Example #1
     echo '[{"text" : "' . $texte . '</table>" , "pdf" : "' . $textPdf . '"}]';
      * CASE generating the pdf of items to rennew
  * CASE generating the pdf of items to rennew
 case "generate_renewal_pdf":
     //Prepare the PDF file
     include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Pdf/Tfpdf/tfpdf.class.php';
     $pdf = new tFPDF();
     //Add font for utf-8
     $pdf->AddFont('DejaVu', '', 'DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf', true);
     $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu', '', 16);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $LANG['renewal_needed_pdf_title'], 0, 1, 'C', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu', '', 12);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $LANG['pdf_del_date'] . date($_SESSION['settings']['date_format'] . " " . $_SESSION['settings']['time_format'], time()), 0, 1, 'C', false);
     $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu', '', 10);
     $pdf->SetFillColor(192, 192, 192);
     $pdf->cell(70, 6, $LANG['label'], 1, 0, "C", 1);
     $pdf->cell(25, 6, $LANG['creation_date'], 1, 0, "C", 1);
     $pdf->cell(25, 6, $LANG['expiration_date'], 1, 0, "C", 1);
     $pdf->cell(45, 6, $LANG['group'], 1, 0, "C", 1);
     $pdf->cell(25, 6, $LANG['author'], 1, 1, "C", 1);
     $pdf->SetFont('DejaVu', '', 9);
     foreach (explode('@|@', addslashes($_POST['text'])) as $line) {
         $elem = explode('@;@', $line);
         if (!empty($elem[0])) {
Example #2
  * Static ! not sure why!?
 static function construct($svg, $data = array())
     if (is_object($data)) {
         $data = (array) $data;
     $t = new XML_SvgToPDF();
     $t->language = @$data['language'];
     $x = new XML_Tree_Morph( 
                    'debug' => 0,
                    'filter' => array(
                        'svg'    => array(&$t, 'buildObject'),
                        'image'    => array(&$t, 'buildObject'),
                        'text'    => array(&$t, 'buildObject'),
                        'tspan'   => array(&$t, 'buildObject'),
                        'rect'   => array(&$t, 'buildObject'),
                        'g'   =>  array(&$t, 'buildObject'),
                        'path'   =>  array(&$t, 'buildObject'),
                        'sodipodi:namedview' =>  array(&$t, 'buildNull'),
                        'defs' =>  array(&$t, 'buildNull'),
     $tree = $x->getTreeFromFile();
     $tree = $t->buildobject($tree);
     //echo "<PRE>";
     $tree = $t->parseSvg($svg);
     //echo "<PRE>";print_r($tree);exit;
     //echo "<PRE>";print_r($tree);exit;
     $orientation = preg_replace('/[^0-9.]+/', '', $tree->width) * 1 > preg_replace('/[^0-9.]+/', '', $tree->height) * 1 ? 'L' : 'P';
     $GLOBALS['_XML_SVGTOPDF']['options']['file'] = $svg;
     if (@$data['language'] == 'big5') {
         //die("trying chinese");
         require_once 'Fpdf/tFPDF.php';
         $pdf = new tFPDF($orientation, 'mm', 'A4');
         // we originally used ARIALUNI.ttf'
         $font = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf';
         if (!file_exists('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf')) {
             die("install msttcorefonts package");
         $pdf->AddFont('ARIALUNI', '', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial.ttf', true);
         $pdf->AddFont('ARIALUNI', 'B', '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/Arial_Bold.ttf', true);
         //            $pdf->SetFont('ARIALUNI','',14);
         //            require_once 'Fpdf/Chinese-unicode.php';
         //            $pdf=new PDF_Unicode($orientation ,'mm','A4');
         ////            $pdf->AddGBFont();
         ////            $pdf->AddBig5Font();
         //            $pdf->AddUniCNSFont('Uni');
     } else {
         $pdf = new tFPDF($orientation, 'mm', 'A4');
     // convert data to array.
     if (is_object($data)) {
         $data = (array) $data;
     // assoc. array of key => no of fields per page.
     $perPage = $tree->calcPerPage();
     //list($var,$perpage) = $tree->calcPerPage();
     //if (empty($data) || !@$var || !@count($data[$var])) {
     //         print_r("<PRE>");
     //          print_r($data['transactions'][0]);
     //          $data['transactions'][0]->desc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Z';
     //           print_r($data['transactions'][0]->desc);
     // no dynamic blocks:
     if (!$perPage || empty($data)) {
         $tree->writePDF($pdf, $data);
         return $pdf;
     // build blocks of data for each page.
     $haveData = true;
     $page = 0;
     //    $originalData = $data;
     //$alldata = $data[$var];
     //  while (count($alldata))  {
     while (true == $haveData) {
         $page_data = $data;
         $haveData = false;
         // replaces the properties that have 'page data'
         foreach ($perPage as $k => $v) {
             if (empty($data[$k])) {
                 $page_data[$k] = array();
             $haveData = true;
             $page_data[$k] = self::fetchRows($data, $k, $v);
             //$page_data[$k] = array_splice ( $data[$k], 0,$v);
         if ($page && !$haveData) {
         $t->debug("<B>PAGE {$page}<B>");
         $tree->writePDF($pdf, $page_data);
     return $pdf;