Example #1
 private static function parseData($xml, $time, $lang)
     $nodes = array();
     $i = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($xml->VertrekkendeTrein); $i++) {
         $dep = $xml->VertrekkendeTrein[$i];
         $stationNode = stations::getStationFromName($dep->EindBestemming, $lang);
         $unixtime = strtotime($dep->VertrekTijd);
         $delay = 0;
         if (isset($dep->VertrekVertraging)) {
             $delay = (int) $dep->VertrekVertraging * 60;
         $vehicle = "NS.NL." . $dep->TreinSoort;
         //no ID?
         $platformNormal = !$dep->VertrekSpoor->wijziging;
         $vertrekspoor = $dep->VertrekSpoor . " ";
         $platform = $vertrekspoor;
         $left = false;
         $nodes[$i] = new DepartureArrival();
         $nodes[$i]->delay = $delay;
         $nodes[$i]->station = $stationNode;
         $nodes[$i]->time = $unixtime;
         $nodes[$i]->vehicle = $vehicle;
         $nodes[$i]->platform = new Platform();
         $nodes[$i]->platform->name = $platform;
         $nodes[$i]->platform->normal = $platformNormal;
         $nodes[$i]->left = $left;
     return $nodes;
Example #2
 public static function parseData($xml, $lang)
     //<waitingtime><line>5     </line><mode>M     </mode><minutes>6     </minutes><destination>Herrma</destination> </waitingtime>
     preg_match_all("/<waitingtime>.*?<line>(.*?)<\\/line>.*?<mode>(.*?)<\\/mode>.*?<minutes>(.*?)<\\/minutes>.*?<destination>(.*?)<\\/destination>.*?<\\/waitingtime>/si", $xml, $matches);
     //	  echo $xml . "\n";
     //	  var_dump($matches);
     $nodes = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++) {
         $nodes[$i - 1] = new DepartureArrival();
         $nodes[$i - 1]->vehicle = "BE.MIVB." . $matches[2][$i] . $matches[1][$i];
         $nodes[$i - 1]->time = date("U") + $matches[3][$i] * 60;
         $nodes[$i - 1]->delay = 0;
         //	       echo $matches[3][$i] . "   ";
         try {
             $nodes[$i - 1]->station = stations::getStationFromName($matches[4][$i], $lang);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //fallback for if a station is not found
             $nodes[$i - 1]->station = new Station();
             $nodes[$i - 1]->station->id = "notfound";
             $nodes[$i - 1]->station->locationX = 0;
             $nodes[$i - 1]->station->locationY = 0;
             $nodes[$i - 1]->station->name = $matches[4][$i - 1];
             $nodes[$i - 1]->station->standardname = $matches[4][$i - 1];
             //echo "No stations found for ". $matches[4][$i-1] . "\n";
         //	       echo $nodes[$i-1]->station->name;
         $nodes[$i - 1]->platform = $nodes[$i - 1]->station->name;
         //	       echo $i-1 . "\n";
     return $nodes;
Example #3
 public static function parseHafasXml($serverData, $lang)
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($serverData);
     $connection = array();
     $i = 0;
     //DEBUG: echo $serverData ;
     if (isset($xml->ConRes->ConnectionList->Connection)) {
         //get stations from & to once for all connections
         $fromstation = connections::getStationFromHafasLocation($xml->ConRes->ConnectionList->Connection[0]->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->Station['x'], $xml->ConRes->ConnectionList->Connection[0]->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->Station['y'], $lang);
         $tostation = connections::getStationFromHafasLocation($xml->ConRes->ConnectionList->Connection[0]->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->Station['x'], $xml->ConRes->ConnectionList->Connection[0]->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->Station['y'], $lang);
         foreach ($xml->ConRes->ConnectionList->Connection as $conn) {
             $connection[$i] = new Connection();
             $connection[$i]->departure = new DepartureArrival();
             $connection[$i]->arrival = new DepartureArrival();
             $connection[$i]->duration = tools::transformDuration($conn->Overview->Duration->Time);
             $connection[$i]->departure->station = $fromstation;
             $connection[$i]->departure->time = tools::transformTime($conn->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->Dep->Time, $conn->Overview->Date);
