function syncResp($params) { debug("incoming SYNC request"); $lastSync = xmlrpc_decode($params->getParam(0)); $nodeData = xmlrpc_decode($params->getParam(1)); $objects = xmlrpc_decode($params->getParam(2)); $neighbour = sotf_Neighbour::getById($nodeData['node_id']); if (!$neighbour) { logError("No access: you are not an allowed neighbour node!"); return new xmlrpcresp(0, XMLRPC_ERR_NO_ACCESS, "No access: you are not an allowed neighbour node!"); } $msg = checkAccess($neighbour); if ($msg) { logError($msg); return new xmlrpcresp(0, XMLRPC_ERR_NO_ACCESS, "No access: {$msg}!"); } $retval = $neighbour->syncResponse($lastSync, $nodeData, $objects); // send response $retval = xmlrpc_encode($retval); return new xmlrpcresp($retval); }
} $smarty->assign("LOCAL_NODE", $localNode->getAll()); // nodes //$nodes = sotf_Node::countAll(); //$smarty->assign('NODES',$nodeData); // neighbours //$neighbours = sotf_Neighbour::listAll(); $nodes = sotf_Node::listAll(); print_r($neighbours); while (list(, $node) = each($nodes)) { $nodeId = $node->get('node_id'); if ($nodeId == $config['nodeId']) { continue; } $data = $node->getAll(); $nei = sotf_Neighbour::getById($nodeId); if ($nei) { $data['neighbour'] = $nei->getAll(); } $data['pending_objects'] = $db->getOne("select count(*) from sotf_object_status where node_id='{$nodeId}'"); $data['pending_forwards'] = $db->getOne("select count(*) from sotf_to_forward where node_id='{$nodeId}'"); $neighbors = $data['neighbours']; debug("X0", $data['neighbours']); $neighbors = str_replace("io", "<->", $neighbors); $neighbors = str_replace("i", "<-", $neighbors); $neighbors = str_replace("o", "->", $neighbors); $data['neighbours'] = explode(',', $neighbors); debug("XX", $data['neighbours']); $nodeData[] = $data; } $smarty->assign('NODES', $nodeData);
function addToRefreshTable($id, $fromNode = 0) { global $db; $existing = $db->getCol("SELECT node_id FROM sotf_object_status WHERE id='{$id}'"); $neighbours = sotf_Neighbour::listIds(); foreach ($neighbours as $nei) { if ($this->internalData['node_id'] != $nei && $nei != $fromNode && !in_array($nei, $existing)) { $db->query("INSERT INTO sotf_object_status (id, node_id) VALUES('{$id}', {$nei})"); } } debug("added to refresh table"); }
CRON</title></head> <body> <?php debug("--------------- CRON STARTED -----------------------------------"); // this can be long duty! set_time_limit(18000); // don't garble reply message with warnings in HTML //ini_set("display_errors", 0); //******** Synchronize with network: send new local data and recievie new global data // get sync stamp and increment it $syncStamp = $sotfVars->get('sync_stamp', 0); $syncStamp++; $sotfVars->set('sync_stamp', $syncStamp); // sync with all neighbours $rpc = new rpc_Utils(); $neighbours = sotf_Neighbour::getAll(); if (count($neighbours) > 0) { while (list(, $neighbour) = each($neighbours)) { $neighbour->sync(); } } //********* IMPORT ARRIVED XBMF $dirPath = $config['xbmfInDir']; $dir = dir($dirPath); while ($entry = $dir->read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { $currentFile = $dirPath . "/" . $entry; if (!is_dir($currentFile)) { $XBMF[] = basename($currentFile); } }
$page->addStatusMsg($msg, false); $page->redirect("admin.php"); exit; } // generate output $localNode = sotf_Node::getLocalNode(); if (!$localNode) { $localNode = new sotf_Node(); $localNode->set('node_id', $nodeId); $localNode->set('name', $nodeName); $localNode->set('url', $rootdir); $localNode->create(); } $smarty->assign("LOCAL_NODE", $localNode->getAll()); // nodes //$nodes = sotf_Node::countAll(); //$smarty->assign('NODES',$nodeData); // neighbours $neighbours = sotf_Neighbour::listAll(); while (list(, $nei) = each($neighbours)) { $node = sotf_Node::getNodeById($nei->get('node_id')); $data = $nei->getAll(); if ($node) { $data['node'] = $node->getAll(); } $neighbourData[] = $data; } $smarty->assign('NEIGHBOURS', $neighbourData); // user permissions: editors and managers $smarty->assign('PERMISSIONS', $permissions->listUsersAndPermissionsLocalized('node')); $page->send();
$page->popup = true; $page->errorURL = "createNeighbour.php"; if (!hasPerm('node', "change")) { raiseError("You have no permission to change node settings!"); } $url = sotf_Utils::getParameter('url'); $nid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('node_id'); // $createNew = sotf_Utils::getParameter('create_new_node'); if ($createNew) { if (!$url) { $page->addStatusMsg('no_url_given'); } elseif (sotf_Node::getNodeById($nid)) { $page->addStatusMsg('node_id_occupied'); } else { $neighbor = new sotf_Neighbour(); $neighbor->set('node_id', $nid); $neighbor->set('use_for_outgoing', 'f'); $neighbor->set('accept_incoming', 't'); $neighbor->set('pending_url', $url); $neighbor->create(); $page->redirect("closeAndRefresh.php?anchor=network"); exit; } $page->redirect("createNeighbour.php?node_id={$nid}&url=" . urlencode($url) . "#network"); exit; } // generate output $nodes = sotf_Node::listAll(); $nodeData = array(); while (list(, $node) = each($nodes)) {
function getNeighbourString() { $neis = sotf_Neighbour::listAll(); $first = 1; while (list(, $nei) = each($neis)) { if ($first) { $first = 0; } else { $retval .= ','; } $retval .= $nei->get('node_id'); if ($nei->getBool('accept_incoming')) { $retval .= 'i'; } if ($nei->getBool('use_for_outgoing')) { $retval .= 'o'; } } return $retval; }
// -*- tab-width: 3; indent-tabs-mode: 1; -*- /* * $Id: editNeighbour.php 339 2003-12-03 08:39:25Z andras $ * Created for the StreamOnTheFly project (IST-2001-32226) * Authors: András Micsik, Máté Pataki, Tamás Déri * at MTA SZTAKI DSD, */ require ""; $smarty->assign('PAGETITLE', $page->getlocalized('AdminPage')); $page->forceLogin(); $page->popup = true; $page->errorURL = "editNeighbour.php"; checkPerm('node', "change"); $nid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('nodeid'); $nei = sotf_Neighbour::getById($nid); if (!$nei) { raiseError("No such node: {$nid}"); } // save changes if (sotf_Utils::getParameter('save')) { $nei->set('use_for_outgoing', sotf_Utils::getParameter('use_out') ? 't' : 'f'); $nei->set('accept_incoming', sotf_Utils::getParameter('use_in') ? 't' : 'f'); $nei->update(); $page->redirect("closeAndRefresh.php?anchor=network"); exit; } // generate output $node = sotf_Node::getNodeById($nid); if ($node) { $smarty->assign('NODE', $node->getAll());