<div class="td-meta-box-row">
            <span class="td-page-o-custom-label">
                Post template:
                        <h3>Post templates:</h3>
                        <p>When this is set to "From panel" the theme will load the template that is set in the panel.</p>
                            <li><strong>If set, this setting overrides</strong> the Theme panel setting from <i>Post settings > Default post template</i></li>
                    ', 'right');
            <div class="td-inline-block-wrap">
echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_post_theme_settings', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_post_template', 'values' => td_api_single_template::_helper_td_global_list_to_metaboxes(), 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_post_template')));

        <!-- primary category -->
        <div class="td-meta-box-row">
            <span class="td-page-o-custom-label">
                Primary category:
                        <h3>Primary category explained:</h3>
                        <p>In ' . TD_THEME_NAME . ' theme each post has a <i>Primary category</i> and all the settings from that category will be trasfered to the post. The Primary category will
                        also be used as a category label that appears on the thumbs and the category breadcrumb</p>