             $connection[$i]->departure->platform = new Platform();
             $connection[$i]->departure->direction = trim($conn->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->Dep->Platform->Text);
             $connection[$i]->departure->platform->name = trim($conn->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->Dep->Platform->Text);
             $connection[$i]->arrival->time = tools::transformTime($conn->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->Arr->Time, $conn->Overview->Date);
             $connection[$i]->arrival->platform = new Platform();
             $connection[$i]->arrival->platform->name = trim($conn->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->Arr->Platform->Text);
             $connection[$i]->arrival->station = $tostation;
             //Delay and platform changes //TODO: get Delay from railtime instead - much better information
             $delay0 = 0;
             $delay1 = 0;
             $platformNormal0 = true;
             $platformNormal1 = true;
             if ($conn->RtStateList->RtState["value"] == "HAS_DELAYINFO") {
                 $delay0 = tools::transformTime($conn->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->StopPrognosis->Dep->Time, $conn->Overview->Date) - $connection[$i]->departure->time;
                 if ($delay0 < 0) {
                     $delay0 = 0;
                 //echo "delay: " .$conn->Overview -> Departure -> BasicStop -> StopPrognosis -> Dep -> Time . "\n";
                 $delay1 = tools::transformTime($conn->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->StopPrognosis->Arr->Time, $conn->Overview->Date) - $connection[$i]->arrival->time;
                 if ($delay1 < 0) {
                     $delay1 = 0;
                 if (isset($conn->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->StopPrognosis->Dep->Platform->Text)) {
                     $platform0 = trim($conn->Overview->Departure->BasicStop->StopPrognosis->Dep->Platform->Text);
                     $platformNormal0 = false;
                 if (isset($conn->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->StopPrognosis->Arr->Platform->Text)) {
                     $platform1 = trim($conn->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->StopPrognosis->Arr->Platform->Text);
                     $platformNormal1 = false;
             $connection[$i]->departure->delay = $delay0;
             $connection[$i]->departure->platform->normal = $platformNormal0;
             $connection[$i]->arrival->delay = $delay1;
             $connection[$i]->arrival->platform->normal = $platformNormal1;
             $trains = array();
             $vias = array();
             $directions = array();
             $j = 0;
             $k = 0;
             $connectionindex = 0;
             //yay for spaghetti code.
             if (isset($conn->ConSectionList->ConSection)) {
                 foreach ($conn->ConSectionList->ConSection as $connsection) {
                     if (isset($connsection->Journey->JourneyAttributeList->JourneyAttribute)) {
                         foreach ($connsection->Journey->JourneyAttributeList->JourneyAttribute as $att) {
                             if ($att->Attribute["type"] == "NAME") {
                                 $trains[$j] = str_replace(" ", "", $att->Attribute->AttributeVariant->Text);
                             } else {
                                 if ($att->Attribute["type"] == "DIRECTION") {
                                     $directions[$k] = stations::getStationFromName(trim($att->Attribute->AttributeVariant->Text), $lang);
                         if ($conn->Overview->Transfers > 0 && strcmp($connsection->Arrival->BasicStop->Station['name'], $conn->Overview->Arrival->BasicStop->Station['name']) != 0) {
                             //current index for the train: j-1
                             $departDelay = 0;
                             //Todo: NYImplemented
                             $connarray = $conn->ConSectionList->ConSection;
                             $departTime = tools::transformTime($connarray[$connectionindex + 1]->Departure->BasicStop->Dep->Time, $conn->Overview->Date);
