['user_information']['user_password'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        /* DOES affect user password! */
        $user_password_confirm = filter_var($form_data['user_information']['user_password_confirm'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        /* DOES affect user password! */
        $user_password_confirm_in_form = array_key_exists('user_password_confirm', $form_data['user_information']);
        // Detects if form had a repeat password field
        $password_required_length = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['password_length'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
        // Validates required password length is integer
        if ($password_required_length < 8) {
            $password_required_length = 8;
            // Force character limit if too small
        // Make password for promotions with user creation but no password field
        if (!array_key_exists('user_password', $form_data['user_information']) && $is_promotion && $user_registration && $user_email) {
            $user_password = $user_email;
            // Set user password to user email
        // For forms that have fields to enter password twice, check to see if the passwords supplied match
        if ($user_password_confirm_in_form && $user_password != $user_password_confirm) {
            $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'Supplied passwords do not match';
            $user_password_matches = false;
            $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_password';
            $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_password_confirm';
        } else {
            $user_password_matches = true;
        // For forms that have fields to enter email twice, check to see if the emails supplied match
        if ($user_email_confirm_in_form && $user_email != $user_email_confirm) {
            $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'Supplied email addresses do not match';
            $user_email_matches = false;
            $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email';
            $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email_confirm';
        } else {
            $user_email_matches = true;
        // Contains arguments to wp_insert_user -- escape HTML from received data
        $user_information = array_map('esc_html', $form_data['user_information']);
        // Check for required form data -- IF registration is to be performed, email(s) match, and password is long enough and matches, proceed
        if ($user_registration && strlen($user_password) >= $password_required_length && $user_password_matches && $user_email_matches) {
            if ($user_email) {
                if ($is_promotion) {
                    $promotion_object = new tdr_promotions();
                    // If a promotion name is given, validate a saved campaign exists with that slug
                    if (!empty($promotion_name) && $promotion_object->get_the_raw_promotion_by_slug($promotion_name)) {
                        $user_registration_result = false;
                        // Allow user registration to be defined on a promotion-by-promotion basis
                        $user_registration_result = apply_filters('tdr_promotions_create_user', $user_registration_result, $promotion_name, $user_email, $user_password);
                        // If filter not used or unsuccessful, create user with role based on promotion name
                        if (!$user_registration_result) {
                            // Attempt to register user
                            add_role('promo-' . $promotion_name, 'Contestant ' . $promotion_name, array('read' => true));
                            // Default values for registration
                            $default_registration_values = array('user_pass' => $user_password, 'user_login' => $user_email, 'user_nicename' => '', 'user_url' => '', 'user_email' => $user_email, 'display_name' => '', 'nickname' => '', 'first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'description' => '', 'rich_editing' => '', 'user_registered' => '', 'role' => 'promo-' . $promotion_name, 'jabber' => '', 'aim' => '', 'yim' => '');
                            // Merge above defaults with supplied values
                            $registration_args = wp_parse_args($user_information, $default_registration_values);
                            // Gets rid of unused values contained in user_information array such as user_password_confirm
                            $registration_args = array_intersect_key($registration_args, $default_registration_values);
                            // Use values to attempt a subscriber registration
                            $registration_attempt = wp_insert_user($registration_args);
                            // If registration failed with a WP error, report the error
                            if (is_wp_error($registration_attempt)) {
                                $return_array['error'] = 'There was a problem creating a subscriber account';
                                // Mark duplicate accounts
                                if (array_key_exists('existing_user_login', $registration_attempt->errors)) {
                                    $return_array['duplicate'] = true;
                            } else {
                                $user = get_user_by('email', $user_email);
                                $user_id = $user->ID;
                                $entries_meta_array = array('signup' => 1, 'sharing' => array('facebook' => 0, 'twitter' => 0, 'google' => 0, 'email' => 0), 'referrals' => 0);
                                update_usermeta($user_id, 'contest_entries', $entries_meta_array);
