Example #1
  * Сборщик мусора
 protected function garbageCollect()
     // Удаление старых неподтвержденных подписчиков
     $delDate = new DateTime();
     // 1 неделя
     $delDate->sub(new DateInterval('P1W'));
     $items = subscribe_model_Subscriber::find(array(array('email_valid', 0), array('created', $delDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '<=')));
     if (!empty($items)) {
         foreach ($items as $itemRow) {
Example #2
 protected function beforeDelete()
     // Удалить всех подписчиков
     $items = subscribe_model_Subscriber::find(array(array('subscribe', $this->_data['id'])));
     if (!empty($items)) {
         foreach ($items as $itemRow) {
     return parent::beforeDelete();
Example #3
  * Подтверждение подписки на рассылку
 public function confirmAction()
     $code = cot_import('code', 'G', 'TXT');
     if (!$code) {
     $title = cot::$L['subscribe_confirm'];
     $subscriber = subscribe_model_Subscriber::fetchOne(array(array('unsubscr_code', $code)));
     if (!$subscriber) {
     cot::$sys['sublocation'] = $title;
     cot::$out['subtitle'] = $title;
     if ($subscriber) {
         if (!$subscriber->subscribe->active) {
         $title .= ': ' . $subscriber->subscribe->title;
         cot::$sys['sublocation'] = $title;
         cot::$out['subtitle'] = $title;
         $allItems = subscribe_model_Subscriber::find(array(array('email', $subscriber->email), array('email_valid', 0), array('id', $subscriber->id, '<>')));
         if ($allItems) {
             foreach ($allItems as $itemRow) {
                 $itemRow->active = 1;
                 $itemRow->email_valid = 1;
                 $itemRow->email_valid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', cot::$sys['now']);
         $subscriber->active = 1;
         $subscriber->email_valid = 1;
         $subscriber->email_valid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', cot::$sys['now']);
         cot_message(sprintf(cot::$L['subscribe_confirmed'], $subscriber->email, $subscriber->subscribe->title));
     $template = array('subscribe', 'confirm');
     $view = new View();
     $view->page_title = $title;
     $view->subscriber = $subscriber;
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.confirm.view') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     return $view->render($template);
Example #4
  * Список рассылок
 public function indexAction()
     $maxrowsperpage = cot::$cfg['maxrowsperpage'];
     if ($maxrowsperpage < 1) {
         $maxrowsperpage = 1;
     list($pg, $d, $durl) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $maxrowsperpage);
     //page number for pages list
     $sort = 'title';
     $way = 'asc';
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.list.first') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     $urlParams = array();
     $canonicalUrlParams = array();
     if ($durl > 1) {
         $canonicalUrlParams['d'] = $durl;
     $where = array();
     cot::$out['subtitle'] = $title = cot::$L['subscribe_subscribes'];
     // Building the canonical URL
     cot::$out['canonical_uri'] = cot_url('subscribe', $canonicalUrlParams);
     $condition = array(array('active', 1), array('periodical', 1));
     $order = array(array('active', 'desc'), array($sort, $way));
     $userSubscribesCondition = array();
     if (cot::$usr['id'] > 0) {
         $userSubscribesCondition[] = array('active', 1);
         $userSubscribesCondition[] = array('user', cot::$usr['id']);
         if (!empty(cot::$usr['profile']['user_email'])) {
             //$userSubscribesCondition[] = array('email', cot::$usr['profile']['user_email'], '=', 'OR');
             $userSubscribesCondition = array(array('SQL', 'active=1 AND (user='******'id'] . ' OR email=' . cot::$db->quote(cot::$usr['profile']['user_email']) . ')'));
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.list.query') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     $totallines = subscribe_model_Subscribe::count($condition);
     $items = null;
     if ($totallines > 0) {
         $items = subscribe_model_Subscribe::find($condition, $maxrowsperpage, $d, $order);
     // Подписки пользователя
     $userSubscribes = null;
     $userSubscribesIds = array();
     if (!empty($items)) {
         if (cot::$usr['id'] > 0) {
             $userSubscribes = subscribe_model_Subscriber::find($userSubscribesCondition, 0, 0, array(array('active', 'desc')));
             if (!empty($userSubscribes)) {
                 foreach ($userSubscribes as $usRow) {
                     $userSubscribesIds[] = $usRow->rawValue('subscribe');
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.list.main') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     if (cot::$usr['id'] > 0) {
         Resources::linkFileFooter(cot::$cfg['modules_dir'] . '/subscribe/js/subscriber.js');
     $crumbs = array(cot::$L['subscribe_subscribes']);
     $pagenav = cot_pagenav('subscribe', $urlParams, $d, $totallines, $maxrowsperpage);
     if (empty($pagenav['current'])) {
         $pagenav['current'] = 1;
     $breadcrumbs = '';
     if (!empty($crumbs)) {
         $breadcrumbs = cot_breadcrumbs($crumbs, cot::$cfg['homebreadcrumb'], true);
     $template = array('subscribe', 'list');
     //        $pageUrlParams = $urlParams;
     //        if($durl > 1) $pageUrlParams['d'] = $durl;
     $view = new View();
     $view->breadcrumbs = $breadcrumbs;
     $view->page_title = htmlspecialchars($title);
