public function exec($params = null) { $special_remind_mdl = app::get('starbuy')->model('special_remind'); $special = $special_remind_mdl->getList("*", array('remind_time|sthan' => time())); if ($special) { foreach ($special as $key => $val) { if ($val['member_id' == 0] && $val['remind_way'] == "msgbox") { continue; } if ($val['remind_way'] == "email" || $val['remind_way'] == "msgbox") { $val['goodsurl'] = app::get('site')->router()->gen_url(array('app' => 'starbuy', 'ctl' => 'site_team', 'act' => 'index', 'arg0' => $val['product_id'], 'full' => true)); } $sdf[$val['remind_way']][] = $val; } foreach ($sdf as $key => $value) { if ($key == "email") { $class = "starbuy_tasks_sendemail"; system_queue::instance()->publish($class, $class, $value); } elseif ($key == "sms") { $class = "starbuy_tasks_sendsms"; system_queue::instance()->publish($class, $class, $value); } elseif ($key == "msgbox") { $class = "starbuy_tasks_sendmsg"; system_queue::instance()->publish($class, $class, $value); } app::get('starbuy')->model('special_remind')->delete($value); } } }
function retry($task_id) { $this->begin(); $queue_controller_name = system_queue::get_controller_name(); $support_queue_controller_name = 'system_queue_adapter_mysql'; if ($queue_controller_name == $support_queue_controller_name) { $mdl_queue_mysql = $this->app->model('queue_mysql'); $task = $mdl_queue_mysql->dump($task_id); try { $params = $task['params']; if (!is_array($params)) { $params = unserialize($params); } vmc::singleton($task['worker'])->exec($params); } catch (Exception $e) { $exception_msg = $e->getTrace() . $e->getMessage(); $mdl_queue_mysql->update(array('exception_msg' => $exception_msg), array('id' => $tatask_id)); $this->end(false, '出现异常!'); } $mdl_queue_mysql->delete(array('id' => $task_id)); $this->end(true, '重试成功!'); } else { $this->end(fase, '暂不支持'); } }
public static function instance() { if (!isset(self::$__instance)) { self::$__instance = new system_queue(); } return self::$__instance; }
function column_control($row) { $queue_controller_name = system_queue::get_controller_name(); $support_queue_controller_name = 'system_queue_adapter_mysql'; if ($queue_controller_name == $support_queue_controller_name) { return "<a target='_command' class='btn btn-xs btn-default' href='index.php?app=system&ctl=admin_queue&act=retry&p[0]=" . $row['id'] . "'>手动执行</a>"; } else { return ""; } }
function post_update($params) { $dbver = $params['dbver']; if (version_compare($dbver, '0.4', '<')) { if (system_queue::write_config()) { logger::info('Writing queue config file ... ok.'); } else { trigger_error('Writing queue config file fail, Please check config directory has write permission.', E_USER_ERROR); } } }
public function create_import() { #检查导入文件是否合法 $this->check_import_file(); #将导入文件上传到服务器 $data = $this->push_file($_POST); $queue_params = array('model' => $_POST['mdl'], 'filetype' => $data['filetype'], 'policy' => $this->queue_policy(), 'key' => $data['key']); system_queue::instance()->publish('importexport_tasks_runimport', 'importexport_tasks_runimport', $queue_params); app::get('importexport')->model('task')->create_task('import', $data); $echoMsg = app::get('importexport')->_('上传成功,已加入队列'); $this->import_message(true, $echoMsg); #kernel::single('importexport_tasks_runimport')->exec($queue_params); }
function index() { $params = array('title' => app::get('system')->_('队列管理')); $queue_controller_name = system_queue::get_driver_name(); $support_queue_controller_name = 'system_queue_adapter_mysql'; if ($queue_controller_name == $support_queue_controller_name) { return $this->finder('system_mdl_queue_mysql', $params); } else { $pagedata['queue_controller_name'] = $queue_controller_name; $pagedata['support_queue_controller_name'] = $support_queue_controller_name; return $this->page('system/admin/queue.html', $pagedata); } }
public function create_export() { $filter = unserialize($_POST['filter']); $params = unserialize($_POST['params']); if (isset($filter['isSelectedAll']) && $filter['isSelectedAll'] == '_ALL_') { $filter = $this->view_filter($filter, $params); } $_POST['key'] = $this->gen_key(); $queue_params = array('filter' => $filter, 'app_id' => $params['app'], 'model' => $params['mdl'], 'filetype' => $_POST['filetype'], 'policy' => $this->queue_policy(), 'key' => $_POST['key']); system_queue::instance()->publish('importexport_tasks_runexport', 'importexport_tasks_runexport', $queue_params); app::get('importexport')->model('task')->create_task('export', $_POST); //测试,直接导出数据到存储服务器,不进行队列 #kernel::single('importexport_tasks_runexport')->exec($queue_params); }
public function create_export() { $filter = unserialize($_POST['filter']); $params = unserialize($_POST['params']); $_POST['key'] = $this->gen_key(); $queue_params = array('filter' => $filter, 'app_id' => $params['app'], 'model' => $params['mdl'], 'filetype' => $_POST['filetype'], 'policy' => $this->queue_policy(), 'key' => $_POST['key']); $this->begin(); if (system_queue::instance()->publish('importexport_tasks_runexport', 'importexport_tasks_runexport', $queue_params) && app::get('importexport')->model('task')->create_task('export', $_POST)) { $this->end(true, '创建导出任务成功!'); } else { $this->end(false, '创建导入任务失败!'); } //测试,直接导出数据到存储服务器,不进行队列 #print_r($queue_params);exit; #vmc::singleton('importexport_tasks_runexport')->exec($queue_params); }
public static function trigger_all() { $cronentries = self::__get_enabled_cronentries(); ignore_user_abort(1); $now = time(); $filter = array(); foreach ($cronentries as $cron) { // var_dump(base_crontab_parser::parse($cron['schedule'], $cron['last'])); if ($now >= base_crontab_parser::parse($cron['schedule'], $cron['last'])) { //todo: base_queue::instance()->addTask() //todo: update 变更为一次性更新 $worker = $cron['id']; system_queue::instance()->publish('crontab:' . $worker, $worker); $filter['id'][] = $cron['id']; self::__log($cron['id'], $now, 'add queue ok'); } } if (!empty($filter)) { app::get('base')->model('crontab')->update(array('last' => $now), $filter); } }