                                $id_in_use = true;
                                while ($id_in_use) {
                                    $lookup_array = array('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '9', 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z');
                                    /* Define character set */
                                    $referral_id = '';
                                    while (strlen($referral_id) < 5) {
                                        // Build a random string
                                        $lookup_index = rand(0, count($lookup_array) - 1);
                                        // Pick a random character
                                        $referral_id .= $lookup_array[$lookup_index];
                                        // Add the character to the string
                                    // Look for users already using suggested referral id
                                    $referral_id_query_args = array('role' => 'promo-' . $promotion_name, 'meta_key' => 'referral_id', 'meta_value' => $referral_id);
                                    // Execute search for referral id
                                    $referral_id_query = new WP_User_Query($referral_id_query_args);
                                    // Check if match was found
                                    if ($referral_id_query->total_users < 1) {
                                        $id_in_use = false;
                                        // Exit loop when match is not found
                                update_usermeta($user_id, 'referral_id', $referral_id);
                                // Assign referral id to user
                                $return_array['referral_id'] = $referral_id;
                                // Pass referral id back with AJAX response
                                // FOR CAMPAIGNS WITH NO EMAIL CAPTURE
                                // OTHERWISE DONE WITH CONFIRMATION LINKS
                                if (!$email_capture) {
                                    // If referral, credit the conversion to the referrer account
                                    if ($provided_referral_id) {
                                        // Look for user with given referral id
                                        $referral_id_query_args = array('role' => 'promo-' . $promotion_name, 'meta_key' => 'referral_id', 'meta_value' => $provided_referral_id);
                                        // Execute search for referral id
                                        $referral_id_query = new WP_User_Query($referral_id_query_args);
                                        // If user with given referral id is found, then credit their account with the conversion
                                        if ($referral_id_query->total_users == "1") {
                                            $user_list = $referral_id_query->get_results();
                                            // Get the query results
                                            $referring_user_id = $user_list[0]->ID;
                                            // Get the user ID
                                            $current_contest_entries = get_user_meta($referring_user_id, 'contest_entries', true);
                                            // Get the current meta value
                                            // Perform the meta update
                                            update_usermeta($referring_user_id, 'contest_entries', $current_contest_entries);
                                } else {
                                    $confirm_hash_value = md5(microtime(true) . $referral_id);
                                    // Create a hash for the user
                                    update_usermeta($user_id, 'confirm_hash', $confirm_hash_value);
                                    // Assign confirmation hash to user
                                    update_usermeta($user_id, 'referred_by', $provided_referral_id);
                                    // Mark referrer to user, if any
                                    update_usermeta($user_id, 'confirmed_account', false);
                                    // Mark account as unconfirmed
                                $return_array['message'] = 'Successfully added new subscriber account';
                    } else {
                        $return_array['error'] = 'There was a problem processing your request';
                        // Bad promotion name
                } else {
                    // Attempt to register user
                    // Default values for registration
                    $default_registration_values = array('user_pass' => $user_password, 'user_login' => $user_email, 'user_nicename' => '', 'user_url' => '', 'user_email' => $user_email, 'display_name' => '', 'nickname' => '', 'first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'description' => '', 'rich_editing' => '', 'user_registered' => '', 'role' => 'subscriber', 'jabber' => '', 'aim' => '', 'yim' => '');
                    // Merge above defaults with supplied values
                    $registration_args = wp_parse_args($user_information, $default_registration_values);
                    // Gets rid of unused values contained in user_information array such as user_password_confirm
                    $registration_args = array_intersect_key($registration_args, $default_registration_values);
                    // Use values to attempt a subscriber registration
                    $registration_attempt = wp_insert_user($registration_args);
                    // If registration failed with a WP error, report the error
