public function testSubstr() { $this->assertEquals('Super', str::substr($this->sample, 0, 5)); $this->assertEquals(' Äwes', str::substr($this->sample, 5, 5)); $this->assertEquals(' Äwesøme String', str::substr($this->sample, 5)); $this->assertEquals('tring', str::substr($this->sample, -5)); }
function n($page) { if ($page->isInvisible()) { return '—'; } else { if ($page->parent() and $blueprint = blueprint::find($page->parent())) { switch ($blueprint->pages()->num()->mode()) { case 'zero': return str::substr($page->title(), 0, 1); break; case 'date': return date('Y/m/d', strtotime($page->num())); break; default: return intval($page->num()); break; } } else { return intval($page->num()); } } }
if ($lazyload == true) { // Only init griddiv when $gridcellclass or one or more width is set if ($gridcellclass != '' || count($widths) > 0) { $griddiv = new Brick('div'); } $lazydiv = new Brick('div'); $lazydiv->addClass('FigureImage-lazy'); } // set widths of all images $width = $widths[$i]; // If there is one or more width set, use width variable(s) if (count($widths) > 0) { // the first part (the 1 of 3) $classgridpart = str::substr($width, 0, 1); // the total (the 3) $classgridtot = str::substr($width, 3, 1); // Add extra griddiv for lazyload if ($lazyload == true) { // Set the class for the image $class = 'FigureImage-item'; // Set the class on the grid div if (isset($griddiv)) { $griddiv->addClass($gridcellclass . 'u-size' . $width . '--' . $break); } } else { $class = 'FigureImage-item ' . $gridcellclass . 'u-size' . $width . '--' . $break; } } else { // Add extra griddiv for lazyload if ($lazyload == true) { // Set the class for the image
/** * An UTF-8 safe version of ucfirst() * * @param string $string * @return string */ static function ucfirst($str) { return str::upper(str::substr($str, 0, 1)) . str::substr($str, 1); }
public function page($uri) { if (str::startsWith($uri, '../')) { if ($currentPage = $this->field->page) { $path = $uri; while (str::startsWith($path, '../')) { if ($parent = $currentPage->parent()) { $currentPage = $parent; } else { $currentPage = site(); } $path = str::substr($path, 3); } if (!empty($path)) { $currentPage = $currentPage->find($path); } $page = $currentPage; } else { $page = null; } } else { if ($uri == '/') { $page = site(); } else { $page = page($uri); } } return $page; }
public function __construct($field) { $this->field = $field; if (is_array($field->options)) { $this->options = $field->options; } else { if (v::url($field->options)) { $response = remote::get($field->options); $options = @json_decode($response->content(), true); if (is_array($options)) { $this->options = $options; } else { $this->options = array(); } } else { if (!$field->page) { $this->options = array(); } else { if ($field->options == 'query') { $defaults = array('page' => $field->page->id(), 'fetch' => 'children', 'value' => '{{uid}}', 'text' => '{{title}}', 'flip' => false, 'template' => false); $query = array_merge($defaults, $field->query); // dynamic page option // ../ // ../../ etc. if (str::startsWith($query['page'], '../')) { $currentPage = $field->page; $path = $query['page']; while (str::startsWith($path, '../')) { if ($parent = $currentPage->parent()) { $currentPage = $parent; } else { break; } $path = str::substr($path, 3); } $page = $currentPage; } else { $page = page($query['page']); } $items = $this->items($page, $query['fetch']); if ($query['template']) { $items = $items->filter(function ($item) use($query) { return in_array(str::lower($item->intendedTemplate()), array_map('str::lower', (array) $query['template'])); }); } if ($query['flip']) { $items = $items->flip(); } foreach ($items as $item) { $value = $this->tpl($query['value'], $item); $text = $this->tpl($query['text'], $item); $this->options[$value] = $text; } } else { if ($items = $this->items($field->page, $field->options)) { foreach ($items as $item) { if (is_a($item, 'Page')) { $this->options[$item->uid()] = (string) $item->title(); } else { if (is_a($item, 'File')) { $this->options[$item->filename()] = (string) $item->filename(); } } } } else { $this->options = array(); } } } } } // sorting if (!empty($this->field->sort)) { switch (strtolower($this->field->sort)) { case 'asc': asort($this->options); break; case 'desc': arsort($this->options); break; } } }
public function displayNum() { if ($this->isInvisible()) { return '—'; } else { switch ($this->parent()->blueprint()->pages()->num()->mode()) { case 'zero': return str::substr($this->title(), 0, 1); break; case 'date': return date('Y/m/d', strtotime($this->num())); break; default: return intval($this->num()); break; } } }
