$onlineReload = "It's Good, Reload Anyway?"; // Text for online reload button $offlineMessage = "Something must be wrong, this is not good at all."; // Message below "It's offline" text $offlineReload = "Try Again?"; // Text for offline reload button $theShortURL = 'http://goo.gl/JZjs8V'; // URL that will be shared when people click share on twitter of google+ buttons /* You should probably stop editing now. Only edit stuff after this if you know what you're doing. */ include 'thestuff.php'; include 'arh.php'; $headers = apache_request_headers(); $real_client_ip = $headers["X-Forwarded-For"]; $status = new status(); $getStuff = $status->performAction($apiurl, $apikey, $apihash, "status"); $statusMessage = $getStuff['statusmsg']; $memory = explode(",", $getStuff['mem']); $totalMem = $status->formatBytes($memory[0]); $usedMem = $status->formatBytes($memory[1]); $availMem = $status->formatBytes($memory[2]); $memPercent = round($memory[1] / $memory[0] * 100, 0); $disk = explode(",", $getStuff['hdd']); $totalDisk = $status->formatBytes($disk[0]); $usedDisk = $status->formatBytes($disk[1]); $availDisk = $status->formatBytes($disk[2]); $diskPercent = round($disk[1] / $disk[0] * 100, 0); $bandwidth = explode(",", $getStuff['bw']); $totalBW = $status->formatBytes($bandwidth[0]); $usedBW = $status->formatBytes($bandwidth[1]); $availBW = $status->formatBytes($bandwidth[2]); $bwPercent = round($bandwidth[1] / $bandwidth[0] * 100, 0);