                    if (is_wp_error($registration_attempt)) {
                        $return_array['error'] = 'There was a problem creating a subscriber account';
                    } else {
                        $return_array['message'] = 'Successfully added new subscriber account';
            } else {
                $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'A valid email address is required';
                // Have field highlighted on front-end
                $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email';
                // Highlight email confirmation field if present in form
                if ($user_email_confirm_in_form) {
                    $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email_confirm';
        } else {
            if ($user_registration) {
                // If password was too short and has not already been reported
                if (strlen($user_password) < $password_required_length && !in_array('user_password', $return_array['invalid'])) {
                    // Report and have highlighted in front end
                    $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_password';
                    // If password confirmation field is present in form, also have that field reported and highlighted if not already reported
                    if ($user_password_confirm_in_form && !in_array('user_password_confirm', $return_array['invalid'])) {
                        $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_password_confirm';
                $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'Missing required information for registration.';
                // May be password length, password matching, or email matching
        // Try to capture email if email capture was enabled
        if ($email_capture) {
            // Check to see if values were blank -- uses originally passed values to differentiate from validation errors
            if (!empty($form_data['user_information']['user_email']) && !empty($form_data['request_details']['list_id']) && $user_email_matches) {
                // Continue processing if email and list_id passed validation
                if ($user_email && $list_id) {
                    // Set Opt-in-Source Fallback
                    if (empty($opt_in_source)) {
                        $opt_in_source = 'None';
                    // Define contacts to subscribe
                    $contacts = array(array('email' => $user_email, 'first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name));
                    // Add entry code for promotion contestants
                    if ($user_registration && $is_promotion && $promotion_name && !empty($referral_id)) {
                        $underscored_slug = str_replace('-', '_', $promotion_name);
                        $contacts[0][$underscored_slug . '_entry_code'] = $referral_id;
                        // Set user's own personal entry code ( referral id )
                        $contacts[0]['confirm_hash'] = $confirm_hash_value;
                        // Set hash value for user's account
                    // Push new contact to list
                    $add_contact_results = $c->List_Import_Contacts($list_id, $opt_in_source, $contacts);
                    $remote_confirm_hash = $c->Contact_Get($user_email, array('customFields' => array('confirm_hash')));
                    $remote_confirm_hash = $remote_confirm_hash[$user_email]['customFields']['confirm_hash'];
                    // If contact previously was added to contact list and needs its confirm hash to change, update it
                    if ($remote_confirm_hash != $confirm_hash_value) {
                        $contact_update_results = $c->Contact_Update($user_email, array('confirm_hash' => $confirm_hash_value));
                    // DEBUG BLOCK: force update of custom fields (i.e., testing user has entry code that should be overwritten)
                    //$contact_update_results = $c->Contact_Update( $user_email, array( /* Custom field values */
                    //	$underscored_slug . '_entry_code' => $referral_id,
                    //	'confirm_hash' => $confirm_hash_value )
                    // Add to group if group-id sent
                    if (array_key_exists('group_id', $form_data['request_details']) && !empty($group_id)) {
                        $add_to_group_results = $c->Group_Add_Contact($group_id, $user_email);
                    $return_array['message'] = 'Thanks for subscribing!';
                } else {
                    $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'A valid email address is required.';
                    // Report validation error if not done previously somewhere else
                    if (!in_array('user_email', $return_array['invalid'])) {
                        $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email';
                        // Report and highlight email confirmation field as well if was present in form
                        if ($user_email_confirm_in_form) {
                            $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email_confirm';
            } else {
                $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'There was a problem processing your request';
                // Report user email as validation error and highlight if not already reported
                if (!in_array('user_email', $return_array['invalid'])) {
                    $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email';
                    // Report and highlight email confirmation field if included in form
                    if ($user_email_confirm_in_form) {