                             $departPlatform = trim($connarray[$connectionindex + 1]->Departure->BasicStop->Dep->Platform->Text);
                             $arrivalTime = tools::transformTime($connsection->Arrival->BasicStop->Arr->Time, $conn->Overview->Date);
                             $arrivalPlatform = trim($connsection->Arrival->BasicStop->Arr->Platform->Text);
                             $arrivalDelay = 0;
                             //Todo: NYImplemented
                             $vias[$connectionindex] = new Via();
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->arrival = new ViaDepartureArrival();
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->arrival->time = $arrivalTime;
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->arrival->platform = new Platform();
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->arrival->platform->name = $arrivalPlatform;
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->arrival->platform->normal = 1;
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->departure = new ViaDepartureArrival();
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->departure->time = $departTime;
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->departure->platform = new Platform();
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->departure->platform->name = $departPlatform;
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->departure->platform->normal = 1;
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->timeBetween = $departTime - $arrivalTime;
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->direction = $directions[$k - 1];
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->vehicle = "BE.NMBS." . $trains[$j - 1];
                             $vias[$connectionindex]->station = connections::getStationFromHafasLocation($connsection->Arrival->BasicStop->Station['x'], $connsection->Arrival->BasicStop->Station['y'], $lang);
                 if ($connectionindex != 0) {
                     $connection[$i]->via = $vias;
             $connection[$i]->departure->vehicle = "BE.NMBS." . $trains[0];
             $connection[$i]->departure->direction = $directions[0];
             $connection[$i]->arrival->vehicle = "BE.NMBS." . $trains[sizeof($trains) - 1];
             $connection[$i]->arrival->direction = $directions[sizeof($directions) - 1];
     } else {
         throw new Exception("We're sorry, we could not retrieve the correct data from our sources", 2);
     return $connection;
Example #4
  * @param $locationX
  * @param $locationY
  * @param $lang
  * @return Station
 private static function getStationFromHafasDescription($name, $locationX, $locationY, $lang)
     return stations::getStationFromName($name, $lang);
Example #5
 public static function getStationFromRTName($name, $lang)
     try {
         $lang = mysql_real_escape_string(strtoupper($lang));
         $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
         $query = "SELECT stations.`ID`,stations.`X`, stations.`Y`, stations.`STD`,stations.`{$lang}` FROM stations RIGHT JOIN railtime ON railtime.`ID` = stations.`ID` WHERE railtime.`RAILTIMENAME` = '{$name}'";
         $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Could not get stationslist from DB");
         $line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
         $station = new Station();
         $station->id = $line["ID"];
         $station->locationX = $line["X"];
         $station->locationY = $line["Y"];
         if ($line[$lang] != "") {
             $station->name = $line[$lang];
         } else {
             $station->name = $line["STD"];
         $station->standardname = $line["STD"];
         if ($station->id == "") {
             throw new Exception("doesn't matter what's in here. It doesn't get parsed", 0);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //no station found, let's try a HAFAS lookup as last resort
         return stations::getStationFromName($name, $lang);
     return $station;
Example #6
  * @param $html
  * @param $id
  * @param $lang
  * @return null|Vehicle
  * @throws Exception
 private static function getVehicleData($html, $id, $lang)
     // determine the location of the vehicle