function post_update($params) { $dbver = $params['dbver']; if (version_compare($dbver, '0.4', '<')) { if (system_queue::write_config()) { logger::info('Writing queue config file ... ok.'); } else { trigger_error('Writing queue config file fail, Please check config directory has write permission.', E_USER_ERROR); } } if (version_compare($dbver, '0.5', '<')) { $storeKeys = ['prismInitComplete', 'prismApiInfo', 'prismApiReady', 'prismAppInfo', 'prismUserKey', 'prismUserSecret', 'prismUserInfo', 'prismApiLog', 'prismApiReady']; foreach ($storeKeys as $key) { $data = app::get('system')->getConf($key); if ($data != null) { kernel::single('system_prism_store')->set($key, $data); app::get('system')->setConf($key, null); logger::info('clean prism setting'); } } } }
/** * 多进程执行队列 * * @param string $queue_name * @param int $max * @param string $phpExec */ public function exec($queue_name, $max, $phpExec = '') { $max = $max ? $max : 1; $time = time(); while (1) { //执行死循环 try { while ($this->threadRunning < $max && !system_queue::instance()->is_end($queue_name)) { $this->running[] = new system_queue_consumer_proc_thread($queue_name, $phpExec); usleep(200000); $this->threadRunning++; } } catch (Exception $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case 30001: logger::emerg(sprintf('ERROR:%d @ %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage)); exit; } } //检查是否已经结束 if ($this->threadRunning == 0) { break; } //等待代码执行完成 usleep(50000); $thread_close = array(); //记录线程的关闭状态 //检查已经完成的任务 foreach ($this->running as $idx => $thread) { if (!$thread->isRunning() || $thread->isOverExecuted($max)) { $thread_close[] = proc_close($thread->resource); //记录线程的关闭状态 unset($this->running[$idx]); $this->threadRunning--; } } } }
public function setUp() { ob_implicit_flush(1); $this->obj_queue = system_queue::instance(); }
public function setItemStatus() { $postData = input::get(); try { if (!($itemId = $postData['item_id'])) { $msg = app::get('topshop')->_('商品id不能为空'); return $this->splash('error', null, $msg, true); } if ($postData['type'] == 'tosale') { $shopdata = app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('shop.get', array('shop_id' => $this->shopId), 'seller'); if (empty($shopdata) || $shopdata['status'] == "dead") { $msg = app::get('topshop')->_('抱歉,您的企业处于关闭状态,不能发布(上架)商品'); return $this->splash('error', null, $msg, true); } $status = 'onsale'; $msg = app::get('topshop')->_('上架成功'); } elseif ($postData['type'] == 'tostock') { $status = 'instock'; $msg = app::get('topshop')->_('下架成功'); } else { return $this->splash('error', null, '非法操作!', true); } $params['item_id'] = intval($itemId); $params['shop_id'] = intval($this->shopId); $params['approve_status'] = $status; app::get('topshop')->rpcCall('', $params); $queue_params['item_id'] = intval($itemId); $queue_params['shop_id'] = intval($this->shopId); //发送到货通知的邮件 if ($status == "onsale") { system_queue::instance()->publish('sysitem_tasks_userItemNotify', 'sysitem_tasks_userItemNotify', $queue_params); } $url = url::action('topshop_ctl_item@itemList'); return $this->splash('success', $url, $msg, true); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->splash('error', null, $e->getMessage(), true); } }
public function send_payments() { if (!$_POST['payment_id']) { echo '{failed:"' . app::get('b2c')->_('发送支付号不存在!') . '",msg:"' . app::get('b2c')->_('发送支付号不存在!') . '"}'; exit; } $app_ectools = app::get('ectools'); $oPayment = $app_ectools->model('payments'); $subsdf = array('orders' => array('*')); $sdf_payment = $oPayment->dump($_POST['payment_id'], '*', $subsdf); /** 开始发送 **/ if (!$sdf_payment) { echo '{failed:"' . app::get('b2c')->_('发送支付单不存在!') . '",msg:"' . app::get('b2c')->_('发送支付单不存在!') . '"}'; exit; } system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_matrix_sendpayments', 'b2c_tasks_matrix_sendpayments', $sdf_payment); echo '{success:"' . app::get('b2c')->_('成功!') . '",msg:"' . app::get('b2c')->_('成功!') . '"}'; exit; }
set_time_limit(0); $root_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../'); $script_dir = $root_dir . '/script'; // 修改默认的config配置 define('LOG_LEVEL', LOG_INFO); define('LOG_TYPE', 3); define('LOG_FILE', $root_dir . '/data/logs/queue/{date}.php'); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require_once $script_dir . "/lib/runtime.php"; set_error_handler('error_handler'); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($argv[1])) { echo "Hey boy or girl, Please give me the queue name!\n"; exit; } $queue_name = $argv[1]; $queues = system_queue::instance()->get_config('queues'); if ($num = (int) $queues[$queue_name]['thread']) { system_queue_consumer::instance('proc')->exec($queue_name, $num); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function error_handler($code, $msg, $file, $line) { if ($code == ($code & (E_ERROR ^ E_USER_ERROR ^ E_USER_WARNING))) { logger::error(sprintf('ERROR:%d @ %s @ file:%s @ line:%d', $code, $msg, $file, $line)); if ($code == ($code & (E_ERROR ^ E_USER_ERROR))) { exit; } } return true; }
private static function _send($type, $tmpl, $content, $sendType, $isqueue) { if ($isqueue) { $mess = config::get('messenger.messenger'); $method = $mess[$type]['class']; $tmpl_name = 'messenger:' . $method . '/' . $tmpl; $queue_content = array('sendMethod' => $type, 'tmpl_name' => $tmpl_name, 'data' => $content, 'type' => $tmpl, 'sendType' => $sendType ? $sendType : 'notice'); return system_queue::instance()->publish('system_tasks_sendmessenger', 'system_tasks_sendmessenger', $queue_content); } else { $result = self::sendMessenger($type, $tmpl, $content); if ($result['rsp'] == "succ") { return true; } elseif ($result['rsp'] == "fail") { return false; } } }
/** * 记录平台操作日志 * * @param $lang 日志语言包 * @param $status 成功失败状态 * @param $admin_name * @param $admin_id */ protected final function adminlog($memo = '', $status = 1) { // 开启了才记录操作日志 if (ADMIN_OPERATOR_LOG !== true) { return; } $queue_params = array('admin_userid' => $this->user->get_id(), 'admin_username' => $this->user->get_login_name(), 'created_time' => time(), 'memo' => $memo, 'status' => $status ? 1 : 0, 'router' => request::fullurl(), 'ip' => request::getClientIp()); return system_queue::instance()->publish('system_tasks_adminlog', 'system_tasks_adminlog', $queue_params); }