                        $return_array['invalid'][] = 'user_email_confirm';
    // Give JSON response and die for AJAX requests
    if (empty($request)) {
        // Convert result to JSON
        $return_json = json_encode($return_array);
        // Print out JSON Response
        echo $return_json;
        // this is required to return a proper result
 * AJAX handler for Social Media Account Binding
function tdr_bind_social_media_accounts()
    	**** YOUR FORM ****
    		data-tdr-promotion-name="STRING_PROMOTION_SLUG" // The slug for the promotion
    		data-tdr-promotion-referrer="STRING_REFERRAL_ID" // The referral code for the contest
    	*** YOUR FORM BUTTON ***
    		<button> with type="submit" class="tdr_bind_social_media_accounts"
        *** AJAX SUBMISSION events ***
    		.tdr_bind_social_media_working // Shows while the form submission is performed via AJAX
    		.tdr_bind_social_media_accounts // The <button> hidden during form submission via AJAX
    		successful promotion entries trigger a jQuery event 'tdr_bind_social_media_success' on the FORM element
    	*** INPUT TAGS ***
    		wrap input tags in containers with control-group class // allows for validation errors
    	Success and Failure divs as siblings (outside of) form tag
    		* (Display: none)
    // Setup request return info for client callback
    $return_array = array('message' => '', 'error' => '', 'invalid_message' => '', 'invalid' => array());
    // Parse Data into associative array from JSON
    $form_data = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']), true);
    // Fail & return error if parsing problem
    if (empty($form_data)) {
        $return_array['error'] = 'There was a problem processing your request';
        // parsed JSON was empty
    } else {
        // Decode user information
        $form_data['user_information'] = array_map('urldecode', $form_data['user_information']);
        // Filter and sanitize form data
        $promotion_name = sanitize_title($form_data['request_details']['promotion_name']);
        $provided_referral_id = filter_var($form_data['request_details']['referrer_id'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
        // Escape HTML from received data
        $user_information = array_map('esc_html', $form_data['user_information']);
        // Check for required form data -- IF promotion name and referral id are present, go ahead
        if (!emtpy($promotion_name) && !empty($provided_referral_id)) {
            $promotion_object = new tdr_promotions();
            // Validate promotion name matches a real campaign -- so meta update filter below only gets valid promotions
            if (!empty($promotion_name) && $promotion_object->get_the_raw_promotion_by_slug($promotion_name)) {
                $filter_update_meta_result = false;
                // Allow social media meta to be defined on a promotion-by-promotion basis
                $filter_update_meta_result = apply_filters('tdr_promotions_create_user', $filter_update_meta_result, $promotion_name, $provided_referral_id, $form_data['user_information']);
                // If filter not used or unsuccessful, use standard rules for twitter/facebook/google+
                if (!$user_registration_result) {
                    // Query for the user
                    $referral_id_query_args = array('role' => 'promo-' . $promotion_name, 'meta_key' => 'referral_id', 'meta_value' => $provided_referral_id);
                    // Execute search for referral id
                    $referral_id_query = new WP_User_Query($referral_id_query_args);
                    // Check if match was found
                    if ($referral_id_query->total_users == "1") {
                        $user_list = $referral_id_query->get_results();
                        // Get the query results
                        $user_id = $user_list[0]->ID;
                        // Get the user ID
                        // Perform the meta update for expected fields that are defined
                        $social_media_fields = array('facebook_id' => 'facebook_id', 'google_plus' => 'google_plus', 'twitter_handle' => 'twitter_handle');
                        foreach ($social_media_fields as $field_name => $meta_key_name) {
                            if (array_key_exists($field_name, $user_information)) {
                                // Field was in form
                                update_usermeta($user_id, $meta_key_name, $user_information[$field_name]);
                    $return_array['message'] = 'Successfully associated social media account(s) with contestant account';
            } else {
                $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'There was a problem processing your request';
                // Bad promotion name
                $return_array['error'] = true;
                // Client only checks to see if error is not false
        } else {
            // Referral id may be user-submitted. Add to invalid fields list if was empty
            if (empty($provided_referral_id)) {
                // Report and have highlighted in front end
                $return_array['invalid'][] = 'referrer_id';
            $return_array['invalid_message'] = 'Missing required information for registration.';
            // May be referral id or promotion name
            // Promotion name is never meant to be user defined -- just returning na error is important
            // Either field being wrong throws an error:
            $return_array['error'] = true;
            // Client only checks to see if error is not false
    // Convert result to JSON
    $return_json = json_encode($return_array);
    // Print out JSON Response
    echo $return_json;
    // this is required to return a proper result