     $test = $html->getElementById('tq_trainroute_content_table_alteAnsicht');
     if (!is_object($test)) {
         throw new Exception('Vehicle not found', 500);
     // catch errors
     $nodes = $html->getElementById('tq_trainroute_content_table_alteAnsicht')->getElementByTagName('table')->children;
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($nodes); $i++) {
         $node = $nodes[$i];
         if (!count($node->attr)) {
         // row with no class-attribute contain no data
         if (count($node->children[3]->find('a'))) {
             $as = $node->children[3]->find('a');
             $stationname = reset($as[0]->nodes[0]->_);
         } else {
             // Foreign station, no anchorlink
             $stationname = reset($node->children[3]->nodes[0]->_);
         $locationX = 0;
         $locationY = 0;
         // Station ID can be parsed from the station URL
         if (isset($node->children[3]->children[0])) {
             $link = $node->children[3]->children[0]->{'attr'}['href'];
             // With capital S
             if (strpos($link, 'StationId=')) {
                 $nr = substr($link, strpos($link, 'StationId=') + strlen('StationId='));
             } else {
                 $nr = substr($link, strpos($link, 'stationId=') + strlen('stationId='));
             $nr = substr($nr, 0, strlen($nr) - 1);
             // delete ampersand on the end
             $stationId = '00' . $nr;
             $station = stations::getStationFromID($stationId, $lang);
         } else {
             $station = stations::getStationFromName($stationname, $lang);
         if (isset($station)) {
             $locationX = $station->locationX;
             $locationY = $station->locationY;
         $vehicle = new Vehicle();
         $vehicle->name = $id;
         $vehicle->locationX = $locationX;
         $vehicle->locationY = $locationY;
         return $vehicle;
Example #7
  * @param $serverData
  * @param $id
  * @param $lang
  * @return null|Vehicle
  * @throws Exception
 private static function getVehicleData($serverData, $id, $lang)
     // determine the location of the vehicle
     $html = str_get_html($serverData);
     $test = $html->getElementById('tq_trainroute_content_table_alteAnsicht');
     if (!is_object($test)) {
         throw new Exception("Vehicle not found", 1);
     // catch errors
     $nodes = $html->getElementById('tq_trainroute_content_table_alteAnsicht')->getElementByTagName('table')->children;
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($nodes); $i++) {
         $node = $nodes[$i];
         if (!count($node->attr)) {
         // row with no class-attribute contain no data
         $as = $node->children[3]->find('a');
         $station = reset($as[0]->nodes[0]->_);
         $locationX = 0;
         $locationY = 0;
         if (isset($station)) {
             $now = stations::getStationFromName($station, $lang);
             $locationX = $now->locationX;
             $locationY = $now->locationY;
         $vehicle = new Vehicle();
         $vehicle->name = $id;
         $vehicle->locationX = $locationX;
         $vehicle->locationY = $locationY;
         return $vehicle;
     return null;
Example #8
 private static function parseData($html, $time, $lang)
     $hour = substr($time, 0, 2);
     preg_match_all("/<tr>(.*?)<\\/tr>/ism", $html, $m);
     $nodes = array();
     $i = 0;
     //for each row
     foreach ($m[1] as $tr) {
         preg_match("/<td valign=\"top\">(.*?)<\\/td><td valign=\"top\">(.*?)<\\/td>/ism", $tr, $m2);
         //$m2[1] has: time
         //$m2[2] has delay, stationname & platform
         //GET LEFT OR NOT
         $left = 0;
         if (preg_match("/color=\"DarkGray\"/ism", $tr, $lll) > 0) {
             $left = 1;
         //GET TIME:
         preg_match("/((\\d\\d):\\d\\d)/", $m2[1], $t);
         //if it is 23 pm and we fetched data for 1 hour, we may end up with data for the next day and thus we will need to add a day
         $dayoffset = 0;
         if ($t[2] != 23 && $hour == 23) {
             $dayoffset = 1;
         $time = "0" . $dayoffset . "d" . $t[1] . ":00";
         $dateparam = date("ymd");
         //day is previous day if time is before 4 O clock (NMBS-ish thing)