private function __order_payment($rel_id, &$sdf, &$status = 'succ', &$msg = '') { $objMath = kernel::single('ectools_math'); $obj_orders = $this->app->model('orders'); $subsdf = array('order_objects' => array('*', array('order_items' => array('*', array(':products' => '*'))))); $sdf_order = $obj_orders->dump($rel_id, '*', $subsdf); $order_items = array(); if ($sdf_order) { if ($sdf_order['member_id']) { $obj_members = $this->app->model('members'); $arr_members = $obj_members->dump($sdf_order['member_id'], '*', array(':account@pam' => array('*'))); $this->str_op_id = $sdf_order['member_id']; $this->str_op_name = $arr_members['pam_account']['login_name']; } else { $this->str_op_id = '0'; $this->str_op_name = ''; } if ($sdf_order['pay_status'] == '1') { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('该订单已经支付,无需重新支付!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } // Order information update. if ($objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) < $sdf_order['cur_amount'] && $status != 'failed') { $pay_status = '3'; } else { if ($status == 'succ' || $status == 'progress') { if ($status == 'succ') { $pay_status = '1'; } else { $pay_status = '2'; } } else { if ($objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) > $sdf_order['cur_amount']) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('支付金额超过需要支付的总金额!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } $pay_status = '0'; } } if ($sdf['status'] != 'progress' && $objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) > $sdf_order['cur_amount']) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('支付金额超过需要支付的总金额,不能支付!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } $arrOrder = array('order_id' => $rel_id, 'payment' => $sdf['pay_app_id'], 'payed' => $objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) > $sdf_order['cur_amount'] ? $sdf_order['cur_amount'] : $objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])), 'pay_status' => $pay_status); // 支付完了,预存款 if ($sdf['pay_app_id'] == 'deposit') { $objAdvance = $this->app->model("member_advance"); $is_frontend = $this->from == 'Back' ? false : true; $status = $objAdvance->deduct($sdf_order['member_id'], $sdf['money'], app::get('b2c')->_('预存款支付订单'), $msg, $sdf['payment_id'], $rel_id, 'deposit', $sdf_order['memo'], $is_frontend); $error_Msg = $msg; if (!$status) { return false; } } else { $error_Msg = $status == 'succ' || $status === true ? app::get('b2c')->_("订单号:") . $rel_id . ' ' . $arrPayments['app_name'] . app::get('b2c')->_("支付交易号: ") . $sdf['trade_no'] . app::get('b2c')->_(",交易成功!") : app::get('b2c')->_("订单号:") . $rel_id . ' ' . $arrPayments['app_name'] . app::get('b2c')->_("支付交易失败!"); } $is_save = $obj_orders->update($arrOrder, array('order_id' => $rel_id)); if (!$is_save) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('订单支付状态保存失败!'); return false; } if (!$obj_orders->db->affect_row()) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('订单重复支付!'); return false; } $errorMsg[] = $error_Msg; // 为会员添加积分 if (isset($sdf_order['member_id']) && $sdf_order['member_id'] && $arrOrder['payed'] == $sdf_order['cur_amount']) { $arr_orders = $obj_orders->getList('*', array('order_id' => $rel_id)); $arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] = '1'; $is_change_point = true; // 扣除积分,使用积分 $obj_reducte_point = kernel::service('b2c_member_point_reducte'); $operator = $this->from == 'Back' ? $sdf['op_id'] : $sdf_order['member_id']; $policy_stage = $this->app->getConf("site.consume_point.stage"); if ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $arr_orders[0]['ship_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '2') { $stage = '1'; } elseif ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '1') { $stage = '1'; } else { $stage = '0'; } /** end **/ if ($stage) { $is_change_point = $obj_reducte_point->change_point($sdf_order['member_id'], 0 - intval($sdf_order['score_u']), $msg, 'order_pay_use', 1, $stage, $rel_id, $operator); } if (!$is_change_point) { $status = 'failed'; return false; } $policy_stage = $this->app->getConf("site.get_policy.stage"); if ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $arr_orders[0]['ship_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '2') { $stage = '1'; } elseif ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '1') { $stage = '1'; } else { $stage = '0'; } // 获得积分 $obj_add_point = kernel::service('b2c_member_point_add'); if ($stage) { $obj_add_point->change_point($sdf_order['member_id'], intval($sdf_order['score_g']), $msg, 'order_pay_get', 2, $stage, $rel_id, $operator); } // 增加经验值 $obj_member = $this->app->model('members'); $obj_member->change_exp($sdf_order['member_id'], floor($sdf_order['cur_amount'])); } if ($pay_status == '1') { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'PAY_FINISH'; } else { if ($pay_status == '2') { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'PAY_TO_MEDIUM'; } else { if ($pay_status == '3') { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'PAY_PART'; } else { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'FAILED'; } } } $sdf['order_id'] = $rel_id; // 冻结库存 if ($arrOrder['payed'] == $sdf_order['cur_amount']) { $this->app->setConf('system.goods.freez.time', '2'); $store_mark = $this->app->getConf('system.goods.freez.time'); // 所有的goods type 处理的服务的初始化. $arr_service_goods_type_obj = array(); $arr_service_goods_type = kernel::servicelist('order_goodstype_operation'); foreach ($arr_service_goods_type as $obj_service_goods_type) { $goods_types = $obj_service_goods_type->get_goods_type(); $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$goods_types] = $obj_service_goods_type; } $arr_common_type = array('goods', 'gift'); //门店自提 不检测库存,webpos不检测库存 if ($store_mark == '2' && !in_array($sdf_order['shipping']['shipping_name'], NOFREEZ_SHIPPING_TYPE) && $sdf_order['branch_id'] == 0) { $objGoods = $this->app->model('goods'); if ($sdf_order['order_objects']) { foreach ($sdf_order['order_objects'] as $k => $v) { if (in_array($v['obj_type'], $arr_common_type)) { $order_items = array_merge($order_items, $v['order_items']); } else { // 扩展区块的商品预占库存处理 $str_service_goods_type_obj = $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$v['obj_type']]; $is_freeze = $str_service_goods_type_obj->freezeGoods($v); if (!