/** * Creates an excerpt without html and kirbytext * * @param mixed $text Variable object or string * @param int $length The number of characters which should be included in the excerpt * @param array $params an array of options for kirbytext: array('markdown' => true, 'smartypants' => true) * @return string The shortened text */ function excerpt($text, $length = 140, $mode = 'chars') { if (strtolower($mode) == 'words') { $text = str::excerpt(kirbytext($text), 0); if (str_word_count($text, 0) > $length) { $words = str_word_count($text, 2); $pos = array_keys($words); $text = str::substr($text, 0, $pos[$length]) . '...'; } return $text; } else { return str::excerpt(kirbytext($text), $length); } }
?> ']];(function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];g.src='//';s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)}(document,'script'));</script> <?php } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Google Universal Analytics (optimized: // ---------------------------------------------------------- if (c::get('analytics.tool') == 'ga-universal') { ?> <script>(function(G,o,O,g,l){G.GoogleAnalyticsObject=O;G[O]||(G[O]=function(){(G[O].q=G[O].q||[]).push(arguments)});G[O].l=+new Date;g=o.createElement('script'),l=o.scripts[0];g.src='//';l.parentNode.insertBefore(g,l)}(this,document,'ga'));ga('create','<?php echo c::get("", "TRACKING ID IS NOT SET"); ?> ', '<?php echo str::substr($site->url(), 7); ?> ');ga('send','pageview');</script> <?php } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // GoSquared // ---------------------------------------------------------- if (c::get('analytics') == 'gosquared') { ?> <script>var GoSquared={};GoSquared.acct='<?php echo c::get("", "TRACKING ID IS NOT SET"); ?> ';(function(w){function gs(){w._gstc_lt=+new Date;var d=document,g=d.createElement('script');g.src='//';var s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);}w.addEventListener?w.addEventListener('load',gs,false):w.attachEvent('onload',gs);})(window);</script>
throw new Error('Invalid identifier ' . $identifier); } }); /** * Unquotes an identifier (table *or* column) * * @param $identifier string * @return string */ sql::registerMethod('unquoteIdentifier', function ($sql, $identifier) { // remove quotes around the identifier if (in_array(str::substr($identifier, 0, 1), array('"', '`'))) { $identifier = str::substr($identifier, 1); } if (in_array(str::substr($identifier, -1), array('"', '`'))) { $identifier = str::substr($identifier, 0, -1); } // unescape duplicated quotes return str_replace(array('""', '``'), array('"', '`'), $identifier); }); /** * Combines an identifier (table and column) * MySQL version * * @param $table string * @param $column string * @param $values boolean Whether the identifier is going to be used for a values clause * Only relevant for SQLite * @return string */ sql::registerMethod('combineIdentifier', function ($sql, $table, $column, $values = false) {
public function displayNum() { if ($this->isInvisible()) { return '—'; } else { $numberSettings = $this->parent()->blueprint()->pages()->num(); switch ($numberSettings->mode()) { case 'zero': if ($numberSettings->display()) { // customer number display return $this->{$numberSettings->display()}(); } else { // alphabetic display numbers return str::substr($this->title(), 0, 1); } break; case 'date': return $this->date($numberSettings->display(), $numberSettings->field()); break; default: if ($numberSettings->display()) { // customer number display return $this->{$numberSettings->display()}(); } else { // regular number display return intval($this->num()); } break; } } }
/** * Load plugin options. * * @return array */ public function load() { // Retrieve all plugin options from the configuration starting with a // prefix matching the plugin name $prefix = $this->namespace . '.'; $keys = array_keys(c::$data); $keys = array_filter($keys, function ($key) use($prefix) { return str::startsWith($key, $prefix); }); // Remove prefix and collect data $options = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $option = str::substr($key, str::length($prefix)); $options[$option] = c::$data[$key]; } // Merge plugin settings with defaults $defaults = $this->defaults(); if (is_array($defaults) && !empty($defaults)) { $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); } return $options; }