         if (date('G') < 4) {
             $dateparam = date("ymd", strtotime("-1 day"));
         $unixtime = tools::transformTime($time, "20" . $dateparam);
         //GET DELAY
         $delay = 0;
         preg_match("/\\+(\\d+)'/", $m2[2], $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 60;
         preg_match("/\\+(\\d):(\\d+)/", $m2[2], $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 3600 + $d[2] * 60;
         //GET STATION
         preg_match("/.*&nbsp;(.*?)&nbsp;<span/", $m2[2], $st);
         //echo $st[1] . "\n";
         $st = explode("/", $st[1]);
         $st = trim($st[0]);
         try {
             $stationNode = stations::getStationFromRTName(strtoupper($st), $lang);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //fallback: if no railtime name is available, let's ask HAFAS to solve this issue for us
             $stationNode = stations::getStationFromName($st, $lang);
         $platform = "";
         $platformNormal = true;
         preg_match("/\\[(.*?)(&nbsp;.*?)?\\]/", $m2[2], $veh);
         $vehicle = "BE.NMBS." . $veh[1];
         if (isset($veh[2])) {
             if (preg_match("/<[bf].*?>(.*?)<\\/.*?>/", $veh[2], $p)) {
                 $platform = $p[1];
                 $platformNormal = false;
             } else {
                 //echo $veh[2] . "\n";
                 preg_match("/&nbsp;.*?&nbsp;(.*)/", $veh[2], $p2);
                 if (isset($p2[1])) {
                     $platform = $p2[1];
         $nodes[$i] = new DepartureArrival();
         $nodes[$i]->delay = $delay;
         $nodes[$i]->station = $stationNode;
         $nodes[$i]->time = $unixtime;
         $nodes[$i]->vehicle = $vehicle;
         $nodes[$i]->platform = new Platform();
         $nodes[$i]->platform->name = $platform;
         $nodes[$i]->platform->normal = $platformNormal;
         $nodes[$i]->left = $left;
     return liveboard::removeDuplicates($nodes);
Example #9
  * @param $locationX
  * @param $locationY
  * @param $lang
  * @return Station
 private static function getStationFromHafasDescription($name, $locationX, $locationY, $lang)
     preg_match("/(.)(.*)/", $locationX, $m);
     $locationX = $m[1] . "." . $m[2];
     preg_match("/(..)(.*)/", $locationY, $m);
     $locationY = $m[1] . "." . $m[2];
     return stations::getStationFromName($name, $lang);
Example #10
  * @param $xml
  * @param $time
  * @param $lang
  * @param bool $fast
  * @param bool $showAlerts
  * @return array
 private static function parseData($xml, $time, $lang, $fast = false, $showAlerts = false)
     //clean XML
     if (class_exists('tidy', false)) {
         $tidy = new tidy();
         $tidy->parseString($xml, ['input-xml' => true, 'output-xml' => true], 'utf8');
         $xml = $tidy;
     $data = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
     $hour = substr($time, 0, 2);
     $data = $data->StationTable;
     //<Journey fpTime="08:36" fpDate="03/09/11" delay="-"
     //platform="2" targetLoc="Gent-Dampoort [B]" prod="L    758#L"
     //dir="Eeklo [B]" is_reachable="0" />
     $nodes = [];
     $i = 0;
     $hour = substr($time, 0, 2);
     $hour_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[0]['fpTime'], 0, 2);
     if ($hour_ != '23' && $hour == '23') {
         $hour_ = 24;
     $minutes = substr($time, 3, 2);
     $minutes_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[0]['fpTime'], 3, 2);
     while (isset($data->Journey[$i]) && ($hour_ - $hour) * 60 + ($minutes_ - $minutes) <= 60) {
         $journey = $data->Journey[$i];
         $left = 0;
         $canceled = false;
         $delay = (string) $journey['delay'];
         if ($delay == '-') {
             $delay = '0';
         if ($delay == 'cancel') {
             $delay = 0;
             $canceled = true;
         if (isset($journey['e_delay'])) {
             $delay = $journey['e_delay'] * 60;
         preg_match("/\\+\\s*(\\d+)/", $delay, $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 60;
         preg_match("/\\+\\s*(\\d):(\\d+)/", $delay, $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 3600 + $d[2] * 60;
         $platform = '?';
         // Indicate to end user platform is unknown
         $platformNormal = true;