$is_freeze) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('商品库存不足!'); return false; } } } } // 判断是否已经发过货. if ($sdf_order['ship_status'] == '1' || $sdf_order['ship_status'] == '2') { foreach ($order_items as $key => $dinfo) { if ($dinfo['products']['sendnum'] < $dinfo['products']['nums']) { $semds = $objMath->number_plus(array($dinfo['nums'], $dinfo['sendnum'])); if ($semds > 0) { $arr_params = array('goods_id' => $dinfo['goods_id'], 'product_id' => $dinfo['products']['product_id'], 'quantity' => $semds); if ($dinfo['item_type'] == 'product') { $dinfo['item_type'] = 'goods'; } $str_service_goods_type_obj = $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$dinfo['item_type']]; $is_freeze = $str_service_goods_type_obj->freezeGoods($arr_params); if (!$is_freeze) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('商品库存不足!'); return false; } } } } } else { foreach ($order_items as $key => $dinfo) { $arr_params = array('goods_id' => $dinfo['goods_id'], 'product_id' => $dinfo['products']['product_id'], 'quantity' => $dinfo['quantity']); if ($dinfo['item_type'] == 'product') { $dinfo['item_type'] = 'goods'; } $str_service_goods_type_obj = $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$dinfo['item_type']]; $is_freeze = $str_service_goods_type_obj->freezeGoods($arr_params); if (!$is_freeze) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('商品库存不足!'); return false; } } } } //支付,处理其他app自身业务逻辑 $arr_service_pay = kernel::servicelist("order_pay_operation"); foreach ((array) $arr_service_pay as $obj_service_order_pay) { if (method_exists($obj_service_order_pay, "check_order_info")) { if (!$obj_service_order_pay->check_order_info($sdf_order, $message)) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = $message; return false; } } } } // 与中心交互 $is_need_rpc = false; $obj_rpc_obj_rpc_request_service = kernel::servicelist('b2c.rpc_notify_request'); foreach ($obj_rpc_obj_rpc_request_service as $obj) { if ($obj && method_exists($obj, 'rpc_judge_send')) { if ($obj instanceof b2c_api_rpc_notify_interface) { $is_need_rpc = $obj->rpc_judge_send($sdf_order); } } if ($is_need_rpc) { break; } } //if (app::get('b2c')->getConf('site.order.send_type') == 'false'&&$is_need_rpc){ if ($is_need_rpc) { system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_matrix_sendpayments', 'b2c_tasks_matrix_sendpayments', $sdf); // $obj_apiv = kernel::single('b2c_apiv_exchanges_request'); // $obj_apiv->rpc_caller_request($sdf, 'orderpay'); } $aUpdate['order_id'] = $rel_id; $aUpdate['paytime'] = date('Y-m-d', time()); $aUpdate['money'] = $sdf['cur_money']; $aUpdate['email'] = !$sdf_order['member_id'] ? $sdf_order['consignee']['email'] : $arr_members['contact']['email']; $aUpdate['pay_status'] = $sdf['pay_status']; $aUpdate['is_frontend'] = $this->from == 'Back' ? false : true; $aUpdate['pay_account'] = $arr_members['pam_account']['login_name']; $obj_orders->fireEvent("payed", $aUpdate, $sdf_order['member_id']); if ($sdf['pay_app_id'] == 'deposit' && $is_save && $sdf['money'] != '0.00') { //计算精度 bcscale(2); $member_id = $sdf_order['member_id']; // @author francis $member = kernel::database()->select("SELECT login_account FROM sdb_pam_members WHERE member_id={$member_id} AND login_type='mobile'"); $deposit = app::get('b2c')->model('members')->getList('advance', array('member_id' => $member_id)); if ($mobile = $member[0]['login_account']) { $data = array('passport_id' => substr($member[0]['login_account'], -4), 'time' => date('Y年m月d日H时i分', time()), 'cost' => sprintf("%.2f", $sdf['money']), 'deposit' => sprintf("%.2f", $deposit[0]['advance'])); $sender = 'b2c_messenger_sms'; $tmpl = 'deposit-change'; $tmpl_name = 'messenger:b2c_messenger_sms/' . $tmpl; $messengerModel = $this->app->model('member_messenger'); $messengerModel->addQueue($sender, $tmpl_name, (string) $mobile, $data, $tmpl, $sendType); } //发送微信消息推送 bySam 20150611 $openid = kernel::database()->select("SELECT open_id from sdb_pam_bind_tag where member_id = {$member_id} "); if (isset($openid[0]['open_id'])) { $openid = $openid[0]['open_id']; $deposit = app::get('b2c')->model('members')->getList('advance', array('member_id' => $member_id)); $data = array('passport_id' => substr($openid, -4), 'time' => date('Y年m月d日H时i分', time()), 'cost' => sprintf("%.2f", $sdf['money']), 'deposit' => sprintf("%.2f", $deposit[0]['advance'])); $weixin_message = "尊敬的客户,您的品珍钱包(预存款) 于{$data['time']}发生支付交易,支出人民币{$data['cost']}元,当前账户余额{$data['deposit']}元。【品珍鲜活】"; $bind = app::get('weixin')->model('bind')->getRow('id', array('eid' => '247644', 'status' => 'active')); $accesstoken = kernel::single('weixin_wechat')->get_basic_accesstoken($bind['id']); $weixin_push_post_url = "{$accesstoken}"; $weixin_push_post_data = array("touser" => $openid, "template_id" => "5C1fzNzlIqH4yjinmta-6S4nM19ujGN9EoWMPVh-lm4", "data" => array("first" => array("value" => $weixin_message, "color" => "#173177"), "tradeType" => array("value" => "预存款消费", "color" => "#173177"), "tradeDateTime" => array("value" => $data['time']), "curAmount" => array("value" => '¥' . $data['cost'] . '元'))); $weixin_push_post_data = json_encode($weixin_push_post_data); $httpclient = kernel::single('base_httpclient'); $response = $httpclient->set_timeout(6)->post($weixin_push_post_url, $weixin_push_post_data); } // end } } else { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('需要支付的订单号不存在!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } }
