Example #1
 public function execute(\FrameResponseObject $frameResponseObject)
     //$portal = \lms_portal::get_instance();
     //$portal->initialize( GUEST_NOT_ALLOWED );
     $user = \lms_steam::get_current_user();
     //$path = $request->getPath();
     $weblogId = $this->params[0];
     $weblog = \steam_factory::get_object($STEAM->get_id(), $weblogId);
     //if ( ! $weblog = steam_factory::get_object( $STEAM->get_id(), $_GET[ "id" ] ) )
     //	include( "bad_link.php" );
     //	exit;
     if (!$weblog instanceof \steam_calendar) {
         if ($weblog instanceof \steam_container) {
             $category = $weblog;
             $categories = $category->get_environment();
             $weblog = new \steam_weblog($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $categories->get_environment()->get_id());
         } elseif ($weblog instanceof \steam_date) {
             $date = $weblog;
             $weblog = new \steam_weblog($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $date->get_environment()->get_id());
         } else {
             include "bad_link.php";
     } else {
         $weblog = new \steam_weblog($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $weblogId);
         define("OBJ_ID", $weblogId);
         if (!$weblog->check_access_read($user)) {
             throw new \Exception("No rights to view this.", E_USER_RIGHTS);
     $date = $weblog;
     //throw new \Exception("variable date is not set.");
     //if ( $_SERVER[ "REQUEST_METHOD" ] == "POST" && $date->check_access_write( $user ) )
     if (false) {
         $values = $_POST["values"];
         if (!isset($values["delete"])) {
             $values["delete"] = false;
         if ($values["delete"]) {
             require_once "Cache/Lite.php";
             $cache = new Cache_Lite(array("cacheDir" => PATH_CACHE));
             $trashbin = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_current_steam_user();
             if (is_object($trashbin)) {
             } else {
         header("Location: " . $values["return_to"]);
     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
         //echo "hund";
         $values = $_POST["values"];
         $problem = "";
         $hint = "";
         if (isset($values["save"])) {
             $values["save"] = true;
         } else {
             $values["save"] = false;
         if ($values["save"]) {
             if (empty($values["url"])) {
                 $problem = gettext("The URL is missing.") . " ";
                 $hint = gettext("Please insert the URL, starting with 'http://'") . " ";
             if (empty($values["name"])) {
                 $problem .= gettext("The name is missing.");
                 $hint .= gettext("How is the title of the webpage?");
             } else {
                 if (strpos($values["name"], "/")) {
                     if (!isset($problem)) {
                         $problem = "";
                     $problem .= gettext("Please don't use the \"/\"-char in the name of the blogroll entry.");
             if (empty($problem)) {
                 $environment = $weblog->get_blogroll();
                 if (!is_object($environment)) {
                     throw new \Exception("Environment is not correct.");
                 if (!$environment instanceof \steam_container) {
                     throw new \Exception("Environment is no container.");
                 if (!$environment->check_access_write($user)) {
                     throw new \Exception("No write access on this container.", E_USER_RIGHTS);
                 if (empty($problem)) {
                     $docextern = \steam_factory::create_docextern($GLOBALS["STEAM"]->get_id(), $values["name"], $values["url"], $environment, $values["desc"]);
                     header("Location: " . $values["return_to"]);
                 } else {
                     //TODO: PROBDESC
                     //$portal->set_problem_description( $problem, $hint );
             } else {
                 //TODO: PROBDESC
                 //$portal->set_problem_description( $problem, $hint );
     $content = \Weblog::getInstance()->loadTemplate("weblog_blogroll.template.html");
     //$content = new HTML_TEMPLATE_IT();
     //$content->loadTemplatefile( PATH_TEMPLATES . "weblog_blogroll.template.html" );
     if (!empty($problem)) {
         $content->setVariable("VALUE_NAME", $values["name"]);
         $content->setVariable("VALUE_URL", $values["url"]);
         $content->setVariable("VALUE_DESC", $values["desc"]);
     $content->setVariable("GREETING", str_replace("%n", $_SESSION["LMS_USER"]->get_forename(), gettext("Hi %n!")));
     $help_text = "<b>" . gettext("What is a blogroll?") . "</b> " . gettext("A blogroll is a collection of links to other weblogs.") . " " . gettext("When present, blogrolls are on the front page sidebar of most weblogs.") . " " . gettext("Some blogrolls also simply consist of the list of weblogs an author reads himself.");
     $content->setVariable("HELP_TEXT", $help_text);
     $content->setVariable("YOUR_BLOGROLL_TEXT", gettext("Your Blogroll"));
     $content->setVariable("CREATE_NEW_LINK_TEXT", gettext("Create new Link"));
     $content->setVariable("FORM_ACTION", "");
     //PATH_URL . "docextern_create.php" );
     $content->setVariable("ENVIRONMENT", $weblog->get_blogroll()->get_id());
     $content->setVariable("LABEL_NAME", gettext("Name"));
     $content->setVariable("LABEL_URL", gettext("URL"));
     $content->setVariable("LABEL_DESCRIPTION", gettext("Description"));
     $content->setVariable("LABEL_SAVE_CHANGES", gettext("Save changes"));
     $content->setVariable("LABEL_BACK", gettext("back"));
     $content->setVariable("LINK_BACK", PATH_URL . "weblog/index/" . $weblog->get_id() . "/");
     $blogroll = $weblog->get_blogroll_list();
     foreach ($blogroll as $link) {
         if (!$link instanceof \steam_docextern) {
         $content->setVariable("LINK_URL", $link->get_url());
         $content->setVariable("LINK_NAME", h($link->get_name()));
         $content->setVariable("LINK_DESC", h($link->get_attribute("OBJ_DESC")));
         $content->setVariable("LABEL_EDIT", gettext("edit"));
         $content->setVariable("LINK_EDIT", PATH_URL . "docextern/" . $link->get_id() . "/edit/");
         $content->setVariable("LINK_DELETE", PATH_URL . "docextern/" . $link->get_id() . "/delete/");
         $content->setVariable("LABEL_DELETE", gettext("delete"));
     $rootlink = \lms_steam::get_link_to_root($weblog);
     $headline = array($rootlink[0], $rootlink[1], array("link" => $rootlink[1]["link"] . "communication/", "name" => gettext("Communication")), array("name" => h($weblog->get_name()), "link" => PATH_URL . "weblog/" . $weblog->get_id() . "/"), array("link" => "", "name" => gettext("Edit Blogroll")));
     //return $portal->get_html();
     $widget = new \Widgets\RawHtml();
     return $frameResponseObject;