Example #1
 protected static function getInstance()
     if (!static::$log) {
         static::$log = new Log();
     return static::$log;
Example #2
 public static function init()
     if (static::$log === null) {
         static::$log = new Logger('simple');
         static::$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(BASE_PATH . '/logs/simple.log', Logger::DEBUG));
  * Get the logger instance.
  * @return \Monolog\Logger
 public static function getLoggerInstance()
     if (static::$log === null) {
         static::$log = new Logger('elasticsearch-indexer');
         static::$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(static::getFilePath(), Logger::ERROR));
     return static::$log;
Example #4
 public function __construct()
     $config = static::$config->log['slack'];
     $file_path = RESERVAT_DIR . '/../log';
     static::$log = new Logger('bookings');
     if (static::$config->LOG_LEVEL < Logger::ERROR) {
         static::$log->pushHandler(new SlackHandler(static::$config->LOG_SLACK_TOKEN, static::$config->LOG_SLACK_CHANNEL, static::$config->LOG_SLACK_USERNAME, true, static::$config->LOG_SLACK_EMOTE, Logger::ERROR));
     if (static::$config->LOG_LEVEL < Logger::DEBUG) {
         if ($file_path) {
             if (!is_dir($file_path)) {
             static::$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($file_path . '/bookings.log', Logger::DEBUG));
     static::$instance = $this;
Example #5
  * Create a new connection
  * @param array $cfg config
 public static function connect(array $cfg)
     self::$config = $cfg;
     try {
         self::$con = new PDO($cfg['driver'] . ":host=" . $cfg['hostname'] . ";charset=" . $cfg['charset'], $cfg['username'], $cfg['password'], array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => true, PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 60, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         throw new Exceptions\DataBaseException("You can't connect to the host: " . $e->getMessage());
     switch ($cfg['driver']) {
         case 'mysql':
             self::$sql = 'MYSQL';
     if ($cfg['restore'] > 0) {
     static::$log = [];
Example #6
 public static function set_logger($log)
     static::$log = $log;
Example #7
  * Log a message with severity DEBUG
  * @param   mixed   $arg,...    A string, exception or format-string + substitutions
 public static function debug()
     if (static::$instance !== null && func_num_args() > 0) {
         static::$instance->log(static::DEBUG, static::formatMessage(func_get_args()));
Example #8
  * Set log defaults if not yet present
  * @action init
 public function maybe_set_defaults()
     $defaults = ['datetime', 'fqdn', 'site_url', 'account_id', 'user_email', 'locale', 'wp_version'];
     if (!array_diff_key($defaults, static::$log)) {
     $defaults = ['datetime' => gmdate('c'), 'fqdn' => gethostname(), 'site_url' => get_option('siteurl'), 'account_id' => exec('whoami'), 'user_email' => get_userdata(1)->user_email, 'locale' => ($locale = get_option('WPLANG')) ? $locale : 'en_US', 'wp_version' => get_bloginfo('version'), 'wpem_version' => wpem()->version];
     static::$log = $defaults;
     new Geodata($this);
     // Saves to log
Example #9
  * Receives an instance of Net_SSH2 that is already logged in
  * to a router manager, and executes commands in the specified
  * node.
  * @param 	Net_SSH2 &$ssh 
  *			Instance returned by CiscoSSH::getSSH function.
  * @param 	object $node 
  *			Network Element to log in from main SSH device.
  *			e.g.
  * 			(object)[
  *				'line' 			=> 'ssh', 		// or 'telnet'
  *				'authentication'=> 'Password', 	// or 'Username:Passsword'
  *				'username' 		=> 'user',	
  *				'password' 		=> 'pass',
  *				'ip_address' 	=> '',
  *			]
  * @param 	string|array $commands
  *			String or array of strings to be executed.
  * @param 	string? &$hostname
  *			Will contain the configured hostname of the specified node upon returning.
  * @return 	string $output Command(s)'s output from device, slightly tampered with.
  * @author 	Ronald Rey
 public static final function exec(&$ssh, $node, $commands, &$hostname = null)
     static::$log = '';
     // Capturing the hostname with a Regex pattern matching
     // any string up to a prompt character, in this case either # or >.