/** * 重新生成图片入口 * @param nulll * @return string html js刷新finder */ function rebuild() { $ui = new base_component_ui($this); if ($_POST['size']) { parse_str($_POST['filter'], $filter); $params = array('filter' => $filter, 'watermark' => $_POST['watermark'], 'size' => $_POST['size'], 'queue_time' => time()); system_queue::instance()->publish('image_tasks_imagerebuild', 'image_tasks_imagerebuild', $params); header('Content-Type:text/jcmd; charset=utf-8'); echo '{success:"' . app::get('image')->_('执行成功') . '"}'; } else { $html .= $ui->form_start(array('id' => 'rebuild_form', 'method' => 'post')); $size = array('L' => app::get('image')->_('大图'), 'M' => app::get('image')->_('中图'), 'S' => app::get('image')->_('小图')); foreach ($size as $k => $v) { $html .= $ui->form_input(array('title' => app::get('image')->_('生成') . $v, 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'size[]', 'value' => $k, 'checked' => 'checked')); } $html .= '<tr><td colspan="2" style="height:1px;background:#ccc;overflow:hidden;padding:0"></td><tr>'; $filter = $_POST; unset($filter['_finder']); $filter = htmlspecialchars(utils::http_build_query($filter)); $html .= $ui->form_input(array('title' => app::get('image')->_('使用水印'), 'type' => 'bool', 'name' => 'watermark', 'value' => 1)); $html .= '<tr><td><input type="hidden" name="filter" value="' . $filter . '" /></td></tr>'; $html .= $ui->form_end(); echo $html; echo <<<EOF <script> \$('rebuild_form').store('target',{ \t\tonComplete:function(){ \t\t\t\t \$('rebuild_form').getParent('.dialog').retrieve('instance').close(); \t\t} }); </script> EOF; } }
function insert_queue() { #$this->begin('index.php?app=b2c&ctl=admin_member&act=index'); $this->begin(); $aEmail = json_decode($_POST['aEmail']); $service = kernel::service("b2c.messenger.email_content"); if (is_object($service)) { if (method_exists($service, 'get_content')) { $_POST['content'] = $service->get_content($_POST['content']); } } $content = trim($_POST['content'], ' '); if (empty($content)) { $this->end(false, app::get('b2c')->_('邮件内容不能为空!')); } foreach ($aEmail as $key => $val) { $params = array('acceptor' => $val, 'body' => $_POST['content'], 'title' => $_POST['title']); if (!system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_sendemail', 'b2c_tasks_sendemail', $params)) { $this->end(false, app::get('b2c')->_('操作失败!')); } } $this->end(true, app::get('b2c')->_('操作成功!')); }
public function setUp() { $this->obj_queue = system_queue::instance(); }
private function __order_payment($rel_id, &$sdf, &$status = 'succ', &$msg = '') { $objMath = kernel::single('ectools_math'); $obj_orders = $this->app->model('orders'); $subsdf = array('order_objects' => array('*', array('order_items' => array('*', array(':products' => '*'))))); $sdf_order = $obj_orders->dump($rel_id, '*', $subsdf); $order_items = array(); if ($sdf_order) { if ($sdf_order['member_id']) { $arr_members = kernel::single('b2c_user_object')->get_pam_data('*', $sdf_order['member_id']); if (isset($arr_members['local'])) { $login_name = $arr_members['local']; } elseif (isset($arr_members['email'])) { $login_name = $arr_members['email']; } else { $login_name = $arr_members['mobile']; } $this->str_op_id = $sdf_order['member_id']; $this->str_op_name = $login_name; } else { $this->str_op_id = '0'; $this->str_op_name = ''; } if ($sdf_order['pay_status'] == '1') { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('该订单已经支付,无需重新支付!'); $status = 'succ'; return true; } else { if ($sdf_order['pay_status'] == '2' && $status == "progress") { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('该订单已经支付担保方!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } } // Order information update. if ($objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) < $sdf_order['cur_amount'] && $status != 'failed') { $pay_status = '3'; } else { if ($status == 'succ' || $status == 'progress') { if ($status == 'succ') { $pay_status = '1'; } else { $pay_status = '2'; } } else { if ($objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) > $sdf_order['cur_amount']) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('支付金额超过需要支付的总金额!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } $pay_status = '0'; } } if ($sdf['status'] != 'progress' && $objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) > $sdf_order['cur_amount']) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('支付金额超过需要支付的总金额,不能支付!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } $arrOrder = array('order_id' => $rel_id, 'payment' => $sdf['pay_app_id'], 'payed' => $objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])) > $sdf_order['cur_amount'] ? $sdf_order['cur_amount'] : $objMath->number_plus(array($sdf_order['payed'], $sdf['cur_money'])), 'pay_status' => $pay_status); // 支付完了,预存款 if ($sdf['pay_app_id'] == 'deposit') { $objAdvance = $this->app->model("member_advance"); $is_frontend = $this->from == 'Back' ? false : true; $status = $objAdvance->deduct($sdf_order['member_id'], $sdf['money'], app::get('b2c')->_('预存款支付订单'), $msg, $sdf['payment_id'], $rel_id, 'deposit', $sdf_order['memo'], $is_frontend); $error_Msg = $msg; if (!$status) { return false; } } else { $error_Msg = $status == 'succ' || $status === true ? app::get('b2c')->_("订单号:") . $rel_id . ' ' . $arrPayments['app_name'] . app::get('b2c')->_("支付交易号: ") . $sdf['trade_no'] . app::get('b2c')->_(",交易成功!") : app::get('b2c')->_("订单号:") . $rel_id . ' ' . $arrPayments['app_name'] . app::get('b2c')->_("支付交易失败!"); } $is_save = $obj_orders->update($arrOrder, array('order_id' => $rel_id)); if (!$is_save) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('订单支付状态保存失败!'); return false; } if (!