     $view->items = $items;
     $view->userSubscribes = $userSubscribes;
     $view->userSubscribesIds = $userSubscribesIds;
     $view->totalitems = $totallines;
     $view->pagenav = $pagenav;
     $view->urlParams = $urlParams;
     //        $view->pageUrlParams = $pageUrlParams;
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.list.view') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     return $view->render($template);
Example #5
  * Список рассылок
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function indexAction()
     global $admintitle, $adminpath, $Ls;
     $admintitle = cot::$L['subscribe_subscribers'];
     $adminpath[] = array(cot_url('admin', array('m' => 'subscribe', 'n' => 'user')), $admintitle);
     $sort = cot_import('s', 'G', 'ALP');
     // order field name
     $way = cot_import('w', 'G', 'ALP', 4);
     // order way (asc, desc)
     $maxrowsperpage = cot::$cfg['maxrowsperpage'];
     if ($maxrowsperpage < 1) {
         $maxrowsperpage = 1;
     list($pg, $d, $durl) = cot_import_pagenav('d', $maxrowsperpage);
     //page number for pages list
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.admin.subscriber.list.first') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     $sort = empty($sort) ? 'email' : $sort;
     $way = empty($way) || !in_array($way, array('asc', 'desc')) ? 'asc' : $way;
     $urlParams = array('m' => 'subscribe', 'n' => 'user');
     if ($sort != 'email') {
         $urlParams['s'] = $sort;
     if ($way != 'asc') {
         $urlParams['w'] = $way;
     $where = array();
     $states = array(-1 => cot::$R['code_option_empty'], 0 => cot::$L['Disabled'], 1 => cot::$L['Enabled']);
     // Фильтры
     $allowedFilters = array('id', 'sid', 'name', 'email', 'active');
     $f = cot_import('f', 'G', 'ARR');
     $filterForm = array('hidden' => '');
     if (!empty($f)) {
         foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
             if (!in_array($key, $allowedFilters)) {
         if (!empty($f['id'])) {
             $where['id'] = array('id', $f['id']);
             $urlParams['f[id]'] = $f['id'];
         if (!empty($f['sid'])) {
             $where['sid'] = array('subscribe', $f['sid']);
             $urlParams['f[sid]'] = $f['sid'];
         $f['active'] = isset($_GET['f']['active']) ? cot_import($_GET['f']['active'], 'D', 'INT') : -2;
         if ($f['active'] == -1) {
         } elseif ($f['active'] >= 0 && $f['active'] < 2) {
             $where['active'] = array('active', $f['active']);
             $urlParams['f[active]'] = $f['active'];
         if (!empty($f['name'])) {
             $where['name'] = array('name', '*' . $f['name'] . '*');
             $urlParams['f[name]'] = $f['name'];
         if (!empty($f['email'])) {
             $where['email'] = array('email', '*' . $f['email'] . '*');
             $urlParams['f[email]'] = $f['email'];
     if (isset(cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']) && cot::$cfg['plugin']['urleditor']['preset'] != 'handy') {
         $filterForm['hidden'] .= cot_inputbox('hidden', 'm', 'subscribe');
     $filterForm['hidden'] .= cot_inputbox('hidden', 'n', 'user');
     $condition = array();
     foreach ($where as $key => $val) {
         $condition[] = $val;
     $order = array(array($sort, $way));
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.admin.subscriber.list.query') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     $totallines = subscribe_model_Subscriber::count($condition);
     $items = null;
     if ($totallines > 0) {
         $items = subscribe_model_Subscriber::find($condition, $maxrowsperpage, $d, $order);
     // Если передан номер страницы превышающий максимальный
     if (empty($items) && $totallines > 0 && $pg > 1) {
         $totalpages = ceil($totallines / $maxrowsperpage);
         $args = $urlParams;
         if ($totalpages > 1) {
             if (cot::$cfg['easypagenav']) {
                 $args['d'] = $totalpages;
             } else {
                 $args['d'] = ($totalpages - 1) * $maxrowsperpage;
         cot_redirect(cot_url('admin', $args, '', true));
     //$addNewUrl = cot_url('admin', array('m'=>'subscribe','a' => 'edit'));
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.admin.subscriber.list.main') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     $pagenav = cot_pagenav('admin', $urlParams, $d, $totallines, $maxrowsperpage, 'd', '', true);
     if (empty($pagenav['current'])) {
         $pagenav['current'] = 1;
     $pagenav['page'] = $pagenav['current'];
     if (!cot::$cfg['easypagenav']) {
         $pagenav['page'] = ($pagenav['current'] - 1) * $maxrowsperpage;
     $subscribes = subscribe_model_Subscribe::keyValPairs();
     Resources::linkFileFooter(cot::$cfg['modules_dir'] . '/subscribe/js/admin.subscriber.js');
     $template = array('subscribe', 'admin', 'subscriber', 'list');
     $view = new View();
     $view->page_title = $admintitle;
     $view->fistNumber = $d + 1;
     $view->items = $items;
     $view->totalitems = $totallines;
     $view->pagenav = $pagenav;
     $view->subscribes = $subscribes;
     $view->urlParams = $urlParams;
     $view->filter = $f;
     $view->filterForm = $filterForm;
     $view->states = $states;
     /* === Hook === */
     foreach (cot_getextplugins('subscribe.admin.subscriber.list.view') as $pl) {
         include $pl;
     /* ===== */
     return $view->render($template);