         if (isset($journey['platform'])) {
             $platform = (string) $journey['platform'];
         if (isset($journey['newpl'])) {
             $platform = (string) $journey['newpl'];
             $platformNormal = false;
         $time = '00d' . (string) $journey['fpTime'] . ':00';
         preg_match("/(..)\\/(..)\\/(..)/si", (string) $journey['fpDate'], $dayxplode);
         $dateparam = '20' . $dayxplode[3] . $dayxplode[2] . $dayxplode[1];
         $unixtime = tools::transformtime($time, $dateparam);
         if ($fast) {
             $stationNode = new Station();
             $stationNode->name = (string) $journey['targetLoc'];
             $stationNode->name = str_replace(' [B]', '', $stationNode->name);
             $stationNode->name = str_replace(' [NMBS/SNCB]', '', $stationNode->name);
         } else {
             $stationNode = stations::getStationFromName($journey['targetLoc'], $lang);
         $veh = $journey['hafasname'];
         $veh = substr($veh, 0, 8);
         $veh = str_replace(' ', '', $veh);
         $vehicle = 'BE.NMBS.' . $veh;
         $nodes[$i] = new DepartureArrival();
         $nodes[$i]->delay = $delay;
         $nodes[$i]->station = $stationNode;
         $nodes[$i]->time = $unixtime;
         $nodes[$i]->vehicle = $vehicle;
         $nodes[$i]->platform = new Platform();
         $nodes[$i]->platform->name = $platform;
         $nodes[$i]->platform->normal = $platformNormal;
         $nodes[$i]->canceled = $canceled;
         $nodes[$i]->left = $left;
         $hour_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[$i]['fpTime'], 0, 2);
         if ($hour_ != '23' && $hour == '23') {
             $hour_ = 24;
         $minutes_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[$i]['fpTime'], 3, 2);
         // Alerts
         if ($showAlerts && isset($journey->HIMMessage)) {
             $alerts = [];
             $himmessage = $journey->HIMMessage;
             for ($a = 0; $a < count($himmessage); $a++) {
                 $alert = new Alert();
                 $alert->header = htmlentities(trim($himmessage[$a]['header']));
                 $alert->description = htmlentities(trim($himmessage[$a]['lead']));
                 array_push($alerts, $alert);
             $nodes[$i]->alert = $alerts;
     return array_merge($nodes);
     //array merge reindexes the array
Example #11
  * @param $xml
  * @param $time
  * @param $lang
  * @param bool $fast
  * @return array
 private static function parseData($xml, $time, $lang, $fast = false)
     //clean XML
     if (class_exists("tidy", false)) {
         $tidy = new tidy();
         $tidy->parseString($xml, ['input-xml' => true, 'output-xml' => true], 'utf8');
         $xml = $tidy;
     $data = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
     $hour = substr($time, 0, 2);
     $data = $data->StationTable;
     //<Journey fpTime="08:36" fpDate="03/09/11" delay="-"
     //platform="2" targetLoc="Gent-Dampoort [B]" prod="L    758#L"
     //dir="Eeklo [B]" is_reachable="0" />
     $nodes = [];
     $i = 0;
     $hour = substr($time, 0, 2);
     $hour_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[0]["fpTime"], 0, 2);
     if ($hour_ != "23" && $hour == "23") {
         $hour_ = 24;
     $minutes = substr($time, 3, 2);
     $minutes_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[0]["fpTime"], 3, 2);
     while (isset($data->Journey[$i]) && ($hour_ - $hour) * 60 + ($minutes_ - $minutes) <= 60) {
         $journey = $data->Journey[$i];
         $left = 0;
         $delay = (string) $journey["delay"];
         if ($delay == "-") {
             $delay = "0";
         $platform = "";
         if (isset($journey["platform"])) {
             $platform = (string) $journey["platform"];
         $time = "00d" . (string) $journey["fpTime"] . ":00";
         preg_match("/(..)\\/(..)\\/(..)/si", (string) $journey["fpDate"], $dayxplode);
         $dateparam = "20" . $dayxplode[3] . $dayxplode[2] . $dayxplode[1];
         $unixtime = tools::transformtime($time, $dateparam);
         //GET DELAY
         preg_match("/\\+\\s*(\\d+)/", $delay, $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 60;