$obj_orders->db->affect_row()) { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('订单重复支付!'); return false; } $errorMsg[] = $error_Msg; // 为会员添加积分 if (isset($sdf_order['member_id']) && $sdf_order['member_id'] && $arrOrder['payed'] == $sdf_order['cur_amount'] && $pay_status == 1) { $arr_orders = $obj_orders->getList('*', array('order_id' => $rel_id)); $arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] = '1'; $is_change_point = true; // 扣除积分,使用积分 $obj_reducte_point = kernel::service('b2c_member_point_reducte'); $operator = $this->from == 'Back' ? $sdf['op_id'] : $sdf_order['member_id']; $policy_stage = $this->app->getConf("site.consume_point.stage"); if ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $arr_orders[0]['ship_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '2') { $stage = '1'; } elseif ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '1') { $stage = '1'; } else { $stage = '0'; } /** end **/ if ($stage) { $is_change_point = $obj_reducte_point->change_point($sdf_order['member_id'], 0 - intval($sdf_order['score_u']), $msg, 'order_pay_use', 1, $stage, $rel_id, $operator); } if (!$is_change_point) { $status = 'failed'; return false; } $policy_stage = $this->app->getConf("site.get_policy.stage"); if ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $arr_orders[0]['ship_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '2') { $stage = '1'; } elseif ($arr_orders[0]['pay_status'] == '1' && $policy_stage == '1') { $stage = '1'; } else { $stage = '0'; } // 获得积分 $obj_add_point = kernel::service('b2c_member_point_add'); if ($stage) { $obj_add_point->change_point($sdf_order['member_id'], intval($sdf_order['score_g']), $msg, 'order_pay_get', 2, $stage, $rel_id, $operator); } // 增加经验值 $obj_member = $this->app->model('members'); if ($status == "succ") { $obj_member->change_exp($sdf_order['member_id'], floor($sdf_order['cur_amount'])); } } if ($pay_status == '1') { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'PAY_FINISH'; } else { if ($pay_status == '2') { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'PAY_TO_MEDIUM'; } else { if ($pay_status == '3') { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'PAY_PART'; } else { $sdf['pay_status'] = 'FAILED'; } } } $sdf['order_id'] = $rel_id; // 冻结库存 if ($arrOrder['payed'] == $sdf_order['cur_amount']) { $store_mark = $this->app->getConf('system.goods.freez.time'); // 所有的goods type 处理的服务的初始化. $arr_service_goods_type_obj = array(); $arr_service_goods_type = kernel::servicelist('order_goodstype_operation'); foreach ($arr_service_goods_type as $obj_service_goods_type) { $goods_types = $obj_service_goods_type->get_goods_type(); $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$goods_types] = $obj_service_goods_type; } $arr_common_type = array('goods', 'gift'); if ($store_mark == '2') { $objGoods = $this->app->model('goods'); if ($sdf_order['order_objects']) { foreach ($sdf_order['order_objects'] as $k => $v) { if (in_array($v['obj_type'], $arr_common_type)) { $order_items = array_merge($order_items, $v['order_items']); } else { // 扩展区块的商品预占库存处理 $str_service_goods_type_obj = $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$v['obj_type']]; $is_freeze = $str_service_goods_type_obj->freezeGoods($v); if (!$is_freeze) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('商品库存不足!'); return false; } } } } // 判断是否已经发过货. if ($sdf_order['ship_status'] == '1' || $sdf_order['ship_status'] == '2') { foreach ($order_items as $key => $dinfo) { if ($dinfo['products']['sendnum'] < $dinfo['products']['nums']) { $semds = $objMath->number_plus(array($dinfo['nums'], $dinfo['sendnum'])); if ($semds > 0) { $arr_params = array('goods_id' => $dinfo['goods_id'], 'product_id' => $dinfo['products']['product_id'], 'quantity' => $semds); if ($dinfo['item_type'] == 'product') { $dinfo['item_type'] = 'goods'; } $str_service_goods_type_obj = $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$dinfo['item_type']]; $is_freeze = $str_service_goods_type_obj->freezeGoods($arr_params); if (!$is_freeze) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('商品库存不足!'); return false; } } } } } else { foreach ($order_items as $key => $dinfo) { $arr_params = array('goods_id' => $dinfo['goods_id'], 'product_id' => $dinfo['products']['product_id'], 'quantity' => $dinfo['quantity']); if ($dinfo['item_type'] == 'product') { $dinfo['item_type'] = 'goods'; } $str_service_goods_type_obj = $arr_service_goods_type_obj[$dinfo['item_type']]; $is_freeze = $str_service_goods_type_obj->freezeGoods($arr_params); if (!$is_freeze) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('商品库存不足!'); return false; } } } } //支付,处理其他app自身业务逻辑 $arr_service_pay = kernel::servicelist("order_pay_operation"); foreach ((array) $arr_service_pay as $obj_service_order_pay) { if (method_exists($obj_service_order_pay, "check_order_info")) { if (!$obj_service_order_pay->check_order_info($sdf_order, $message)) { $status = 'failed'; $msg = $message; return false; } } } } // 与中心交互 $is_need_rpc = false; $obj_rpc_obj_rpc_request_service = kernel::servicelist('b2c.rpc_notify_request'); foreach ($obj_rpc_obj_rpc_request_service as $obj) { if ($obj && method_exists($obj, 'rpc_judge_send')) { if ($obj instanceof b2c_api_rpc_notify_interface) { $is_need_rpc = $obj->rpc_judge_send($sdf_order); } } if ($is_need_rpc) { break; } } //if (app::get('b2c')->getConf('site.order.send_type') == 'false'&&$is_need_rpc){ if ($is_need_rpc) { system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_matrix_sendpayments', 'b2c_tasks_matrix_sendpayments', $sdf); } $aUpdate['order_id'] = $rel_id; $aUpdate['paytime'] = date('Y-m-d', time()); $aUpdate['money'] = $sdf['cur_money']; $aUpdate['email'] = !$sdf_order['member_id'] ? $sdf_order['consignee']['email'] : $arr_members['email']; $aUpdate['pay_status'] = $sdf['pay_status']; $aUpdate['is_frontend'] = $this->from == 'Back' ? false : true; $aUpdate['pay_account'] = $login_name; $obj_orders->fireEvent("payed", $aUpdate, $sdf_order['member_id']); } else { $msg = app::get('b2c')->_('需要支付的订单号不存在!'); $status = 'failed'; return false; } }
private function _addtask($server) { $queuelist = system_queue::getList(); if ($queuelist) { foreach ($queuelist as $key => $value) { $mess = serialize($value); $server->task($mess); } } }