     $entry_string = $ssh->read("/(#|>)/", NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX);
     preg_match('/(.*)(#|>)/', $entry_string, $manager_hostname_matches);
     $manager_hostname = isset($manager_hostname_matches[1]) ? $manager_hostname_matches[1] : null;
     // Connecting to NE by typing "telnet|ssh IP_ADDRESS"
     $ssh->write("{$node->line} {$node->ip_address}\n");
     // Typing the Username and Password (telnet) or just Password (ssh)
     if ($node->authentication == "Username:Password") {
     } elseif ($node->authentication == "Password") {
     } else {
         throw new Exception('Tipo de autenticación desconodia.');
     // Reading and storing the welcome string up
     // to the prompt or the Authentication failed message
     $welcome_string = $ssh->read("/(#|>)|(Authentication failed.)/", NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX);
     // Capturing possible responses of the welcome string after our login attempt
     // and acting accordingly. All of the following are unwanted responses.
     if (strpos($welcome_string, "% Connection timed out; remote host not responding") !== false || strpos($welcome_string, "% Connection refused by remote host") !== false) {
         static::log("{$node->ip_address} host down" . PHP_EOL);
     } elseif (strpos($welcome_string, "Authentication failed") !== false) {
         static::log("{$node->ip_address} Authentication failed." . PHP_EOL);
         $ssh->read("/(#|>)/", NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX);
     // Capturing the hostname with a Regex pattern matching
     // any string up to a prompt character, in this case either # or >.
     preg_match('/(.*)(#|>)/', $welcome_string, $hostname_matches);
     $hostname = isset($hostname_matches[1]) ? $hostname_matches[1] : null;
     // This is the capture of the whole config.
     // After executing the "show run" command, we are going
     // to tell our socket to keep reading until they find either:
     // 1. "--More--",
     // 2. "end" (which would correspond to the end of the config) or
     // 3. the hostname of the current device
     // The regex pattern tries to match any of these possibilities
     // while being careful not to hit the wrong "end" string
     // (hence the special chars before and after seen in the pattern).
     // Also, we are going to send a SPACE char all the way until the end.
     $output = '';
     if (!is_array($commands)) {
         $commands = [$commands];
     $escaped_hostname = str_replace("/", "\\/", $hostname);
     $escaped_hostname = str_replace("-", "\\-", $escaped_hostname);
     $escaped_manager_hostname = str_replace("/", "\\/", $manager_hostname);
     $escaped_manager_hostname = str_replace("-", "\\-", $escaped_manager_hostname);
     $endingDelimeters = ["{$escaped_hostname}([\\w()\\-]*)(#|>)", "{$escaped_manager_hostname}([\\w()\\-]*)(#|>)"];
     foreach ($commands as $command) {
         $ssh->write($command . "\n");
         while ($section = $ssh->read("/--More--|" . implode("|", $endingDelimeters) . "/", NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX)) {
             // This condition is met when the current user has no access
             // to the "show run" command or the command is not available in the device.
             if (strpos($output, "Invalid input detected") !== false) {
                 static::log("{$node->ip_address} comando `{$command}` no disponible." . PHP_EOL);
             $output .= $section;
             $ssh->write(" ");
             if (preg_match("/" . implode("|", $endingDelimeters) . "/", $section)) {
         // $ssh->read("/(#|>)/", NET_SSH2_READ_REGEX);
     // Exiting out of this NE, to continue with another one
     // in our next iteration of this loop
     $ssh->write(" exit\r\n");
     // Let's clean the output containing all of the configuration by:
     // 1. removing the "show run" command string
     // 2. removing all "--More--" strings up to the next valid character.
     // 3. removing special characters and "[K", which for some reason is present in some outputs
     $output = trim(str_replace(["show run\r\n"], "", $output));
     $output = preg_replace("/ --More--.+?(?=([*!\nA-z0-9]))/", "", $output);
     $output = str_replace([chr(27), "[K"], "", $output);
     return $output;
  * Creates a default exception with default exception message
  * containing type/method & location of the code that
  * invokes an public static accessor of this class.
  * @param string $namespace_
  * @return \Components\Deprecated
 private static function createDefaultException($namespace_)
     $exception = new static($namespace_, null, null, false);
     $stackTrace = $exception->getTrace();
     $exception->message = sprintf('Deprecated use of [type: %1$s, method: %2$s, location: %3$s:%4$s].', $stackTrace[2]['class'], $stackTrace[2]['function'], isset($stackTrace[2]['file']) ? $stackTrace[2]['file'] : '{internal}', isset($stackTrace[2]['line']) ? $stackTrace[2]['line'] : 0);
     return $exception;
Example #11
 public function __construct($debug = false)
     static::$log = new \Fit\Log();
     $this->profile = new \Fit\ProductProfile();
     $this->debug = (bool) $debug;
Example #12
  * Set a logger
  * @param Log $log
 public static function log($log)
     static::$log = $log;