         preg_match("/\\+\\s*(\\d):(\\d+)/", $delay, $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 3600 + $d[2] * 60;
         if ($fast) {
             $stationNode = new Station();
             $stationNode->name = (string) $journey["dir"];
             $stationNode->name = str_replace(" [B]", "", $stationNode->name);
             $stationNode->name = str_replace(" [NMBS/SNCB]", "", $stationNode->name);
         } else {
             $stationNode = stations::getStationFromName($journey["dir"], $lang);
         $platformNormal = true;
         $veh = $journey["hafasname"];
         $veh = substr($veh, 0, 8);
         $veh = str_replace(" ", "", $veh);
         $vehicle = "BE.NMBS." . $veh;
         $nodes[$i] = new DepartureArrival();
         $nodes[$i]->delay = $delay;
         $nodes[$i]->station = $stationNode;
         $nodes[$i]->time = $unixtime;
         $nodes[$i]->vehicle = $vehicle;
         $nodes[$i]->platform = new Platform();
         $nodes[$i]->platform->name = $platform;
         $nodes[$i]->platform->normal = $platformNormal;
         $nodes[$i]->left = $left;
         $hour_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[$i]["fpTime"], 0, 2);
         if ($hour_ != "23" && $hour == "23") {
             $hour_ = 24;
         $minutes_ = substr((string) $data->Journey[$i]["fpTime"], 3, 2);
     return array_merge($nodes);
     //array merge reindexes the array
Example #12
 private static function parseData($html, $time, $lang)
     $hour = substr($time, 0, 2);
     preg_match_all("/<table class=\"StationList\">(.*?)<\\/table>/ism", $html, $m);
     $nodes = array();
     $i = 0;
     //for each row
     foreach ($m[0] as $table) {
         $left = 0;
         preg_match_all("/<tr class=(.*?)>(.*?)<\\/tr>/ism", $table, $m2);
         if ($m2[1][0] == "rowStation trainLeft") {
             $left = 1;
         preg_match_all("/<label>(.*?)<\\/label>/ism", $m2[2][0], $m3);
         //$m3[1][0] has : time
         //$m3[1][1] has : stationname
         preg_match_all("/<label class=\"orange\">(.*?)<\\/label>/ism", $m2[2][0], $delay);
         preg_match_all("/<label class=\"bold\">(.*?)<\\/label>/ism", $m2[2][0], $platform);
         preg_match_all("/<a class=\"button cmd blue\" href=(.*?)>&gt;<\\/a>/ism", $m2[2][0], $id);
         $delay = $delay[1][0];
         $platform = $platform[1][0];
         $id = $id[1][0];
         //GET TIME:
         preg_match("/((\\d\\d):\\d\\d)/", $m3[1][0], $t);
         //if it is 23 pm and we fetched data for 1 hour, we may end up with data for the next day and thus we will need to add a day
         $dayoffset = 0;
         if ($t[2] != 23 && $hour == 23) {
             $dayoffset = 1;
         $time = "0" . $dayoffset . "d" . $t[1] . ":00";
         $dateparam = date("ymd");
         //day is previous day if time is before 4 O clock (NMBS-ish thing)
         if (date('G') < 4) {
             $dateparam = date("ymd", strtotime("-1 day"));
         $unixtime = tools::transformTime($time, "20" . $dateparam);
         //GET DELAY
         preg_match("/\\+(\\d+)'/", $delay, $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 60;
         preg_match("/\\+(\\d):(\\d+)/", $delay, $d);
         if (isset($d[1])) {
             $delay = $d[1] * 3600 + $d[2] * 60;
         //GET STATION
         $st = trim(utf8_encode($m3[1][1]));
         try {
             $stationNode = stations::getStationFromRTName(strtoupper($st), $lang);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //fallback: if no railtime name is available, let's ask HAFAS to solve this issue for us
             $stationNode = stations::getStationFromName($st, $lang);
         $platformNormal = true;
         $veh = explode(";", $id);
         $veh = explode("=", $veh[2]);
         $vehicle = "BE.NMBS." . str_replace("&amp", "", $veh[1]);
         $nodes[$i] = new DepartureArrival();
         $nodes[$i]->delay = $delay;
         $nodes[$i]->station = $stationNode;
         $nodes[$i]->time = $unixtime;
         $nodes[$i]->vehicle = $vehicle;
         $nodes[$i]->platform = new Platform();
         $nodes[$i]->platform->name = $platform;
         $nodes[$i]->platform->normal = $platformNormal;
         $nodes[$i]->left = $left;
     return liveboard::removeDuplicates($nodes);