/** * 消息入口. * * @param mixed $action_name 消息action_name * @param mixed $tmpl_data 用于组织消息内容的数据 * @param mixed array $target = array('member_id'=>'','mobile'=>'','email'=>'') */ public function trigger($action_name, $tmpl_data, $target = array()) { $actions = $this->get_actions(); $action = $actions[$action_name]; if (!$action) { return; } $level = $action['level']; $label = $action['label']; $sender_list = $this->get_sender_list(); foreach ($sender_list as $sender_class => $sender) { $tmpl_name = 'messenger:' . $sender_class . '/' . $action_name; //发送过滤 if (isset($action[$sender_class]['exclude']) && in_array($sender_class, $action[$sender_class]['exclude'])) { continue; } if ($this->app->getConf('messenger_disabled_' . $sender_class . '_' . $action_name) !== true || $action['lock']) { if ($sender && !empty($target)) { //开始执行 if ($level > 10) { $this->action($tmpl_name, $tmpl_data, $target); } else { //进入队列执行 $queue_params = array('tmpl_name' => $tmpl_name, 'tmpl_data' => $tmpl_data, 'target' => $target); system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_messenger', 'b2c_tasks_messenger', $queue_params); } } } } }
// | Licensed ( // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: Shanghai ChenShang Software Technology Co., Ltd. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); set_time_limit(0); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/process/lib/runtime.php'; set_error_handler('error_handler'); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isset($argv[1])) { echo "Hey boy or girl, Please give me the queue name!\n"; exit; } $queue_name = $argv[1]; if ($queue_message = system_queue::instance()->get($queue_name)) { system_queue::instance()->run_task($queue_message); //echo $queue_message->get_id(); system_queue::instance()->ack($queue_message); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function error_handler($code, $msg, $file, $line) { if ($code == ($code & (E_ERROR ^ E_USER_ERROR ^ E_USER_WARNING))) { logger::error(sprintf('ERROR:%d @ %s @ file:%s @ line:%d', $code, $msg, $file, $line)); if ($code == ($code & (E_ERROR ^ E_USER_ERROR))) { exit; } } return true; }
function import(&$contents, $app, $mdl) { $model = $this->model; if (!is_array($contents)) { $this->str2Array($contents); } if (!$this->data['title']) { $this->data = array('title' => array(), 'contents' => array()); } $msg = array(); while (true) { // } return array('success', $msg); while (true) { $row = current($contents); if (!is_array($row)) { $this->str2Array($row, ','); } if ($row) { foreach ($row as $num => $col) { $row[$num] = trim($col, '"'); } } $newObjFlag = false; $rowData = $model->prepared_import_csv_row($row, $this->data['title'], $tmpl, $mark, $newObjFlag, $msg); if ($rowData === false) { return array('failure', $msg); } if (!current($contents) || $newObjFlag) { if ($mark != 'title') { $saveData = $model->prepared_import_csv_obj($this->data, $mark, $tmpl, $msg); if ($saveData === false) { return array('failure', $msg); } if ($saveData) { $params = array('sdfdata' => $saveData, 'app' => $app, 'mdl' => $mdl); system_queue::instance()->publish('desktop_tasks_runimport', 'desktop_tasks_runimport', $params); } if ($mark) { eval('$this->data["' . implode('"]["', explode('/', $mark)) . '"] = array();'); } } } next($contents); if ($mark) { if ($mark == 'title') { eval('$this->data["' . implode('"]["', explode('/', $mark)) . '"] = $rowData;'); } else { eval('$this->data["' . implode('"]["', explode('/', $mark)) . '"][] = $rowData;'); } } if (!$row) { break; } } return array('success', $msg); }
function send() { $this->begin('index.php?app=b2c&ctl=admin_goods_sto&act=index'); /** 判断是否能够发送 **/ $conf_goods_notify = $this->app->getConf('messenger.actions.goods-notify'); if (!$conf_goods_notify) { $this->end(false, app::get('b2c')->_('必须在邮件短信管理里面勾选-手机短信,站内消息或者电子邮件其中一项才可以!')); } $arr_conf_goods_notify = explode(',', $conf_goods_notify); $systmpl = $this->app->model('member_systmpl'); $obj_product = app::get('b2c')->model('products'); $member_goods = app::get('b2c')->model('member_goods'); if ($_POST['isSelectedAll'] == '_ALL_') { $aGnotify = array(); $aData = $member_goods->getList('gnotify_id'); foreach ((array) $aData as $key => $val) { $aGnotify[] = $val['gnotify_id']; } } else { $aGnotify = $_POST['gnotify_id']; } foreach ($aGnotify as $gnid) { $data = $member_goods->dump($gnid); if ($data['member_id']) { $member_obj = $this->app->model('members'); $login_name = kernel::single('b2c_user_object')->get_member_name(null, $data['member_id']); } else { $login_name = app::get('b2c')->_("顾客"); } $goods = $obj_product->dump($data['product_id']); $obj['goods_name'] = $goods['name']; $obj['goods_id'] = $goods['goods_id']; $obj['username'] = $login_name; $obj['url'] = app::get('site')->router()->gen_url(array('app' => 'b2c', 'ctl' => 'site_product', 'full' => 1, 'act' => 'index', 'arg' => $data['product_id'])); if (in_array('b2c_messenger_email', $arr_conf_goods_notify)) { $content = $systmpl->fetch('messenger:b2c_messenger_email/goods-notify', $obj); $params = array('acceptor' => $data['email'], 'body' => $content, 'title' => app::get('b2c')->_('到货通知'), 'product_id' => $data['product_id'], 'gnotify_id' => $gnid); if (!system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_sendemail', 'b2c_tasks_sendemail', $params)) { $this->end(false, app::get('b2c')->_('操作失败!')); } } if ($data['member_id']) { if (in_array('b2c_messenger_msgbox', $arr_conf_goods_notify)) { $aTmp['content'] = $systmpl->fetch('messenger:b2c_messenger_msgbox/goods-notify', $obj); $aTmp['title'] = app::get('b2c')->_("商品到货通知"); $params = array('member_id' => $data['member_id'], 'data' => $aTmp, 'name' => $login_name, 'gnotify_id' => $gnid); if (!system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_sendmsg', 'b2c_tasks_sendmsg', $params)) { $this->end(false, app::get('b2c')->_('操作失败!')); } } } //发到货通知到手机 if (in_array('b2c_messenger_sms', $arr_conf_goods_notify) && $data['cellphone']) { $aSms['content'] = $systmpl->fetch('messenger:b2c_messenger_sms/goods-notify', $obj); $aSms['title'] = app::get('b2c')->_("商品到货通知"); $aSms['sendType'] = 'fan-out'; $params = array('mobile_number' => $data['cellphone'], 'data' => $aSms); if (!system_queue::instance()->publish('b2c_tasks_sendsms', 'b2c_tasks_sendsms', $params)) { $this->end(false, app::get('b2c')->_('操作失败!')); } } } $this->end(ture, app::get('b2c')->_('操作成功!')); }
function turn_to_sdf(&$cursor_id, $params) { base_kvstore::instance($params['app'] . '_' . $params['mdl'])->fetch($params['file_name'], $contents); base_kvstore::instance($params['app'] . '_' . $params['mdl'])->fetch($params['file_name'] . '_sdf', $sdfContents); base_kvstore::instance($params['app'] . '_' . $params['mdl'])->fetch($params['file_name'] . '_error', $errorContents); // base_kvstore::instance($params['app'].'_'.$params['mdl'])->fetch($params['file_name'].'_msg',$msgContents); $contents = unserialize($contents); $sdfContents = unserialize($sdfContents); $errorContents = unserialize($errorContents); // $msgContents = unserialize( $msgContents ); reset($contents); if (empty($contents[0][0])) { $msg = array('error' => app::get('desktop')->_('瀵煎叆鍟嗗搧涓虹┖')); $msgList['error'][] = $msg['error']; return $msgList; } $msgList = array(); $o = app::get($params['app'])->model($params['mdl']); $oIo = kernel::servicelist('desktop_io'); foreach ($oIo as $aIo) { if ($aIo->io_type_name == $params['file_type']) { $importType = $aIo; break; } } unset($oIo); $objFunc = 'prepared_import_' . $importType->io_type_name . '_obj'; $rowFunc = 'prepared_import_' . $importType->io_type_name . '_row'; $i = 0; $tmpl = array(); $tTmpl = array(); $gTitle = array(); $data = array(); $tObjContent = array(); $errorObj = false; $importType->prepared_import($params['app'], $params['mdl']); while (true) { $curContent = array_shift($contents); $newObjFlag = false; $msg = ''; $rowData = $o->{$rowFunc}($curContent, $data['title'], $tmpl, $mark, $newObjFlag, $msg); if ($msg['error']) { $msgList['error'][] = $msg['error']; } if ($msg['warning']) { foreach ($msg['warning'] as $mk => $mv) { $msgList['warning'][] = $mv; } } if ($newObjFlag) { if ($errorObj) { $errorList[] = $tObjContent; $errorObj = false; } $tObjContent = array(); if ($mark != 'title') { $msg = ''; $saveData = $o->{$objFunc}($data, $mark, $tmpl, $msg); if ($msg['error']) { $msgList['error'][] = $msg['error']; } if ($msg['warning']) { foreach ($msg['warning'] as $mk => $mv) { $msgList['warning'][] = $mv; } } if ($saveData === false) { return $msgList; $errorContents[] = $gTitle; foreach ($tObjContent as $ck => $cv) { $errorContents[] = $cv; } } if ($saveData) { $sdfContents[] = $saveData; } if ($mark) { eval('$data["' . implode('"]["', explode('/', $mark)) . '"] = array();'); } } else { $tTmpl = $rowData; $gTitle = $curContent; } /* if( ++$i == 100 ){ $rs = 1; break; } */ $tObjContent[] = $curContent; if ($rowData === false) { return $msgList; $errorObj = true; } } if ($mark) { if ($mark == 'title') { eval('$data["' . implode('"]["', explode('/', $mark)) . '"] = $rowData;'); } else { eval('$data["' . implode('"]["', explode('/', $mark)) . '"][] = $rowData;'); } } if (!current($contents) && current($data['contents'])) { $saveData = $o->{$objFunc}($data, $mark, $tmpl, $msg); if ($msg['error']) { $msgList['error'][] = $msg['error']; } if ($msg['warning']) { foreach ($msg['warning'] as $mk => $mv) { $msgList['warning'][] = $mv; } } if ($saveData === false) { return $msgList; $errorContents[] = $gTitle; foreach ($tObjContent as $ck => $cv) { $errorContents[] = $cv; } } if ($saveData) { $sdfContents[] = $saveData; } if ($mark) { eval('$data["' . implode('"]["', explode('/', $mark)) . '"] = array();'); } // break; } if (!$curContent) { break; } } if (!$contents) { $rs = 0; } else { $contents = array_unshift($contents, $gTitle); } base_kvstore::instance($params['app'] . '_' . $params['mdl'])->store($params['file_name'], serialize($contents)); base_kvstore::instance($params['app'] . '_' . $params['mdl'])->store($params['file_name'] . '_sdf', serialize($sdfContents)); base_kvstore::instance($params['app'] . '_' . $params['mdl'])->store($params['file_name'] . '_error', serialize($errorContents)); if (!$rs) { $params = array('app' => $params['app'], 'mdl' => $params['mdl'], 'file_name' => $params['file_name']); system_queue::instance()->publish('desktop_tasks_runimport', 'desktop_tasks_runimport', $params); } if ($msgList['error'] || $msgList['warning']) { return $msgList; } return 0; }
/** * @description 删除评论与咨询后触发短信等事件 * @access public * @param array $data * @return boolean */ public function pre_recycle($data) { $ret = $this->app->getConf('messenger.actions.comments-delete'); if (!$ret) { return true; } $action = explode(',', $ret); $emailTmpl = ''; $msgboxTmpl = ''; $smsTmpl = ''; $systmpl = $this->app->model('member_systmpl'); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!$value['author_id']) { continue; } $member = kernel::single('b2c_user_object')->get_pam_data('*', $value['author_id']); //发邮件 if (in_array('b2c_messenger_email', $action) && $member['email']) { if (!$emailTmpl) { $emailTmpl = $systmpl->fetch('messenger:b2c_messenger_email/comments-delete', array()); } $worker = 'b2c_tasks_sendemail'; $params['acceptor'] = $member['email']; $params['body'] = $emailTmpl; $params['title'] = $this->app->_('删除评论与咨询'); } //发站内信 if (in_array('b2c_messenger_msgbox', $action)) { if (!$msgboxTmpl) { $msgboxTmpl = $systmpl->fetch('messenger:b2c_messenger_msgbox/comments-delete', array()); } $worker = 'b2c_tasks_sendmsg'; $params['member_id'] = $value['author_id']; $params['data']['content'] = $msgboxTmpl; $params['data']['title'] = $this->app->_('删除评论与咨询'); $params['name'] = $value['author']; } //发短信 if (in_array('b2c_messenger_sms', $action) && $member['mobile']) { if (!$smsTmpl) { $smsTmpl = $systmpl->fetch('messenger:b2c_messenger_sms/comments-delete', array()); } $worker = 'b2c_tasks_sendsms'; $params['mobile_number'] = $member['mobile']; $params['data']['title'] = $this->app->_('删除评论与咨询'); $params['data']['content'] = $smsTmpl; } if ($worker) { system_queue::instance()->publish($worker, $worker, $params); } } return true; }